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CABO - LOVE AND DESIREHello wonderful family, trust God has been gracious to us all. We are continuing with our extravag...

Hello wonderful family, trust God has been gracious to us all. We are continuing with our extravagant and interesting novella CABO – LOVE AND DESIRE in YESTERDAY, TODAY, TOMMORROW and THURSDAY’s

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Sofia tells Rebeca that she begged her not to tell anything about her pregnancy to anyone but since her ambition is bigger than the love she feels for her (Sofia), she told Alvaro and noe everyone knows it. Sofia then tells her straight to her face that, for the sake of her betrayal, even thugh she loves her, she will protect her baby and will put him first above everything and that she doesn’t want to see her again and she kicks her out of Miguel’s house. Sofia tells her that she doesn’t trust her anymore and that it will be better that she doesn’t come back.
Lucia tells Vanesa that she has made many mistakes with her and Alejandro and that from that moment on she will not interfere because she doesn’t want them to suffer.
Rebecca tells her father that she doesn’t understand how he can have a relationship with a woman like Malena, Poncho tells her that she will have to respect Malena and if she doesn’t like it, she can go. Sofia tells Miguel that she agrees to give themselves a chance.
Lucia tells Jimena that during her absence she worked only for her own benefit, Jimena replies that she did it for everybody’s sake and to support Eduardo in his project.
Jimena tells Isabela that she has to go t and make a satatement about the theft of her car and Isabela tells her that she’s afraid but Jimena tells her that she has to say exactly the same and she must not look nervous.
Rebecca tells Alvaro that her father is going out with a barmaid. Alvaro tells her that there’s nothing wrong with it, that she should remember that his father operated a diner, and that’s his world, Rebecca tells him that she has aspirations but, Alvaro tells her that aspirations are achieved by working, and she wants everything to be given to her on a silver plata.
Eduardo meets uip with Miguel and he wants to work with him, and Mguel tells him that he knows everything he has done to Sofia and that as of that moment he will do his best to protect and defend her. Eduardo tells him that he can see he’s also fallen for Sofia something that happened to him. Miguel then start feeling unwell having aheart attack but still stood on his grounds to warn him that he will never let him do harm to Sofia again.

Miguel is about to have a heart attack but he still tells Eduardo that Sofia is no longer alone, that he will look for the judge he bribed in order to get married to her passing himself off as Alejandro and that for his own sake he’d better stay away from Sofia if not he will have me to deal with. Eduardo cynically replies that he’s only caring for him to beare of Sofia.
Sofia tells Malena that she’s very happy because she is with her father and tells her not to pay attention to Rebeca for not accepting her because Rebeca has also failed her and she doesn’t want her near her at least for now.
Lucia tells Jimena that she and Eduardo used Miguel’s money only to work on the project of a hotel chain only for her own benefit and she said she was her friend and asks her why she will do that. Jimena replies she did it with good intention. Lucia then tells her that she is going to revoke the power of attorney she gave her and Jimena says she can do whatever se likes because she sees how ungrateful she is towards her.
Miguel’s condition gets serious and he tells Sofia that he argued with Eduardo but made it clear to him that he dares not bother her again, that she is the woman he (Miguel) loves and he will always protect her. Miguel then die in her arms and Sofia cries unstoppable.
Luis finally realizes that Alvaro and Eduardo only used him for their dirty tricks and he confronts Alvaro but he warns Luis to keep quiet for his own sake if not he will face him and Eduardo. After discussing that with Poncho and his sister Malena, Poncho advises Luis to talk to Alejandro.
Sofia with tears in her eyes, tells Max that Miguel got home feeling very unwell because of an argument he had with Eduardo, that he died and she couldn’t do anything. Max informs Vanesa that Miguel passed away and he will have to take care of all of his personal business.
Eduardo and Jimena hug each other in excitement when they hear about Miguel’s death because they believe that it will benefit them.
Fausto and Guadalupe decide to give themselves a chance to be happy.
When Sofia sees the Noriega family arriving at Miguel’s wake, she demands that they leave and Alejandro backs her up and kicks everyone out from the wake.
Luis confesses to Alejandro and Alan that Alvaro and Eduardo pretended to be his friends in order to make him give them information and do dirty tricks that they threatened him to hurt his sister Malena. Alejandro tells him that he won’t fire him but should still pretend to be Eduardo’s accomplice and figure out a proof from them for him to be able to send Eduardo to prison.

