FB Retro Gaming League - Prince of Persia
~~~FB Retro Gaming League Official Run~~~
Prince of Persia
Playing on an Analogue Super NT with a FX Pak Pro cart along with a Nintendo SNES Gamepad.
https://www.nonamenerd.com/collections/1up-games-merch for your very own 1up Games Gaming Jersey. Use 1upGames10 for 10% off your order!
Let me know if you want to jump in the discord and I can add you into the stream.
Add me on Switch
Discord is available
Steam: DaWhiteBoy
UPlay: DaVVh1teBoy
Origin: DaVVh1teBoy
Epic: DaVVhiteBoy
FB Retro Gaming League - Prince of Persia
~~~FB Retro Gaming League Practice Run~~~
Prince of Persia
Playing on an Analogue Super NT with a FX Pak Pro cart along with a Nintendo SNES Gamepad.
https://www.nonamenerd.com/collections/1up-games-merch for your very own 1up Games Gaming Jersey. Use 1upGames10 for 10% off your order!
Let me know if you want to jump in the discord and I can add you into the stream.
Add me on Switch
Discord is available
Steam: DaWhiteBoy
UPlay: DaVVh1teBoy
Origin: DaVVh1teBoy
Epic: DaVVhiteBoy