Looking forward on this game
This is a preview of the prototype.
Tons of bugs to fix and missing assets but we are proud of it so far!
Prototype means we are less than 25% into development and it may take some time to complete the game but with your help, anything is possible.
You can support this game by telling your friends, sharing our posts, and/or donating to the dev team so we are able to focus more on development amidst our day jobs.
Patrons get benefits by choosing to pledge early and on a recurring basis such as having exclusive access to the beta and demo builds of the game. Patrons are also given a shout out for their continued patronage. You are allowed to revoke the pledge anytime. If you are interested in a one time donation, you can always cancel the pledge once your first month is through, or you can donate a small amount via Ko-fi and/or Gcash.
Patrons who pledge the highest tier will be added onto game credits as a contributor to production
Unlike actual triple A games such as Witcher, Assassin's Creed, GTAV, and etc, we do not have investors funding the game's production which means developers work their full time jobs to fund this project and work on it during their free time only. By donating, you allow developers to slowly take time off their full time jobs to work solely on this game.
Gcash: 09204123219 (please indicate purpose is for Balete City)
Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/baletecitygame
Patreon: patreon.com/baletecity