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Under the Union Jack An anti-imperialist’s view of the British Empire, then and now, in Palestine and beyond.


Declassified UK

🚨The five newly-elected independent MPs have written to David Lammy to remind him of the government's obligations under international law.

They call on the Labour government to end arms sales to Israel, restore funding to UNRWA, and drop the legal challenge at the ICC.

"Colonial historiography divided nations into "civilized" and "uncivilized", trying to legitimize barbaric phenomena (su...

"Colonial historiography divided nations into "civilized" and "uncivilized", trying to legitimize barbaric phenomena (such as the use of slave labor in the colonies and attacks on Indigenous peoples) with pseudoscientific definitions. "
Alexander Tuboltsev

The Western-centric view of world history is false. Since ancient times, the world has been intellectually multipolar. This is well confirmed by ancient philosophy.

The Future of Palestine,[1][2] also known as the Samuel memorandum, was a memorandum circulated by Herbert Samuel to the...

The Future of Palestine,[1][2] also known as the Samuel memorandum, was a memorandum circulated by Herbert Samuel to the British Cabinet in January and March 1915, two months after the British declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire.

The Future of Palestine,[1][2] also known as the Samuel memorandum, was a memorandum circulated by Herbert Samuel to the British Cabinet in January and March 1915, two months after the British declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire.

Declassified has previously revealed the RAF has flown more than 200 spy missions over Gaza  from Cyprus since December,...

Declassified has previously revealed the RAF has flown more than 200 spy missions over Gaza from Cyprus since December, with at least one landing in Israel. Matt Kennard of Declassified UK

Declassified UK
👉NEW -- The British spy squad assisting Israel as it bombs Gaza
A leak to the New York Times has shed more light on the secret role Britain is playing in Israel’s assault on Gaza.

Declassified UK  👉NEW -- The British spy squad assisting Israel as it bombs Gazaby  A leak to the New York Times has she...

Declassified UK
👉NEW -- The British spy squad assisting Israel as it bombs Gaza
A leak to the New York Times has shed more light on the secret role Britain is playing in Israel’s assault on Gaza.

"a secretive team of British troops based in Bahrain, which is 190km from Iran, played a key role in a “period of increa...

"a secretive team of British troops based in Bahrain, which is 190km from Iran, played a key role in a “period of increased activity and tension that followed the death” of Soleimani." Phil Miller

Seven members of Britain’s armed forces won an award for their ‘vital operational’ work supporting the US military after it killed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani in a drone strike last year, Declassified has found.

Baldwin on Britain and Palestine.

Baldwin on Britain and Palestine.

Famine as genocide.

Famine as genocide.


Afshin Rattansi

‘You don’t teach your children in schools a line of colonial history’ Shashi Tharoor destroys British🇬🇧 media over Britain’s colonial history
Real wages in India🇮🇳 declined by 23.3% during the 350 years of British rule

Under British rule, India's share of the world economy declined from 24.4% in 1700 to 4.2% in 1950

Britain stole $45 trillion in wealth from India during colonial rule

Based on England's 16th and 17th century mortality rate, the British Empire caused 165 million excess deaths in India between 1881 and 1920.

Extreme poverty increased from 23% in 1810 to more than 50% by the mid-20th century.

According to historian Mike Davis, during 120 years of the British Raj, there were 31 famines. Before British rule, there had been 17 famines in the last 2000 years.

The last famine caused by the British Empire, the Bengal famine, killed 4 million people.

yeet the zionists 🇵🇸🍉❤️ Feb 5the caption on this photo is not a joke. they were so hungry that people started to eat dea...

yeet the zionists 🇵🇸🍉❤️

Feb 5
the caption on this photo is not a joke. they were so hungry that people started to eat dead bodies. same thing happened in ireland and in china. the british empire was and is pure evil, as is every colonial power.

https://new.thecradle.co/articles-id/16257 In December 2020, London and Tel Aviv signed a military cooperation agreement...

In December 2020, London and Tel Aviv signed a military cooperation agreement described by Ministry of Defense officials as an “important piece of defense diplomacy” that “strengthens” military ties between the two countries, while providing “a mechanism for planning our joint activity.” Kit Klarenberg

The UK, perpetually dissatisfied with its status as a former imperial power, seeks to play an oversized role in Israel’s protection by setting its military and intel sights on Lebanon, Gaza, and Yemen today.

Palestine Action BREAKING: Jury delivers a unanimous NOT GUILTY verdict for two actionists who defaced Balfour’s statue ...

Palestine Action

BREAKING: Jury delivers a unanimous NOT GUILTY verdict for two actionists who defaced Balfour’s statue in the House of Commons.

Balfour’s declaration in 1917 signed away the land of Palestine to the Zionist regime.

They know , Palestine Action is not!

"The overall or political object is to impose upon Russia the will of the United States and British Empire. " Quoted fro...

"The overall or political object is to impose upon Russia the will of the United States and British Empire. " Quoted from Operation Unthinkable.

