Speak Forth TheWord

Speak Forth TheWord We believe words are powerful. And whatever you says influence your life, others and things around U. The bible says two cannot walk to unless they agree.

And whatever you says influence your life, others and things around you. And also believe we walk with God by speaking in agreement with His Word. Proverbs 18:21 puts it this way: “The tongue has the power of life and death.” The stakes are high. Your words can either speak life, or your words can speak death. Our tongues can build others up, or they can tear them down. An unchecked fire doubles i

n size every minute. Proverbs 21:23 says “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.” The tongue can express or repress; offend or befriend; affirm or alienate; build or belittle; comfort or criticize; delight or destroy, energize or weaken. This we know that, whatever follow "I'm" will definitely locates you. Therefore when you get hold of the word of life keep saying it don't stop talking it. Podcast : https://anchor.fm/nelson-cedar

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  Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousn...

Jesus died and was resurrected that I may enjoy the benefits of the new life in Christ. I walk daily in the consciousness of my divinity in Christ. I refuse to allow sickness or disease to damage my body! I live a happy, joyful, and fruitful life. I am in constant health every day. Hallelujah!



Think Carefully Before You Speak

“Talk too much, and you are done for.” Pr 13:3 CEV
Here is a Bible verse we should all commit to memory: “Keep what you know to yourself, and you will be safe; talk too much, and you are done for” (v. 3 CEV). Simply put, your tendency to speak without thinking will keep getting you into trouble. The story is told of a vacuum cleaner salesman who had been given a remote rural area as his territory. He was going from farmhouse to farmhouse on his first day on the job, attempting to sell vacuum cleaners. As he arrived at one farmhouse, he knocked on the door and was met by a farmer’s wife who asked him what he wanted. Without asking permission, he shoved right past her into the kitchen and said, “I’m selling vacuum cleaners.” Shocked, she replied, “Wait a minute!” But he demanded, “Ma’am, before you say anything, I want to show you something.” Then he reached into his bag, pulled out a pail of dirt, and threw it across her kitchen floor. “If my vacuum cleaner won’t pick up all that dirt,” he bragged, “then I’ll eat it!” She looked at him and said, “Then you better get busy, ’cause we ain’t got no electricity!” How often we have to eat the words we so recklessly toss on the floor of everyday living! Be careful. Jesus said one day we will give an account for every idle word we speak (See Mt 12:36). An unknown poet wrote, “Be careful of the words you say and keep them soft and sweet. You never know from day to day which ones you’ll have to eat.” So unless you want to eat your words, think carefully before speaking.

 THE LIGHT OF MY UNTOLD WEALTH…I affirm that the Lord is my Shepherd! I walk in perfection and excellence, producing wor...


I affirm that the Lord is my Shepherd! I walk in perfection and excellence, producing works and fruits of righteousness, because I live in the Word. The Word of God has the ascendancy in my life and purifies me through and through—spirit, soul and body. I’m sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life, who causes me to walk in God’s perfect will and in the glory of God. I can never lack! I’m walking in the light of my prosperity; I have access to wealth untold!

Lack and want aren’t part of my life, because all things are mine in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah! I function in supernatural supply, strength, ability, wisdom and knowledge. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I am fulfilling God’s purpose for my life. I am forever protected and fortified against all evil and wickedness in this world. I dwell in the safety and peaceful habitation of the Almighty; a place of glory, dominion and everlasting joy, where I reign and rule with Christ over circumstances. Hallelujah!

Christ is made unto me wisdom! I live victoriously, taking advantage of God’s Word and His grace available to me. I have light, understanding and excellent wisdom. I walk in victory in my job, business, family, finances and everything about my life. I flourish like the palm tree and grow like the cedar in Lebanon. I’m planted in the house of the Lord, and I flourish in the courts of our God. I produce fruits and works of righteousness; my life is the testimony of God’s glory and grace. His beauty is expressed through me; this is my heritage in Christ. Glory to God. Hallelujah!


SAY THIS WITH MEI affirm that in 2024, it shall be said of me continually, look what the Lord had done. My way is paved ...


I affirm that in 2024, it shall be said of me continually, look what the Lord had done. My way is paved of the Lord, and I have obtained an inheritance, which is imperishable and undefiled! The Father has blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. My life can only be the expression and demonstration of God’s glory and righteousness, the testimony of His grace and love, and the revelation of His perfection. Hallelujah!

The days ahead are days of rest and glory because the Father has positioned the right people at the right place, the right materials in my path to help me fulfil my assignment. I am living from a position of advantage and I will finish my course with great joy.

My capacity has increased; for I’ve grown in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I grow stronger by the day, like a cedar in Lebanon, and flourish like the palm tree! I move in the Spirit, and of my increase, progress, and prosperity, there shall be no end! I live the transcendent life of endless possibilities and victories unlimited! The world is mine, and I am a success forever! Glory to God.


The Power of Your Words in 2024Dearly beloved in Christ, let us ponder the profound mystery revealed in the Garden of Ed...

