KALO TV GH Born to inspire others

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There is a young Ghana guy dreaming to establish a company in Ghana called KALO FARMS his dream is to provide quality food for human consum...

My name is Tomorrow "not my real name", I own a company, none of my staff knew me as the owner except the Manager and th...

My name is Tomorrow "not my real name", I own a company, none of my staff knew me as the owner except the Manager and the Secretary. (I had told them not to disclose my identity).

I don't usually go for a visit.
One day, I visited the company and I saw my Ex wife, who had thrown me out of my own house. I asked the Manager and he said she is one of their staff.

I instructed the Manager to promote her to Personnel Officer, gave her a car, a bungalow, garden boy, security and other emoluments. An undeserved position though, of which he did.

A month later, I went there as a job seeker. As soon as she saw me with my application and CV, she rejected me outright, threw my application at my face, and immediately retrieved it from the floor and tore it to pieces and threw it into the waste bin. After regaling me with all my past, she informed me I would never get employment nor an opportunity at the company. Also, she swore on heaven and the earth that all this would happen. She boldly declared that the only way I’d get employment at the company was over her cold dead body.

I came the following day with another application and went on my knees to beg her, but she refused and spat into the waste bin and said even if I was the only bridge to cross to come to work, she would opt for a boat and called the security men to throw me out, so I left.

One day, I went to the company in my real identity and entered her office with the Manager who introduced me to her, she quickly knelt down crying and begging me, "the proposed rejected bridge.” She informed me that her entire family depended on her for survival. If her employment was terminated, she added, life would be absolutely horrendous not only for her but also her entire family. She even promised to remarry me.

We both stood there motionless and speechless which left the Manager befuddled.

Many things started racing in my head. Should I call for the police? Should I strip her of her current position to her former position? Should I cancel the unqualified benefits given to her? Should I accept such a woman back?

I'm still standing at her office indecisive.

If you were in my shoes, what would you do?


Whenever you are dealing with people, you must always remember that there is tomorrow and you might nΓ©ed them tomorrow. You may end up needing help from the people who are asking for your help today, so help as much as you can.

Life is like a moving wheel, sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. Sometimes we destroy the bridges that we might need to help us cross back tomorrow. Sometimes we treat people as though there is never going to be tomorrow. We sometimes act as though we will never need help from anyone. Remember there's tomorrow.

Joseph helped the cupbearer in prison and later the cupbearer connected Joseph with Pharaoh. Imagine how Portiphar's wife felt when she heard that Joseph was now the Governor of Egypt, after she had falsely accused him. The brother who sold Joseph away ended up being fed by him. Don't ever think of going to the extreme with your offenders, they might be rescuers tomorrow. Always remember that there is tomorrow and it will surely come.

The little help you give to people today, will profit you tomorrow.
May the good Lord touch your heart to live your life knowing that there is tomorrow.

In Everything You Do, Always
Remember That,There Is Tomorrow.

I just hope you've learnt something.

Thank You So Much For Reading Through😊.
Please Don't Forget To Help Me Follow Kairo Gomez


I love animals πŸ’—


God may God help πŸ™


Dubai metro music festival 🎎


Keep trusting yourself there is victory after the storm πŸ˜—

Stay focused and don't look side and side

Stay focused and don't look side and side

this video describes how we copy other peoples without focusing on ourselves


Face to face with God


This last week of this month is a month to promote your page,we call it follow 4 follow
Follow me and I will follow u back

A King had a male servant who in all circumstances always told him;  My King, do not be discouraged because *God never m...

