Eve Webster Marketing

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  • Eve Webster Marketing

Eve Webster Marketing Facebook Ads + Funnel Strategist for coaches, course creators and consultants who want authentic connections + sustainable growth + more sales.

And, all without the hefty agency price tag.
>>>Training | Audit | Management

🚀 Yaasssss! This makes me smile!You know, the big cheesy kind of smile that stretches from ear to ear. 😁Thank you Kristi...

🚀 Yaasssss! This makes me smile!

You know, the big cheesy kind of smile that stretches from ear to ear. 😁

Thank you Kristine Monaghan

A passionate coach and champion in the children’s activity sector, Krissy’s energy is infectious. And, supporting her on a range of marketing projects and launches has been an absolute pleasure.

I love seeing my clients reach their goals… and then go and create bigger, bolder ones.

So, if you’re ready to hand over some (or all) of your marketing to someone who will listen to what you want, understand where you want to go and translate it into the support you need, I have a couple of spaces to start in September.

➡️ Drop me a DM with the word ‘SEPTEMBER’ to find out more.

📸: Kristine Monaghan

Hello, hello! 👋 If you’re new around here, here’s a wee bit about me. Some random facts… because who doesn’t love a litt...

Hello, hello! 👋 If you’re new around here, here’s a wee bit about me.

Some random facts… because who doesn’t love a little insight into the behind-the-scenes stuff. 😜

I’m Eve. I grew up in the highlands of Scotland but now live in Kent - with stints in Edinburgh, Berlin, Dubai, Rhode Island and London in between. I’m a bit of a nomad and love to travel too!

I have mad, curly hair which is sometimes styled on Julia Roberts (I wish!) but mostly looks like Albert Einstein or Long Distance Clara! If you know, you know.

When I’m not nose deep in creative and data, you’ll find me outside - walking, paddling, bbq-ing or reading a book. And if I’m beside the sea, even better!

Thanks to IVF, I’m a pro (in my opinion) at giving bruise-free injections, just don’t ask me to watch while I’m giving blood!

I’m a stereotypical football mum. I have started wearing a scarf to matches as a subtle gag. (Please tell me I’m not the only one!)

Back in the 80s, I sang on stage with Leo Sayer, Cliff Richard and Lisa Stansfield… and found a CD of the live recording for sale on Amazon. I obviously bought it (for £3.97) but have yet to listen to it. Probably a good thing!!

Fuelled by tea. I can’t function without it. (Not green tea though!)

I’m a dog person. Spending an hour walking in the local countryside with my pawsome sidekick is a non-negotiable every day.

I’m a problem solver and creative thinker… so marketing was the perfect career for me (not landscape gardening as suggested by my careers advisor - although I’m starting to see the appeal of gardening a bit more these days).

I miss Blockbuster Video. I’ve seen loads of memes about it recently and it’s sparked my nostalgia. Fridays at Blockbusters and being first to grab the empty box for the latest release. Did life get any better than that?

So, this is me! What about you?

It's not that I don't love Facebook BUT I'm going to be spending more time over on Instagram and Linkedin and here's why...

It's not that I don't love Facebook BUT I'm going to be spending more time over on Instagram and Linkedin and here's why...

➡️ I tell my clients that keeping up a social media presence on all platforms is hard to maintain and that it's best to focus your energy on wherever your ideal clients are. You don't have to be everywhere!
⭐ The majority of my clients find me on Instagram or come from personal referrals.

➡️ I tell my clients to focus on the areas of the business they enjoy the most.
⭐ I love my clients and they employ me to make sure that they attract their ideal clients/customers with value-packed Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and TikTok platforms because they want to spend more time in their business and leave the social media marketing to the expert. That's what makes me happy and where my focus is.

➡️ I tell my clients it's better to be visible and add value on one platform consistently instead of mediocre on multiple.
⭐ I'll enjoy my own social media a lot more if I'm not trying squeeze it in or spread myself too thin.

So if you're looking for value-driven content to help you grow your small and micro-sized business using social media, head over to my Instagram or Linkedin.

Instagram: www.instagram.com/zippysocial

It's the start of November, how did that happen? Here comes the end of year craziness and now Halloween is firmly behind...

