
Felicity Introducing Alteros - a new Digital Magazine which explores the Local and Global. From Art to Essay


I have been invited to meet someone at a secret location tomorrow to discuss the possibility of doing some Voluntary Market Research in York for a Company in North Yorkshire.

When I was at Queen Margaret's School one of our Learning and Research Tasks was set to Count how many cars were passing in a particular time-set. It was in many ways both a Practical and somewhat Scientific Experiment, and definitely had a bearing on the possibility of future Market Research.

I did once also approach York City Council Business Enterprise, and was told that if I wanted to set up a Magazine back then for School Children - then I would have to do some Market Research for it, and hang about outside Schools and dare to Interview a few people. At that time I sadly therefore was dissuaded from the Enterprise, as it may have been likely that people would accuse me of being somewhat of a Nuisance if I had done it.

I also at that time telephoned York Press, and they Did express some interest in the idea, but then they even stopped for following years Photographs of Schoolchildren from being present in York Press. They seem to have retracted from that position in the past two or three years. It was explained to me that formerly they had stopped publishing School Photographs and stopped recording Children's Achievements because there were so many Child Abusers about. So are there somehow fewer Child Abusers about now? I am certainly Not a Child Abuser, and at that time I really thought that Children in York might well benefit from a Local and Educational Magazine, and that it had been a shame not to encourage them in their own aspirations.

We may be discussing whether in the next few days I will dare to sit in the Bus Stop opposite Morrisons Lorry Entrance on Green Lane for a Few Hours to Observe whether any Lorries drop of supplies there. If I dare do that, for someone else's interest as well as my own, as a Voluntary Job to do with Market Research - Would I risk getting Arrested by the Police or the Mental Health Service?


Someone has spurred me on to ask in Rhetorical fashion whether it was true that Socrates was considered to be Greek or not....? In some ways it is not a Rhetorical question only for us, perhaps....Socrates was said to have made out he believed in One God, not many, as the other Greeks did...and was given Hemlock as punishment for not following their own group-faith. It may have been that he was in reality of Arab or Egyptian or Jewish heritage....? The Greeks, if Plato is to be believed, definitely did go on to make out that he was Greek, but they lauded him in memory thought they had bullied him somewhat perhaps during his lifetime. To some extent at A level we were encouraged to consider the Plays of Aristophanes...but it was not only Aristophanes who made out that Socrates only believed in one Godhead...mostly we were encouraged to consider the Plays of Aristophanes because we were studying Plato's 'Apologia' which was apparently on the Syllabus.

It may have been that the Greeks really did believe in many Gods all sending people different impulses at different times, as Virgil made out to some extent also the Romans did. They may have really believed in them, or they may all have accumulated 'Conflicts of Interest'?

It is all seeming necessary to ask since to an extent we are living in a Multi-faith Society. Must it therefore turn to a Greek outlook since the Conflicts of Interest have been accumulated?

It would seem that some people have had to take on many different Roles and Job-roles in their lives, or that they may have studied on Courses which to an extent provided differing views - sometimes of the same material, or sometimes stranger still.

Debate is necessary still to a large extent, though....and it is to be hoped that people are not forced to choke on their own words for daring to try and join the Debate....

Facebook may be a complete mockery, since all the Newspapers and the BBC are partly in Competition with people who dare Post on it it is to an extent rumoured.





I have actually decided to part with some of my old clothes, and have packed them up in a bag to give to Charity. Some of them are still good to wear, but others may realistically only be good to recycle the material if possible.

Meanwhile my Catalogue has sent me a Great new dress, purchased for only 25 pounds.

I am delighted with it, and grateful that the Clothing Industry is still capable and generous enough to make lovely clothes for Women.

If I can get myself into a position of wanting to distribute some more hard copies of a further Publication of mine in the near future, I will be sure to wear this Gold-imrprinted Dress for the Occasion, but meanwhile may keep it in my Wardrobe to spur me on to hope to eventually be able to live out the experience of such an Event.

Many years ago I voiced my Scepticism about this matter: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/.../Is-TV-spying-YOU.html...But lat...

