
Profusion Profusion International Creative Consultancy, led by Ramona Mitrica and Mike Phillips, provides consultancy services in the field of culture.

Details on When we started publishing under the name Profusion, in 2011, our aim was to bring aspects of East European literary culture, hitherto unknown in Britain, to the attention of the reading public. This was because most publications from the region were, more or less, “highbrow”, while popular stories and genres such as crime fiction tended to go unnoticed. Our

list of books and authors is therefore a factor in increasing knowledge throughout Europe about the life and prospects of ordinary men and women in the region. The founders and directors of Profusion are Mike Phillips and Ramona Mitrica. Ramona is a former Romanian diplomat, now a British citizen and based in London. Mike is an English novelist and screenwriter, whose publications include “Windrush: the irresistible rise of multi-racial Britain”(HarperCollins), the BBC TV series “Blood Rights”, adapted from his novel of the same name, and, more recently, the true crime story, “Rimaru - Butcher of Bucharest”. You can order our books through Amazon, Gardners, Bertrams, or through the Profusion web site directly: For any further details, please write to us on [email protected]
All our books are available in paperback, as well as Kindle e-books. Translated from the Romanian by Ramona Mitrica, Mike Phillips and Mihai Risnoveanu

This is a list of translated books which have been published by Profusion Books. They consist of popular novels and nonfiction, augmented by one important European classic and this list represents a new push into the market for Central and East European fiction.

“Report on the State of Loneliness” by Augustin Buzura
“Attack in the Library” by George Arion
“Rimaru - Butcher of Bucharest” by Mike Phillips and Stejarel Olaru
“The Innocent and Collateral Victims of a Bloody War with Russia” by Liviu Antonesei
“Greuceanu – Novel with a Policeman” by Stelian Turlea
“Kill the General” by Bogdan Hrib
“Anatomical Clues” by Oana Stoica-Mujea

Profusion Publishers:
- is an independent British enterprise,
- interested in Eastern Europe,
- looking for popular stories that also speak about society, mentalities, the way people live.
- We are challenging preconceptions about Eastern Europe, its peoples and its cultures,
- championing new authors on the English-speaking book market,
- introducing original stories and themes appearing for the first time in English.

Ramona has left us on the evening of this past Saturday, 17 February. After a short battle with cancer, with what seemed...

Ramona has left us on the evening of this past Saturday, 17 February. After a short battle with cancer, with what seemed to be like limitless resources, the indefatigable Ramona had to go and rest for a little in a much better world, free of pain and suffering. This sad news is too terrible to countenance and we still expect her to wake up, full of vigour and energy after a good night’s sleep, and start working on her next project and hand us tasks and responsibilities.

Many people have contacted us since the news of her passing away became public, and we want to thank each and every one of you for your kind thoughts and words. Any future updates will be published here.

Ramona’s love story with culture – and especially Romanian culture – started early, and as she studied Letters and Languages and then Theatre Studies in 1990s Romania, this increased. After a number of scholarships abroad, Ramona started to work as Director of the Romanian Cultural Foundation, under the aegis of the great writer and cultural manager Augustin Buzura, leading to the crowning glory of the Gateway to Romania programme at Smithsonian Folklife Festival 1999. After this, Ramona became the cultural attaché of the Romanian Embassy in London, a position to which she brought her usual vibrancy and enthusiasm. Looking for a new challenge, in 2002 she started working as Director of the Ratiu Foundation and Romanian Cultural Centre in London. She began a 10-year period which witnessed the birth of numerous initiatives which were not only unique, but truly revolutionary at the time, bringing together the growing but disparate Romanian community in London. From meetings in a little function room of a pub in the City, to the entire upper floor of another, much bigger pub on Fleet Street – and then to the monthly events held on the ship HMS President. Little by little, Ramona managed to gain everyone’s trust, from the proverbial Romanian builders to the financial consultants and bankers, offering with unwavering constancy cultural products of the highest calibre, and becoming a source of trusted information to a number of London boroughs.

In the autumn of 2002, Ramona initiated a Romanian film club at The Other Cinema, an arthouse cinema on Rupert Street, offering both “classics” and new short films and features, falling in love with what later on became the Romanian New Wave of Cinema. This naturally led to the birth of the Romanian Film Festival in London, in October 2003. Twenty years and more than a hundred films later on, our Ramona was welcoming the guests of last year’s edition at the stylish Curzon Soho cinema in London’s West End, a stone throw away from Rupert Street.