The Power of Your Words in 2024

Dearly beloved in Christ, let us ponder the profound mystery revealed in the Garden of Eden, where Adam, the first man, stood amidst the newly formed creatures. As God brought each beast and bird before him, Adam did not merely receive knowledge of their nature; he received the power of creation itself. Each name he uttered upon those creatures became their essence, their very being.

In this act, we find a potent truth: our words carry immense power. Like Adam, we too possess the ability to shape the world around us with our tongue. With each utterance, we paint a picture, weave a story, and build bridges or walls. Let our words be builders, not breakers.

Let our words be seeds, not stones. Let our voices sow joy, understanding, and hope into our lives and those around us. Each positive word is a seed sown, a potential bloom in the garden of 2024 and the Years to come.

Remember, in 2024, our words are not mere sounds, but whispers of creation. Choose them wisely, for they shape not just the air, but the world around us. Let this be a year where our words and prayers are a testament to the power we hold.

Go forth, dearly beloved, and wield your words as sacred tools. For in the very act of speaking, we participate in the ongoing creation of this blessed world. Speak and declare what you want this year to be for you. As for me, I call it my year of rewards and restoration, and so shall it be.

Let your words be the brushstrokes of a brighter future. Each utterance has the power to leave an indelible mark on the year.

Happy New Year, 2024! May the words you speak and the prayers you utter every day be your legacy.



I affirm that I am making supernatural headway in my life. Whatever my hands find to do prospers, for the Lord has blessed the work of my hands.

I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water. I bring forth fruit in season, and my leaf will never wither in the name of Jesus Christ.

Whatsoever I begin to do has no option but to prosper. I am waxing strong, and making progress until I become very great in the name of Jesus. Glory to God!
Hallelujah 🙌
Amen 🙏


Dear Heavenly Father, I hold firm to your promise, a shield against despair. Every act of obedience, every whispered pra...

Dear Heavenly Father,

I hold firm to your promise, a shield against despair. Every act of obedience, every whispered prayer, is a stepping stone towards the day I meet You face to face. In the meantime, I strive to be worthy, to walk in the path of Your righteousness, to serve You with a heart ablaze with anticipation.

So come, Lord Jesus, come quickly! Let Your reward be our inheritance, let Your presence be our delight. Grant us, Your faithful, the strength to persevere, the eyes to see Your hand at work, and the ears to hear Your call, even in the quietest whispers of the wind.

May the echo of Your words, "I am coming soon," be the lullaby that lulls us to sleep tonight, and the trumpet that wakes us to the dawn of your eternal day.
Hallelujah 🙌
Amen 🙏


  I affirm that I am making supernatural headway in my life. Whatever my hands find to do prospers, for the Lord has ble...

I affirm that I am making supernatural headway in my life. Whatever my hands find to do prospers, for the Lord has blessed the work of my hands.

I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water. I bring forth fruit in season, and my leaf will never wither in the name of Jesus Christ.

Whatsoever I begin to do has no option but to prosper. I am waxing strong, and making progress until I become very great in the name of Jesus. Glory to God!
Hallelujah 🙌
Amen 🙏


  I DECLARE I am equipped for every good work God has planned and prepared for my life. I am anointed and empowered by t...

I DECLARE I am equipped for every good work God has planned and prepared for my life.

I am anointed and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do works in this season in the name of Jesus Christ.

I am blessed to be a blessing to my world in the name of Jesus Christ.

Every bo***ge, every limitation, is being removed in the name of Jesus Christ.

This is my time to shine. I will rise higher, overcome every obstacle, and experience victory like never before in the name of Jesus Christ!
Hallelujah 🙌
Amen 🙏


PROSPERITY CONVICTIONSI affirm that I have a perfect and balanced life; I’m prospering spiritually, physically and mater...


I affirm that I have a perfect and balanced life; I’m prospering spiritually, physically and materially. By the Spirit of God that dwells in me, I’m fruitful in every good work. He makes all things beautiful, and has granted me an extraordinary capacity to contemplate, think, envision and see endless possibilities. I bring forth riches and wealth from within me. No matter what happens, I’ll always be on top, because everything I require for absolute victory and supernatural prosperity is in my spirit. I’m like a tree planted by the waters and does not cease to produce fruit. Money keeps flowing to me by free course from all directions. Glory!


Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank You for this brand-new day. I confess that Your Word is not only food for m...

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I thank You for this brand-new day.

I confess that Your Word is not only food for my spirit but also produces health in me, making me vibrant and productive.

It is medicine and life to my body. I’m born of the incorruptible seed of the Word; therefore, my life is sustained by the Word.

I acknowledge the divine life in me that dispels sickness, disease, and infirmity in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Hallelujah 🙌
Amen 🙏


"Father, I affirm that You can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to Your power that w...

"Father, I affirm that You can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to Your power that works in us,"*

I affirm that the power of the Holy Spirit is at work in me and I will receive exceedingly, abundantly above all that I ask or think in the name of Jesus Christ.

