Thank you to everyone who gave me loads of colour ideas for the Gryphon. It was so hard to make my mind up so I eventually chickened out as nothing was really calling to me and went with the original game colour way (last photo).
I struggled though as I did not want to remask the complex curved helmet! I used artist's acrylics Cerulean Blue and it took 10-12 coats and was still patchy and you could really see the brush strokes. Argh! (photo2 ) I let it dry overnight, sanded it (yes you can sand out brush marks) and then used some Tamiya Sky Blue to give a final more opaque top coat. (photo 3) The whole helmet now has a gloss coat on it as I need to have that for the decals and metallics that are coming (photos 1 and 4). There's also some missing ear detail which I need to sort and a fair few other details to add as well which I have partly printed. Once that's all on, I hope the matt coat will dull down those brush strokes but I may yet sand them again... They will look perfect before I weather them!
Design by Kykel on Thingiverse.