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GMC Kibaaro network Political party GMC Gambia �

EID MESSAGE FROM OUR NATIONAL CHAIRMAN.  IT SHALL BE OKThe challenges The Gambia confront are surmountable. They are the...


The challenges The Gambia confront are surmountable. They are the challenges of a nation, not the challenges of an ethnic group or a religious order. Our people need food in their stomachs and clothes to wear. They need roads on which to drive their cars and transport their goods. They need houses in which to live and bring up their children. They need an education system that delivers graduates capable of adding value to the economy and a health system that protects them when they are sick. They need jobs to make a decent living with reliable energy supply to compliment their living standard. These are the challenges of a nation. These are the debates that should dominate our political discourse. It demands an explosion of competence, the understanding of complex problems and the ever demanding search for innovative solutions that cut across all boundaries.

We must advocate and promote pluralism and tolerance. We must have the strength to rise above what we think divides us and reach for something greater. That has always been the great challenge of politics. As politicians and activists, we must all be bold enough to play the politics of a constructive future, not take the easy route to destruction. The kind of people that we need to run and serve our country must be unifying, not divisive. It is easy to divide. It is difficult to rule and be accepted by all. Politicians must step up and lead. I am confident that we will get through our challenges successfully. We will be fine.

The courts are the fora to challenge all perceived Executive excesses. It is NOT my wishful assertion but the dictates o...

The courts are the fora to challenge all perceived Executive excesses. It is NOT my wishful assertion but the dictates of our Constitution and the mighty demand of the rule of law. No one is above the law and no citizen or institution has the right or authority to undermine or take the law into your own hands. We must defend the enforcement of rights according to law and NOT contrary to law. No one can claim to serve the law by opposing the law. Laws and rights do not enforce themselves. The process is set into motion by human beings. If you believe those claiming to be enforcing any piece of legislation were wrong, or the manner of ex*****on was anomalous, go to Court and challenge the perceived illegality. That is the proper venue and best course of action in a democracy.
The position of the law, irrefutable, is: all statutes, even bad laws are enforceable, until they are repealed or amended. I am not oblivious that when the judiciary is weaponized to subvert the legitimate will of the people, morality demands legitimate resistance in enthroning the supremacy of sovereign citizenship.
Thus far, our Courts have repeatedly delivered several strong Judgments, Rulings and Orders in favour of citizens against the State; this is a robust demonstration of judicial independence and the rule of law. There is evidence galore that the State has complied with several Judgements, Rulings and Orders made against it by our Courts in favour of ordinary citizens.
Therefore, as it stands today, no Gambian should have the need to resort to illegal recourse in the name of democratic exercise of rights. Those who wilfully violate the law, will be consumed by the law. Use the law to enforce the law. You cannot breach the law claiming to enforce the law. Let us protect our nascent democracy. I am for the law and if particular laws are inimical to our progress, let us ensure their abolition through democratic parliamentary process and not through violence. To The Gambia, ever true.

We may not all always agree on the way forward, but we can all agree that The Gambia is bigger than the sum total of our...

We may not all always agree on the way forward, but we can all agree that The Gambia is bigger than the sum total of our differences. Forward with The Gambia!
By Mai Ahmad Fatty

The hope of The Gambia.  He is the only one that can rescue Gambia.  Rally behind GMC and salvage Gambia.

The hope of The Gambia. He is the only one that can rescue Gambia. Rally behind GMC and salvage Gambia.

With Conteh Jula Sankaranka – I just got recognised as one of their top fans! 🎉

With Conteh Jula Sankaranka – I just got recognised as one of their top fans! 🎉

By Mustapha Jabbi I highly recommend Ebrima Conteh for the PS njie Award for  youth in politics. As a young politician w...

By Mustapha Jabbi
I highly recommend Ebrima Conteh for the PS njie Award for youth in politics. As a young politician who contested in the 2021 parliamentary elections, Ebrima has demonstrated exceptional commitment to his community. His initiative to provide five boreholes in Wuli East is a testament to his dedication to ensuring access to safe drinking water for all. His efforts have significantly improved the quality of life in the region and exemplify true leadership and community service.

