Be Courageous in Spreading the Truth and Facing the People of Falsehood - Sheikh Ibn Uthaymin #SalafiGhana
3 Ways to Give Care to Your Actions _ Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli حفظه الله #salafighana
Whenever You Have Trouble Understanding a Matter from the Texts _ Shaykh Saleh Sindi حفظه الله #salafighana
من هم اهل الذكر؟
Who are the Ahl ad-Dhikr - Sheikh Al-Albani
اهل الذكر هم اهل القرآن.
Ahl Ad-Dhikr (People of Dhikr) are the Ahl al-Qur’ān (People of the Qur’ān).
وأهل القرآن ليسو هم الذين يقرؤون القرآن و يحسنون تقويمه وقراءته جيدا ثم لا يكادون يفقهون منه شيئا ولو قليلا
هولاء ليسوا هم أهل القرآن
And the people of the Qur’ān are not the ones who recite the Qur'ān well it's then hardly understand anything from it, not even a little.These are not from the people of the Qur’ān.
أهل القرآن والذين أثنى عليهم رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في الحديث خاص:
اهل القران هم اهل الله وخاصته
Ahl-al Qur’ān (People of the Qur’ān),are the ones whom the Prophet ﷺ praised in a specific hadith:
"The People of the Qur’ān are the People of Allāh who are special to him."
هم الذين يفهمون القرآن
ويفسرونه على ما كان عليه زمن نزوله على قلب النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام.
They are the ones who understand the Qur'ān and explain it as it was during the time of revelation upon the heart of the Prophet ﷺ.
أي على ما كان عليه سلفنا الصالح
Meaning based on what our Salaf Al-Sālih (pious predecessors) were upon.
هولاء هم اهل الذكر.
الذين يجب على عامة المسلمين ان يسألوهم.
These are the People of Dhikr, the ones the common Muslims/ laymen should ask. #salafighana
What Should a Woman do if She has Many Years of Fasting to Make up for? - Sheikh Al-Albānī
السائل: ماذا تفعل المرأة لو عليها سنوات عديدة؟ تقضي أياما قليلة ثم يدخل رمضان آخر وهكذا.
Questioner: What should a woman do, if she has to make up fasting for many years? She makes up for a few days, then, the next Ramaḍān enters and likewise (is her situation).
الشيخ: تقضي تستمر في القضاء وتعجل في القضاء خشية أن يأتيها الموت. هذا الإيجاز.
The Sheikh: She makes up (the fasts) and continues doing so. She hastens to it, fearing that death may come to her. This is the summarized (answer). #salafighana
What is the Evidence that Salafiyyah is the Correct Path - Sheikh Al-Albānī
السائل : يقول : فضيلة الشيخ ، سمعناك تردِّد بجزم أن طريقنا السلفي هو الصحيح ، وهو المُوصِّل ، وهو الوحيد ، فما الدليل على هذا الجزم ؟
Questioner: He says, Noble Sheikh we heard you repeatedly saying with certainty that our salafi path is the correct path and the only one that leads to the (truth).
What is the evidence for this certainty?
الشيخ : يبدو أن السائل ما حضر جلسات إخواننا السلفيين إلا لأوَّل مرة ،
Sheikh: It is apparent that this is the first time the questioner is attending the gatherings of our salafī brothers.
ماذا يقول هذا السائل لمن يقول : طريقنا قال الله ، قال رسول الله ، قال السلف الصالح ؟ هل طريق غير هذا الطريق ؟
What will this questioner say to those who say: Our path is What Allāh said, The Messenger of Allāh ﷺ said, and the Salaf Al-Sālih (pious predecessors) said?
Is there any path other than this path?
فإن كان الجواب كما نرجو " لا طريق إلا هذا " ،
If (he gives) the answer like we hope "There is no path than this,"
فإذًا من فمك أُدينُكَ ،
then we take what you said.
وإن كان يظنُّ أن هناك طريق أخرى فليُبيِّنها لنا حتى نُثبت له خطأ هذا القول .
However, if he thinks there is another path, let him explain it, so we can clarify to him the error of this statement. #salafighana
Voluntary Acts Benefit the One Who had Left off Obligatory Acts Intentionally - Sheikh Al-Albānī
السائل: من أفطر متعمدا، هل ينفعه صيام التطوع حيث لا دليل على قضاء الفطر المتعمد؟
Questioner: Do voluntary fasts benefit the one who breaks his fast intentionally in Ramaḍān as there is no evidence for making up intentionally broken fasts?
الشيخ: لا شك أنه ينفعه كالذي كان قد ضيع كثيرا من الفرائض فينفعه أن يعوض مما فاته بصلاة النوافل
Sheikh: Undoubtedly, it benefits him. Like the one who missed many of the obligatory (prayers), so it benefits him that he compensates for what he missed with voluntary prayers.
