Get that energy and vibe for your groom entrance..
#hinduwedding #weddingsbyfunkasia #indianbride #indiandj #weddingdj #indianwedding #customtracks #gujaratiwedding #silentweddings #serato #pioneerdj #allenandheath #sennheiser
Dhol Players @beat_evolution
Touching down to celebrate and bring that party energy to the wedding reception for Niral and Madhuri here @thebelfryhotelandresort
#indianwedding #indianbride #indiandj #gujaratiwedding #gujaratireceptions #asianwedding #asaindj
#serato #pioneerdj #allenandheath #sennheiser #electrovoice #chauvet
So it begins.. wedding season... Good to be back out... #weddingsbyfunkasia #weddingdj #indianbride #hinduwedding #hinduweddingceremony #leicesterweddings
Congratulations to the lovely bride and groom Shivam and Nimisha
When the priest calls for singles ladies to catch the flowers there are always volunteers...😁
All set, tested and ready to start #hinduwedding for #tinaandnilesh #thortonmanor #earlystart #indianweddings #funkasia
All set and ready to go for this evening's party, #chiraagandniralee #funkasia #moodlighting #chauvet #hinduweddings #gujuweddings #weddingsmashers
#djharry #ritzymusic #smashedit #bangin
In every wedding you always need some light hearted fun. Usually the bride always wins. Not on this occasion.👍#Funkasia #funkasiadjs #WeddingsbyFunkasia #weddingmusic #indianweddingmusic #indianweddingdj
Looking good so far. Sunil Jeram Nisha Maisuria Kirti Mesuria Jeram Hiten Maisuria
Come and chat with the team.. at stands 48 and 49.. special offers on our LED packages.
Funkasia alongside InThing #weddingsmashers #funkasia #rnb #olskool
Book our exclusive package in readiness for your wedding reception in 2017. Contact [email protected] for more details.
SBC.....SBC....SBC....SBC. Great way to end the party when the hens are still going for it. Awesome energy for Sajni Radia
One of many highlights from Friday evening, this is how a #funkasia party rocks! Gone midnight and crowd still going strong!! #maheetandketa #oasis #wonderwall #lastsong #onemore #hiltonT5 #dinojeram #KATfilms #ragasaan #AVH
Amazing couple #Shinesh #bollywood #rnb #HeatonHouseFarm #weddingdjs #funkasiababy #thetimeofmylife #stormkatie #longdrivehome!!
Our latest video promo from past events. If anyone has any video/ images from an event or wedding we did and you want to be part of our next video promo get in touch.. Cheers