GMC Online TV
Mai Ahmad Fatty
Conteh Jula Sankaranka
Hon Ebrima Conteh For Wulli East

Congratulations to you for bagging BSC in economics. We are very proud of you.  More wins ahead. Mai Ahmad Fatty GMC YOU...

Congratulations to you for bagging BSC in economics. We are very proud of you. More wins ahead.
Mai Ahmad Fatty
GMC Online TV

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The Gambia looks forward to further strengthening of bilateral relations between our two countries based on sovereign equality, mutual respect and fruitful cooperation. We look forward to comprehensive review of security and defence pacts, fisheries, customs and some important bilateral Instruments of cooperation, with a view to realistically achieving the best national interests of our two countries on the principles of fairness and resetting bilateral economic partnership in cross-border economic relations for our shared prosperity.
We congratulate H.E President Basiru D.D Faye on his inauguration as the 5th President and wish the sister Republic of Senegal unity and success.


GAMBIA MORAL CONGRESS will surprise Gambians. We always tell you that we are the solution to Gambian problems. Join the crusade before now to salvage the country.

"SHARE EXPERIENCE SERIES" PART ONEIn these series, I intend to share some of my experiences as a Gambian politician. Thi...

In these series, I intend to share some of my experiences as a Gambian politician. This is a FOUR PART series. If you want to know my complete experience so far, follow all FOUR parts here. This is just the beginning. A holistic critical assessment of my personal experience would be premature. You don't know what is contained in the Parts you haven't read yet. Am sharing my experience to help illuminate the reality of Gambian partisan politics for the benefit of young Gambians. I didn't benefit from any experience when I started. You can learn from mine. I will repeat, this is based on my personal experience which may be different from someone else's.

Being a Gambian public figure is not fun and leadership for me is a very lonely world. I speak of my limited experience in sustaining a political Party for over a decade, managing people, campaigning all over the country, as a Government Minister, etc. Its about challenges and triumphs. Being a Gambian politician is the least appreciated job. The moment you project yourself out there to lead public interests, that is the exact moment when you become public property. Every tom, dick & harry take you literally for game. Even if motivated by the best of intentions, your every action and movement would be dissected hundreds of times or more mostly by detractors and creatively sullied with dirt, foul motive, verbal lynching, calumny, etc. Positive reactions are the exception.

Speaking of myself and not anyone else, often in my quiet moments and mostly in the bowels of the night, I ponder over the enormity of the personal sacrifices I make purely in the pursuit of attaining the best outcomes for my country at the risk of the comfort for my family. Forinstance, the hundreds of thousands of Dalasi to sometimes over a million of my personal fortune expended into political Party activities each year, could have been spent on my family's comfort. Without strong financial support base or sustainable membership contribution regime, politics is the quickest route to personal bankruptcy in The Gambia.

Over the past decade, I invested millions of Dalasi into politics purely to help advance the cause of the public. This excludes public expectations and the right to self entitlement by hundreds of people for whom supporting you means reciprocal financial support for them personally and their families. Many see this as an investment into your personal ambition as opposed to public welfare. For me, this is not true, although it would take eternity to convince some.

God forbid you missed an important family activity of a major supporter such as a funeral of a near relation, a naming ceremony and the like, or unable to fulfil a favour demanded of you, that particular supporter would determine your years of fruitful relationship on that one missed event. The next thing you would hear him/her publicly deride you for that and further would abandon you to join your adversaries with all manner of ill-conceived allegations. That single event you missed or that request for financial or other help you did not provide, could neutralise every good you ever did in the past. This is because in Gambian politics, few support you based on your ideas; rather political support is mostly based on extraneous reasons far from the viability of the leader's philosophy.

Many would pretend being close to you but undermining your every move secretly and acting as negative barrier between you and those he/she knew were more sincere to your interests than him/her. After failing to access you, those genuine prospective supporters would be frustrated, thus diminishing your base. Some would come to "eat their share" and stay as long as that's sustained and during that period would pretend to love you more than your mother. Women would be used by opponents to search into your most intimate secrets so as to destroy you; your relatives, family members and trusted persons would be manipulated to access you so as to destroy you.


Our focus is on this. Let doubters keep doubting.


Bigger announcements awaits. Just follow the this page.