Many years ago I voiced my Scepticism about this matter: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/.../Is-TV-spying-YOU.html...
But lately, having also previously watched very infrequently but attentively TV Programmes like Ant and Dec and Saturday Live - wherein suddenly Viewers in a Street have a TV Crew ring their Doorbell to surprise them...I am thinking it may well be true.
I know a Relative of mine who may actually have taken comfort from the fact of suspecting this when she was younger - she saw a Potential Social Worker in the TV. That was back in the 1970's. Back then though, though ITV was thankfully quite Family Friendly and went on to become more so, the BBC was sometimes considered better because they had a Watershed at 9pm. However, this often led to massive nasty swearing and sexual content afterwards, particularly against any Mother-In-Law figure, and also possibly therefore Stereotyped the Adult Figure into generally quite a nasty person.
TV definitely still does provide some Scope for Interesting people, providing them with hearing some good Interviews, and listening to other people's arguments and points of view: and it is certainly to be thought that many previously working class people may now be more articulate, so many having spent so much time on Courses at University over the past 20 years. It also provides Social Distraction from potential Arguments between Viewers in Households, whether between children or Adults.
However, many do seriously think that over the past 10 years the BBC has also been seriously at fault not to have Interviewed people from the Green Party, and that omission somewhat distracted from its serious Role of providing a Social-Work Network for Adults aspirationally through Politics.

On the other side of the world, people you didn’t know existed are keeping a beady eye on your every move.


When we were younger we were all warned NEVER to go near the half-circle delve in the part of the Museum Gardens next to York Library, from which the Ancient Coffins have been taken.

Yesterday I did allow myself to sit on one of the Seats there with my back to the side of the Library.

There was a Group of Children being shown the Remains of St. Leonard's Hospice at first there (some people certainly used to call the Ruins in that area an Old Hospice and even some people named it as St Leonards. It is obviously a different concern I hope from the St. Leonard's Hospice which is meant to be down Tadcaster Road.

I counted 32 children in the Group as they passed by to look at the half-circle with the red-brick line three-quarters of the way up it.

Then, they were all invited by the Tour Guide Teacher Figure to go down into the Half-Circle. They livened up, and all went down into it. On emerging from it, having witnessed and heard no violence I again counted the children. There seemed to be only 22 of them.

It may have been some kind of Illusion somehow, or maybe somehow it was a Space and Time Porthole Situation whereby the Teachers were not puzzled later on that there were ten children missing, and it may be that they somehow turned up again around the corner.

But I am not sure that that is the case.

So I wanted to warn you ALL (especially children) Never to Descend into that Half-Circle in the Museum Gardens near York Central Library.



If you grew up in Acomb, or ever went from Wetherby Road in the Car or on a Bike or on a Walk towards Acomb recently...Has it worried you that 'Tea on the Green' Cafe might have changed positions with the Sun Inn Pub?

I know someone who certainly thinks it has, and who certainly does not know How it was done, having observed no Scaffolding or Building Work going on around that area lately.

It may be possible, if you think that prior to the last six months 'Tea On the Green' Cafe was on the right hand side of the Sun Inn Pub, with a wall by the bit of driveway leading down the side of it that separated it from someone's side Garden further up the Hill, that you may now be accused of Dementia if you dare mention it!!!!


"The Psychopath Computer'

A Poem by Sarah-Jane Mackenzie 24/04/24

"Which Tick-Box Do you fit?
Which Tick-Box Do You Fit?

How can I Frame and Squueze you Into it?"

The Psychopath Computer
Deducts our Reasoning Humanity,
Won't listen:
Words fail,
Sentences are too long

Won't allow for excuses or Explanations which may be valid

"How can I Frame and Squeeze you into it?"

Words fail,

Sentences are ransomed by short-fields.

Is it the Computers' fault, or the Programmer's?


The Rosemary Plant I bought from Paul at Poppleton Railway Nursery took some time to establish itself, but has grown into a very nice Rosemary bush.