Luis confesses to Alejandro and Alan that Alvaro and Eduardo pretended to be his friends in order to make him give them information and do dirty tricks that they threatened him to hurt his sister Malena. Alejandro tells him that he won’t fire him but should still pretend to be Eduardo’s accomplice and figure out a proof from them for him to be able to send Eduardo to prison.
Isabela tells Karen that they are no longer involved in the car theft and that she (Karen) needs to be on the best of terms with Eduardo because he knows that it was her who ran Sofia over and he could denounce them.
Alejandro tells Alan that Sofia never lied to him and now that he knows the truth is already too late because Sofia doesn’t want to know anything about him and that now more than ever he wants to prove who Eduardo really is.
Alejandro tells Jimena and Eduardo that they have to return Miguel cantu’s money as soon as possible because he wants to avoid the embarrassment of not knowing what to say to the directors.
Sofia tells Max that she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to manage what Miguel left her, Max replies that she will be able because Miguel believed in her capability and her honesty, he assures her that she is not alone because she has a great team that will support her.
Sofia informs the board of directors of the Alva group that she is the new director of the Cantu group, jimena tries to humiliate her; max makes clear to them that Sofia is more than capable of running the company and that’s why Miguel selected her, and that she also has a great team to assist her. Sofia tells them that she will continue with Miguel’s work, starting with recovering the money that the Alva group owes to the cantu group.
Later Isabela, Vanessa and Karen meet Sofia and Isabela tells Sofia that it seems she’s doing all this out of spite because she is with Alejandro and Sofia tells Isabela that she’d better enjoy the time she has with Alejandro because they all know it won’t last long.
Eduardo asks Alvaro why he didn’t tell him that Sofia inherited everything that Miguel had and Alvaro replies he didn’t know and Eduardo tells him that is what he pays his girlfriend Rebecca for to know everything about Sofia and tell him and Alvaro says he doesn’t think Rebecca knew anything because she would have told him. Eduardo stays Rebecca is now not useful to him any more and for the sake of knowing more about their secrets, he orders Alvaro to kill her because he hates witnesses. Alvaro then gets anxious and speechless.

Much appreciation from me to you my entire people out there supporting rhis amazing page. Hope to see you all in the new...

Much appreciation from me to you my entire people out there supporting rhis amazing page.

Hope to see you all in the new year and we hope to bring out more adventures, gossip like no other, get on each others nerves with some annoying people in our favourite telenovelas and more over.....Happy New year guys🥰🥰🥰🥰



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Rebeca rejects her father's relationship with Malena because she is a woman of low-income. Sofía assures Miguel that she is willing to fall in love with him. Malena breaks up with Alfonso because of Rebeca. Lucía, upon learning of Max's intentions with Vanessa, asks him to help them get Miguel to trust the company again, Max asks Lucía not to mix professional business with personal issues.

Jimena informs Isabela that the police found the car with a blow and traces of blood. Alfonso surprises Malena with a romantic serenade. Sofía kisses Miguel in front of Alejandro and tells him that she has decided to give herself a chance with him, Alejandro begs to be with her, but Sofía wants him out of her life.

Alejandro plans to suspend the construction of Eduardo's hotels. Eduardo swears to Miguel that Sofía's only goal is for him to take care of their son, when Miguel defends her, he begins to feel ill.

Miguel swears to Eduardo that he will prove that he was behind Alejandro's accident. Isabela tells Karen that Eduardo already knows that she ran over Sofía. Miguel arrives home and tells Sofía that he argued with Eduardo, he begins to feel sick and dies in her arms.

Jimena informs Eduardo that Lucía plans to revoke her power at the company. Eduardo celebrates Miguel's death and assures Jimena that no one will be able to stop the construction. Sofía confronts Eduardo about Miguel's death; Isabela, Karen and Jimena try to defend him, but Alejandro makes them leave the funeral. Sofía fulfills Miguel's last wish.

Alejandro tells Luis that he needs him on his side to put Eduardo in jail
Isabela fears that Sofía will get close to Alejandro again now that Miguel has died. Luis assures Álvaro that he is willing to help him and Eduardo in any way he can. Eduardo agrees to pay the money he took from Miguel. Sofía fears that she will not be able to handle the responsibility left to her by Miguel.

Blanquita learns that Luis has given confidential information about Alejandro to Eduardo. Lucía is disappointed in Jimena. Sofía introduces herself as the new director of Grupo Cantú. Eduardo fears he will lose the land for his hotels because he does not have the money he took from Miguel. Sofía tells Alejandro that she will not continue to suffer for him.

