The Grapplers Perspective Podcast

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The Grapplers Perspective Podcast Talking to experts and getting the everyday perspective, to help the everyday man We're Health and Fitness Online Coaches but essentially, everyday blokes.

Hello, we're Paul and Danny, The Everyday Fitness Guys and Co-Hosts of the Everyday Perspective Podcast. We're passionate and therefore talk about, all aspects of men's physical and mental health, fitness and nutrition, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

- Men's Physical & Mental Health
- Fitness and Nutrition
- BJJ and Grappling
- Banter

**New Episodes Weekly!**

Disclaimer: The topics discussed on the podcast are for general information and entertainment purposes only.

Will American Wrestlers Infiltrating Jiu Jitsu Change It Forever - Ian Daube |  #58Expect to get the grapplers perspecti...

Will American Wrestlers Infiltrating Jiu Jitsu Change It Forever - Ian Daube | #58

Expect to get the grapplers perspective on why so many American Wrestlers are switching to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, will see an evolution of American Jiu Jitsu or Brazilian Wrestling, the controversy around high level wrestlers competing at coloured belts, what gym work is best for BJJ, how it can be mainstream and much more.

Ian Daube is an American Professional Grappler and Mixed Martial Artist, Former Division 1 Wrestler, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Purple Belt and IBJJF Worlds Medalist.

I’d Smash Nicky Rod, Like In Wrestling, That’s Why CJI Protected Him - Pat DowneyExpect to get the grapplers perspective...

I’d Smash Nicky Rod, Like In Wrestling, That’s Why CJI Protected Him - Pat Downey

Expect to get the grapplers perspective on Pat’s NoGi Worlds controversy, his thoughts on current blue belts, the wrestling infiltration, how CJI protected Nicky Rod from, the best way to beat wrestling, getting cancelled and much more.

Pat Downey is a NCAA Division I All-American Wrestler and Professional Grappler, currently holding a purple belt in BJJ. In wrestling, he is a 2019 Pan American Games medalist and the 2019 US Open national champion. In submission grappling, he is a (unofficial) IBJJF Blue Belt NoGi World Champion, CJI Veteran and has competed against some of the biggest names in BJJ including Gordon Ryan and Nicky Rod.

Monday at 1800 GMT… Ecological Dynamics For BJJ Explained Without Scientific Jargon - Kyvann GonzalezExpect to get the g...

Monday at 1800 GMT… Ecological Dynamics For BJJ Explained Without Scientific Jargon - Kyvann Gonzalez

Expect to get the grapplers perspective on what Ecological Dynamics and the Constraints Led Approach is without the scientific jargon, our reaction the debate between Greg Souders, Tom DeBlass and Big Dan, discussion around the common objections and confusions about the approach and much more.

Kyvann Gonzalez is BJJ Black Belt, Co-Founder and Head Coach at Bodega Jiu Jitsu in New Jersey and the comedy genius behind the popular kyvanng Instagram page. After training to his black belt the traditional way, Kyvann now coaching exclusively using Ecological Dynamics and the Constraints Led Approach.

Out Monday at 1800… Can Podcaster Become The Best Blue Belt in Britain For 5k Prize - Danny AllenExpect to get the grapp...

Out Monday at 1800… Can Podcaster Become The Best Blue Belt in Britain For 5k Prize - Danny Allen

Expect to get the grapplers perspective on Ikigai 6, Danny’s upcoming 16 man blue belt tournament for a £5,000 cash prize, his planned fight prep, Danny’s competition experience, his upbringing, going from football to BJJ, his thoughts on BJJ politics, how nerds rule the world in BJJ, why strength training is important for BJJ, nutritional common mistakes and much more.

Danny Allen is the Co-Founder and Co-Host of the Grapplers Perspective Podcast, BJJ Blue Belt under Sam Crook training out of Flo Martial Arts, in Plymouth. In May he will competing in a 16 man blue belt Competition against the best blue belts in Britain.

