Current Band Roster:
Ghold are a weight and grunt power duo who emerged from a sonic dungeon in Brixton in 2012. They released their S/T demo the same year and have been damaging eardrums across the country, playing with the likes of Iron Witch, XII Boar and Black Veins. They have a mini-album
out on limited run cassette tape coming in March 2013, keep em peeled.
LATM are a 4 piece band from Brighton, UK featuring ex members of Meet Me In St Louis, Shield Your Eyes, Crooked Mountain, Crooked Sea and O Broken Eyes. Drawing comparisons to bands such as Q and Not U, Pavement, Fugazi and Archers of Loaf, they deliver discordant, ragged post-hardcore with mind bending lyrics about philosophers, geneticists and psychological experiments amongst a myriad of other topics. "A convincing line in artfully grungy detunability, injecting an angular, jazz-like warp to their jolting rock. Richly deserving of a wider audience." - The Fly
"Excercising as much restraint as unbridled enthusiasm, they deliver an exhilarating blend of post-hardcore, that's as catchy as it is challenging and as chaotic as it is controlled." - Kerrang! "Denoted by a learned tounge and an instrumental folly with a hands-in-pockets swagger, ‘Radial Images’ is one for the ages. Others would do well to study attentively." - God Is In The TV
MINUTES - http:/
Minutes are a rock band from Kalamazoo, Michigan. They feature members of Beauty Pill, Soccer Team and The Most Secret Method and play the kind of raucous, unhinged and hook laden rock that makes you tap your feet and bop your head. We are re-releasing both their 2012 Self-titled LP and their 2011 Self-titled 7" records (plus a super special, unreleased song) on one cassette tape!