Parousia Television-Online



With Rev. Joel Aidoo
Friday, 7th April, 2024

Title: Blessed are the Broken: Embracing the Beatitudes

Scripture: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 5:3 (NIV)


In a world that often glorifies power, success, and self-sufficiency, Jesus offers a different perspective through the Beatitudes. These powerful declarations of blessing challenge us to shift our focus from worldly achievements to an inner transformation that comes from a deep connection with God. Today, we will explore how the Beatitudes can inspire us to embrace our brokenness and find true blessedness in God's kingdom.

The first Beatitude sets the foundation for the rest: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Jesus invites us to recognize our spiritual poverty, acknowledging our need for God's grace and mercy. When we humble ourselves before Him, admitting our brokenness and surrendering our self-reliance, we open ourselves up to receive the riches of His kingdom.

It is through our brokenness that God can work miracles. Just as a potter molds clay, God desires to shape and transform us into vessels of His love and purpose. When we acknowledge our weaknesses, we allow His strength to shine through us. The Beatitudes remind us that God's kingdom is not reserved for those who have it all together, but for those who humbly seek Him.

When we embrace our brokenness, we can experience the fullness of God's grace. In our brokenness, He brings healing and restoration. He is our comforter in times of pain and our source of hope when we feel despair. As we allow His love to fill our hearts, we can extend that love to others, becoming agents of His peace and mercy in a hurting world.

Practical Application:

1. Reflect on your own brokenness: Take a moment to acknowledge areas in your life where you feel inadequate or weak. Surrender them to God, inviting Him to work in and through you.

2. Embrace humility: Cultivate a spirit of humility by recognizing that everything you have and are is a gift from God. Seek opportunities to serve others and show kindness, remembering that true greatness lies in serving others.

3. Seek God's kingdom: Make it a priority to seek God's kingdom above all else. Invest time in prayer, studying His Word, and participating in fellowship with other believers. Allow His truth to shape your thoughts, actions, and priorities.

4. Extend grace and mercy: Just as God has shown grace and mercy to you, extend the same to others. Look for opportunities to forgive, show compassion, and offer a listening ear. Be a vessel of God's love and peace in your interactions with others.

Remember, dear friend, that God's kingdom is not built on worldly success or self-sufficiency. It is built on the foundation of brokenness and humility, where God's grace can flow freely. As you embrace your brokenness, may you experience the transformative power of God's love and find true blessedness in His kingdom.


Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that true blessedness comes from embracing our brokenness and surrendering to You. Help us to humbly seek Your kingdom and rely on Your strength. Fill us with Your love and grace, so that we may be vessels of Your peace and mercy in this world. In Jesus' name, Amen.



With Rev. Joel Aidoo
Friday, 1st March, 2024

Topic: Watch and Pray

Scripture: "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." - Matthew 26:41


As believers, our journey with Christ is not a passive one. We are called to actively engage with God and the world around us. One vital aspect of our spiritual walk is the practice of watching and praying. In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus gave this instruction to His disciples in the garden of Gethsemane, and it holds just as much relevance for us today.

To watch means to be vigilant, to pay attention, and to be alert. It implies a state of readiness and anticipation. As Christians, we must be aware of the spiritual battles that surround us. The enemy seeks to lead us astray, to distract us from our purpose, and to undermine our faith. Therefore, we should not be complacent or passive, but rather, we must actively guard our hearts and minds against the schemes of the enemy.

Prayer is the key that unlocks the door to a deeper relationship with God. It is our direct line of communication with Him, and it is through prayer that we can align our hearts with His will. Prayer is not just about presenting our requests and desires to God, but also about listening and being receptive to His voice. It is in those moments of prayerful communion that God speaks to us, guides us, and strengthens us.

Watching and praying go hand in hand. When we watch, we are attuned to the signs of spiritual warfare. We discern the attacks of the enemy and the distractions that could lead us away from God's path. Through prayer, we find the strength to overcome temptations, to resist the enemy's lies, and to stay rooted in God's truth.

So how can we practically apply the command to watch and pray in our daily lives?

