
TinaPixel Disabled Gamer and Dog Mom All announced live streaming events will follow the Alberta, Canada Mountain Time Zone
(UTC-7:00 / North America Mountain Time Zone)

This page is rated for Mature Viewers Only, due to adult language, adult topics, and some games being rated Mature(17+), or Adult(18+). Despite some games being in the Rated: E for Everyone(Family friendly) category, and we ask that parents do not allow their children to view this page and watch the streams, or use this page and it's streams as children's entertainment, even when related to family

friendly content. There are many misconceptions about gaming such as "Only kids play video games and/or stream" or 'Only men can play video games and/or stream", despite the fact that only 20% of all gamers are children and 80% of gamers are adults over 18 years old, and 45% of gamers identify as female.

Happy Canada Day Pixels! I apologize for posting way later in the day than I normally do, and I apologize that I haven’t...

Happy Canada Day Pixels! I apologize for posting way later in the day than I normally do, and I apologize that I haven’t posted for ages. Unfortunately my physical health issues haven’t been the best lately, and my mental health hasn’t been the greatest either. Some of my mental health issues that I’ve been dealing with for years include battling Clinical Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which many other people around the world also unfortunately experience. Since Auggie and Flick both passed away, I’ve noticed that I’ve been physically ill way more often due the anxiety, grief, and stress affecting me, while also affecting my Clinical Depression, Anxiety Disorder, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. While I deal with my mental health I’m also changing my stream overlay slightly for a better viewing experience, and I feel like I’m in a better place to start posting more frequently. I’m still wanting to stream as soon as I possibly can, so I’m trying my best to get things done while I work on my mental health. I have quite a few things that I want to post and I’ll be doing that over the next few days, so please keep an eye out for my latest posts.

Hey Pixels, I wanted to wish all human and pet moms Mothers Day acknowledgments today, even if your children or pets hav...

Hey Pixels, I wanted to wish all human and pet moms Mothers Day acknowledgments today, even if your children or pets have passed away. Today is the first Mothers Day since my boys passed, and I didn’t realize how sad it would be. I never had children of my own but I’ve experienced pregnancy loss. Every Mothers Day I’d have friends send me acknowledgments as a dog mom, but never mentioning pregnancy loss. This year since my boys passed, friends that previously sent me Mothers Day acknowledgments every year in the past, have sadly not say a single word to me about my dogs loss or pregnancy loss. It made me feel sad like they’re forgotten.

While browsing Reddit I came across a post of someone sending Mothers Day acknowledgements to all who have had pets that have passed, and they reminded that even though our pets have passed, we’re still their moms and always will be their moms. Included in the comments were people who have sadly lost pregnancies and children, who also experienced people no longer acknowledging them on Mothers Day after their pregnancy loss and child loss, and it’s caused them to also feel sad and feel like they’re forgotten. I’ve experienced both pregnancy loss and pet loss, but just because they’re gone it doesn’t mean that I’m no longer their mom, and the same goes for others who have also experienced loss.

Mother’s Day is meant to be a celebration, but please remember that there’s also people grieving for their mothers who have passed away, mothers grieving for their lost pregnancies and human children and animal children who have passed away, mothers grieving for the children they’re longing for but unable to have, and mothers grieving for the children they’ve chosen not to have due to different reasons or circumstances. In my opinion being a mom is motherly actions of caring and love, not just having living children and living animals. So please remember all of the mothers out there on Mother’s Day, since each year many are sadly forgotten.


Hey Pixels! Today is the release of the Special Edition Nintendo Switch OLED - Tears of the Kingdom Edition, and fourteen days until the release of Tears of the Kingdom. This weekend I’ll be doing a bit of spring cleaning around the house, and working on reprogramming my Streamdeck with the ideas I have in mind. I’ll also update some of my graphics for my page and stream, and readjust my overlays. I will be backing up my original puppy cam overlays since my boys passed away, to keep them in case we adopt or rescue another dog in the future. I want to stream as soon as I have everything updated and my health issues permit, but with grieving my boys still I may start with a different game instead of Nintendogs. I’m still debating Nintendogs vs another game for my first stream because I’ve promised it several times, but I’ll make a decision soon based on how I’m feeling with my grief. I will definitely still be streaming Nintendogs, but I want to do so when I feel I’ll be able to handle my emotions with all of the dog talk that will come up. I have more updates planned as I want to get in the habit of posting more frequently, so please keep an eye out for my next post. For those who haven’t seen the Special Edition Tears of the Kingdom OLED yet, here’s a promotional video of it created by Nintendo.