Sofía teases Isabela and asks her to enjoy Alejandro since he will soon leave her. Max receives an offer to work at Grupo Cantú. Isabela fights with Alejandro out of jealousy. Jimena fears losing her hotel because she does not have Miguel's money. Eduardo, knowing that Rebeca hid information about Sofía from him, asks Álvaro to kill her.

Álvaro tells Eduardo that he will kill Rebeca, but asks for time because he does not want to raise suspicions. Alejandro is determined to win back Sofia's love so he breaks up with Isabela.
Max assures Vanessa that Jimena and Eduardo are just using her. Eduardo tells Lucía that Jimena was the only person who believed in him. Luis shows Alfonso the video that proves that Álvaro caused Alejandro's accident. Jimena asks Sofía for help. Lucía advises Vanessa to fight for Max's love
Álvaro asks Rebeca to go far away because her life is in danger since Eduardo asked him to kill her. Alejandro confirms that Eduardo sent Álvaro to alter the turbine and cause the plane crash. Álvaro is arrested for murder and assures Alejandro that he is willing to reveal everything he knows about Eduardo. Eduardo tries to kiss Sofía.

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Exchange of stars 🌟 🤩 ✨ In 2024 Televisa and Telemundo will make an exchange of Stars for the new productions prepared b...

Exchange of stars 🌟 🤩 ✨

In 2024 Televisa and Telemundo will make an exchange of Stars for the new productions prepared by the two channels.

Televisa will lend the Spanish channel Angelique Boyer, the protagonist of successful telenovelas like Invincible love, what life took from me, abyss of passion and many more will arrive to Telemundo as the great villain of "Golden Woman" the new telenovela that the television (Telemundo) is preparing and in this story she will share credits with Aracely Arámbula.

Telemundo will lend Carmen Villalobos to Televisa, it is still unknown the project in which she will debut but it is expected that in February It will production will start.

With Boyer Going to Telemundo well....I guess I have ro swallow my words because success is bound to come 🥰🥰🥰🥰

What do you think?

New Protagonist ❗❗❗❗Renata Notni whom we have seen in productions such as my sweet curse and loving you is all I want  w...

New Protagonist ❗❗❗❗

Renata Notni whom we have seen in productions such as my sweet curse and loving you is all I want will be the protagonist of the new version of Juana the Virgin because the actress Camila Valero fought with the producer of said story.

What do you think about the change of the protagonist ? Is she worth the led ?


So Eduardo couldn't change his shoes ?😂😂 Eii

  looking all good ....damn....he is hot 🔥 🥵 😍 😋

looking all good ....damn....he is hot 🔥 🥵 😍 😋


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Eduardo tells Alejandro that Sofia told him that she’s pregnant and she doesn’t know who the father is but if he’s the father or him, and that’s why they need to have a DNA test. He tells him that it seems Sofia is feeling guilty and that is why he never called to tell him as she doesn’t know who the father of the child is. What he had with Sofia does hurt but he Alejandro has to grow pass it. Ale out of anger, tries to strangle him. Hugo stops Alejandro and asks Eduardo to leave.
Hugo tells Alejandro that Sofia is the only one who can tell him the truth about the pregnancy and advises him to look for her and not to pay attention to his brother’s lies given that he’s only trying to upset him that Sofia called him to give him the information; that he’d better look for his wife.
Vanesa tells Eduardo that she knows Sofia made up that Pregnancy story and that she’s sure it’s one more of her lies, Eduardo replies that he doesn’t think it’s a lie, that Alejandro told him about it and he even dared to insinuate that the child could be his. Vanesa tells him that Sofia only wants to get money from them.
Isabela gets furious because Alejandro already knows about Sofia’s pregnancy. So, Isabela intentionally decides to run Sofia over by her SUV and Karen becomes so uneasy as she tells Isabela that they agreed they were going to talk to Sofia not to run her over but Isabela replies that it just got out of control. Later, she goes to the police to file a report that her car was stolen after she parked it in front of a shoprite to go buy something. All she prays for is that no one uses her car to commit any crime since that is what she’s heard people doing with people’s cars.
Alejandro reproaches Miguel for not telling him about Sofia’s pregnancy and Miguel replies that he will support Sofia in everything she decides and it was her decision not to tell him anything, that he has hurt her so much that it is understandable.
The doctor informs Mr. Alfonso, Alejandro and Miguel that due to the accident the placenta is at risk putting Sofia and the baby at risk too and that means the possibility of a miscarriage is high.
Poncho tells Alejandro that it would be best if he leaves, that neither his daugther nor his grandchild need him. Isabela tells Karen that she needs to calm down; otherwise people will realize what happened, Karen tells her that they could go to jail.
Alejandro tells Miguel that Sofia regained consciousness and she wants to talk to him. After he goes inside, Miguel tells Sofia that he doesn’t know how Alejandro found out, but he already knows that she’s pregnant and he’s very worried.
Isabela gets furious when she finds out that Sofia is still alive even after hitting her with his car.
Alejandro tells Sofia that Eduardo told him about her pregnancy, Sofia deduces that Rebecca might have told Alvaro about it when in fact she begged her not to do so. Alejandro says she shouldn’t worry about how he fund out and that he wanst them to talk things over but Sofia says he discarded her when she needed her most and so the decision to talk to her to stay with him sake of their child relies on her.


