Welcome to the latest Fusion Flowers magazine/ Hydrangea World UK competition which is entitled “Treasure Memorable Moments". With their impressive flower heads, range of colours and long stems, Hydrangea can really make a big impact for those special days. Think weddings, milestone celebrations, births and funerals – the choice is yours. Once again, this competition is very different from our previous competitions so please read the rules very carefully.
1 The majority of the flowers used must be fresh Hydrangea – other fresh flowers and foliage may also be used or can be in combination with dried material together with sundries, but no artificial plant material is permitted.
2 The design should be created to interpret the theme.
3 This could be an arrangement, a bouquet, special event – it’s up to you.
4 Entries open on 31 May 2021 and close on 27 June 2021 at midnight UK time.
5 Entries should be sent via private message to the main Fusion Flowers magazine page and should show your name, location, photographers name (permission to publish if successful) and can include (if appropriate) your company, website, page link etc - you can send in a maximum of 5 photographs of the design shot at different angles but must include one clear, full shot of the entire design.
6 The design should be your own work or should state if more than one person was involved.
7 You may send as many entries as you wish.
8 Please post the design on your own page and send us a link to your page because photographs sent by private message are often reduced in resolution by Facebook.
9 If successful, you must be able to supply the photograph in high resolution for printing/publication purposes and it must be in focus.
10 Hydrangea World may use your photographs for marketing purposes but will feature your name and that of the photographer.
11 Judges will be looking for originality, good craftsmanship and excellent technique. The designs should be suitable for publication in international design magazines as we will be sharing the winning designs with other publishers.
12 The judge’s decision is final.
13 The results will be posted on the main Fusion Flowers magazine page.
14 This is an independent competition and has nothing to do with Facebook.
Photography courtesy of Hydrangea World