this video is talking about why do many women forget their family after marriage, women your parents remains your parents thou matter what, never let marriage throw you away from your family. #motivation #inspirational
Never for how your Father and mother suffer just to feed you, they sent you to know do everything possible for you, and now you allowed your husband to turn you away from your first love which is your family. #family #familyvlog #nevergiveup #france #cotedivoire #blog #people #FacebookPage
SAVED: things all not okay with me yet, but I can't Give Up. #inspiration #inspirational #blog #people #Guinee
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎
Faya Réné Kourouma
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎
Faya Réné Kourouma
Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎
God bless you all my followers
This video is talking about when I lost everything that I have, and my mother came to me and advised me don't let your problem behind Like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday let it ahead and Face them, #inspiration #inspirational
Then I made a promise to my mother, that I won't forget her or let her down, and I will face my fear. #nevergiveup #people #blog #savedmysoul
This video is talking about when I lost everything that I have, and my mother came to me and advised me don't let your problem behind Like Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday let it ahead and Face them, #inspiration #inspirational
Then I made a promise to my mother, that I won't forget her or let her down, and I will face my fear. #nevergiveup #people #blog #savedmysoul
Be yourself Not someone else SAVED MY SOUL
true love has no condition, if your wife offend you, forgive and also as wife, if your husband offend you, forgive and move on build a Godly standard for your family.
Children learn from there parents. SAVED MY SOUL