1 Questionable – approach – syndrome:
Fundamentally, Jesus Christ loves prostitutes; he did not on any account and in anyway rejected affiliation with prostitutes (Luke 5:29-32). Prostitution was wide – spread in the days of ancient world, as in today’s world (Gen 35:15). Thus death penalty was a national law against prostitution in the mist of Israelites usually by stoning and fire burning (Deut 22:21, Lev 21:9, John 8:5-11).People who are won and owned by some fallen angels, with their deceptive ideology and thoughts, trying to establish their position into the hearts of those who have a little knowledge of the word of God, in deceit poses Jesus Christ’s affiliation with prostitutes as a real questionable life indeed, instead of being the savior of prostitutes as sinners as we ought to be (Rom 5:6, 8, 15, 18).Trying to affirm their choice of religion, there are documentaries, programs, seminars, demonstrations, interviews, and manuals. Fascination with these relevant techniques to society as whole concerning matters such as s*x has become hindrance to Christian development, in the individual, the church and their outreach programs. Certainties to be knowledgeable seem better than to go along making a hopeless mess of things. People think that if only they can do something rightfully, they will have success. But when a technique becomes the controlling factor, apparent success may turn into actual failure when the truth is known.