We are all very much hoping there will be some Sunshine again soon, and that all our Flora and Fauna will not feel too confused to make it to see it when it does.


York Press is currently making out people are in the action of going to destroy Queen Street Bridge in York, near the Station. That will destroy the main Ambulance and Buses Route for many people in York.
Some people are even now speculating that York Council may be a gang of Terrorists, purposely trying to disrupt the life and livelihoods of many of the Citizens here. Not only Disabled and Elderly people use the Buses, but also (for instance) many of those who work at York Hospital.
I am not sure whether there were even any Public Consulations about what they are claiming will be a new Station-front and the Bridge closure, which if it does go ahead will be a major inconvenience, maybe even life-threatening, for many in York.
It may be that the Council are not Terrorists, but no-one yet has explained what Route the Buses may now take, and Leeman Road area is also being given Roadworks and Alterations. And no-one till lately has pointed out that it may jeopardise Ambulance Routes also.

Do some of the Universities in this Country deserve to be accused of Schizophrenia in the old-fashioned perhaps misunder...

Do some of the Universities in this Country deserve to be accused of Schizophrenia in the old-fashioned perhaps misunderstood sense of having a split personality in that they may sometimes appear to be Hypocrites?
There might be some Departments who think one thing, and other Departments who disagree. Art and Science have over many years been divided as opposing interests, but we may sometimes fear that the Future may turn out to be nothing other than completely shocking. I hope that most of us still hope that that will not be the case, but adequate measures may need to be taken to try and prevent that from being the case, and to try and protect and ensure against disaster:
'Climate Justice' may to some extent seem a warped concept, meant to imply that all the University Staff may be from places either too hot or too cold, or who may be somehow waging a Hate Campaign against the UK, and to assert that the Planet may be dying might be an attempt to usher individuals into states of despair and su***de when actually there may be some kind of future ahead still, though some changes might have to be made and come about, as well as somehow some continued Financial backing to keep up with Maintenance. It is not only that structurally there might be a problem with the Earth, for instance, if there is too little land available to absorb water, or if it becomes subject to Earthquakes, but also that if some Human Transit is going to be continued like the London Underground, or even Tarmaced Roads without Potholes....it all does seriously need thinking about and taking seriously.
Most weather in many Countries has normally followed the pattern of having Seasons, and therefore has been variable somewhat. Sometimes it is hotter here and sometimes it is colder. Usually the plants know when to expect it to be hotter and colder, and that information may have been inured into their system for many many years.
Some Countries may be cold all the time, such as Iceland, though I have been told that underneath the Ice it may be hot, partly becuase some (bunch of idiots or not...?) may have stored Nuclear Waste there.

Protesters marched in York demanding action against climate change.

When I first saw the Headline a few days ago that 'Hammond' was saying there will still be mostly petrol-fuelled cars ar...

When I first saw the Headline a few days ago that 'Hammond' was saying there will still be mostly petrol-fuelled cars around in 2050' I wrongly thought that it must be referring to some intervention by Philip Hammond, Former Foreign Secretary - and that it might well be trying to give us much-needed confidence in the idea that Petrol may not be running out as quickly as some people have grown to suspect it might be, since it is a resource rotted-together from Centuries ago into something that undoubtedly has been very useful over the past 60 years for all our Societies.

But in many ways I was glad indeed to see that the Intervention belonged to a much-missed Richard Hammond. We were many of us very upset when he was involved in a Car Crash, and I am very relieved to find out that he is not simply thank-goodness still alive and coping, but even talking about taking on a Role back with the BBC. His warning may not be all Good News - it would seem that it might be still the case that Petrol is running out, and that the Chinese too are running out of rare minerals and materials:

In this Photo-be prepared- Richard Hammond looks different than he did many years ago - and yet remarkably younger than 54. However, it may really be that the BBC is not lying that much - I myself know people who have had to have reconstructive facial surgery following a car crash - the people I knew were all reconstructed to look like their earlier selves very successfully - but it may have been a more difficult job in this case.

I really also do see the need for a TV Programme dealing with Men's Mental Health especially if there are going to be problems in the future getting hold of handy cars.