As Director of the Ratiu Foundation from 2002 to 2012, Ramona was instrumental in securing scholarships and financing for hundreds of Romanian students in the UK, from the University of Kent and UCL to the London School of Economics and Oxbridge, and for scores of projects encouraging Romanian culture in both the UK and Romania.

In 2012, Ramona struck a path of her own, working exclusively for her company, Profusion International, which became the main organiser of the festival. In the meantime, she started publishing a handful of brand new translations of Romanian crime novels, and then a short story collection, a true crime book, and – her favourite – Augustin Buzura’s final novel. Out of this novel, working between many other commitments, Ramona extracted a dramatized one-man piece, Report of Love, which had its world premiere in London, on 25 June 2023.

A tireless organiser, a constant reader, a lover of poetry, and a passionate theatre goer, her achievements are too numerous to list here.

A good friend of the Festival, artist Dan Perjovschi, marks our 20th Anniversary - thank you, Dan! See you soon in Londo...

A good friend of the Festival, artist Dan Perjovschi, marks our 20th Anniversary - thank you, Dan! See you soon in London.
Romanian Film Festival London Romanian Film Festival in London Profusion


🟪The RFF continues today with two great screenings! On the big screen of elegant Curzon Soho. Join us!

🟪2pm - 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (d. Cristian Mungiu)
As a special tribute to the director and this trend-setter cinematic gem, this is a special screening from 35 mm film, followed by Q&A with actor Vlad Ivanov.

🟪5.20pm - Boss (d. Bogdan Mirica)
A must-see heist movie based on a true story!
Followed by Q&A with director Bogdan Mirică and producer Corneliu Porumboiu

Romanian Film Festival London Ambasada României în Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii şi Irlandei de Nord Romanian Cultural Institute in London

❗️Fri 1 Dec, 8.50pm: R.M.N. (d. Cristian Mungiu) at Curzon Soho❗️Sat 2 Dec, 2pm: 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days (d. Cristian ...

❗️Fri 1 Dec, 8.50pm: R.M.N. (d. Cristian Mungiu) at Curzon Soho
❗️Sat 2 Dec, 2pm: 4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days (d. Cristian Mungiu)
🔹The festival has always been proud of the support it has received from the filmmakers whose films we screen. The special screening of 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days (on 35mm, no less) is also an opportunity to celebrate one of the leading lights of Romanian cinema, Cristian Mungiu.
🔹He will be present to introduce his latest film R.M.N. and will take part in a post-screening Q&A.
🔹It’s not just a chance to hear from a world class filmmaker about his process and worldview, Cristian will also be talking about another recent project, his book 'Tania Ionașcu, bunica mea. O poveste basarabeană' (Tania Ionașcu, My Grandmother. A Bessarabian Story). He describes it as ‘the biography of my grandmother. Her family – and all the Romanians living [in Bessarabia] – had to decide if they should leave or stay there following an ultimatum by the Soviets who announced that they would annex the province… It has a sinister and striking resemblance to what happens in Ukraine today.’ A UK publisher is looking to translate the book, but this will be the first opportunity for British audiences to hear the author-filmmaker speak about it.
Details on

In memoriam AUGUSTIN BUZURA, best loved and respected Romanian author“To write means to save from death some of the infi...

In memoriam AUGUSTIN BUZURA, best loved and respected Romanian author
“To write means to save from death some of the infinite facets of the world we inhabit, to leave documents to those who will come with the hope that they would solve a part, as insignificant as it were, of the mysteries of what we call life.” Augustin Buzura

„A scrie înseamnă a salva de la moarte câteva dintre infinitele fețe ale lumii în care trăim, a lăsa celor ce vin documente în speranța că vor dezlega ei o parte, cât de neînsemnată, din tainele a ceea ce numim viață…” Augustin Buzura

Read more:

Augustin Buzura (born 22 September 1938, Berința, Maramureș County, died 10 July 2017, Bucharest) was the pre-eminent novelist of contemporary Romanian writing, publishing several novels, editing magazines and engaging in literary tours and partnerships during a period from 1963 to his death. Throughout those years he was engaged in a number of dangerous and difficult confrontations with the authorities, and after 1989, his conflicts with official opinion continued, morphing into passionate satires on the state of his region throughout its history.

"Spectacolul a fost o desfășurare de forță artistică adusă în scenă, la cele mai înalte valori ale harului nuanțat în fi...