Hey Pixels! It’s only three more days until the Tears of the Kingdom Switch OLED is released, seventeen days until Tears of the Kingdom releases, and approximately six years since Breath of the Wild was released! After all this time, someone finally discovered what the Dragon Portals do! Lmao, just kidding, this video made me cackle so I couldn’t resist sharing! H/T to MrOrdun on Reddit who shared this to r/Breath_of_the_Wild a few days ago.

Hey Pixels! I apologize once again for not updating, but better late than never I suppose. I’ve been missing my boys so ...

Hey Pixels! I apologize once again for not updating, but better late than never I suppose. I’ve been missing my boys so much lately, and the house just isn’t the same without them. I’ve been trying to distract myself by trying to stay busy, but that’s a tough task due to chronic illness and chronic pain. I thought about trying to do a surprise first stream to distract myself, but unfortunately my one Streamdeck lost its settings due to an update, and my backup file won’t load so I’ll have to redo those settings. I have some brand new ideas for my Streamdeck settings so I was planning to redo them anyhow, so it’s not a major issue at all. I also realized I had my stream overlays setup for a puppy cam, so rather than totally scrapping those bits I’m going to slightly change my overlay but keep the old files in storage. I’m also planning a few other updates and a few other surprises, so I’m planning to try my best to update in the coming days. I’m also planning to get a few things done with my settings and overlay and around the house, and I’m hoping my health issues cooperate to have everything done quickly to be able to stream. I admit it’s tough concentrating on things while I’m suffering from my health issues and missing my boys so much, but I’m glad I have some sweet pictures I can look at to remember my boys. Here’s a picture of Auggie and Flick from back in 2013, hanging out together on the backyard deck.

Hey Pixels, I apologize for not posting at all lately. Flick’s health declined due to a few causes that I may mention at...

Hey Pixels, I apologize for not posting at all lately. Flick’s health declined due to a few causes that I may mention at a later time, and he lost a lot of weight since Auggie passed away. Unfortunately Flick sadly passed away at home around 7:25am this morning at the age of fourteen years and six months old. Flick will be forever loved, and always in our hearts. I’ve been feeling really emotional with Auggie passing away, and now Flick passing away only six weeks later has been especially hard. Flick has been my shadow and always by my side, so his passing and still grieving for Auggie has hit me pretty hard. When I’m less emotional I may do a couple Facebook posts showing pictures of them both in happier times, but for the moment I need some time to grieve and deal with my emotions. 💕

Hey Pixels, just a reminder for those who are already aware, and a notice for those who aren’t aware yet. An hour from n...

Hey Pixels, just a reminder for those who are already aware, and a notice for those who aren’t aware yet. An hour from now Nintendo will be broadcasting their newest Direct live on their website, and it’ll focus on games launching during the first half of 2023. I’m really hoping they’ll have more news about Tears of the Kingdom, which I’ve been waiting patiently for to finally release after having so many delays. The broadcast starts at 3pm Mountain or 2pm Pacific on their website here: http://ninten.do/60155KAXF

Tune in at 2 p.m. PST tomorrow, Feb. 8, for a Nintendo Direct livestream featuring roughly 40 minutes of information mostly focused on Nintendo Switch games launching in the first half of 2023.

Watch it live here: http://ninten.do/60155KAXF

Hey Pixels, Auggie Doggie sadly passed away at home around 8:00am this morning at the age of fourteen years and seven mo...

Hey Pixels, Auggie Doggie sadly passed away at home around 8:00am this morning at the age of fourteen years and seven months old. Auggie will be forever loved, and always in our hearts. 💕

Hey Pixels, I apologize for not posting as promised. Lately my health issues haven’t been the best and neither have my t...

Hey Pixels, I apologize for not posting as promised. Lately my health issues haven’t been the best and neither have my two little dogs. This past Saturday we had to call the vet and head down around 10pm at night for our Black Miniature Poodle Flick who is 14.4 years old and was as p*eing blood. We arrived home around midnight and Flick is on an antibiotic now for a suspected Kidney Stone and is doing better. We also discovered that along with his being blind due to diabetes and insulin dependent for the last ten years, he has a Grade 5 out of 6 Heart Murmur. We have a stethoscope at home to listen to his heart, and it sadly sounds like sludge sloshing around in a barrel rather than a heartbeat, so one of these days we sadly expect him to pass due to heart failure. My little Blonde Lhasa Apso Auggie who’s 14.6 years old who is blind due to old age and has epilepsy, kidney failure, and liver failure, is unfortunately doing worse.

