Coltas robach air an aimsir ach bu chòrr do na choons ur cumail blàth comhfhartail 🎉🥰
Dè na planaichean a th’againn uile? 💚😁
There is a storm brewing ahead of a Burns extravaganza across the country this ‘Whackyend’….what are your own plans? 🥰🎉
Requests? Shoutouts? Parties? 😁💚
A’ gleidheal SAS a-nochd - TRACTAR CAMPBELL - le na taghaidhean agus aobharran dhuinn. Coimhead air adhart ruithe gu mòr mar is abhaist 🥰💪❤️
Tonight’s selections for Special At Six (S.A.S) chosen by - TRACTAR CAMPBELL - and his choices are guaranteed to get us all going 😁🎉💪😍
To be in draw and have a chance at choosing your own three tracks in S.A.S (Special At Six) next week please “Like” this post by 5.50pm TODAY. It is an Open Draw and all will be entered. Draw takes place after the News & Weather on FacebookLive 😁🥳🥰
“Suithad a ghraidh!! Tionndaidh agus tàgh òrain dha Pluto”
“Go on - Pluto needs all the help he can get! Just turn around and pick a choon!” 🤪😁🥰
BEO/LIVE 5.30-7pm
Seachdain ‘s na Charts…..
Buille mhòr na maidne air an Diluain ‘s doirbh dhen a’ bhliadhna ….’s math g’eil choons againn airson ur cuir ceart 🤪😁
Blue Monday can do one….have the usual choons and nonsense to share with you today 5.30-7pm LIVE 🎉❤️
What was your ‘Weekend Highlight’ folks?
You may not BELIEVE mine 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Seall cò a th’aig an dorus! Dè na planaichean a th’againn? 😁🥰🎉❤️
It is here already! What do we all have planned for ‘The Whackyend’?
BÈO/LIVE 5.30-7pm …you’d be barking to miss it 🤪
A’ gleidheal SAS a-nochd - DAVE SLATER - le na taghaidhean agus aobharran dhuinn. Coimhead air adhart ruithe gu mòr mar is abhaist 🥰💪❤️
Tonight’s selections for Special At Six (S.A.S) chosen by - DAVE SLATER - and his choices are guaranteed to get us all going once again 🥰😁🎉💪😍
To be in draw and have a chance at choosing your own three tracks in S.A.S (Special At Six) next week please “Like” this post by 5.50pm TODAY. It is an Open Draw and all will be entered. Draw takes place after the News & Weather on FacebookLive 😁🥳🥰
Dè a chòrr a dh’iarradh Tyson, neo gu dearbh duine againn air Dimairt? 😁🥰🤪
What more could a body ask for on a ‘Choonsday’? 🎉🤪🥰😉
BEO/LIVE 5.30-7pm
Cò ris a bha coltach dhuibh pein peeps? 🥰😁🎉🤪
How was it for you folks? Any particular ‘highlight’? 🥰🎉😁
Air an aer BEO/LIVE 5.30-7pm