Welcome Chester ❤️🌻 Look after HRH, keep making her smile, and she will look after you with her love like she did for us! WARNING… many cute puppy photos wil be coming. The power of animals for mental well-being is so amazing!
We often dismiss how intuitive children are, or what they might quiz or think of! Rosa loves hearing about what Nanny used to get up, her love to dancing, country music. She loves this silly song called “Mr Mom” because i told her Mum and I would belt it out when I drove her back from line dancing! Rosa asked if she could help feed nanny on Friday. She knows it’s important and likes to help. I cannot wait to give young carers some well-being help later this year! If you want to donate to the well-being project there’s a link on the site!
Getting young carers to open up about how they feel is difficult, they often have protective barriers over their loved ones, or depending on age, don’t really understand how they feel. One of the 2022 projects is ‘worry bags’ for young carers, it’s a slow process raising funds but we are trying. I’m Hopton to have more resources on the website at some point in helping young carers understand their emotions and work through them! Thanks @the.doodling.dad for the animation.
She’s the one always smiling even if the day has been hard, the one who never grumbles, the one who beams with gratitude to have her family around her and be alive. HRH, you are my woman I’m celebrating today! Throw back to when the world fell apart in COVID and you still got excited for a selfie! I’ll keep ya Facebook famous for as long as I’m here 💙❤️💃🏼
Little moments with these two ever strengthening their bond 💕 Rosa struggles so much with Nanny having Huntingtons. She expresses all the time that she wishes she didn’t have it. I worry a lot for when the time comes that she won’t be able to do this, but that’s why I’m putting any energy I have into talking through emotions with her, and most importantly, letting her see when I feel sad about it too. If we want the next generation to talk, and express whe they’re struggling, we have to show them it’s normal and OK to do that too!
Happy Sunday folks. Crisp winter sun, an amazing carer this morning making mum squeal dancing to Hugh Grant. Today, I am grateful for the people who show love to Mum. What are you grateful for today? Please post! It’s one of the important parts of healthy psychology 🥰
I love this video so much, I used it for teaching student paramedics at Worcester uni a few weeks ago. Alzheimer’s engulfed my beautiful Nanna - she couldn’t recognise us or converse properly. But…. Give her a baby.. she does this? We never know how much of someone is left in there. Make the effort to communicate, be kind and compassionate, and always remember who they were before because it’s still them ❤️ a year ago yesterday my Nanna rested peacefully.
Rosa got upset that her Nanny couldn’t go upstairs to see her new bed and fairy lights. We filmed the room to show her instead, I look at Rosa in this video, and she went from excited, to nervously playing with her feet, staying quiet and with drawing. It breaks my heart so much how much she is aware of Mum’s decline, and how she understands that Nanny is getting more poorly. We spent our lives as mothers feeling guilty and trying to protect our kids from everything… but at the end of the day, it’s experience that makes us resilient as adults, and all I can realistically do is be there to understand and support her through it. Young Carers carry SUCH a huge burden, and whilst we are so busy right now, we will be focusing on the young Carers soon. It’s important to acknowledge that a young child will experience grief differently to us, and it may manifest in behaviours, outbursts, physical symptoms caused from stress such as headaches. Look after the little ones ❤️
Last year I was sure my dream was to open a CFMB care home, for younger neurological patients. But the more I work in the NHS; the more I recognise if I want to stop burning out I need a work life balance, and you can’t have a care home half heartedly. I know I wouldn’t ever have a day off. So, NEW DREAM. One of mum’s Carers and I are legit planning a future doggo business. Including…. DOG THERAPY: so if all can bring me their cute dogs for “research purposes” that would be great 😂 Meet Arlo ❤️ Mum’s latest pal. Golden retriever pup, her laugh is just the cutest ♥️🌼
There is a reason I have muted this video. It’s actually a lovely video of mum giggling and my Dad having a joke with her. But you can see how exhausting the simple task of just sitting is, in someone with moderate stage HD. This was probably 2016 I think. The task of sitting is exhausting, and people like my Mum were still questioned by they couldn’t work. Or why they needed care. If you look how her brain affects her muscle activity; you can imagine how her brain activity is affected too - Huntington’s effects your ability to think, react, multi task, and effects your awareness of your self and struggles. Ever had a mate 10 pints / jäger bombs in who won’t accept they need help to get up the stairs?? This is similar. CFMB want to educate PIP assessors, social workers, nurses, doctors, paramedics, occupational therapists. One of the biggest things I’ve learnt as a paramedic being on the other side … is that I must listen to what Carers say.
9pm mum is shattered. She can barely drink or talk... BUT as I walked in last night, and had a little joke that she’s watching saucy scenes of Brad Pitt, her cheeky character came out! 🥰🌞 I hope this little video brightens the start of your bank holiday and reminds you that every storm has clouds and rain, but they aren’t permanent. Look for the rays sunshine no matter how little time they’re there ❣️ AND NEVER forget the person on the inside.. none of us know how much they’re in there ❣️❣️ #huntingtonsdisease #dementia #carer #nhsworkers #paramedic #campaigner #neurology #sunshinemoment
Thank you NHS - my queen has been vaccinated !
Knock knock... a window cuddle for Mum!