Social Media Butterfly

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Social Media Butterfly Helping small businesses be seen online and conquer the fear of social media. I am a social butterfly so naturally I LOVE social media. Blah, blah, blah!!

I have walked in your shoes, not knowing what to do with social media but with no one to hold my hand. I have spent money on courses where I haven’t learned anything and people promising me a MASSIVE income if I follow their formula.. It’s all about working your butt off as nothing comes easy. I’ve worked with a range of small businesses who’s social media platforms get continuous engagement and i

nboxes requesting work. There is no formula, no hard sell, just my knowledge and honest approach to growing your business.


Do you use a third party scheduling app (api) to schedule posts to your fb groups? Facebook is changing so you won't be able to use certain apis to schedule in your groups.

Sit tight and wait to see what happens. I use fb built in scheduler.

Who's jumped on the AI bandwagon. Even though the spellings aren't that great I'm loving it.

Who's jumped on the AI bandwagon. Even though the spellings aren't that great I'm loving it.

Hello. Its been a while so thought I'd say hello.  I spend that much time doing others social media for them that I negl...

Hello. Its been a while so thought I'd say hello. I spend that much time doing others social media for them that I neglect my own BUT that's OK as long as my clients get the quality they deserve, which I always deliver.

I also use other platforms for my social media where algorithms can't interfere.

Happy Friday to you all. Sending much love.

Keep smiling!

Almost forgot my little business birthday. Happy 11th birthday to me the social media butterfly. How time has flew.From ...

Almost forgot my little business birthday. Happy 11th birthday to me the social media butterfly. How time has flew.

From HJC office solutions to HJC Business Solutions to evolving into the Social Media Butterfly.

It's crazy how people have tried to knock me down and stabbed me in the back along the way.

I've got a massive thanks to Amanda at VACT for helping me navigate a very difficult situation a few years ago when someone stole my mailing list. Naughty naughty.

Then we've had the copy cats who copied my posts word for word and then tried to pinch my clients. Again naughty naughty.

Then the evil boss at my full time job in 2012 when I started my little business trying to shut it down. She walked away with egg on her face and of course some freebies courtesy of posted and addressed to her personally.

You know what? I'm still here. There's enough room for all of us. We all have our unique selling point. If I can't do it I'll refer on. I'm not gonna muddle through something I can't do. I have my own uniqueness and I evolve my business all the time. That's the important thing. Move with the times.

I also have another hussle now. I make home fragrances including wax melts, room sprays and carpet fresheners. Also branching out into shower gels.

Final thank you to Kelly Snook who has literally held my hand from the beginning. We met at the VACT conference in Coventry and she's been so amazing and supportive with everything I do.

Here's us two wild sea swimming together.. yeah we did it!

So happy 11th birthday social media butterfly. I LOVE you.


Hey up! So, I've always said to use the social media channels that work for you....

Can you see the last time I updated this page?

That's your answer. The Facebook algorithm did nothing to help small businesses and I've always said don't flog a dead horse.

Find the channels that work for your business. Don't preach to a dead audience!

Amen. Happy Sunday!

Happy Halloween to all my customers and followers.Be safe and have lots of treats xx

Happy Halloween to all my customers and followers.

Be safe and have lots of treats xx

Just what if?

Just what if?

I mean... Sorta kidding. But, maybe not??

So the removal of the Google my Business causing a stir in the business world! What a carry on.If you want to update you...

So the removal of the Google my Business causing a stir in the business world! What a carry on.

If you want to update your business page on Google you now have to use a browser or Google my maps, however if you have an older profile or multiple ones then Google maps could choose any of these.

The way round this at present is to report as duplicates and hopefully this will leave you with the one you want.

Why someone as big as Google has removed the app ill never know..


Ooooo scheduling on tiktok... i was wondering when this was gonna come into play.

This helps with holidays for your marketing as you can schedule and let the posts drop whilst you chill out.

Thanks Hootsuite. Don't let social media rule you!

Happy 10th birthday to my small business. Can't believe the milestone I've hit.So proud of where I am and the battles I'...

Happy 10th birthday to my small business.

Can't believe the milestone I've hit.

So proud of where I am and the battles I've had to go through. People can be awful, jealous, Try to put barriers up but do you know what I'm still here.

I still laugh at that sad manager i had in my full time role when I first started my business accusing me of working whilst in college time. Called an investigation on Me with HR. little did she know I was using hootsuite to schedule content for my social media throughout the day! SHE looked a right idiot when I was sat in my investigation meeting and tweets were going out courtesy of Hootsuite
The Union laughed and called the whole thing a waste of time when they realised how i did things... and shut the meeting down! And you know what she was asked to leave or be sacked for bullying and gross misconduct. And my little business is still going strong despite her trying to shut it down!