Alejandro tells Sofia that they should give themselves a chance to be together again for the sake of the child but she replies that she doesn’t want her baby anywhere near Eduardo’s hatred, Vanesa’s mistreatment or his mother’s doubts and besides, he is with Isabela now as the baby doesn’t deserve that.
Karen tells her mother that Isabela ran Sofia over but, Isabela tells her that it was an accident and Karen says that she did it on purpose. Mad.Jimena gives them indications of what they have to do in case they are interrogated.
Poncho tells Sofia that Alejandro and Miguel spent the night in the hospital. Same time, Rebeca tells Alvaro that Sofia had and accident and Alejandro showed up at the hospital but it’s curious that he already knew she was pregnant. Alvaro tells her that he had to tell Eduardo, Rebeca replies that she thought she could trust him but all he care about is the information he gets from her so to satisfy Eduardo .
Isabela tells her mother that she can’t lose Alejandro much less now that they are living together. Jimena tells her that what she did was the most stupid way to try to fix things.
The doctor tells Miguel, Alejandro and Poncho that Sofia’s pregnancy is considered high risk and she must remain calm and rest until the baby can get stronger.
Vanesa shows up at the hospital trying to convince Alejandro that Sofia is manipulating him; Alejandro tells her that he has lost a lot of things because of his family and asks her to leave.
Miguel tells Max to program a meeting with the notary because he has to take care of an issuewith his lawyer.
Jimena informs Lucia about the management of the company and tells her that they nearly lost Miguel’s investment. Lucia replies that she would like to hear her version. Jimena tells her that they used Miguel’s money to build another bella hotel. Lucia tells her that decisions are not taken that way in the Alva group and that she simply cannot ignore it.
Poncho tells Alejandro that god willing he will be carrying his child in his arms should everything turn out well but for that to happen, as he already heard that Sofia must not get excited or experience any stress and so for the baby to be out of danger and born healthy, he needs to stay away from Sofia


Poncho tells Alejandro that god willing he will be carrying his child in his arms should everything turn out well but for that to happen, as he already heard that Sofia must not get excited or experience any stress and so for the baby to be out of danger and born healthy, he needs to stay away from Sofia
Poncho tells Alejandro that he won’t let him be around Sofia because if he lets Sofia stay close to him, he (Poncho) will only expose her to his family ill-treatment and his fits of jealousy, and that’s why he’d better he stay away from Sofia, Alejandro replies that Sofia’s and the baby’s place is by his side, Poncho replies that Sofia has suffered by just being with him and that if he loves her the time has come for him to show it.
Alejandro upon tells Isabela that Sofia is expecting his child but she doesn’t want him near her, isabela tells him that they will have time to convince her and perhaps they can give his son a sibling sometime soon, she tries to kiss him but he rejects her.
Eduado tells his mum that Sofia is pregnant and that means the child could be his or Alejandro’s looking at the time he also slept with Sofia. Lucia then thinks it’s a big disappointment looking at how Eduardo got into Alejandro’s bed just to hurt his brother but Eduardo dispute the fact stating that he knew Sofia way way back before Aljandro got to know her.
The Doctor tells Miguel that he has to take care of himself because his life is at risk and prescribes some medicine for him to take.
Eduardo convinces Jimena to take a loan from the Alva group and assures her that they will be able to pay Miguel his money and keep their project going without any problems.
Eduardo tells Isabela that he knows that she did the hit-and-run on Sofia but Isabela denies it but Eduardo tells her that it isn’t a coincidence that Sofia got run over the same day her car was stolen, he tells her that Miguel is protecting Sofia and if there’s an investigation, he won’t be able to help her, yet, she keeps denying it.
The doctor tells Miguel and Sofia that the baby is in perfect condition. Sofia then agrees to go with Miguel to Eduardo’s wedding.
Lucia tells her daughter Vanessa that is time she stops acting on impulse because going to the hospital to cause commotion was below belt and that it’s really true that Sofia is pregnant and that means, everything will change sake of the child because that child is a Noriega and she wont allow him to grow away from the family.
It’s Karen’s wedding day and she refuses to dress up for the day and she tells her mum that she will reject Eduardo because she wants everybody to laugh at him like he laughed at her after he slept with Sofia, that she her mum (Jimena) does things for her selfish gains to have Eduardo build those hotels for her but she (karen) has dignity and wont do that. Jimena slaps her. Karen tells her mother that she is stating Eduardo at the altar so to take revenge on Eduardo and her mum tells her that it’s going to be easier to take her revenge on him once she is married to him and tells her to put her wedding dress on.