If I think that the BBC can again preside well over engineering us safe paths through Cultural Shifts then I will gladly sign up to it again: Sometimes I have suspected that it is leading people into corruption and delusion - but that may be to do with the fact that they might have lost control through recruiting unsuitable programmes from Independent Programme Makers having been left with too small a budget to finance good British Programmes which would be of true benefit to us all.

I am glad at the moment that Richard Hammond has some good prospects ahead again, and I do wish him well.

When I am more convinced still, and perhaps if there is any chance I won't continue always to be on a Shoestring Budget (which I normally am trying to manage with, and sometimes do feel as much thankful for as disgruntled with) - then I may consider renewing my TV Licence.

As far as what might have been a corrput 'Top Gear' went: Richard Hammond was my favourite Presenter on it, and I know that the men-folk in our Family very much enjoyed it and partly wished to exclude the women from taking an interest in it, though it was on the Television. I even was so thick that I did not worry until later on, when I spoke to a youngish boy about Car Racing - that it might be giving people the idea that someone completely unpractised on a Car Racing Track might always get away with doing an extra fast round of it without incident or injury.

Somehow all the Famous Guests did seem to get away with it - but since the youngish boy seemed to think that necessarily implied that Car Racing was the safest Sport around, I found I had to acknowledge a cautious approach might be better.

The former Top Gear presenter said the electric car industry was not growing as fast as the world expected due to China holding back vital minerals



Some people are still not fully understanding why 'The Core' in Leeds needs to be demolished and rebuilt again as a Stud...

Some people are still not fully understanding why 'The Core' in Leeds needs to be demolished and rebuilt again as a Student Accommodation and a Shopping Centre after only 40 years. Some people don't understand why the former Aviva Building in York was completely demolished then built brick-by-brick back in almost the very same style outwardly as it started off, but this time opoerating as 'Malmaison Hotel'.
Some people ARE worried about the cost of New Materials, and their availability, but think that young people who may have been in Training as Builders need to be given a chance to Build and put their learned skills to work.
Some others are still arguing that if proper attention was given to the Song 'Bob The Builder' when they were younger they might tune into the fact that Bob was not necessarily having Building from scratch in mind, but 'Fixing'.
Some people are highly suspicious of the word 'Fixing': thinking it refers not to 'mending'. Other people would rather trust that it may still refer to 'mending'.

The Architecture in York opposite York Theatre Royal, by a famous Architect - Robert Adams - (who might be in more favourable terms with King Charles than the Architect of 'The Core') was refurbished from within, though the outer shell of it was retained.

I agree with King Charles on very many topics, but don't necessarily want to be dismissive of all Architecture after the beginning of the 19th Century.

The Core shopping centre on The Headrow could be demolished to make way for an exciting new retail and living development. Find out more.

In some ways I am not surprised that Germany is thinking of abandoning its Anti-Nuclear stance: no-one has yet given Evi...

In some ways I am not surprised that Germany is thinking of abandoning its Anti-Nuclear stance: no-one has yet given Evidence to my knowledge that such concepts as Solar Panels works.

However, I am very much surprised by the fact that Gret a Thunberg now seems in favour of Nuclear: if the Planet hits up the Geological Faultlines and potential waste storage areas will surely become still more faulty, and Hazardous.

With a disrupted long-term plan, the green movement has had to examine its own priorities and assumptions.

I was in many ways surprised to hear that the former Headrow Shopping Centre, now called The Core, in Leeds - is set to ...

I was in many ways surprised to hear that the former Headrow Shopping Centre, now called The Core, in Leeds - is set to be demolished! It is only said to be 40years old, whereas there are people claiming that some Buildings in York date back Centuries! Less surprised by the explanation for it: that there are not enough ideas of Shops to be able to fill it....but after all, I am thinking it is probably a sturdy-enough Building, and in many ways it is worrying to destroy something that already provides shelter and which hopefully successfully IS able to withstand the elements:

A shopping centre will be demolished to make way for student housing and commercial units under plans set for approval by the council.



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