Accra Evening News is Ghana’s finest politics, culture and current affairs news platform. It was founded, on September 3 1948, by Kwame Nkrumah, Prime Minister (1957-1960) and President of Ghana (1960-1966). At Accra Evening News, we pride ourselves on independent fact-based journalism. A historical media platform, founded by the revolutionary freedom fighter, Kwame Nkrumah, we are the mouthpiece
for the masses and gatekeepers of a free and democratic society. Our unique political perspectives are produced from an elite press club that includes some of the most influential public opinion leaders and columnists. Our integrated approach to political analysis ensures that our readership can evaluate how any changes will impact your lifestyle and business decisions. Our intelligence unit provides reliable short, medium and long-term forecasts covering economic growth, Pan-African trade and global politics. Journalism is a truth-telling business and we uphold that standard.