Had some fun abusing the Origin at the weekend. An album of madness should be out soon. Solid State Logic (SSL) SSL Origin Users
Little bit of mixing last Friday. Make sure the desk is going in the red. It loves it! 😁
Th'antoria getting a right good strangling today 😍
Never a dull moment round here. Spotted the car, the fans and then out popped Russell Brand.
Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of Bamboo Room. The old bamboo as they used to say.
Little bit of video to go along with that. Let’s see those compressor’s pumping a couple of dB’s reduction. 😁
Little bit of prep work tonight replicating plug-in EQ and Compression in outboard land for a fun day tomorrow with Russell Cottier working out the best hybrid template route when working on productions together. Stay tuned, folks! It’s lovely having an SSL Origin and a few nice compressors to be able to do this. 😀 Solid State Logic (SSL)
Righto! Let's see if this works before putting it up on YouTube.
Ribbon Prototype and Coles 4038.
Here's a little bit of video to go along with the pictures. If I remember right, you hear the prototype and then I move over to the desk and swap to the 4038.
Thrilling video of some soldering.
Soldering those little flat head spiders onto the fader boards.