Goodbye 2023, HELLO 2024!
It has been a pleasure for us to be your Family for the past three years.
As we embark on our personal journeys, we cannot hold any tryouts in CODM, ML and Valorant so the organization will be inactivated.
We hope to see you in the future, Predatorians, AND SEE YOU ON OUR 4TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY 🎉
This 2024, we will still be Undefeated, Undivided, we are PRX Esports❤️
Qq9 at crossfire🥹✨
Thank you CRUSH Gaming for being the BEST. You'll always be #PRXtraordinary
Ready for the Semis & Finals tomorrow?
Watch it LIVE here on PRX Esports 🔥
Undefeated, Undivided, we, are PRX❤️
From the MDL Philippines Season 1 Champions, ECHO Zaida 😍
PRX Esports 2nd Anniversary Trailer🔥
Enjoy up to Php 10,000.00 worth of prizes and giveaways😎
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Undefeated, Undivided, we are PRX❤️