Happy 10th birthday to social media butterfly. Im still flying high!

Remember to fly high people! Achieve your goals.

Taking some time out this weekend to sample the delights of the Lake District.   Other half didn't mention our walk woul...

Taking some time out this weekend to sample the delights of the Lake District. Other half didn't mention our walk would be uphill... my knees and poorly ankle didn't appreciate this lol..

Remember that old chestnut that you can't use your personal profile for business and to advertise.Well things are changi...

Remember that old chestnut that you can't use your personal profile for business and to advertise.

Well things are changing....

Full announcement

Facebook is making it easier to manage your presence across our platform - we’re introducing professional mode for profiles as well as exciting updates to new Pages experience.

Planning your social media content doesn't have to be difficult. There's no law about what to and not post. Well I say t...

Planning your social media content doesn't have to be difficult. There's no law about what to and not post. Well I say that but there are limits if you know what I mean.

Blogging keeps your website current and helps with SEO.

You could take little snippets of your blog and drip feed them into your social media content. You will have different audiences on different platforms so this is a great way to repurpose your content and have it seen across multiple channels.

What makes you happy and smile?I actually had a positive come out of covid. I fell in love with one of my friends who is...

What makes you happy and smile?

I actually had a positive come out of covid. I fell in love with one of my friends who is now my best friend and obvs partner.

Looking back on the Last two years it's been tough and we have all had to adjust how we live in one way or another.

I now make every minute count and LOVE planning new adventures whatever they may be. I even started up my own wax melt business and get to express my creative side even more!

I'm guessing what I'm trying to say is that when you're feeling down and out and having a bad day. Try to turn that negative into a positive by thinking of how great you are and what you have achieved.

You only get one shot at life so make it your best and smile. It's the best medicine.

Baby steps to happiness but changing your mindset can do amazing things!

Lying here in bed on this winter Sunday with so many thoughts going through my head, which brings me to flexibility.How ...

Lying here in bed on this winter Sunday with so many thoughts going through my head, which brings me to flexibility.

How do you run your business?
How do you manage?
Do you stick rigidly to the rules?
Do you have flexibility?

In my eyes flexibility is key and understanding what is going on behind the scenes is also imperative?

I'll give you an example of where I'm going with this...

A member of staff is constantly late?

What do you do?

Now I've asked so many delegates on my training sessions this questions and here's some responses..

Tell them to get up early
Tell them to get an earlier bus or metro
Sort out their stuff the night before
Discipline them

Not one person has actually said "well I would find out if there was a problem affecting them getting to work on time!"

Why is this happening should be the first question you ask yourself.. not start thinking of how to discipline them.

The member of staff could be a carer for a parent, partner or sibling and have responsibilities on a morning.
May have new health problems which affect routine

There are so many reasons for this so don't always assume that they're just late.....

Ask the question why...... that person may have valid reasons but may find it difficult to talk about.

Make yourself approachable
Make yourself the caring organisation
Put that flexibility in place

Reassess your approach. Not everything is as it seems....

Christmas came to Pallion, Sunderland tonight... Every year I cover the Christmas Lights switch on and post live feeds a...

Christmas came to Pallion, Sunderland tonight... Every year I cover the Christmas Lights switch on and post live feeds and photos to capture the magic of the event... I absolutely love it.

Tonight was extra special as we dedicated to those lost this year and also the Connor Brown Trust who turned the lights on.

You can normally catch me legging it up and down the terrace making sure that all of the entertainment is captured.

Love it.....

There are certainly spooky things happening over at Facebook this Autumn.  Obviously my role as a Social Media Manager m...

There are certainly spooky things happening over at Facebook this Autumn. Obviously my role as a Social Media Manager means that I have to keep an eye on insights etc and how posts are performing. e.g. being seen.

Since the BIG OUTAGE reach and views on the pages I manage has posed a problem. You know when you think is this just happening to me? What am I doing wrong and the fear of doubt creeps in? Well that was me, had a major wobble. So I pulled my big girls pants up and did some research.

You want to know what I found?

That hundreds of other social media managers were having the same problems, their reach is down and I don't just mean by a few, I mean some by thousands, which has a major impact on your brand. One of the big things that has been identified is that if you post via Instagram then share to Facebook then the reach declines. Who would of known when the platforms are owned by the same company!!!!

So if you're sitting there tearing your hair out wondering what is going on and what are you doing wrong. Then the answer is nothing, something has happened and we will never know what. However this is your opportunity to change the way you do things.

Re-evaluate what you post
Think about engaging content, how are you going to get your audience to engage?
Perhaps set up a Facebook group and invite your customers
Look at other platforms so that you have different audiences viewing your content.