A King had a male servant who in all circumstances always told him; My King, do not be discouraged because *God never makes mistakes*. One day they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king, the servant managed to kill the animal but couldn't save his majesty from losing a finger. Furious and without showing gratitude, the King said; If God was good, I wouldn't have been attacked and lost a finger. The servant answered: 'despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good and everything he does is perfect, he is never wrong'. Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant. While he was taken to prison, he again said to the king: God is good and perfect. Another day, the king went alone for another hunt and was captured by savages who use human beings for sacrifice. On the altar, the savages discovered that the king did not have a finger in place, he was freed because he was not considered "complete" to be offered to the gods. On his return to the palace, he ordered the release of his servant and said; My friend, God was really good to me. I was almost killed but for lack of a single finger, I was let go. But I have a question; If God is so good, why did he allow me to put you in prison? His servant answered; My king, if I hadn't been put in prison, I would have gone with you, and I would have been sacrificed, because I don't have a missing finger. Everything God does is perfect, he is never wrong. Often we complain about life, and the negative things that happen to us, forgetting that everything happens for a purpose. God knows why you are reading this post today, please bless someone with it by sharing it. God is good and perfect!! My dear friend, a good attitude will determine your altitude. When you look at your life, your career, your work or your family life, what do you say? Do you praise God? Do you blame Satan? A right attitude toward God moves him forward on your behalf. Sit down and say: Today, I'm grateful to have had a peaceful sleep, I'm grateful to be alive with possibilities, I'm happy to have a roof over me, I'm grateful to have a job, I'm grateful to have family and friends. Above all, I am grateful to have God in my life. Be blessed and don't be envious or shocked when others prosper because you don't know what they went through to get there (trial, trials and tribulation) so thank God for what you have. "Little is a lot when God is in it. It's good with the grace of God. Touch someone's life with this message if God is for us, who can be against us? Stop reading if you can't share the message. God saw you struggling with something. God says it's over. A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in God, share this message to 5 different whatsapp groups, don't ignore, God is going to work out two (BIG) things for you. If you believe in God, stop whatever you are doing and share it. Tomorrow will be the best day of your life.

*don't ignore*


kofikinaataneba is the best I know

LET YOUR FOCUS BE ON GOD ONLY NOT OTHERS AROUND YOU  Some years ago a lady decided to stop going to church due to the at...

Some years ago a lady decided to stop going to church due to the attitude of some of the church members,so she went to her pastor's house to inform him that she has stopped the church,she will not attend church again and the pastor said ok,but can she tell him the reason why she is stopping the church?,she said that some of the church members are not serious,they always pay attention to their phones more than listening to the word of God and others also always gossip about others and a whole lot of unaccepted attitude, so thus why she is stopping the church,the pastor one more than said ok,but before you go I want you to do one thing for me,and the lady said ok I will,so the pastor told her to take a glass of water and walk around the church two times without allowing a little water to drop on the ground, the lady said ok and she started,she went for the first round without dropping a water, and she continued with the second round and also she didn't dropped any water on the ground, and after that the pastor asked the lady what did you see when you were walking around the church?,the lady replied I didn't see anything and the pastor asked again why ? The lady said because all my attention and focus was on the glass because I didn't want the water to drop. The pastor said perfect,thus how you should be as a Christian, you have to focus on God only not on other church members because each one will render his/her own account on the day of judgement.

Lesson: looking at others and paying much attention to them will lead your life to darkness, stay positive and focus on God only because in him is life πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ peace be unto us all till we get in touch again


Just for fun πŸ˜œπŸ™‚


Your activeness today determines your success tomorrow,so be strong and of good courage


I just love mark πŸ˜…β€ΌοΈ angel ,thy guy be to much, let's enjoy the show together


Let's laugh πŸ˜‚ together 🀣

Half education is very risky get in touch with this story and learn something out of it.  Not long ago the was a young m...

Half education is very risky get in touch with this story and learn something out of it.

Not long ago the was a young man who was cleaning an AIRPLANE,he saw a book and he picked it up, and they have written HOW TO FLY AIRPLANE VOLUME 1 so he decided to check it out,he opened the first page and it's was written press redπŸ›‘ to start the engine and he did,so the engine started working, and he opened to the second page there also it was written press the blue πŸ”΅ button to start moving so he did and the plane started moving fast so he was excited πŸ˜† and he opened to page three which also directed him to press green 🟒 if he wants to fly πŸ•ŠοΈ so he did and the plane started to fly to the sky so he was so amazed that he has been able to fly an AIRPLANE, so he spent about 30 minutes in the sky feeling cool 😎 so he decided to land the plane so he opened the book to page four and page four was written IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW TO LAND BUY VOLUME 2 FROM THE NEAREST SHOP.....what is the moral lesson in this short story let's try our best by commenting on it

              Get in touch KALO TV GH Some years ago the was a small village in the western North region call karlo, the...

