The Laurel at Bates Green was officially opened this morning by Hailsham Mayor Paul Holbrook.
It is the new cafe open at Bates Green Garden - home of the famous Arlington Bluebell Walk.
The cafe is open every Wednesday and Saturday at present - there is also the opportunity to view the beautiful gardens.
Custard Design & Print Hailsham Eye Magazine Arlington Bluebell Walk & Farm Trail #hailsham #hailshambusiness
What a response to 'my boot?'
Now, we hear what MediTech Trust does from its base in Hailsham.
Listen to what it does and how you can help.
If you have medical equipment or items you no longer need, call MediTech on 01323 442211.
Or email: [email protected]
Hailsham Eye Magazine Ashdown Radio Medi Tech Trust #hailsham #hailshambusiness
Red Arrows video from yesterday at Airbourne: Eastbourne International Airshow
They were amazing
Hailsham Eye Magazine Ashdown Radio Airbourne: Eastbourne International Airshow #hailsham
The Hailsham Eye has been at Knockhatch Adventure Park this morning for the grand opening of new brand new ring-tailed lemur enclosure.
It was opened by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant for East Sussex.
This is a significant addition to Knockhatch, reflecting its commitment to animal welfare, conservation efforts, and providing a rewarding experience for visitors.
Hailsham Eye Magazine Hailsham & District Chamber of Commerce Wealden District Council Knockhatch Adventure Park #hailsham #hailshambusiness
Nic Gray - Virtual Assistant & VA Mentor has opened new offices today in Hailsham.
Hailsham Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook was at the opening.
It’s also Nic's business 3rd birthday on 3rd August, so really it was a double celebration!
Well done Nic!
@followers Hailsham Eye Magazine Hailsham & District Chamber of Commerce Hailsham Town Council Nic Gray - Virtual Assistant & VA Mentor #hailsham #hailshambusiness
HOW very sad...
The Treacle Mine at Polegate has closed down.
Thursday was its last day.
@followers Hailsham Eye Magazine
Raystede is a great charity - and today it has celebrated the first birthday of its charity shop in Hailsham.
It's had 30,000 customers in the first year.
Here Mayor Paul Holbrook, staff, volunteers and guests all said a very well deserved Happy Birthday this morning.
Hailsham Eye Magazine Hailsham Town Council Hailsham & District Chamber of Commerce #hailsham #hailshambusiness