It's the start of November, how did that happen?

Here comes the end of year craziness and now Halloween is firmly behind us, we're all getting focused on making the most of the Christmas build-up. (I've already heard Mariah Carey this morning!)

Here are some awareness days to help you with your content this November.

Tired of hashtag research? Getting confused about which ones to use? Hashtags taking up too much of your time? 💥 This eb...

Tired of hashtag research? Getting confused about which ones to use? Hashtags taking up too much of your time?

💥 This ebook download is exactly what you need!

Choose from a selection of 250+ hashtags specifically relevant to your business – holiday rentals, hotels, glamping, camping…

Split into easy-to-reference sections, you can cherry-pick what you think will work best. And, with so many to choose from it’s a great opportunity for you to mix them up and test different groupings to see which ones reach out to the right audience for you.

Get your copy here 👉 https://zippysocial.com/250-hashtags-for-holiday-rentals-hotels-glamping-and-camping-businesses/

I've spoken to SO MANY of my friends, collaborators and business network these past few weeks that are fluctuating betwe...

I've spoken to SO MANY of my friends, collaborators and business network these past few weeks that are fluctuating between creative highs and hard slogs; battling with tiredness, lurgy and overwhelm alongside the anticipation of new, exciting projects. The expectation of bouncing towards Q4 with the unlimited energy of a Haribo-fuelled toddler has fallen short for many of us.

This is a virtual hug for anyone who needs it... be kind to yourself, keep going and have a lovely weekend! ❤️

This always makes me smile! 😄Not just because I had such a fantastic time working with  on some amazing destination mark...

This always makes me smile! 😄

Not just because I had such a fantastic time working with on some amazing destination marketing projects but because 99% of people who read this are more interested in the flip-flops than the campaigns!

Not the monthly production of an inflight magazine (and another two quarterly), roll out of the A380, introduction of new routes all over the globe, rebranding of the Skywards Business Programme, or fit-out of an airport terminal (larger than some regional UK airports) for cabin and flight crew only.

Still... life is better in flip-flops, am I right? 🩴❤️😂

If I asked you about your marketing strategy, what would you say?  🤯 It’s all in your head. ⏲️ You don’t have time to th...

If I asked you about your marketing strategy, what would you say?

🤯 It’s all in your head.
⏲️ You don’t have time to think about it.
😬 What’s a marketing strategy?

It’s easy to put off the tasks that we don’t enjoy/understand/blow up in our minds... We all do it!

To get your business to the next level – to go from overlooked to fully booked – a clear marketing strategy and plan is not just important, it’s a necessity! You wouldn’t build your house without solid foundations and the same goes for your marketing and social media.

Is it time to free up some space in your head and get more time to concentrate on the areas of business... and life... you enjoy the most?

So, here’s how I can help you with that:

⭐ Retained management: Let me take care of your marketing & social media on a monthly basis with all the enthusiasm, passion and precision as if you were doing it yourself.

⭐ Campaign or service specific: Ad hoc support that reflects exactly what marketing and social media assistance you need.

⭐ Group training/workshops: Update your knowledge making managing your own marketing and social media more streamlined and effective.

⭐ Strategy hours: An hour of 1:1 training where you decide what you want to get out of it. Ideal for a confidence boost or some expert direction

➡️ Send me a message to arrange a chat now.

It’s 15 mins of our time to talk through your goals and get a better understanding of the support you need. It’s free, there’s no obligation to work together at the end of it (although I hope that we’ll be a great fit) so you have absolutely nothing to lose by getting in touch... and so much to gain!

📷: Nairn East Beach, Scottish Highlands

An event in REAL LIFE! Say what!? 💥🤩I can't wait to speak at the Raise Up Business Club Community's next networking even...

An event in REAL LIFE! Say what!? 💥🤩

I can't wait to speak at the Raise Up Business Club Community's next networking event ... in person! Thanks so much Silke Thistlewood for inviting me.

There will be drinks, chat, networking... plus, I'll be talking about creating social media content that connects with your ideal audience (and makes sales). It's going to be interactive so you can bet you'll leave with some ideas to hit the ground running in the lead up to Christmas.

Don't miss out! It's all happening at The Beer Cellar, Tonbridge on Tuesday 14 September at 8pm.