In January 2022 after having a Grand Maul Seizure lasting three minutes and a second that lasted four minutes, Auggie Doggie was put on Liquid Keppra for human infants as it’s the only safe medication for him with his Liver and Kidney Failure and Medications. Very slowly he started to go downhill while the Keppra reduced his episodes to Focal Seizures. Auggie since then also slowly had trouble walking with his back legs from time to time, and I believe his four minute seizure possibly caused some brain damage or a stroke. Two Saturdays ago while I was giving him a haircut, Auggie had a Grand Maul Seizure that lasted over four minutes which caused more issues with his back legs. Tuesday night before eating supper Auggie fell over and began to behave like he was having some type of seizure, but it’s likely he may have had a stroke since the seizure like activity only lasted a few seconds and he suddenly lost his full ability to walk that we needed to help him. Wednesday night Auggie had yet another Grand Maul seizure while I was with him outside, that caused him to p*e and p**p all over myself and himself. Oddly enough the seizure caused him to be able to walk again but with the same difficulty as before. It’s been a bit stressful so I may not post as much in the coming days, and I also feel that it’s not the best time to start streaming in the next week especially since my first game will be Nintendogs. With two real life dogs going downhill badly that both could pass at any moment or they may need to put to rest, it’s a bit hard to think about anything else right now. I’ll give another update soon, and here’s pictures of Mr Flick and Auggie Doggie in happier times.

Edit to add: Facebook is a bit broken today but I’ll still attempt to tag. I spoke with .corriveau.1 at Whitecourt Veterinary Clinic to get some info for down the road, and also update them on Flick and Auggie, give them a copy of this post before edit, and give them more details. My dad and I will keep watch with Flick and Auggie and take things day by day, but also discuss if we need to take options down the road depending on how the two boys are doing. Depending on my health issues as well since stress and worry can affect them, I may post a video update on how Flick and Auggie are doing so there’s a video record of their status. I’m also thinking of doing a few game preview videos for Nintendogs and Breath of the Wild, so please remember to follow my page so you don’t miss out on anything.

Happy New Year Pixels! I’ve had a busy and a little bit of an eventful new year so far already, so I apologize for my po...

Happy New Year Pixels! I’ve had a busy and a little bit of an eventful new year so far already, so I apologize for my post being delayed. The past year has had so many ups and downs for all of us, and I hope this year will be way better than the last for everyone. I’m extremely appreciative and I want to thank everyone who has been kind, compassionate, and understanding enough to stick with me while I’ve experienced so many delays with starting to stream due to my disability and health issues, computer issues, and other life issues that constantly kept popping up this past year. I have several posts and important updates I’ve been working on recently, so keep an eye out since I’ll be posting way more frequently and I’ll be spacing the posts out within the next few days.

Merry Christmas Pixels, and I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season! It’s late Christmas Eve and I haven’t b...

Merry Christmas Pixels, and I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season! It’s late Christmas Eve and I haven’t been able to post an update recently due to being hit super hard by the seasonal flu, along with constantly being hit by my chronic health issues and chronic pain issues. I admit it’s made things a bit rough this month, and unfortunately has slightly delayed some tasks on my to-do list. All of us around the world though have had to deal with plenty of ups and downs especially recently, so I hope you’re all hanging in there. The new year is getting close so no matter the ups or the downs, I hope everyone is able to make the best of this holiday season.

Hey Pixels, I apologize for the lack of updates for the past while. I’ve been dealing with my health issues on and off, ...

Hey Pixels, I apologize for the lack of updates for the past while. I’ve been dealing with my health issues on and off, but I’m trying my best to not let them get in my way too badly. I’ve done a little bit of Black Friday Online Shopping and I’m waiting on a couple of items before I stream, because even though I’m doing this as a hobby I want to produce the best content that I possibly can. One order is currently delayed in customs, but still I’m super excited and I hope it’ll arrive soon. Another order that I placed is delayed due to being a new release that’s in extremely high demand, but I’m hoping it ships in the next few weeks after speaking to the company. So I’m debating if I should wait for both of my orders to show before streaming, or if I should start before my final order shows up since you all have been already waiting a very long time to see me stream. Please keep watch for more updates and posts as I decide, and I still have several things I’m still planning to post about as I await my final items to arrive. If you’re reading this on Instagram then please make sure you’re following my Facebook Gaming Page TinaPixel, since some of my upcoming posts are video posts and Instagram only allows videos to be posted as Reels, so I will be making some posts only available on Facebook.

Hey Pixels, I apologize that it’s been ages since my last update. The saga of the horrible noisy neighbour continues and...