"Spectacolul a fost o desfășurare de forță artistică adusă în scenă, la cele mai înalte valori ale harului nuanțat în fine și uimitoare detalii ale emoției de Vlad Ivanov, actor român ce a demonstrat încă o dată că nu are nevoie decât de trupul, sufletul și talentul său excepțional pentru a da viață unei istorii, cu grație și putere artistică infinită." (Alice Năstase Buciuta)

Vlad Ivanov, Lucian Maxim și „Raport asupra iubirii“ de Augustin Buzura. Un eveniment teatral de excepție, la Londra

Profusion artsdepot

foto: Ramona Mitrica, Vlad Ivanov, Alice Nastase Buciuta

🎥Proiecție specială la Londra:AMINTIRI DIN EPOCA DE AUR / TALES FROM THE GOLDEN AGE📍Duminică 25 iunie 2023, la 13:30. In...

🎥Proiecție specială la Londra:
📍Duminică 25 iunie 2023, la 13:30. Intrare gratuită. Fără rezervare.
artsdepot - The Creation Space, 5 Nether Street, Tally Ho Corner, North Finchley, London, N12 0GA
(📍English version here and here )

scenariul de Cristian Mungiu și Hanno Höfer.
Comedie, 2 ore 35 minute, în limba română cu subtitluri în engleză. Vârsta recomandată: 12A.

📍Amintiri din Epoca de Aur, partea 1 – Tovarăși, frumoasă e viața! regia: Ioana Uricaru, Hanno Höfer, Răzvan Mărculescu, Constantin Popescu

📍Amintiri din Epoca de Aur, partea 2 – Dragoste în timpul liber
regia: Cristian Mungiu

În distribuție (selecție): Vlad Ivanov, Ion Sapdaru, Teo Corban, Tania Popa, Gabriel Spahiu.

📍Film de scurt metraj Bonus – Legenda curcanului zburător
regia: Cristian Mungiu. În rolul principal, Ana Ularu.

Having withdrawn to somewhere in the mountains, in the wilderness, near a former meteorological station, doctor Cassian ...

Having withdrawn to somewhere in the mountains, in the wilderness, near a former meteorological station, doctor Cassian Robert recalls moments of success or deep failures, and remembers enduring and passing loves – times which can no longer return, making him feel extremely close to the end, and placing him at the edge of a chasm and at the edge of... life itself. A tenebrous and mysterious labyrinth of supremely intense states of spirit into which Vlad Ivanov’s character plunges with all his might.
UK Premiere of “Report on Love”, starring Vlad Ivanov and Lucian Maxim, coming to London on 25th June 2023
Romanian actor Vlad Ivanov will perform in London, at artsdepot, on 25th June 2023, at 4.30pm, in the British premiere of the show “Report on Love” – a monologue drawn from Augustin Buzura’s novel, “Report on the State of Loneliness” (translated and published in the UK by Profusion International). The text of this performance – adapted and signed by Ramona Mitrică – is accompanied by live music, composed and performed by percussionist Lucian Maxim, while recorded musical fragments are performed by pianist Alexandru Burcă. The show will be in Romanian, with English surtitles.
This show is presented in London by Profusion International (, in partnership with artsdepot ( Sponsored by Prodan Romanian Cultural Foundation, Gateville Group building company, Rațiu Family Charitable Foundation, Galicea Mare Wines. Supported by: Augustin Buzura Cultural Foundation, Embassy of Romania in London, Romanian Culture and Charity Together, The Romanian and Eastern European Hub. Special thanks to: Sir George Iacobescu CBE, Olivia & Robert Temple, Mihai Radoi, Bogdan Catargiu, Monique Deletant, Anamaria Buzura Maior, Adrian Cherciu, Dr Mike Phillips OBE, Mihai Rîșnoveanu, Dan Mitrică, Laura Lazăr, Eugen Androne, Irina Ionescu, Ileana Florea, Georgiana Giuncă

THE MOROMETE FAMILY (1987)Director: Stere Gulea ▪️ Cast: Victor Rebengiuc, Luminița Gheorghiu, Gina Patrichi, Dorel Vișa...

Director: Stere Gulea ▪️ Cast: Victor Rebengiuc, Luminița Gheorghiu, Gina Patrichi, Dorel Vișan, Mitică Popescu
Scriptwriter: Stere Gulea, an adaptation after Marin Preda’s novel of the same title ▪️ Cinematography: Vivi Drăgan Vasile

👏 Un mare și generos rând de aplauze pentru Victor Rebengiuc. La mulți ani!

👉 vezi filmul Moromeții aici:

Dear friends,Here is our new web site! Please have a look: TRANSLATIONS & I...

Dear friends,
Here is our new web site! Please have a look:

Official translations are carried out as a matter of urgency by translators authorised by the Romanian Ministry of Justice, with a signature specimen and seal registered at the Romanian Embassy in the UK.