Monday at 1800… You Can’t Talk To Me About Competition, If You’re Not Competing - Marco CanhaExpect to get the grapplers...

Monday at 1800… You Can’t Talk To Me About Competition, If You’re Not Competing - Marco Canha

Expect to get the grapplers perspective on the evolution of competition, how to prep as an older athlete, different rulesets, new belt standards, if evolution will ruin tradition, Marco’s origin story and much more.

Marco Canha is a 4th degree Black Belt and the head instructor at Fight Zone London. Marco is a direct product of the original Fightzone gym in Rio de Janeiro, having earned his black belt at that same gym from Fightzone owner/head coach and 9x World Champion Ricardo Vieira, one of the greatest competitors of the sport!

Marco Canha’s success as a coach has been made evident through his students who have achieved prestigious medals in tournaments such as the World Championships, European BJJ Open, the No Gi European Championship, British Open amongst many more.

Monday at 1800… Greg Souders: BJJ Instructional Shortcuts Are A Lie, All You Need Is Live Work |  #52Expect to get the g...

Monday at 1800… Greg Souders: BJJ Instructional Shortcuts Are A Lie, All You Need Is Live Work | #52

Expect to get the grapplers perspective on the science of Ecological Dynamics and the Constraints Led Approach (CLA) explained in (near) simple terms, how we learn as humans, Greg’s foundational framework, what the key focus of practice should be, how instructional are the biggest lie in jiu jitsu, how good athletes don’t make good coaches and much more.

Greg Souders is a Jiu Jitsu black belt and owner and head coach of Standard Jiu Jitsu. He is a leading authority in the use of Ecological Dynamics and the Constraints Led Approach (CLA) for learning grappling. He is renowned for only using this approach, and not drilling or teaching specific techniques.

Monday at 1800…. Modern BJJ is Mixed Grappling Arts, You Have To Be Progressive - Alain PozoExpect to get the grapplers ...

Monday at 1800…. Modern BJJ is Mixed Grappling Arts, You Have To Be Progressive - Alain Pozo

Expect to get the grapplers perspective on the UK BJJ scene in the early days, the Essex Foxcatcher, BJJ politics, why schools go the self defence route, why we need to be progressive in BJJ, coaching Taylor Pearman, developing kids, staying healthy and much more.

Alain Pozo is a 3rd Degree Black Belt under world renowned BJJ Professor Ze Radiola (ZR). Alain was one of the first to teach and promote BJJ in the UK and has been instrumental to its growth and popularity. He brings over 20 years of teaching and competition experience; he has run BJJ lessons in Colchester since 2008. Alain has awarded over 60 Blackbelts, many of whom are World Class athletes, including ADCC trials winner, Taylor Pearman.

Improve Your BJJ and Life With These Physical & Mental Hacks - Josh SaundersExpect to get the grapplers perspective on J...

Improve Your BJJ and Life With These Physical & Mental Hacks - Josh Saunders

Expect to get the grapplers perspective on Josh’s approach to training and how he got a black belt in 4 years,, what you should focus on to get good at BJJ, how to create a winning mindset, steroids and the impact on performance, why men in particular need jiu jitsu and much more.

Josh Saunders is an Australian Professional Grappler, known for winning ADCC trials after only 22 months of training and getting his black belt in under 4 years. He is an ADCC Semi Finalist, 2x ADCC Trials Winner, WNO24 main event v Gordon Ryan, Oceanina’s No1 Heavyweight grappler and Current top 15 Flo grappling Heavyweight.

Natan Levy’s Insane Struggle From Traditional Martial Arts in Asia to the UFC |  #50Expect to get the grapplers perspect...