كذلك الذي أفطر يوما من رمضان أو أفطر عامدا متعمدا فلا سبيل له إلى قضائه،
Likewise, the one who breaks his fast intentionally for a day or more in Ramaḍān, there's no way for him to make those up.
وهو آثم. أشد الإثم حتى يتوب إلى الله عز وجل توبة نصوحا ،
He is a sinner, great is the sin, until he repents sincerely to Allāh ﷻ.
وليعوض ما فاته من الحسنات بسبب إفطاره فيكثر من النوافل حتى يعوض شيئا مما فاته . نعم .
He should compensate for the good deeds that he had lost because of breaking the fast. So, he should increase in voluntary acts until he compensates a little of what he had missed. #salafighana
Placing Hands On The Chest In Salah Is Makruh - Shaykh Abdulsalam Al Shuwayir حفظه الله #salafighana
Reciting Surah al-Fatiha in funerals and weddings is not part of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ in the slightest!
الشيخ أ.د. أنيس بن أحمد طاهر الإندونيسي حفظه الله #salafighana
The believer from the people of Firawn - مؤمن آل فرعون
The Great Merits of Reciting the Qur’an with Contemplation: ibn al-Qayyim
The great scholar ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah once wrote:
فَلَو علم النَّاس مَا فِي قِرَاءَة الْقُرْآن بالتدبر لاشتغلوا بهَا عَن كل مَا سواهَا فَإِذا قَرَأَهُ بتفكر حَتَّى مر بِآيَة وَهُوَ مُحْتَاجا إِلَيْهَا فِي شِفَاء قلبه كررها وَلَو مائَة مرّة وَلَو لَيْلَة فقراءة آيَة بتفكر وتفهم خير من قِرَاءَة ختمة بِغَيْر تدبر وتفهم وأنفع للقلب وأدعى الى حُصُول الايمان وذوق حلاوة الْقُرْآن وَهَذِه كَانَت عَادَة السّلف يردد احدهم الاية الى الصَّباح وَقد ثَبت عَن النَّبِي انه قَامَ بِآيَة يُرَدِّدهَا حَتَّى الصَّباح وَهِي قَوْله {إِن تُعَذبهُمْ فَإِنَّهُم عِبَادك وَإِن تغْفر لَهُم فَإنَّك أَنْت الْعَزِيز الْحَكِيم} فقراءة الْقُرْآن بالتفكر هِيَ اصل صَلَاح الْقلب . ـ
If people only knew the great value of reciting the Qur’an with reflection, then they would devote themselves to it above anything else. For when one recites with contemplation, when he comes across an ayah which contains something needed to rectify his heart, he would repeat that ayah, perhaps as many as one hundred times or even for the entire night! For reciting a single ayah with contemplation and understanding is better, more beneficial for one’s heart, and more likely to bring about an increase in eemaan and tasting the sweetness of the Qur’an than reciting the entire Qur’an without reflection or understanding.
This used to be the practice of the Salaf, that one of them might repeat a single ayah until the morning came. It h
Bear This in Mind While You Have Wealth at Your Disposal...Shaykh Sulayman al-Ruhayli حفظه الله #SalafiGhana #SalafiGhana
Clarifying Misconceptions is Obligatory for the Schoalrs and Refutations are Jihad
By Sh.Mohd Bazmool حَفِظَهُ
اللّهُ #salafighana
How to Aid the Ummah and Islām - Sheikh Al-Albānī #salafighana
Meaning of the Ayah "Successful Indeed are The Believers" - Sheikh Al-Albani
المصلي الذي صلى الصلاة بكل أركانها وواجباتها ولكنه لم يخشع فيها لله تبارك وتعالى
The one who performs the prayer with all of its arkān (pillars) and wājibāt (obligations), but he did not have khushoo' to Allah the Exalted in it,
نقول إنه صلى لكنه ما صلى
we say he prayed but he didn't pray.
صلى صلاة ظاهرا مقبولة في حكم الشرع الذي علمناه
(meaning,) He prayed an outwardly acceptable prayer according to the islamic ruling that we know.
لكنه ما صلى تلك الصلاة الكاملة التي وصف بها المؤمنون الكمّل في الآية السابقة
However, he did not pray that complete prayer with which the perfect believers have been described in the previous ayah,
وهي قوله عز وجل (( قد أفلح المؤمنون الذين هم في صلاتهم خاشعون ))
(The meaning of the saying of Allah):
"Successful indeed are the believers, Those who offer their Salah (prayers) with khushoo (tranquility and full submissiveness)" #salafighana
What is Their Position on the Scholars of Sunnah ?
Sh.Sulayman Al-Ruhayli حفظه الله
Important of child good education #salafighana
Plot Of Shaitan And Dhikr #salafighana
#fullmoon Were the Prophets Alive When The Prophet ﷺ Spoke During Isra - Sheikh Al-Fawzan #salafighana