Hey Pixels, I apologize that it’s been ages since my last update. The saga of the horrible noisy neighbour continues and is still affecting those of us that live on our street. I’ve been sleeping way more during the day and awake at night due to my chronic health issues, and also due to the constant noise interruptions to my sleep every night.

The noisy neighbour is so loud that my Elgato Wave 3 Microphone is unfortunately able to pick up the noise and distortion since it’s a Condenser microphone, so I purchased the Elgato Wave DX Microphone which is a Dynamic Microphone and the Elgato Wave XLR Microphone Interface that goes with it. Condenser Microphones pick up a wider range of frequencies making them more sensitive, so they’re best used in a quiet and controlled recording environments. Dynamic Microphones focus on the sounds and frequencies directly in front of them so they’re less prone to background noises such as barking dogs, noise in other rooms, and most importantly noisy neighbours. So I’ve had to spend time totally redoing all of my audio setup and settings for my new hardware, and it feels like it’s taking me ages to get every setting right.

I’ve had a ton of ups and downs during this process of getting ready to stream that it’s taken me forever, but I absolutely refuse to let anything stop me or get in my way. I’m not happy that I’ve had to buy a new microphone due to the music my noisy neighbour blasts, but at the same time I’m happy to have a new microphone that doesn’t pick up the noise. I plan to post all of my long waiting posts, and as I get everything 100% ready I’ll post to let everyone know when I’m about to stream. So please make sure you’ve Liked and Followed my page to receive updates as I post them.

Happy Wednesday Pixels! It’s my birthday week, but this week feels pretty blah due to my chronic health issues and chron...

Happy Wednesday Pixels! It’s my birthday week, but this week feels pretty blah due to my chronic health issues and chronic pain. So I’ve been taking time to rest, which unfortunately means I haven’t gotten anything done that I’ve been working on. I’m super close to having everything done to stream, so I’m hoping sometime this week I might still be able to gather up enough energy and concentration to get everything done. I absolutely can’t wait until I have all of this setup stuff done, because even if I don’t feel well I feel it would be super easy to just click and go live and play a game, as opposed to having to concentrate to setup and organize stuff which is way more effort for me. I hope everyone has a great week, and stick around because I will have another post coming on Facebook with the latest Zelda News that came out yesterday that Im super excited about!

Happy Weekend Pixels! This week I’ve been in quite a bit of pain due to all of my chronic health issues as well as deali...

Happy Weekend Pixels! This week I’ve been in quite a bit of pain due to all of my chronic health issues as well as dealing with a hurt knee and hip, as I’ve been pushing to get things done. I have several things around the house finally done that were on my to do list, and I also have my Bedroom/Stream Room finally 100% organized exactly how I want it. I just have a few small things to finish up on my PC, and if I continue to push through my health issues I’ll have everything finally finished up this weekend. This coming week I do have dentist appointments on Tuesday and Thursday that I’m hoping I’m able to make it to despite my horrible chronic pain, as they’ve been booked for several months now. So once I have everything finished up, I’ll have to figure out which days I’ll have my afternoons free to stream. I may have some evening streams here and there, but I will be letting everyone know in advance on the specific days I’ll stream. So stay tuned for updates, and please remember to Like, Follow, and Share my Facebook Gaming Page! For those on other platforms you can find me at facebook.com/TinaPixel

Happy Friday Pixels! I wanted to give a new update. I’m trying my absolute best to get everything done as soon as I poss...

Happy Friday Pixels! I wanted to give a new update. I’m trying my absolute best to get everything done as soon as I possibly can, and I’m hoping I’ll be done very soon despite other things popping up and slowing me down along with my health issues interfering. This past weekend I installed new RAM in my new PC for faster processing sp*ed and increased performance. I also upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11 this past week, as I worried about putting off the upgrade and possibly facing upgrading related issues or delays down the road. Unfortunately I’ve been busy having to reinstall programs and redo settings that were reset back to default, so I’m glad I did the upgrade now rather than after I start streaming. Earlier this week Auggie Doggie was also extremely ill with Gastroenteritis. So my time was taken up with taking close care of him, and helping him while he was sick. I also had to shave his long flowing tail hair and shave the rest of his hair way shorter in order to make it easier to clean him up while he was sick. Auggie at times was so weak and lethargic that he had trouble standing, so I had to sit on the floor with him on my lap to trim his hair and it ended up triggering my hip issues and chronic pain issues. Auggie is now finally feeling much better, but my pain levels have totally spiked once again. I’m trying my best to push through my pain and get the rest of my to-do list finished up, so please keep an eye out for more updates.

Hey Pixels! I apologize for being slow to update, and I’m still busy trying to get everything sorted again to stream. I ...