Grab your ticket! All profits will go to RefugEase. Networking AND doing your thing for charity....no brainer, surely? 😉

Tickets here: https://raiseupseptember21.eventbrite.co.uk

🔥 Food is a big part of my family's holidays. We love eating out - scoffing local produce while we check out ALL the eat...

🔥 Food is a big part of my family's holidays. We love eating out - scoffing local produce while we check out ALL the eateries! (I'm making myself feel hungry just thinking about it! 😳)

So before AND during my recent trip to Polzeath, we were all over Instagram checking out what places looked good for us to visit for some Cornish cuisine. The content we found wasn't just the perfectly lit, foodie shots cherry-picked for the establishment's pages but posts from their guests as well. Real visitors with average images who couldn't wait to share their experience.

💥 This is UGC - user-generated content - and these real-life images and experiences are what helps to build trust. These will help change a potential visitor's consideration from maybe to definitely!

And UGC is not just for restaurants, cafes and hotels, it applies to property rentals and other hospitality businesses too (in fact, almost all businesses).

How to make sure you make the most of UGC:

1️⃣ Encourage your guests/visitors to share content. Get them to tag you into the posts to make it easy for you to see mentions and for viewers on their post to link through to you easily.
2️⃣Share it as content - Stories or on the feed. It's polite to ask if you'd like to share it on your social media and if they've tagged you it's 99% likely that they will be happy for you to do so. This can be a bit of a grey area.

Do you make the most of UGC content for your business?

📷: My own. From one of our fave restaurants in Polzeath, The Cracking Crab! The seafood is delicious, tasty Cornish Afternoon Tea and beautiful views across the bay of the surfers and beach.

Time to celebrate all the great things to come out of Yorkshire… did I mention I was born there?!? 😂  My Dad’s extended ...

Time to celebrate all the great things to come out of Yorkshire… did I mention I was born there?!? 😂

My Dad’s extended family used to meet annually for Bank Holiday weekends in Yorkshire. We all piled into a bunkhouse and filled the days with walks, climbing, delicious food and drinks, board games, and some other mad games that included making animal noises and finding your pair from the noise alone!! (Anyone know what a guinea pig sounds like?) These were honestly some of the very best memories from my childhood.

If you’re a Yorkshire-based business/property then you could share:

➡️ why visitors should head to Yorkshire
➡️ what’s on your doorstep
➡️ other local businesses that shouldn’t be missed
➡️ examples of what guests could pack into 48 hours in your area

Tell me in the comments… what Yorkshire product/business/experience/invention can’t you live without? I'll start... Yorkshire puds, walking the dales and Betty's Tea Rooms.

📷: Credit: Betty's - , Dales - TimHill, Yorkshire Puds - me (... yes, I made them! One perfect time that had to be captured on camera!)

☀️ It's the first day of our school holidays and, like many of you, the REAL JUGGLE of this small independent business s...

☀️ It's the first day of our school holidays and, like many of you, the REAL JUGGLE of this small independent business starts right now...!

Hello, I'm Eve and if you're new here then you need to know these 3 things about me:

1️⃣ It's taken me 2 years in my business to get a grip on school holidays. Curveballs are inevitable but the opportunity that comes with working with like-minded clients means that I have flexibility in how I work over the next six weeks.

2️⃣ I use systems to stay on top of delivering results for my clients. I try and stick to a routine but there is always wiggle room for the regular unexpected event and we're all okay with that.

3️⃣ I sometimes forget that school holidays don't mean that I need to fill every moment of every day. We have a little something planned for each day, but it's the quality, not quantity that counts. No space for feeling guilty.

So I'll be fluctuating from screen time to free time over the holidays, trying to keep some boundaries in place to appreciate all the little (and big) things and getting $£* # done at the same time!

⚡ Can you relate? How do you manage the juggle over the school holidays?

Peak season starts and your marketing strategy stops - does this sound familiar? Scottish school holidays have started a...

Peak season starts and your marketing strategy stops - does this sound familiar?

Scottish school holidays have started and the rest of the UK is not too far behind. You're entering the busiest season of the year and all your energy is invested in delivering the best customer experience to your guests.

