Time only exists because things end. Nothing lasts forever, therefore, we had to have a measure as to when things start and when things end. Also with the rising and setting of the sun and the changing moons, we created measurements. So we "time" when things start and end by using the rising and setting of the sun (days) and the moon cycle (years) to determine how long or short a thing lasted. Now, everything is "timed" and thus TIME was created.
Knowing that not everything lasts for days, there had to be a measure to time events smaller than the days and that is where Mathematics and it's siblings came in. We divided the full day (day and night) into 24 units called hours. But hours are also quite lengthy. You could start eating and finish your meal and an hour will still not have passed. So the hour was broken into little units called minutes. And so we also had seconds.
It can be argued that time was invented but if things never lasted forever, then there has been a limited existence given to living things by a Higher Power. A limit as to how long any life can last. That limit must be known. But we have already known this. TIME is that limit. Time wasn't invented, it was created. We live in a world of limits. We are limited by TIME (how long we will last), SPACE (how far we can reach), MATTER (physical properties that determine what can or cannot be done.)
There's no such thing is a FREE FLOWING way of life. Everything have been well structured and limits have been put in place. Rewards and consequences happens all the time. Every action, thought, inaction, or whatever produces a reward or a consequence. This is evidence enough that a Higher Order & Power put into motion, the universe. This could never have happened by accident.