Dragi prieteni, avem un web site nou!
📘Executăm traduceri autorizate
🗒Obținem apostila de la Haga
☎️Oferim servicii de interpretariat
Dacă știți persoane interesate în obținerea de traduceri, apostile sau servicii de interpretariat, vă rog să transmiteți acest mesaj mai departe. Mulțumim frumos.

Dragi prieteni, avem un web site nou!
📘Executăm traduceri autorizate
🗒Obținem apostila de la Haga
☎️Oferim servicii de interpretariat
Dacă știți persoane interesate în obținerea de traduceri, apostile sau servicii de interpretariat, vă rog să transmiteți acest mesaj mai departe. Mulțumim frumos.

New book alert! Harper Collins publishes The Perfect Crime. Grab your copy below. Link in first comment. Featuring a new...

New book alert! Harper Collins publishes The Perfect Crime. Grab your copy below. Link in first comment.
Featuring a new story by Mike Phillips.
Twenty-two bestselling crime writers from diverse cultures come together from across the world in a razor sharp and deliciously sinister collection of short stories.
Edited by: Vaseem Khan, Maxim Jakubowski
Release date: 3 March 2022.
Pre-order below.

🎲10 Years from the publication of the first English translation of the murder mystery from behind the Iron Curtain:🎲"Att...

🎲10 Years from the publication of the first English translation of the murder mystery from behind the Iron Curtain:
🎲"Attack in the Library" by George Arion - The Dean of Romanian Crime Writing
🎲Translated from the Romanian by Ramona Mitrica, Mike Phillips, and Mihai Risnoveanu.
🎲Available in paperback from and, as well as Kindle e-book. ISBN-13: 978-0956867612 Profusion

London news:🚨 Join us at Curzon Soho for a joyful celebration of Romanian cinema, starting with BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOON...

London news:🚨 Join us at Curzon Soho for a joyful celebration of Romanian cinema, starting with BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY P**N on 21 October. Book your tickets now:

Join us at Curzon Soho for a joyful celebration of Romanian cinema, starting with BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY P**N on 21 October. Book your tickets now:

📣📣📣🍀 Winner of this year's Golden Bear for Best Film at Berlin Film Festival, Radu Jude's hilarious satire BAD LUCK BANG...

📣📣📣🍀 Winner of this year's Golden Bear for Best Film at Berlin Film Festival, Radu Jude's hilarious satire BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY P**N, will UK premiere on October 8th at the BFI London Film Festival in the 'Laugh' section.

Director Radu Jude will be in attendance for the Screenings on October 8th at Curzon and October 9th at The Prince Charles Cinema

General tickets on sale Sept 20 via

Winner of this year's Golden Bear for Best Film at Berlin Film Festival, Radu Jude's hilarious satire BAD LUCK BANGING OR LOONY P**N, will UK premiere on October 8th at the BFI London Film Festival in the 'Laugh' section.

Director Radu Jude will be in attendance for the Screenings on October 8th at Curzon and October 9th at The Prince Charles Cinema

General tickets on sale Sept 20 via

Great news! Romanian Film Wins Golden Bear at 2021 Berlin Film Festival!

Great news! Romanian Film Wins Golden Bear at 2021 Berlin Film Festival!

The Golden Bear for Best Film goes to "Bad Luck Banging or Loony P**n" (Babardeală cu bucluc sau p***o balamuc), directed by Radu Jude and produced by Ada Solomon.

Watch the official trailer here:

The jury statement: "The Golden Bear goes to a film which has that rare and essential quality of a lasting art work. It captures on screen the very content and essence, the mind and body, the values and the raw flesh of our present moment in time. Of this very moment of human existence.

It does so by provoking the spirit of our time (i.e., zeitgeist), by slapping it, by challenging it to a duel. And while doing that, it also challenges this present moment in cinema, shaking, with the same camera movement, our social and our cinematic conventions.

It is an elaborated film as well as a wild one, clever and childish, geometrical and vibrant, imprecise in the best way. It attacks the spectator, evokes disagreement, but leaves no one with a safety distance."

About the film: How p***ographic can consensual s*x be? Does it make a woman guilty? Especially if, as a teacher, she is supposed to be a role model for the young? These questions and more are explored in Radu Jude’s intelligent, innovative and uproarious social portrait.