So what happens to your social media and marketing?

Does it:
- Drop down the list because housekeeping and customer services are taking priority.
- Take up too much valuable time.
- Seem like a lot of effort to keep on top of after a long day.

Showing up consistently on your social media and being visible in your marketing is proven to increases your chances of direct sales. It doesn't have to be time-consuming or feel like hard work.

In July, I'll be running a Content Creation Workshop that will help you prepare a Summer's worth of social media content in one morning. Write it, plan it and schedule it so that you can feel more relaxed about showing up online for your potential guests and visitors while you're providing the best experience for your current ones.

➡️ Send over a DM and I will forward you more information about the structure of the workshop.

💥 Are you selling the sizzle or the sausage? I remember when I first joined Emirates back in 2006. It was my first time ...

💥 Are you selling the sizzle or the sausage?

I remember when I first joined Emirates back in 2006. It was my first time working in Destination Marketing and when I sat down for my first meeting with my new boss we discussed what motivated people to travel. I answered him without missing a beat... ‘to find new experiences and make memories’ or as Emirates used to put it ‘Keep Discovering’!

15 years later and it continues to be at the core of so many people’s travel choices – whether they’re staycationing at home or travelling abroad. And never more so than after 2020/21. More than ever people are planning to reconnect with family and friends in real life and make memories together. Personally, I can't wait to get family together in one place for uninterrupted festivities.

So, if you’re sharing content that you want to connect with your audience, remember to:

☀️ Immerse them in how it FEELS to holiday at your property/location.
☀️ Show them the opportunities to make CONNECTIONS with each other and the environment around them.
☀️ Share what’s on the doorstep and how they can share new EXPERIENCES.

And, yes – logistics and amenities on-site are important but it’s ‘the sizzle’ that matters most; it’s feelings, connections and experiences that will secure the booking.

🌴 Panic posting is what happens when you have no content strategy! You haven't posted for a while... you need to get som...

🌴 Panic posting is what happens when you have no content strategy!

You haven't posted for a while... you need to get something out there... 'this photo will do'... and a bit of fluffy text to go with it! Sound familiar?

Did you know that creating a content strategy will make your life SO MUCH EASIER?

Even the most basic strategy will create space in your head resulting in a more organised and consistent approach to managing your social media and marketing.

- You will be crystal clear on what makes good content.
- You will share content your target audience connects with.
- Your audience will grow - with your kind of people.
- It will lead to future bookings.

➡️ If that all sounds great, but you have no idea how to get started. Send me a DM or leave a comment below. I offer 1:1 strategy support or group training workshops with spaces available in May.

Scottish Canals looks after the five canals in Scotland where you can 'discover them by boat, boot or bike'! I had a fan...

Scottish Canals looks after the five canals in Scotland where you can 'discover them by boat, boot or bike'! I had a fantastic time supporting them to grow their audience and create a more engaged online community.

They're a great example of destination marketing where it is so important to promote the sum of all the parts to create a whole experience for your target audience.

Not just that but their audience encompasses personas with different interests and the communications needed to clearly call-out to the right people without alienating others. They are targeting:
- The locals who are looking for things to do on their doorstep.
- The tourists who want to know more about what's available during their visit.
- The shops who want to support and capitalise on events and more visitors.
- The accommodation providers who want to welcome potential customers to the area and give them suggestions for a full complement of visitors attraction and events.
- The commercial boats who want to timetable work when using the canals for access and transportation.

By adjusting the messaging and leading with stories and information Scottish Canals' audience grew significantly - creating a more engaged community, interest grew across the board, followers became fans and events were consistently jam-packed and sold out.

If you're struggling with how you communicate to a varied audience, send me a DM and I can make some suggestions for you.

☀️ May is for the foodies! There are so many dates revolving around food and drink next month. I've gathered them altoge...

☀️ May is for the foodies! There are so many dates revolving around food and drink next month. I've gathered them altogether here. Hopefully you can find some inspiration to share with your audiences... there's plenty to choose from!

With two Bank Holiday Mondays to look forward to, you'll find me enjoying a pub lunch in the sun or a picnic with lots of delicious produce from my local farm shop.

➡️ What plans have you got for the Bank Holiday weekends?

