Stephen King was struggling with his finances and teaching high school English while also working at an industrial laundry to support his family. With three kids and growing frustration, he started writing his first novel, Carrie. However, feeling disheartened, he threw the manuscript into the trash, convinced it wasn’t worth finishing.
This is where Tabitha King, his wife, stepped in. She found the pages in the trash, read them, and saw potential in the story. Tabitha encouraged Stephen to keep going, telling him that the story was worth finishing. Her belief in him gave him the motivation to complete the book.
After several rejections, Doubleday accepted Carrie for publication, marking the start of Stephen King's remarkable career. While the hardcover sales were modest, the paperback rights sold for $400,000, a life-changing sum at the time, setting King on the path to becoming one of the most prolific writers in the world.
King went on to publish numerous bestselling novels, earning the title of "Master of Horror," with films like Misery, It, and The Shining adapted from his books. But as his success grew, he never forgot Tabitha’s role in saving his first book. In many of his works, the dedication reads, “For Tabby,” honoring the woman who believed in him when he was ready to give up.
This story highlights the power of support from a loved one, and Stephen King has carried that with him throughout his career, always crediting Tabitha for her unwavering belief in his potential.
Credit goes to the original owner
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