First, set aside dedicated time for prayer each day. Find a quiet place where you can be alone with God, free from distractions. Pour out your heart to Him, sharing your joys, concerns, and desires. Be open and honest with God, knowing that He hears and cares for you.

Second, cultivate a posture of watchfulness. Be intentional about guarding your heart and mind throughout the day. Recognize the subtle ways the enemy tries to lure you away from God's will. Stay alert to the influences around you, whether it be through media, relationships, or your own thoughts. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Lastly, immerse yourself in God's Word. The Bible is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). As you read and meditate on Scripture, you will gain wisdom, discernment, and spiritual nourishment. The Word of God fortifies our faith and equips us to withstand the attacks of the enemy.

Dear friend, today I encourage you to watch and pray. Be vigilant in your spiritual walk, staying alert to the tactics of the enemy. Cultivate a habit of prayer, seeking God's guidance and strength in every situation. Immerse yourself in His Word, allowing it to transform your mind and heart. Remember, as you watch and pray, you will find the protection, wisdom, and peace that only God can provide.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of prayer and the call to watchfulness. Help me to be alert to the battles that surround me and to guard my heart and mind from the enemy's attacks. Teach me to rely on Your strength and wisdom as I seek Your face in prayer. May Your Word be a lamp to my feet and a guide for my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Follow our proton daily devotion

8 years of God's goodness. The journey began with Jesus Christ and shall forever remain and end in Christ. To God be all...

8 years of God's goodness. The journey began with Jesus Christ and shall forever remain and end in Christ. To God be all the glory! It's been a good lesson acquainted with experiential knowledge and wisdom that only real marriage in Christ in the real world teaches, the understanding that only marital unparalleled times and seasons offer. Credibility, reliability, tenacity, sagacity, dependability and availability have been the streams passing through our Garden of Eden. Thank you my Magnolia and my plantings of righteousness. Jesus Christ, to you be all the glory! Happy anniversary to us in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit


Topic: Wake Up and Pray

Scripture: "Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." - Mark 1:35 (NIV)


Good morning, beloved! As you awaken to a new day, let us begin by turning our hearts towards our Heavenly Father in prayer. Just as Jesus sought solitude to commune with God, we too can find solace and strength in the presence of our loving Creator.

In the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to hit the snooze button on our spiritual lives and neglect the vital practice of prayer. However, when we prioritize spending time with God, we invite His presence and power into our day.

Jesus, our perfect example, demonstrated the importance of starting the day with prayer. He would rise early, even before the sun had fully risen, to seek God's guidance, wisdom, and strength. By doing so, He established a deep connection with His Heavenly Father, aligning His heart and mind with God's will.

When we wake up and pray, it sets the tone for the day ahead. It allows us to surrender our plans, worries, and burdens into God's capable hands. It enables us to invite Him into every aspect of our lives, seeking His guidance and intervention in our decisions, relationships, and challenges.

Prayer is not simply a religious duty but a privilege, an opportunity to commune with the Creator of the universe. It is a sacred dialogue where we can pour out our hearts, express gratitude, seek forgiveness, and intercede for others. In prayer, we find comfort, strength, and renewed hope.

Moreover, waking up and praying helps us cultivate a deeper relationship with God. Just as in any human relationship, consistent communication fosters intimacy and understanding. As we regularly engage in conversation with our Heavenly Father, we grow in our knowledge of Him, His character, and His desires for our lives.

So, beloved, let us commit to waking up and praying each morning. Set your alarm a few minutes earlier, creating space to connect with God before the demands of the day flood in. Seek a quiet place where you can be alone with Him, away from distractions. As you pray, pour out your heart, listen for His gentle voice, and meditate on His Word.

Remember, prayer is not about eloquence or length, but about sincerity and faith. Approach God with childlike trust, knowing that He delights in hearing your voice and desires to meet you where you are. Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).

As you start your day in prayer, expect God to move in your life. Trust that He will guide your steps, bring clarity to your decisions, and fill your heart with His peace. Open your heart to His leading and surrender your will to His perfect plan. And as you go about your day, carry the spirit of prayer with you, continually seeking God's presence and guidance.