I declare and affirm that, I will be in the right place at the right time.
Circumstances will be divinely orchestrated in my favour for my good in the name of Jesus Christ.
Hallelujah 🙌
Amen 🙏


Dear Father, do the new thing in my life according to Your Word.Yesterday is gone,Another day has come.Lift me to a new ...

Dear Father, do the new thing in my life according to Your Word.
Yesterday is gone,
Another day has come.

Lift me to a new height.
Let the water flow in my desert according to Your Word,
And highway in my forest.

Let me see Your goodness in the land of the living in the name of Jesus Christ!
Hallelujah 🙌
Amen 🙏


Thank you Father for my assignment and calling to - “Be fruitful and increase in number;fill the earthand subdue it. Rul...

Thank you Father for my assignment and calling to - “Be fruitful and increase in number;
fill the earth
and subdue it.
Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.

I confess and affirm that,
I am fruitful
I increase in number
I fill the earth and
I subdue it.
I rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Hallelujah 🙌
Amen 🙏


I affirm that through the Word of God, my mind is renewed and my spirit is enlightened to see my future and see the grea...

I affirm that through the Word of God, my mind is renewed and my spirit is enlightened to see my future and see the greatness, success, victory, and prosperity which God has ordained to be my day-to-day experience in Christ!

The Lord has caused all grace (every favour and earthly blessing) to abound towards me, and I am sufficient in His sufficiency, fruitful in every good work. I am a success for Jesus, and I win for Him always.

I refuse to be limited by contrary forces around me; I accomplish the impossible, I do the spectacular and reach for the peak in all my endeavours by the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory to God!
Hallelujah 🙌!
Amen 🙏


So tell them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the LORD, I will do to you the very thing I heard you say. Numbers 14:28Wha...

So tell them, ‘As surely as I live, declares the LORD, I will do to you the very thing I heard you say. Numbers 14:28

What are you saying about this new year?

What is the name of 2023 according to you?

"I will do to you the very thing I heard you say."

You are not supposed to be saying the negatives that you are seeing but the positives that you want to see.

"whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name."

"He is the same yesterday and today and forever" - Hebrews 13:8

So, keep saying it.
Don't stop talking it.
If you stick to the Word of God,
Always declaring and decreeing your faith instead of your fears.
You will surely come back with a testimony.

Kindly Say these out Loud with me:

I am what God says I am.
I can do what God says I can do.
Because greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

I am blessed to have everything in my life to make it successful in 2023.

I am harder than all the challenges and hurdles lying in my way this year.

I have infinite potential to grow and improve in every area of my life this year.

Hallelujah 🙌
Amen! 🙏


Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ CσnfҽssiσɳsI live in the glorious liberty of my divine life in Christ. I grow daily in grace and in the wi...

Dívíɳҽ 卄ealtɧ Cσnfҽssiσɳs

I live in the glorious liberty of my divine life in Christ. I grow daily in grace and in the wisdom of God. My body is sound; its systems and organs are functioning perfectly. I’m waxing stronger and stronger every day. Amen.



Father, in the name of Jesus, I affirm that, You are my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me]. therefore, I shal...

Father, in the name of Jesus, I affirm that, You are my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me]. therefore, I shall not want.

You lets me lie down in green pastures; You leads me beside the still and quiet waters. You refreshes and restores my soul (life); You leads me in the paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the [sunless] valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod [to protect] and Your staff [to guide], they comfort and console me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You have anointed and refreshed my head with oil; My cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy and unfailing love shall follow me all the days of my life, And I shall dwell forever [throughout all my days] in Your house and in Your presence.
Psalms 23:1 - 6


  I’ve got divine health working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! I dec...

I’ve got divine health working in every fiber of my being, every cell of my blood, and in every bone of my body! I declare that I have passed from death unto life; I have been translated from darkness into God’s marvelous light.


 Satan, the god of this world, has nothing in me! The Lord has given me dominion over the flesh, to guard my heart and m...

Satan, the god of this world, has nothing in me! The Lord has given me dominion over the flesh, to guard my heart and mind with all diligence. No unwholesome thought can take root in my heart. My spirit, my mind and my body are yielded to the Word and purified by the Word every day, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.


 I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life that energizes me daily. Eternal life ...

I am not shaken by the wind because I am rooted and grounded in the Word of life that energizes me daily. Eternal life is at work in every fiber of my being, repelling sickness, disease, infirmity, death, poverty, and everything inconsistent with the divine life in Christ.


No Condemnation

No Condemnation


Your life can't rise above the level of your knowledge.


Everyday is Day Because my mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, He keeps me in perfect peac...

Everyday is


Because my mind is stayed on the Lord and my trust is in my heavenly Father, He keeps me in perfect peace with health, strength, and vitality. I am impregnable to sickness, disease, and death. I live the glory life every day and it is evident for all to see. Hallelujah!


 Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for ...

Christ in me is my hope of glory! No sickness, disease, or infirmity can clasp itself to my body. There’s no place for the devil in my life because I am full of the Holy Spirit at all times. I refuse to fall prey to the devil’s wiles and deceptions. The very life and nature of God are operational in me, making it impossible for me to contract any disease or infection. Glory to God!








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