If you've been running Facebook or Instagram Ads, you will have been prompted by now to make some changes to your Busine...

If you've been running Facebook or Instagram Ads, you will have been prompted by now to make some changes to your Business Manager. This is all thanks to the much anticipated Apple iOS14 update that is rolling out this week.

So, what does it mean...

➡️ All Apple users will have the opportunity to opt out of having their data tracked. This will affect the data that Facebook (and ALL apps) can use to retarget Ads.

Don’t panic! This doesn’t mean that Facebook and Instagram Ads are going to stop working if you follow the 'housekeeping' prompts in Business Manager and get a bit more creative on how you put your audiences together.

Yes, it's a faff! But once you've put everything in place, then it's business as usual albeit with a slighting different way of recording your results.

Give me a shout if you want to understand how this affects your business...

🎉 Big day for so many businesses across parts of the UK today! A little bit of normality creeping back into daily life.G...

🎉 Big day for so many businesses across parts of the UK today! A little bit of normality creeping back into daily life.

Good luck to all the pubs, restaurants, hair and beauty businesses, gyms and shops who can once again open their 'doors'. And the holiday rental businesses and campsites who can welcome the first guests of 2021 for staycations.

Just getting to this point has been so tough for some of the independent, family-run businesses that I work with. They're both nervous and excited about welcoming customers again. So please be kind and be supportive where you can. We're all in this together! 😉


💥 Facebook Ads are not going anywhere. Fact!

Opt-in or Opt-out... you are being offered a choice of how your data is used. It will not eliminate Ads from your feed.

The opt-out of tracking personal information that Apple are offering as part of the iOS14 update will not stop you (or your audience) from seeing Facebook and Instagram Ads.

The difference with opting out is that the Ads you see will no longer be targeted based on your interests and the content you've been consuming. They'll be much more spammy.

I'll be opting in. I like that I'm served Ads based on my interests and introduces me to brands that I otherwise wouldn't know about... but I guess you'd expect that from an Ads Manager. 😐

➡️ Will you be opting out or in?

Are you worried that Facebook Ads will eat up your budget and leave you out of pocket? 😁Relax, you don’t have to sink yo...

Are you worried that Facebook Ads will eat up your budget and leave you out of pocket? 😁

Relax, you don’t have to sink your entire budget into one ad while you keep your fingers crossed. You pay for your Ads day-by-day and can test what’s working.

Facebook provides great data on how well your Ads are doing so you can see exactly which image, product, or call to action is performing best AND how much it’s costing.

But what if you do get it wrong? Simple. You stop spending money on that underperforming Ad and try something else instead.

➡️ Get in touch if you’d like to talk through how to set up your Ads and test what works for your business.

🐰 Here's a snapshot of the MANY awareness days that are happening in April. That's on top of Easter, school holidays and...

🐰 Here's a snapshot of the MANY awareness days that are happening in April. That's on top of Easter, school holidays and... here's hoping some glorious sunny, Spring days!

Roll on the 9th April! 🍸

You’ve powered through the week and been busily checking off tasks… so why are you focusing on all the things that didn’...

You’ve powered through the week and been busily checking off tasks… so why are you focusing on all the things that didn’t get done. 🙈

Take a minute to stop and look at what you’ve achieved (in between all the other non-business-related stuff)! High five, pat on the back, G&T, [insert reward of choice] – let’s celebrate the ta-das - not the to-dos !

I’ve been digging deep into my strategy this week to see what's next for Zippy Social plus managing my retained clients’ ad campaigns and social media channels.

What's your win of the week? 🎉

🛒 There’s nothing more frustrating than an abandoned shopping cart, right?One of the most powerful tools in Facebook Ads...

🛒 There’s nothing more frustrating than an abandoned shopping cart, right?

One of the most powerful tools in Facebook Ads is the ability to retarget those customers who have added an item to their basket then disappeared.

I don’t want to lose you with the tech… but there are two ways that this works:

➡️ The Facebook Pixel
A unique code that’s easy to install onto your website. It collects data on the people who visit your site so you can send them tailored ads depending based on their actions.

➡️CAPI (Conversions Application Programme Interface)
This is on the server side of your website and unlike the pixel it isn’t affected by ad blockers so it helps you gather information your pixel can’t reach.