Report from the British Military leaders to Prime Minister Winston Churchill on the chances of ‘Operation Unthinkable’ -a surprise attack on the USSR, 22 May 1945 (Catalogue ref: CAB 120/691) Transcript OPERATION UNTHINKABLE REPORT BY THE JOINT PLANNING STAFF We have examined Operation Unthinkab...

However, and as Neville Chamberlain's appeasement policy showed, Britain was keen to avoid war with Germany if it could ...

However, and as Neville Chamberlain's appeasement policy showed, Britain was keen to avoid war with Germany if it could be done while also preserving Britain's naval supremacy; Britain's declaration of war occurred not because of the N***s aggressive racial supremacism but, to an extent, in spite of it; the ideology of a shared racial destiny was a key motivator behind British leaders' quest for peace with N**i Germany. And it was this sense of shared racial destiny that led to the incorporation of imperial Germany into - and employment of N**i officials and even former SS soldiers within - the structures of the British initiated postwar Western European Union, which became NATO and the EU. Phil Bevin

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UK military aircraft landing in Tel Aviv have mostly comprised the C-17A Globemaster III and A400M Atlas C1, both milita...

UK military aircraft landing in Tel Aviv have mostly comprised the C-17A Globemaster III and A400M Atlas C1, both military transport vehicles. Britain has eight Globemaster and 21 Atlas vehicles. https://www.declassifieduk.org/raf-admits-to-making-17-military-flights-to-israel-since-gaza-bombing-

The C-17 is capable of transporting 134 personnel and many types of military equipment, including Abrams tanks and three Black Hawk helicopters.

The US military, which also operates C-17s, notes that its role is to “rapidly project and sustain an effective combat force close to a potential battle area”.

But Declassified discovers 33 UK military transport flights to Tel Aviv in the last month, including every day for two weeks after the Gaza bombing began.


The imperial racial hierarchy working in "Israels" favour in this case.


Youssef Chouhoud
Churchill on the Palestinians (1937):
“I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time…I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America…” (1/2)

Youssef Chouhoud

Oct 24
(2/2) “…or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a STRONGER RACE, a HIGHER-GRADE RACE, a more worldly wise race…has come in and taken their place.”

(Emphasis mine, genocidal white supremacy his)

UK blustering and blundering into escalating their war with Russia.

UK blustering and blundering into escalating their war with Russia.

The UK Defence Secretary has unveiled discussions about relocating the British training program for Ukrainian troops back into the country

The UK military conducted an official operation to train and arm Ukrainian troops from 2015 onwards, which was later shi...

The UK military conducted an official operation to train and arm Ukrainian troops from 2015 onwards, which was later shifted out of the country. British Royal Marines also conducted several high-risk “discreet operations” in Ukraine last year, according to one general, but officially London has never admitted to having any significant presence in the country since the conflict with Russia escalated in 2022. However, several classified US military documents leaked online earlier this year suggested that some 50 British special operatives were still active in Ukraine. RT


The UK Defence Secretary has unveiled discussions about relocating the British training program for Ukrainian troops back into the country


David Miller explores Iran firsthand, engaging with locals and intellectuals, specifically discussing the role of the West and the UK throughout Iranian history.



Private military companies in the United Kingdom
MFA RussiaJuly 14, 2023

Although the country has numerous registered companies providing diverse security services in the United Kingdom and abroad, this sector remains quite opaque in terms of media coverage and legal regulation.

Open sources providing data on private military companies are mostly heavily redacted information with major omissions on official websites. The Companies House provides standard accounting forms and records for these companies, and this hinders a deeper analysis of their performance.
It is very difficult to establish the exact number of British companies that can be classed as private military companies. There is no open official register of these companies; and registration with state agencies is not mandatory. The Companies House database makes it possible to obtain only generalised information on this issue. In its specialised 2018 report, the Open Democracy NGO mentioned at least 235 UK-registered companies providing military and security services abroad.
The provisions of the Private Security Industry Act of 2001 regulate the activities of private security companies operating in the UK. Although London initially studied the possibility of establishing a legal framework for regulating overseas activities of private military companies, it eventually opted for voluntary self-regulation, with minimal state involvement because this was apparently the most effective way to promote high standards.

The Security in Complex Environments Group bringing together 36 major UK-registered private military companies plays an important role in this process. This organisation is a platform for collectively drafting regulations, including monitoring the companies’ compliance with international humanitarian law. The group lists a number of ministries and agencies, including the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Ministry of Defence as associated members and observers; they take part in the group’s work whenever necessary.

The Government also assumes that British companies will be guided in their work by provisions of international regulations and recommendations for private military companies, including the 2008 Montreux Document on Private Military and Security Companies and the 2010 International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers. However, these documents are not legally binding.

In some cases, provisions of the International Criminal Court Act of 2001, passed following the UK’s accession to the International Criminal Court, shall apply to British citizens involved in private military companies’ operations overseas who have committed grave crimes (murder and torture).