Natan Levy’s Insane Struggle From Traditional Martial Arts in Asia to the UFC | #50

Expect to get the grapplers perspective on Natan’s early yeaars in Isreal, his brutal introduction to Kung Fu, his hilarious journey in Japan, travelling to Vegas alone at 22 to chase his dream, his constant set backs, taking a Dana White’s Contender Series fight on days notice and much more.

Natan Levy is an Israeli professional mixed martial artist who competes in the lightweight division in the UFC with a record of 8-2. Prior to his professional MMA career, Levy worked as a martial arts instructor and ran a Karate dojo in Tel Aviv, Israel. After being awarded his 3rd degree black belt in Uechi-Ryū Karate, he moved to Las Vegas at the age of 22 in order to train in mixed martial arts and pursue a professional career.

Next Episode…‘Deadbeat Dad’ Walking UK Coastline to Change UK Family Court System - Michael Love |  #79Expect to get the...

Next Episode…

‘Deadbeat Dad’ Walking UK Coastline to Change UK Family Court System - Michael Love | #79

Expect to get the everyday perspective on Michael’s challenge to raise awareness of the inequality of the UK family court system, his own experience in the system, the impact it had on him financially and emotionally, what needs to change and much more.

Family courts should be reformed in order to serve parents with more equality and fairness. False allegations should be held as perjury and shared custody should be the initial starting point; the burden of proof should be on why that cannot be the case. A 2019 study by Child Law Practice showed that 70% of false abuse allegations are made during family court custody disputes, demonstrating the dire need for reform.

Family court restructuring is not just a matter of justice system transparency but also critical to protect the rights and well-being of the children involved. The Psychological Association has highlighted that children fare better in shared custody arrangements, making it crucial to make this the default presumption.

If we believe in fairness, in protecting our children, and in the essential role both parents play in a child’s life, then we must call upon our representatives to enact meaningful change in our family court systems. Let’s ensure future generations have a fair and robust system to rely on. Please sign this petition to demand the much-needed reform of family courts.


Petition -

Next Episode…Head of ATOS UK on Jiu Jitsu Politics & Leaving Gracie Barra - Tom Bracher |  #78Expect to get the everyday...

Next Episode…

Head of ATOS UK on Jiu Jitsu Politics & Leaving Gracie Barra - Tom Bracher | #78

Expect to get the everyday perspective on why Tom left Gracie Barra and became Head of ATOS UK, his call out of Owen Livesey for a Battle of Britain match, his frustrations with Jiu jitsu politics and faceless reddit trolls, how he met Andre Galvao for the first time, how he’s grown one of the largest academies in the UK, his experience training with New Wave and Gordon Ryan, his goals and aspirations and much more.

Thomas Bracher is a 1st Degree Black under Andre Galvao, Head of ATOS UK, IBJJF European Champion, 3x IBJJF Worlds Medalist, 6x British Champion, 1x Pan Am Black Belt Silver Medalist and has competed against some of the biggest names in professional grappling.

Next episode… Within A Second Of Him Connecting His Hands, My Leg Exploded - Sam CrookExpect to get the everyday perspec...

Next episode…

Within A Second Of Him Connecting His Hands, My Leg Exploded - Sam Crook

Expect to get the everyday perspective on Sam's leg break earlier this year, his pain and emotions at the time, his surgery and recovery, how it effected his ability to coach and mindset about competing, his new opportunity with Flo Martial Arts, his initial thoughts and aspirations, an update on Franck's situation and much more.

Sam Crook is Head Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Coach at Flo Martial Arts in Plymouth, UK and a 1st Degree Black Belt under Marco Canha (Fightzone / Checkmat). He was the Head BJJ Coach at the Francis Ngannou (Former UFC Heavyweight World Champion) Foundation in Cameroon from 2019-2023, where he was bringing BJJ to underprivileged children and first met his now adopted son, Franck.

Sam and Franck have been incredibly successful and prolific BJJ competitors in the UK since their return to the UK, before Sam suffered his horrific injury in January. Sam's battle to support Franck and keep him in the UK is still ongoing at the time of this release.

