The company organises music events, has a party equipment rental department, creates media productions and has a record label and recording & rehearsal studio. The man behind Top Kings Entertainment
The CEO and founder of Top Kings Entertainment is Friction; known by many for his accomplishments in the music industry; Friction is the founder and former leader of one of Ghana's most popular music g
roups V.I.P. Friction, however, is just as active behind the scenes with all he is doing with Top Kings Entertainment as he is as an artist in the spotlight. He get his knowledge and skills of the business side of the music industry not only from his experience as an artist, but also from his time as a student of the Dutch Music University The Rockacademy. In 2006 he was admitted to that music university as the first African student ever, which gave him the chance to learn more about all sides of the music industry. With Top Kings Entertainment he combines his love for music and business, and he brings his vision alive of establishing a multi facet music business to create powerful, impressive music productions, events and other related products.