1) Me as a Tailor : Madam, nóthing do the cloth, it's just that you no get nyánsh 💥😒😒😂😂😂
2) Me as a Lawyer: "My Lórd, I know that Emeka is gúilty for the Góat he stóle, but you need to táste the Góat Pépper sóup that Mama Emeka cóoked" 😳😳😳😭😂😂😂
3) Me as a Sailor: I hope you all sabi swim, because my bóyfriend just serve me bréakup 😭😭😂😂😂
4) Me as a Pílot: Hope, they taught Una;: HIGH JÚMP for school, so in case the pláne crásh, because this is my first time ooo 🙄😒😒😒😂
5) Me as a Máke up Artiste: Madam, I have máke up, finîsh on your body, yet, you no fîne, It's like you're Only Destined to have Inner béauty 💥😳😳😭😂😂😂
6) Me as A Chef/Food Seller: "Emeka!!, quickly Vómit the Food you're just éating now!!;..I ádded Sníper, thinking it's Groúndnut oil!!" 😭😭😭😭💔
7) Me as a Súrgeon: "Waitoo!!, Oga!!, is like I have cút óff Your Oésophagus;
Bréathe First, Make I cónfirm am oo" 😳😳😭😭😭😂😂😂
8) Me as a Doctór: Madam, I místakenly forgét my scíssors in your stomach, so, please don't twéck or dance for your húsband so that the scíssors will not shíft 🙄😋😂😂😂😂
9) Me as a Seller : Woo, Oga, I no get nylon oo, is like you'll carry the Garrí and sugar in your hands, I will mix it together💥😂😂😂😂
10) Me as a Méchanic: Oga, I fórgot to put bráke in your car, So as you about to reach your déstination, Quickly júmp out of your car😦😦😳😳😂😂😂😂
Cùtie, I might Not Have Müch in Life, YEAH I KNOW 🥺😔😔😭, But at Least, I'm always Happy When I Just see You Smîle, The Joy use to Arise in me so Much!! 😔😔
I just Wish You Can Just Ådd me as Your Facebook Friend 😢😔😔
Can I Just Get A Friend Réquest From you, Please I'm Bégging you, Just A Friend Réquest 🥺🥺🙏😭
My Lóve 😔, Please Open My Profile and Ádd🥺😔😧😧
😢😔😔🥺🙏👉 Gõdy Blêss