There are so many ways to make Facebook ads work for you, whether you have an ecommerce site, sell through a third party site, or want to generate more leads for the services you offer.

It can feel a little overwhelming when you first start which is why I recommend investing in the help of an ad specialist. Send me a DM if you're looking for some support. I'd be happy to have a no obligation chat to see how I can help.

Did filling in your census make you think back to 10 years ago? 😃I love any excuse for a wee trip down memory lane.👉🏻 Th...

Did filling in your census make you think back to 10 years ago? 😃

I love any excuse for a wee trip down memory lane.

👉🏻 This time 10 years ago:

- I'd been married for 9 years.
- Living in Dubai for 5 years.
- Was loving my job as a Marketing Manager for Emirates Airline.
- Travelling whenever I could (the benefits of working for an airline and in the 'middle of the world' meant that everywhere was so accessible).
- Had just found out I was pregnant with my son after almost two years of being a human pin-cushion and IVF.

👉🏻 Fast forward to now:

- Still married.
- Living in Kent, after 5 years in the Scottish Highlands.
- Loving running my own small marketing agency and working with fab clients.
- Like so many, I haven't left the UK for over a year.
- Mum, chef, taxi driver, etc. to a wonderful football and bike-mad 9-year-old.

➡️ Where were you 10 years ago?

I've been looking forward to today all week! It's the first time in a loooooong while that we have an actual weekend tha...

I've been looking forward to today all week!

It's the first time in a loooooong while that we have an actual weekend that feels different than any other day of the week. We've spent the week doing our stuff; working and schooling. Now we can enjoy some family time... and it feels so nice. I love the simple things. Plus, it's another small step closer to normality. ❤️

What are you looking forward to most this weekend?

💥 A great Facebook Ads campaign can result in top quality leads because the retargeting options can be so precise and sp...

💥 A great Facebook Ads campaign can result in top quality leads because the retargeting options can be so precise and specific to your ideal customer. The science of filtering the audience to narrow them down to only the warmest leads is what gets me fired up when I'm running ad campaigns for my clients.

So getting feedback like this puts a big fat smile on my face!

If you're interested in seeing how Facebook Ads could work for your business then let's set up a Discovery Call to chat through which of my services could suit you best. You can find all the details here: https://zippysocial.com/

And there's still time to enter my Instagram competition to win a Power Hour with me. Last entries on 12 March: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMMHiW9HyTw/

🔥 WIN A POWER HOUR!I have a competition running over on my Instagram account. So if you're looking for some extra suppor...


I have a competition running over on my Instagram account. So if you're looking for some extra support or direction on your social media or Facebook Ads then a Power Hour this could be just what you need.

Exactly how you use your one-hour long 1:1 session is entirely up to you. You bring the social media or Facebook Ads problem and leave with a solution and clear plan of action. You’ll be amazed how much we can pack into an hour!

Closing date for entries is Friday 12 March. Good luck!

Enter here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMMHiW9HyTw/

💥 Instagram's in the process of rolling out its latest feature - Instagram LIVE Rooms with up to 4 hosts (one host and t...

💥 Instagram's in the process of rolling out its latest feature - Instagram LIVE Rooms with up to 4 hosts (one host and three guests). It's another way to connect with your customers and I'm giving you four reasons why it's a good idea to get involved.

➡️ Let me know which number reflects how you feel about Instagram LIVE Rooms:

1. Diving into it. Can't wait to host my first LIVE. ⭐
2. Great. I'll use it when I'm ready. 👍
3. Not another Instagram feature to get my head around. 😁

☀️🐑🌼 Who else is enjoying the glorious weather as we cruise our way into March? If March enters as a lion it will leave ...

☀️🐑🌼 Who else is enjoying the glorious weather as we cruise our way into March?

If March enters as a lion it will leave as a lamb... I heard that expression for the first time this morning. It means that the weather will be opposite at the beginning of the month compared to the end! And there I was me telling myself that summer is just round the corner!

There are loads of days to look forward to this month (not only school's going back on the 8th 🎉) including World Book Day, Mother's Day, World Sleep Day and not forgetting National Chip & Dip Day.



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