Educated at Oxford, I have spent centuries curating tales of fear & the macabre, preserving humanity's darkest stories in my hidden library. After local authority funding was withdrawn for its adult education creative writing courses, eight students, Mark Allen, Paul Bunn, Colin Butler, Nicolette Coleman, Trish Gibbs, Jessie Hobson, David Shaer, and Simon Woodward, got together to continue their a
ddiction to creative writing, and Writers Anonymous (WA) was born. However, unlike the stories drafted, rewritten, and redrafted, during lessons, only to be consigned to the dark dusty realms of desk drawers, bags, or worse – the bin, the WA stories would see the light of day in the form of a (mostly) annual collection of novellas and verse, written for the “Dark Fiction” genre. The first anthology from the Writers Anonymous writing stable was “Sinister”, published in 2006.