Hey Pixels! I apologize for being slow to update, and I’m still busy trying to get everything sorted again to stream. I have all my programs, games, and most of my settings installed, but I still need to put a few things in place and finish up my 3DS Overlay Graphic again that I hadn’t yet backed up the final version before my PC crashed. Just like Europe and the United States, we’re dealing with heat lately here in many parts of Canada that’s not helping with my health issues at all, so I’m struggling to stay motivated to get everything finished up hence the slow progress. Starting from absolute scratch after a catastrophic PC failure and having to sort through thousands of backed up and unsorted files to add to a new PC is hard enough, but the hot weather and my health issues acting up make things way harder. I’m also trying to give haircuts to my two blind senior rescue dogs today but they’re just not cooperating either, and it’s nearly impossible trying to keep the house cool for us or the pooches. I’m hoping to get everything done soon, but it’s slow going due to the heat making me feel lethargic. I’ll give another update as soon as I can, so please stay tuned.

Hey Pixels, I apologize for the severe lack of updates this past week. As of this past weekend I had all of my files for...

Hey Pixels, I apologize for the severe lack of updates this past week. As of this past weekend I had all of my files for streaming finished and ready to go. Unfortunately my PC had a major catastrophic crash once again that I’ve been having to deal with, and I’ve also had to do a few other things this week that kept me busy. Luckily I’ve learned from my past PC issues, and I have a back up all of my files on a portable hard drive. I realize that I did forget to backup the DMCA Copyright Free and Royalty Free Music and a couple of other minor files as well, so I’ll need to get those ready to go again. I also need to give my two little senior disabled dogs haircuts to help them beat the summer heat, in between getting everything up and running again with my PC. Thankfully my chronic health issues and chronic pain issues haven’t complicated things for me, so that shouldn’t cause any delay at all. I do have quite a few programs to reinstall and quite a few files and settings to put back in place, so that in itself may take me a few days to get arranged again. I feel absolutely horrible that my PC is having issues once again, but please hold tight and I know many of you are just as eager for me to do my first streams as I am. I’ve been sp*ed reinstalling all of my programs due to starting off with a blank slate once again, and I’m aiming to get all of my files ready once again as quickly as I possibly can.

To celebrate Canada Day, Behaviour is giving away a new Maple Leaf Charm in Dead by Daylight! Enter code OCANADA until J...

To celebrate Canada Day, Behaviour is giving away a new Maple Leaf Charm in Dead by Daylight! Enter code OCANADA until July 15th to claim! For those who aren’t aware, Behaviour Interactive is a Canadian Video Game Developer based in Quebec and the creators of the game Dead By Daylight. Dead by Daylight is available to play on Windows(Steam and Epic), PlayStation(4 and 5), X Box(One, S, and X), Nintendo Switch(Lite, V1, V2, and OLED), Stadia, iOS, and Android, with Steam Deck support coming soon. Development of Dead by Daylight is funded by the “Canadian Media Fund”, which is a public-private partnership between the Department of Canadian Heritage and the Canadian Cable Industry. If you’re interested in giving it a try, many platforms are having summer sales at the moment, and it’s currently available for 60% off on Steam.



What better way to celebrate Canada Day than with a new charm, eh?

Enter code OCANADA by July 15th to unlock this cute Maple Leaf 🍁

Hey Pixels, here’s some tips to help keep your pets safe during the Canada Day Long Weekend!                            ...

Hey Pixels, here’s some tips to help keep your pets safe during the Canada Day Long Weekend!

Happy Canada Day Pixels! Yesterday my new chair for my PC finally arrived, and it took me a while but I was able to put ...

Happy Canada Day Pixels! Yesterday my new chair for my PC finally arrived, and it took me a while but I was able to put it together. So this weekend I'll be busy finishing up things on my PC as quickly as I can to stream, since I finally have a decent chair to sit in that I'm finally able to sit long enough to get things done that have been on my to-do list for ages. Here in my town the Canada Day Parade was cancelled due to not enough people and floats entering, and we’re also experiencing a thunderstorm and heavy rain that I’m sure is making things totally miserable for those who are outdoors today. Normally when we have wet weather on Canada Day it causes delay or postponement when it comes to the Fireworks Celebration, and we’re expecting the rain we’re experiencing to continue until just before the fireworks are set to begin. For those of you who have pets, please keep them safe this weekend. Fireworks and loud celebrations can cause a great deal of stress for pets, and sadly this time of the year many attempt to run away and become lost due to the extreme stress. I hope everyone has a safe and awesome long weekend, and try not to do anything crazy or dangerous out there!





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