By our Deputy Party Leader
Dr Hagie Drammeh

This is why we advocate "Morality in Politics". The issue of personal attack, insults, bad mouthing, hatred, will only be a concern when there is no morality in politics. Join the GMC for political sanity and morality...



Team GMC @ Sir Dawda kairaba conference center for National dialogue day.

Team GMC @ Sir Dawda kairaba conference center for National dialogue day.


Honourable Mai Ahmad Fatty

GMC has joined our colleagues at the National Diialogue this morning at State House. Our goal is to contribute towards t...

GMC has joined our colleagues at the National Diialogue this morning at State House. Our goal is to contribute towards the consolidation of our nascent democracy, peace, stability, national cohesion, fair and equitable prosperity for all. God Bless the Republic of The Gambia!

GMC LEADER RECEIVES DEFECTORS FROM NPP, APRC & UDPA group of women from Kanifing and West Coast Regions paid a visit to ...


A group of women from Kanifing and West Coast Regions paid a visit to Hon. Mai Ahmad Fatty on Sunday evening the 28th Jan. 2024, at his Residence and pledged their loyalty to GMC.

The women who claimed to previously belong to NPP, APRC and UDP said they are encouraged by GMC politics of morality which sets the Party apart and the exceptional record of public service of Hon Fatty. They emphasized that in this era of unpredictable public insecurity and rise in violent crimes, they regard Hon. Fatty as the best Interior Minister who can restore public safety and the rule of law. Speaker after speaker lamented that since the departure of Hon. Fatty from Interior Ministry, criminals from the sub region immediately made Gambia their operational base wrecking havoc on communities across the country.

They also emphasized that they were frustrated by the unending politics of insults and negativity and that unlike each of the three political parties they decamped from, GMC is not involved in politics of insults, tribalism, bickering, internal fighting and wrangling.

According to the women, they are fully ready, willing and committed to work towards attracting more women and youths to join GMC and that they would soon start a mobilization tour of KMC and West Coast.

Finally, they called on all Gambians to support GMC and Hon. Fatty who has a proven record of service and the maintenance of law and order while he was Interior Minister, as well as Special Advisor on policy and governance to President Barrow. They encourage the Party Leader not to be silent but to speak more on public issues because Gambians listened to him and take his views with seriousness.

Alhaji Alhamdu Conteh, Senior Adviser to Party Leader welcomed the new members and shared with them the enduring political philosophy of GMC. Mr. Kissima Sillah of the Council of Elders in his intervention, advised them to mobilse more suporters as he welcomed them into the Party.

Mr. Drammeh, the Deputy Party Leader spoke on women empowerment and GMC policy of economic inclusion and youth employment.

Hon. Fatty on his part expressed satisfaction that the new members appreciated GMC by themselves without being mobilised by anyone. Hon Fatty stressed that this type of membership is sincere because they are not motivated by extraneous considerations. He assured them of the Party's support and spoke at length on the importance of propagting development policy, the role rule of law in a democracy and value of national unity. He welcomed the new new members and urged them to take ownership of the Party reiterating that GMC belongs to Gambians, and he is ready to welcome all and sundry as equal co-owners of the Party.

The significant event was miderated by Mr. Ebrima Conteh, Deputy National Youth Mobiliser and graced by some GMC Executive members.



1. The theme in relation to burning issues focus on key issues:
A. National food self-sufficiency
B. Portable water for all communities
C. Improvement and expansion of Primary healthcare/ up-scaling of conditions of health care workers.
D. Quality & accessible education with Primary focus on foundational and Primary education and specialisation on mathematics, engineering, IT and skill training. We will introduce three subjects: discipline, moral education. Patriotism and compulsory education from primary through third year Middle school. We will scrap the grade system and restore the form system with compulsory primary and secondary school system.
E. Strengthening Gambian business, enhancing Quality services and products and reinforcing regulatory framework for doing business, and improving access to capital. We will impose temporary ban on some importations and introduce strategic tax variation to enhance the competitiveness of Gambian businesses affording them with comparative advantages.
F. Protecting and preserving the environment through statutory implementation and adaptable environmental use regimes.
G. Fighting corruption and corrupt practices.

Conteh Jula Sankaranka

By Omar BahThe leader of the Gambia Moral Congress has urged The Gambia and Senegal to foster closer collaboration to le...

