Jean cruises into Grenada in just a minute. #Grenada #caribbean #cruise #chesney #chesneyhawkes #dorisvisits
Jean cruises into Messina in just a minute #messina #messinasicily #cruise #cruiselife
Jean Cruises Into BONAIRE in JustA Minute #bonaire #abcislands #cruise #cruiselife #dorisvisits
Jean Cruises Into Cadiz - In Just a Minute
Quick Quizz - where is this?
Today's spot the difference competition. The Marella Discovery next to the Wonder of the Seas
The Cruise Doris Visits has had to become mobile....
Cruise into Kusadasi in Just a Minute #CIJAM #kusadasi #turkey #TurkishRiviera
Cruise into Lanzarote in Just a Minute #Lanzarote #arrecife #canaryislands #Cruise #cruiseship #CIJAM
If you have seen this, you will remember where it is? Which cruise port?
Cruise into Reykjavik in Just a Minute #iceland #Reykjavik #BlueLagoon #Pelham #CIJAM
Cruise into St Vincent in Just a Minute #stvincent #cruise #grenadines #buccamentbay #kingstown #tritrifish #CIJAM