Karen and Eduardo’s wedding takes place. Eduardo asks Karen if she was planning to stand him up? She replies that it’s the least he deserves. Eduardo asks Kandaren if she married him because of the hotel, the jewelry and the luxury, she replies that she married him because she loved him once and she wishes she could get rid of the hatred she feels since she knew what he did with Sofia and that she hopes things work out between them because she wouldn’t want their lives to be a living hell.
Miguel and Sofia arrive together at Eduardo’s wedding. Alejandro tries to speak with Sofia and she tells him that she hasn’t changed her mind, Isabela tells Sofia that she heard that she is pregnant and tells her that her child will be welcome in her and Alejandro’s house, Sofia replies that her child is not going to grow up near hypocritical and mean people.
Alejandro tells Isabela it would be better that she doesn’t interfere in anything that has to do with Sofia; Isabela tells him that she didn’t say that with bad intentions.
Max tells Vanesa that he wants to talk to her about them, that he will be waiting for her and if she doesn’t show up he will understand she already made a decision to not be with him. Vanesa tells him that if she has to choose between him or her family she will choose her family. Vanesa and Max then agree not to talk about Sofia and they reconcile.
Alvaro tells Rebeca that she might dream to be like her sister Sofiato wish for all the opportunities that has come her way and that she also deserves the same but she Rebecca should stop dreaming so, as it’s not like that in life, he tells her that she needs to get real because she can never be like Sofia.
Sofia tells Rebeca that she begged her not to tell anything about her pregnancy to anyone but since her ambition is bigger than the love she feels for her (Sofia), she told Alvaro and noe everyone knows it. Sofia then tells her straight to her face that, for the sake of her betrayal, even thugh she loves her, she will protect her baby and will put him first above everything and that she doesn’t want to see her again and she kicks her out of Miguel’s house.

That's all for the week guys

🎄Christmas through the years with the couple  .Give them ❤️!. The most celebrated celebrity couple of all time..... 🥰🥰  ...

🎄Christmas through the years with the couple .
Give them ❤️!. The most celebrated celebrity couple of all time..... 🥰🥰


Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤ It's  Christmas Guys....from Danilo Carrera 🥰

Merry Christmas 🎅 🎄 ❤
It's Christmas Guys....from Danilo Carrera 🥰

It's world's Ana's Day.....Happy birthday to another queen🥰🥰🥰in her own world 🥰🥰

It's world's Ana's Day.....Happy birthday to another queen🥰🥰🥰in her own world 🥰🥰

  should just drop the towel lol 😆 we want to be scared 😭💔🤣

should just drop the towel lol 😆 we want to be scared 😭💔🤣



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Hugo begs Alejandro not to fall into Eduardo's lies and asks him to look for Sofía. Isabela sees Sofía alone in the street and runs her over, Karen bursts into tears when she sees Isabela did. Alejandro complains to Miguel for not telling him that Sofía is pregnant.

Isabela asks Karen to calm down, she gets upset and Isabela slaps her. Alejandro learns that there is a possibility that Sofía could lose her baby. Sofía wakes up and asks for Miguel.

Isabela learns that Alejandro is in the hospital. Sofía confirms that it was her sister Rebeca who betrayed her by revealing that she is pregnant. Alejandro asks Sofía for another chance.

Sofía tells Alejandro that they cannot be together since her family does not like her. Jimena helps her daughters to avoid being discovered for having run over Sofía. Isabela informs Eduardo that Sofía is in the hospital since she was run over.