By Omar Bah

The leader of the Gambia Moral Congress has urged The Gambia and Senegal to foster closer collaboration to lead the fight against insecurity in the subregion.

Mai Fatty was talking to The Standard in the wake of recent rise in violence and conflict as well as drug trafficking, piracy, extremism and other emerging threats sparking concerns over its future development.

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“For external security, I believe in a multilateral approach, with states working together to tackle external threats. I believe the starting point is with neighbouring countries. The Gambia and Senegal can lead the way through serious but equitable bilateral partnership on security, including comprehensive review of existing security protocols to properly accommodate the subjective considerations of each state into a more just, viable and enduring common vision,” Mai Fatty told The Standard yesterday.

He said the challenges to domestic security are enormous and demand collaborative concrete actions with concerted efforts of all relevant state institutions.

“We must enhance our national capabilities with a view to effectively managing the evolving security challenges of the 21st century. On the domestic front, I believe in building an efficient, well-resourced professional security establishment, including hi-tech intelligence infrastructure,” Fatty added.

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He said a common security pact has the potential for the development of a common policy and the formulation of a common strategy to quell common threats.

Fatty added that although The Gambia has made some gains, “we should think outside the box, enhance and expand international alliance, while strengthening internal resolve. Security issues are complex and it is the only anchor that affords certainty to national development – any form of development.”

“Our region is submerged in insecurity. Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso continue to battle terrorists in the Sahel without success while Nigeria is heavily embroiled in domestic insurgency, mostly in the North. The Gambia’s southern frontier settlements suffer persistent internal displacement and continue to live in fear arising from violent protracted skirmishes between Senegal and MFDC separatists. Guinea Bissau and Sierra Leone recently experienced abortive coups while Guinea Conakry continues to pirogue on diverse forms of internal insecurity,” he said.

Fatty said all these have foreboding implications for our country.

“Our ability to master and manage our own internal security within the context of this intricate geopolitical complexities, will determine our resilience to the inevitable spill-over effects. Already, international organised crime syndicates threaten the effectiveness of our maritime security and porous land borders. For a small country like ours, achieving total radar control over our airspace ought to be top priority. Let me further state that in principle, I believe the idea of a common security pact such as the Sahel Alliance recently concluded among Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, which should be viewed positively. Millions of community citizens have and continue to experience untold suffering in these countries,” he added.

President Barrow’s award

Reacting to the award, the GMC leader wrote: “On behalf of The Gambia Moral Congress, I express great pride in the recognition of our President for Peace in Africa. This restores The Gambia’s historic reputation as a beacon of hope and a citadel of peace and stability in Africa. President Barrow, like late President Jawara, has truly made us all proud among the comity of nations. An outstanding accolade for our country, an important attribute to praise and to celebrate. Our sovereign clout among nations has been consolidated and The Gambian flag is flying highest in Africa and around the world as the continental symbol of security and stability. Congratulations to our President, to our Republic and to Africa. I urge all Gambians to continue to collectively nurture and consolidate the peace and stability as enshrined in our National Anthem. Lastly, I encourage the President to work towards deserving the Mo Ibrahim award

From our Honourable Conteh Jula Sankaranka There is saying goes Never forget who helped you out while everyone else was ...

From our Honourable Conteh Jula Sankaranka
There is saying goes Never forget who helped you out while everyone else was making excuses. This is why I will never forget Honourable Mai Ahmad Fatty he helped me and guide me.

Eid mubarak from Hon Conteh Jula Sankaranka.

Eid mubarak from Hon Conteh Jula Sankaranka.

Her name is sirra Jollo a 16 year old girl who lives in Bundung and  a student in Bundung Annex Lower Basic School in gr...

Her name is sirra Jollo a 16 year old girl who lives in Bundung and a student in Bundung Annex Lower Basic School in grade six. She left home since Friday around 8pm with the intend to go for taraweeh ( nafila), since then she never return home. She is staying with her father grandmother. His father divorce the mum. Please if you see her or any rumor about her whereabout don't hesitate to call me on the following numbers 3941637 or 7655563


Ramadan kareem to all followers. May Allah accept our fast. Ameen.


Good morning Gambia.


This is very sad.


Gambia �


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