Expect to get the everyday perspective on Sam's leg break earlier this year, his pain and emotions at the time, his surgery and recovery, how it effected his...

Next Episode…CJI Reaction, BJJ Evolution & The Process of Developing Discipline - Xande Ribeiro |  #68Expect to get the ...

Next Episode…

CJI Reaction, BJJ Evolution & The Process of Developing Discipline - Xande Ribeiro | #68

Expect to get the everyday perspective on how BJJ gas evolved and if it is a good or a bad thing, how BJJ and world lack respect nowadays, Xande's reaction to the Craig Jones Invitational, how to develop a winning attitude and body intelligence through discipline and much more.

Alexandre "Xande" Ribeiro is one of the greatest of all time a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Submission Grappling practitioners and competitors. Xande’s contribution to the Jiu-Jitsu community goes beyond his knowledge of the martial art and is more significant than the medals and trophies he acquired as a top BJJ athlete to list a few:

- 5x World Heavyweight Champion (IBJJF)
- 2x World Absolute Champion (IBJJF)
- 2x World Submission Wrestling Champion (ADCC)

Expect to get the everyday perspective on how BJJ gas evolved and if it is a good or a bad thing, how BJJ and world lack respect nowadays, Xande's reaction t...

Tonight at 1800 BST on YouTube2024 ADCC Hall of Fame Inductee, BJJ Legend and Victor Hugo’s Professor, Xande Ribeiro Rea...

Tonight at 1800 BST on YouTube

2024 ADCC Hall of Fame Inductee, BJJ Legend and Victor Hugo’s Professor, Xande Ribeiro Reacts to the Craig Jones Invitational vs ADCC Situation


2024 ADCC Hall of Fame Inductee, BJJ Legend and Victor Hugo's Professor, Xande Ribeiro Reacts to the Craig Jones Invitational vs ADCC SituationSponsors:Need ...

Next Episode… Monday at 6pm BSTTruth About Why Testosterone Is Dropping Globally & How to Stop It - Felix Hay |  #65Expe...

Next Episode… Monday at 6pm BST

Truth About Why Testosterone Is Dropping Globally & How to Stop It - Felix Hay | #65

Expect to get the everyday perspective on males hormones and the role they play, why men are seeing a decline globally, how you can reduce risk factors, what testosterone replacement therapy involves, what you can expect and much more...

Felix has nearly 20 years of healthcare and is very experienced in men’s health and hormone replacement therapy. Hormonal deficiency is under recognised and sometimes even misdiagnosed leading to potential negative side effects from medications that are not clinically required/appropriate. Felix is committed to increasing awareness of hormone deficiency and promoting hormonal health through education and critical appraisal of the relevant scientific literature.

Expect to get the everyday perspective on males hormones and the role they play, why men are seeing a decline globally, how you can reduce risk factors, what...

Next Episode…Raspberry Ape: You Should Break Your Opponent Mentally & Emotionally - Dan Strauss |  #64Expect to get the ...

Next Episode…

Raspberry Ape: You Should Break Your Opponent Mentally & Emotionally - Dan Strauss | #64

Expect to get the everyday perspective on how to reverse cauliflower ears, how to break your opponent from mount, his ADCC predictions, grip strength, hand health, Nogi belts, the impact of BJJ on the brain and much more.

Dan ‘Raspberry Ape’ Strauss is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt under 10x World Champion Roger Gracie, Author of Grip Training for Grappling and Commentator for Polaris and Cage Warrior. He’s fought on the world’s biggest and best shows, including ADCC, EBI and Polaris. He is well known and respected throughout the jiu-jitsu and fitness community for his innovative approach to strength training.

Dan has been teaching for over 16 years & have taught seminars at over 250 gyms around the world. His practical and direct approach to helping students get results fast has been praised by some of the best athletes in the game. He believes building strength and skills can help people to lead amazing lives



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