Keep on plugging away though, don't give up.

I LOVE this time of year. This is actually my favourite time of year. The colours of the leaves. Seeing everyone's house...

I LOVE this time of year. This is actually my favourite time of year. The colours of the leaves. Seeing everyone's houses decorated and of course Halloween. I've gone for a mix of themes in my house this year.. autumn wreath with pumpkins in my back garden and then a haunted theme at the front. Last night we carved pumpkins. I have so many things planned for this week leading up to Halloween... eeeek. Excited.


So, we all know what happened tonight with the big outage... let me ask you this?

Did you always have a back up of where you would find your audience if something ever happened to your Facebook, Instagram audience? Do you have a membership site, an email list? Or would you be left with nobody?

It's not always wise to put all your eggs in one basket... think about what would of happened if they hadn't come back online...

Where are your audience,. How would you reach them.

On that note goodnight. Xx

Did you know that pod casts are also part of your digital promotion.When we say marketing it isn't just about Facebook, ...

Did you know that pod casts are also part of your digital promotion.

When we say marketing it isn't just about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc... there is a whole lot more out there to get your biz noticed..

There are also free pod casting software you can use..

My digital promotion course will not only open your eyes but you'll learn how to use all the software.

Keep your eyes peeled for more details coming very soon.

It's 1st October and it's world smile day. Remember it takes more muscles to frown! Even trying to smile activates endor...

It's 1st October and it's world smile day. Remember it takes more muscles to frown! Even trying to smile activates endorphins and tricks your mind stating your happy..

Go on give us a smile today. You're amazing..

Rocking up to meetings with lush new note book... How on point is this with my brand. Love it...                        ...

Rocking up to meetings with lush new note book... How on point is this with my brand. Love it...

The Social Media Butterfly offers this service to those who don’t want to relinquish control of their business to me. Th...

The Social Media Butterfly offers this service to those who don’t want to relinquish control of their business to me.

This still allows you to invest in the knowledge and expertise to manage your social media confidently.

I offer 1 to 1 calls, training sessions, and mentorship with social media. This also allows me to share my knowledge and help you gain the information to succeed too.

The Future is YOU! Have you ever thought about what is holding your business back?🌟Not being able to do something 🌟Worri...

The Future is YOU!

Have you ever thought about what is holding your business back?

🌟Not being able to do something
🌟Worried about competition
🌟Don't know where to start

So, how are you going to move forward and become the best at what you do?

What do you have to become to have your future?

If you Don't know how to create your future business with your social media then let's talk? Let's put that plan in place together.

However overwhelming Social Media management and mentoring can be seen for some – when you don’t know where to start, wh...

However overwhelming Social Media management and mentoring can be seen for some – when you don’t know where to start, which platform to use. I can provide my expertise to help, erasing the additional worry of not knowing how to use each one!

So today, I was part of a mind set retreat with  It's been such a long time coming as it was supposed to happen before l...

So today, I was part of a mind set retreat with
It's been such a long time coming as it was supposed to happen before lockdown.

I'm literally full of every emotion from the day, which was filled with being accountable, setting goals and making our Intent.

I've made my 5 year goal, which I've started working towards already so watch this space!!

Donna and Cheryl were amazing today and they've even wrote a book, which naturally I've bought.

Looking after your mental health and wellbeing is the centre of your success and If you don't have that mind set then how are you gonna show up as your best self..

If you're feeling a bit stuck and want to get unstuck then I cant recommend these ladies or the book enough.

Check out their links and bio at to order your copy and start to get unstuck and swipe left for a sneak peak at the book....

When thinking about Social Media there are pointers that you should be following to make sure that your strategy is work...

When thinking about Social Media there are pointers that you should be following to make sure that your strategy is working.

💗 have a strategy in place
💗 have a posting schedule in place - you can use buffer, promorepublic or even Facebook for this.
💗 find out via research what times are best to post via your insights
💗 don't just promote, put some fun, quirky, personality posts into the mix.
💗 align your content with your audience.

These are just some of the things you can do to help get your social media started.

If you're struggling then why not book a strategy call with me to see how I can help and guide you.

Happy Wednesday!



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Our Story


I am here to help you grow an amazing social media presence and also conquer any demons you have about doing this! I’ll help you decide what channels are the best and help you make sense of it all!

Social Media can be over whelming and you don’t know where to start, which platform to use, what to post and then the added worry of not knowing how to use each one!

Social Media engagement and followers doesn’t happen overnight, it has to be worked at, if you’re expecting overnight success then expect a miracle. Thinking about boosting that post on Facebook, WRONG!!