Get in touch KALO TV GH
Some years ago the was a small village in the western North region call karlo, they were so faithful to God and so God always answers their prayers anytime they put a request before him.
So not long ago things started to change in the village they started experiencing heavy sun shines and the was no rain for some months and things started to dry up, so the people's were confused about what was happening to them, so the king of the village called all the people to fast and pray so that God can have mercy on them and changes things, because things are out of control,so the people's followed the instructions given by the king and they all fasted for a week with prayers,and the last day of their prayers, they all gathered and once they were praying, God sent an angel to come and ask the people, that are they sure that they want rain to fall?, and nothing else?, they said yes we need rain( water),. God sent another angel and they repeated they same answer,( yes we need rain)
God sent another angel for the third time and they said yes we need rain ( water). So God said so shall your faith be, and truly it started raining, so everyone was excited about the miracles and they were praising God for what he has done for them. The rain continued for one (1) solid month without stopping and the were flood all over the village, they king of the village became confused and was thinking maybe someone has done something wrong that is why the lord is punishing them that way, so the king didn't know what to do next, he then called all the elders in the village to bring out their opinions and how the can solve this problem, so at their meeting one of the elders suggested that they should fast and pray again so that God can forgive them if they have sin against him, one also said GOD IS ALL KNOWING so they should not put a request before the lord, but rather God will should be done, and they all agreed and announced for another week of fasting and prayers in the village, and they all did as the king said. The last day of their prayers and fasting they gathered again this time God did not send any angel but rather he answered their prayers so everything came back to normal. They king then said wow what a mighty God we serve, he knows what we need at a time. Thank you lord πŸ™Œ

* God is all knowing,; meaning he knows what is good for us at any point in time or in life so we should always ask for his

*Sometimes our prayers get delay because we don't request for the right thing at the right time

* We should love God with all our heart and soul

Please let's add more

Now let's share this prayer together, Dear lord we thank you so much for the love you have shown us and also the corrections you are doing in our lives we appreciate your love, please forgive us our past and renew our broken heart to love and understand ur will for us Amen πŸ™πŸ˜‡ please let's share to encourage everyone and also the writer πŸ™πŸ€² stay blessed πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ˜‡

  story of a rich man and a poor Businessman # get in touch KALO TV GH The was a businessman who went for a loan from a ...

story of a rich man and a poor Businessman # get in touch KALO TV GH
The was a businessman who went for a loan from a rich man to setup a business, but unfortunately for the businessman things didn't go as he expected, so he runned at a lost and the business collapse. He had no option to pay back the loan, so he went to the rich man for favour but the rich man said there is only one person who can make everything clear, and that person is no one than the poor businessman beautiful daughter. The rich man said he will give her two options, he will place two marbles in a bag one is black and the other is white when the girl picks the black she will marry the old rich man the poor businessman will not pay back the loan, and when the girl picks up the white she will not marry the old rich man and the same time her father (the poor businessman) will not pay back the loan. So they all agreed on that option,so the rich man came out from his room with two bags and placed it on the floor where everyone can see it very clear and was the same time holding the marbles, but unfortunately the poor businessman beautiful daughter saw that the rich man was holding only two white marbles which means any bag that the girl picks she will still marry the rich old man, for u the reader at this point, if you are the girl what will be ur action? And why will u do that ?. Please let's share ideas together ❀️ I will continue next week but still I need ur answers too at this point. Thanks for reading and sharing ur Idea with us. share to other people let's see their answers too follow us TV GH


Have a positive mind and u will be a winner in life no matter how hard it looks like πŸ’― kalotvgh


Forget about yesterday because it is gone, concentrate on today because it is now and focus on tomorrow because tomorrow is yet to come snr. GOMEZ


Be motivated by ur future dreams and also believe that;
I can
I will
I must
And never forget to tell God that he should let his will be done πŸ™πŸ’—


The more u go higher the more u humble urself πŸ’ͺ


If you haven't stop dreaming big in life keep doing good always, because those good deeds will come in your dreams one day


Praise the lord πŸ™Œ for he deserves πŸ™ all praise πŸ™ŒπŸ™


This video describes the effects of anger,Please let us love because love is of God


Don't forget to say let's ur ( will be done ) God πŸ™ our will always leads us to total destruction







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