The main British private military companies are affiliated with various transnational security companies, including Allied Universal and Constellis whose main offices are located in the United States, as well as Gardaworld (Canada). At the same time, they have numerous affiliates abroad and offer an extremely wide package of services, including the provision of advisors, intelligence, training law-enforcement personnel and crisis management. The latter included efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19, guarding facilities (prisons included), cash collection, legal support, analysing geopolitical risks, supplying weapons and military equipment, technological protection and security, mine clearance and escorting ground-based and high-seas convoys.
Most notable companies:
Prevail Partners (private military intelligence company)
The purpose of its activities is to provide due diligence services for legal entities and individuals based on information obtained from databases of public and private institutions, media reports, GIS Internet resources, including the shadow segment of the internet, and social media monitoring. The organisation also renders consulting services in cybersecurity.
Prevail Partners' clients include the UK Ministry of Defence and intelligence services, large foreign mining companies (investing in countries with unstable military and political conditions), British and international NGOs, as well as special services of the countries participating in the Five Eyes agreement (Australia, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand, the United States).
The organisation provides training for job seekers in private and public security agencies, including in special operation activities, UAV control, operation and investigative tactics.

As part of its activities Prevail Partners actively applies technologies of data collection and analysis with the help of artificial intelligence (for example, Fivecast ONYX).
The company places special purpose software in popular applications for smartphones and other personal devices, and uses the permissions granted by subscribers to trigger unauthorised activity.
One of Prevail Partners' confirmed customers is the US Army Special Operations Command Africa, which has paid more than $6.5 million for such software.
Currently, a group of the company's specialists (six to seven people) is operating in Ukraine. Their tasks include collecting and providing Ukrainian intelligence services with intelligence information, including personal data on foreign and Russian citizens, as well as on servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces taking part in the special military operation. The company's Executive Chairman Justin Hedges has repeatedly visited Kiev to coordinate with the local authorities the organisation of training for sabotage and reconnaissance groups to be sent to the combat zone.
Group 4 Securicor (G4S, as part of the Allied Universal group of companies) Considered one of the world's largest employers with 490,000 employees in over 80 countries. It has extensive experience of working in such unstable countries and regions as Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt (during the 2011 unrest), Mali, South Sudan and other African states.
Aegis Defence Services (as part of Gardaworld)
Experience in Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Somalia and the Central African Republic (CAR).
Pilgrims Group
Based on records filed in 2019, it lists activities in Nigeria (2,500 employees of the company are employed there), Afghanistan and Iraq.
In addition, we should note Control Risks (involved in Libya), Olive Group (part of Constellis, operated in Afghanistan and Libya), Protection Vessels International (maritime security, was noticed in Eritrea, operates in the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden), Saladin Security (Afghanistan, Ghana and Kenya).
London openly makes use of the services of British private military companies abroad, emphasising the effectiveness of this practice in difficult security conditions. This could refer to a wide range of activities, but first of all it concerns protection of British diplomatic and military facilities. Public agencies are reluctant to publish information about existing contracts, hiding behind security considerations. However, according to official information, in 2012-2016, private military companies fulfilled state contracts for a total of £160 million. The main beneficiaries were G4S (£90 m), Gardaworld (£49.6 m), Aegis (£8.7 m), Control Risks (£5.4 m) and Pilgrims Group (£3 m). There are other forms of cooperation, such as the Ministry of Defence's arrangements for the employment of former British servicemen in G4S.

Although the country has numerous registered companies providing diverse security services in the United Kingdom and abroad, this sector remains quite opaque in terms of media coverage and legal regulation. Open sources providing data on private military companies are mostly heavily redacted informa...

The disclosures, made under the Freedom of Information Act, show correspondence between the Director General of the Atto...

The disclosures, made under the Freedom of Information Act, show correspondence between the Director General of the Attorney General’s Office, Doug Wilson, with representatives of the Israeli Embassy in London, over the period May 2022 to February 2023. While most of these representatives have their names redacted, we know that one is Oren Marmorstein, Deputy Ambassador of Israel to the UK [1].

In an email dated 9th May 2022, at which time Suella Braverman held the post of Attorney General, Wilson updates the Embassy on matters previously discussed in a meeting. He notes having raised matters on the embassy’s behalf to their Home Office colleagues, relating to Law Officer’s ability to intervene in prosecution decisions and casework. The parties also discussed the ‘operational independence of the CPS [Crown Prosecution Service]’, and the AGO’s ability to bring about prosecutions.

The Israeli embassy is attempting to exert top-level diplomatic influence to lock up those who stand against its war machine

UK ruling class role in creating a Federated Europe.

UK ruling class role in creating a Federated Europe.

15 seconds · Clipped by nasser mashadi · Original video "THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: France’s Secret Armies and the Pan-Europa Project [pt. 5.3]" by Eyes Wide Open



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