Eduardo suspects that Karen is hiding something from him, she gets nervous and tells him that it is all because of the wedding plans. Vanessa tells Alejandro that Sofía is just manipulating him, he assures her that his wife and baby are his only family. Lucía accuses Jimena of breach of trust because she didn't like her making decisions during her absence. Sofía cries when she learns that her son is in danger.

Lucía confronts Eduardo about the money he took from Miguel and that the project he is doing is only to please Karen. Alfonso asks Alejandro to stay away from Sofía so that his grandson can be born.

Lucía learns that Sofía is pregnant, but Eduardo assures her that she doesn't know if the baby is his or Alejandro's. Isabela pretends to be excited about Sofía pregnancy. Miguel tells Sofía that he will show her all the love he has for her.

Lucía tells Vanessa that she will not allow her grandson to grow up away from the family. Eduardo confronts Isabela by telling her that she ran over Sofía. Alfonso is determined to announce his relationship with Malena. Sofía learns that her baby is out of danger.

Karen prepares her suitcase to leave town and stand up Eduardo on the wedding day, Jimena forbids her to do so, slaps her and assures her that if she wants to take revenge on him, she should do it when she is married.

Alfonso confesses to Fausto that he fell in love with Malena, Fausto asks him to forget her because of the pact they made.

Eduardo confirms that Karen married him for revenge, she assures him that his life will become a living hell. Sofía arrives with Miguel at Karen and Eduardo's wedding. Sofía tells Alejandro that her baby is out of danger, while Isabela comments that her son will be very loved, but Sofía says that she will not allow her baby to live with hypocritical people. Eduardo looks for Sofía to tell her that he still loves her, Miguel comes to her defense.

Max asks Vanessa to start their relationship again, but to get rid of her prejudices about Sofía. Sofía tells Rebeca that she is disappointed in her because she once again betrayed her by revealing the news of her pregnancy, so she doesn't want her near her life and kicks her out of Miguel's house.

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And Miguel leaves us soon 😭💔

COMING UP TONIGHT ON CABO – LOVE AND DESIRE in today’s episode,Alejandro confronts Eduardo about using Miguel’s money wi...

Alejandro confronts Eduardo about using Miguel’s money without telling him and warns him that he did wrong and that losing Miguel is one of the first of many mistakes he will continue to make and Eduardo states that he wants to see him fail but he won’t achieve it.

Alejandro tells Alan that he’s not interested in the company or in doing business with Miguel. Alan tells him that he has to separate work from personal issues and that he knows that Eduardo and Jimena will make the company fall into dire straits and Alejandro replies that he’s no longer interested in nothing.

Vanesa sees an article on the internet which says that Miguel Cantu is putting his package of shares in the Alva group on the market and reproaches Alejandro for boycotting the company. Alejandro tells Vanesa that he had nothing to do with Miguel’s decision and that Miguel is not intersted in dealing with any other than him. Vanesa tells him that she will call a meeting and warns Alejandro that he better be there at the meeting and not boycot.

During the meeting Max informs them that Miguel sent him as his representative and he wants a full report of his money. Eduardo tells him that his money has been invested in the construction of hotels and his construction company is taking care of that. Max tells them that maybe things would be easier if Alejandro were to speak with Miguel again as he’s only the one Miguel wants to deal with. Vanesa tells Alejandro that he should at least try to speak with Miguel on his decision to sell his shares.

Poncho reveals to Malena that he’s been in love with her ever since she kissed him and she gets so happy and she also tells him that she also him
Alejandro tells Isabela that Eduardo has started his construction company with Miguel’s money and her mother supported him because Eduardo is going to build a hotel for her and he cannot tell that to Miguel. That what her (Isabela) mother did was to look after her own interests without thinking twice.

Eduardo tells Karen that the projects they have planned run the risk of being cancelled because Miguel will withdraw his investement from the Alva group. She tells him that she hopes her hotel isn’t part of those projects. Eduardo then later tells her that Alejandro got them in that problem and Karen tells him that the difference is that Alejandro would know how to solve the situation meanwhile he isn’t and Eduardo assures her he will do that.
Miguel tells Alejandro that he will stay in the company only if he comes back; Alejandro replies that he can consider it done.

Mr. Poncho asks Alejandro to give Sofia a space if he actually love her because the doctor says she shouldn’t be stressed and that should everything turns out well, he Alejandro will be a father and will be holding his child in his arms but for the child to be born healthy, he needs to stay away from Sofia. Ale then looks speechless.

Alvaro sees some baby dresses under Rebecca's bedsheet and he questions her what that means and she goes silent and anxious




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