We absolutely loved sharing this unboxing joy with Around the World on 80 Horses author Jill Newton!
More via our bio 📚🧲
#80horses #childrensbooks #kidlit #history #science #geography #horses
❤️ The perfect book to give on #LibraryLoversDay
Clive and his friends love going to their local library, exploring what the awesome librarians do in a day! And when they get home, they love to play libraries together!
CLIVE IS A LIBRARIAN by Jessica Spanyol
❤️ Smashing Clive books, smashing stereotypes https://www.childs-play.com/collections/all-about-clive-clives-jobs
🌳💚 #NationalTreeWeek is 23 Nov-1 Dec 🌳💚
Looking for inspiration for activities for your classroom or home? How about a forest full of poems... and ideas!
Let's read together, make art together. Write your own poems.
Go forest bathing, enjoy ways to relax.
Trees in the forests, and the city, discover more trees around the world.
Learn about the amazing biodiversity of tree life, which species rely on trees... including us!
The environmental message throughout this book is perfect to encourage discussions, look to the future and how we can help.
TREE WHISPERS by Mandy Ross, illustrated by Juliana Oakley book + resources: https://www.childs-play.com/collections/poetry
Have a tree party! Find out more about #nationaltreeweek2024 and how you can get involved at The Tree Council.
#plantatree #growagenerationofreaders #readingtogether
Lots of NEW BOOK JOY here! 🤩📚
Amazing photos from the KENDE! KENDE! KENDE! US Book Launch & African Community Celebration in Portland, Me, with I'm Your Neighbor Books and friends!
KENDE! KENDE! KENDE! by Yaya Gentille & Kirsten Cappy, illustrated by Rahana Dariah: https://www.childs-play.com/products/9781786289612 (select country for UK/USA)
POLONIUS THE PIT PONY author's fave review!
'This little fella gets a huge amount of love. Best review ever from a child when I asked why she liked the book:
"Because it shows you even if you're small, you can do something big."
Nailed it!' Richard O'Neill
POLONIUS THE PIT PONY illustrated by Feronia Parker Thomas https://childs-play.com/collections/travellers-tales #TravellersTales #growagenerationofreaders
We had the best visit from our friends @weesing123 at Frankfurt @buchmesse
They publish our FIRST FEELINGS books in Taiwanese 😍 – and just look at what they brought!
🌟 Find us and #allthefeels in Hall 6.1 D68 #fbm24 🌟
FIRST FEELINGS books illustrated by @paulabowles_illustrator
More + FREE activities on our website, link via our bio
#Feelinggreat #buchmesse #FirstFeelingsbooks #FirstFeelings #eyfs #booksaboutfeelings #emotions #boardbooks #emotionalintelligence #boardbooks #booksfortoddlers #nurserybookshelf #raisingreaders #neurodivergent #neurotypical
#NationalLearningandDevelopmentMonth #NationalBookMonth #EmotionalIntelligenceAwarenessMonth
We’ve picked some of our favourite Classic Books with Holes rhymes to celebrate #NationalPoetryDay
This year’s theme is ‘counting’, can you count how many books!
Count ants, dinosaurs, horses, elephants and more!
Stomp, roar and sing along to favourite rhymes together!
Our Classic Books with Holes are lots of fun and great for introducing counting and help develop number skills!
See the whole series on our website, link via bio
Board book, SC, BIG book, CD formats!
#readingtogether #singingtogether #countingbooks #eyfs #bookswithholes #poems #counting #nurseryrhymes
How does a wasteful, extravagant king discover the rewards of reusing and fixing things in his kingsize pile of 'trash'?
KING LEONARD'S TEDDY by Phoebe Swan Illustration
+ FREE activities: https://www.childs-play.com/products/9781786281838
#BackToSchool #ZeroWasteWeek #ReduceReuseRecycle
When we put our unique skills together what can we achieve? Unlikely friends CAT AND BIRD find out!
New SO CAN WE! board book series by Jo Empson Illustrator (Rabbityness, Little Home Bird, Never Ever), with a gatefold flap surprise at the end, available now! https://childs-play.com/collections/so-can-we #BacktoSchool #teamwork
Unlikely friends FOX AND GOOSE discover the rewards of cooperation through their unique skills.
SO CAN WE! by Jo Empson Illustrator (Rabbityness, Little Home Bird, Never Ever) board book series, with a gatefold flap surprise at the end! https://www.childs-play.com/collections/so-can-we #BacktoSchool #friendship
Starting nursery is an exciting time! It’s also a time of change, challenges and lots of expectations and questions! Reading together can encourage discussion, helping ease any worries and help little ones start the adventure and enjoy new and fun experiences. Perfect for read-along and singalong story times!
FIRST TIME: NURSERY illustrated by Jess Stockham
MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB illustrated by Marina Aizen #ClassicBookswithHoles
WHEELS AT WORK: CITY illustrated by Cocoretto
ROSA’S BIG BOAT EXPERIMENT by Jessica Spanyol #RosasWorkshop
CURIOUS CATS: NUMBERS by Airlie Anderson
WHAT’S UP, CROCODILE? SPORT illustrated by Cocoretto
WHEN I FEEL ANGRY illustrated by Paula Bowles #FirstFeelings
CLIVE IS A TEACHER by Jessica Spanyol
AMAZING ME! MUSIC! by Carol Thompson
#nursery #nurseryschool #newexperiences #startingnursery #backtoschool #eyfs #earlyreaders #learningthroughplay #smashingstereotypes #school #startingschool #movingschool #homeschool #teachers #caregivers #diversechildrensbooks #childrensbooks #bookswithusallin #raisingreaders #storytime #readaloud #friendship #emotionallearning #neurodivergent #neurotypical #teamwork #STEM
Starting school, back to school, moving to a new school... there are lots of expectations and it can be exciting. It can also be a challenging and stressful time. Reading together can encourage discussion and questions, helping ease worries and fears so they can start to enjoy new and fun experiences.
NEW SHOES, RED SHOES by Susan Rollings, illustrated by Becky Baur
BEST FRIENDS, BUSY FRIENDS bySusan Rollings, illustrated by Nichola Cowdery
ICE IN THE JUNGLE by Ariane Hofmann-Maniyar
THE LOST HOMEWORK by Richard O’Neill, illustrated by Kirsti Beautyman
THE CLOUD by Hannah Cumming
THE CAN CARAVAN by Richard O’Neill, illustrated by Cindy Kang
THE BIG RED ROCK by Jess Stockham
FIRST TIME: SCHOOL illustrated by Jan Lewis
#backtoschool #school #startingschool #movingschool #homeschool #teachers #caregivers #diversechildrensbooks #childrensbooks #bookswithusallin #raisingreaders #storytime #readaloud #friendship #emotionallearning #teamwork