May our mornings be filled with the sweet fragrance of prayer, drawing us closer to our Heavenly Father and propelling us forward in faith. Wake up and pray, beloved, for in doing so, you invite the transformative power of God's love and grace into your life.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of prayer. Help me to prioritize spending time with You each morning, seeking Your presence and guidance. Teach me to pour out my heart before You, to listen for Your voice, and to align my will with Yours. May prayer be the foundation of my day, fueling my faith and inviting Your transformative power into my life. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.


Souls! Souls!! Souls!!!
How lovely it is to be in the field of souls gathering souls with the Lord of the harvest. Central Region here we come! Join us right now at Efutu SHS as we win the lost souls. I'm sharing a message entitled "Where are you going Man". God bless you for joining us in the spirit to get the work done.

Jesus is Lord!

Jesus is Lord!

*STARTED**PAROUSIA COVENANT PRAYER*  We start at exactly *9:00pm, GMT*THEME: *'Father, May The Road Rise To Meet Me This...


We start at exactly *9:00pm, GMT*
THEME: *'Father, May The Road Rise To Meet Me This Week'*
_"I am the LORD, your Holy One, The Creator of Israel, your King." Thus says the LORD, Who makes a way through the sea and a path through the mighty waters... (Isaiah 43:15-16)_

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During this time of grieving, your words and gestures have touched our hearts. Thank you for your sympathy and care. God bless you.

🌹 **Funeral Invitation: Apostle Isaac Kojo Aidoo** 🌹Dear Friends and Sympathizers,With heavy hearts but with gratitude t...

🌹 **Funeral Invitation: Apostle Isaac Kojo Aidoo** 🌹

Dear Friends and Sympathizers,

With heavy hearts but with gratitude to God, the family of Apostle Isaac Kojo Aidoo cordially invites you to join us in celebrating the life and legacy of a beloved husband, father, friend, and pastor.

**Funeral Arrangements:*
- **No Wake Keeping**

*Funeral Service:*
- 📆 *Date:* Saturday, 2nd December 2023
- 📍 *Venue:* Good Shepherd Methodist Academy, Behind Takoradi Mall, Tanokrom (
-⏰ *Laying in state* 5:00am
-⏰ *7:00am*

*Sunday Thanksgiving Service:*
- 📆 *Date:* Following Sunday
- 📍 *Venue:* Christian Faith Church, Tanokrom

🕊 *Tributes*

We are honored to have special music ministrations by Joyce Blessing, DSP Kofi Sarpong, Kweku Gyasi, Amy Newman, and more.

Please join us in commemorating a life well-lived, a legacy that will forever be cherished, and a soul that has been called to eternal glory.

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed...

“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved, still missed and very dear.”
On the 2nd December, 2023 is the date.
12 more days to go. All friends and sympathizers are cordially invited. God bless you.

FUNERAL DATE RESCHEDULED Due to circumstances beyond our control, we’re getting in touch to let you know that my father'...

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we’re getting in touch to let you know that my father's funeral, Apostle Isaac Kojo Aidoo won’t be going ahead as planned. However, it's rescheduled for the 2nd December, 2023, the venue of the funeral remains unchanged.

We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused you.

God richly bless you for being supportive in these challenging time. Thank you.

Every living being shall feel the cold hands of death. But our Lord is kind enough to give us the strength to bear such ...

Every living being shall feel the cold hands of death. But our Lord is kind enough to give us the strength to bear such losses. I know God is showering you with much reward in heaven, Amen!
All friends and sympathizers are cordially invited

Buy the future part 2Kindly subscribe and share to bless somebody

Buy the future part 2
Kindly subscribe and share to bless somebody

A Revolutionary Sermon from a Great Teacher of the Word of God. tune in and be Blessed. # How to Buy The Future # 1 of 2 # by Dr Mensa ...


"Remember, If your life is worth thinking about, it is worth writing about"
Robin Sharma

It's tomorrow....Friends and loved ones are cordially indeed.

It's tomorrow....Friends and loved ones are cordially indeed.


He expounds John 1:12 in it simplest form. ...




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