Book coming out soon.   by Mike Phillips

Book coming out soon. by Mike Phillips
"The restitution of African artefacts procured through theft, war and exploitation, and lodged in British institutions, will be the subject of heated debate until they are returned. This controversial issue, which speaks to Britain’s expeditionary, missionary and colonial history, is cleverly refracted through a thrilling storyline in Mike Phillips’s crime novel, The Dancing Face (1998). It takes as its plot the re-theft of one such ancient mask by an idealistic young black Londoner called Gus. Stolen from Benin, the mask is about to be included in a British “African Art on Tour” exhibition. Phillips was one of the elders of black British literature in the 90s. His many books were published between 1982 and 2005, primarily crime novels that investigated important political and social issues, as well as nonfiction such as Windrush: The Irresistible Rise of Multi-racial Britain (1999), co-written with this brother, the broadcaster Trevor Phillips, and one of the earliest, most substantial books capturing the generation, and its descendants. Phillips forged new fictional pathways and deserves to be recognised as a pioneer."

Suspendarea circulației rutiere între UK- Franța❗Suspendarea zborurilor spre/dinspre Regatul Unit din/către România❗⚠️Fr...

Suspendarea circulației rutiere între UK- Franța❗
Suspendarea zborurilor spre/dinspre Regatul Unit din/către România❗
⚠️Franța a suspendat pentru o perioadă de 48 de ore accesul pe teritoriul său pentru toate persoanele și toate mărfurile care vin din UK.
⚠️Guvernul României a decis suspendarea zborurilor spre/dinspre Regatul Unit din/către România, pentru toate aeroporturile din România, pe o perioadă de 14 zile, începând cu data de 21.12.2020 ora 19.00.
Detalii aici:

Recomandăm ferm tuturor cetățenilor români care intenționează să se deplaseze pe cale RUTIERĂ din UK către Franța să țină cont că, la acest moment, toate căile de ieșire din UK către Europa continentală (de la Dover spre Calais) sunt blocate, atât pentru deplasarea cu ferry, cât ...

What to read this Christmas? I'm thinking of something... thrilling  exciting    action-packed      gripping        rive...

What to read this Christmas? I'm thinking of something... thrilling

contact: [email protected] 🔹 photo: Laura Lazar

Mike Phillips: Imagine this – start with the animist spirits of the countryside - an Old Hag taking her skin off and rol...

Mike Phillips: Imagine this – start with the animist spirits of the countryside - an Old Hag taking her skin off and rolling around in a ball of fire till dawn, a beautiful woman with hooves for feet, the Moongazer straddling the highway with his face shining in the light of the moon. All these characters of my childhood imagination co-existed and clashed with Jesus and Father Christmas.

Having said that I can imagine some idiot coming along and declaring that this is a writer emerging from a quasi African culture dominated by animist fantasies and spiritualist dreams. They’d probably make it a central argument of a doctoral thesis. I could even persuade myself that it was more or less true when I remember the home of my childhood - long afternoons of sunshine and trees, or the metronomic rhythm of waves retreating over the mud flats bordering the sea, or the flocks of parrots obscuring the dawn sky.

None of these memories, however, point to a single unbroken tradition or meaning. They certainly don’t constitute a culture within which it was possible to be confined or even nurtured. You can see the problem if you consider it, because my next important cultural experience involved reading the thrillers I found on our Hindu neighbour’s kitchen table, and these were about Los Angeles and New York, using an unfamiliar English, describing foreign civic structures and beliefs – Hammett, Chandler, Mickey Spillane.

The point I’m trying to make is that I was not, at this stage in my life, aware of any barriers, apart from time and distance, separating me from any available culture. As a consequence, I don’t believe that I ever thought of myself as limited by any one network of practice. But growing up in a time which spanned the end of colonialism and the reinterpretation of nationalism I faced a continual challenge.

Read full interview here:

The Romanian version of this interview was published in CULTURA Magazine / nr. 617 / November 2020

Photo: Mike Phillips and Silviu Purcarete (Liverpool, 2008)

Tristan and Isolde in Transylvania? Check this out! Tristan and Isolde, retold in Julian Joseph's oratorio with a contem...

Tristan and Isolde in Transylvania? Check this out!

Tristan and Isolde, retold in Julian Joseph's oratorio with a contemporary, multicultural backdrop to a libretto by Mike Phillips.
Recorded at London’s Royal Festival Hall. Featuring the BBC Concert Orchestra.

BBC Radio 3 – Thursday 12 November at 14.00

In this oratorio for modern times Isolde longs to escape to the Transylvanian countryside. She meets Tristan and falls in love. What she doesn't realise at first is that she has met Tristan before when he was part of a street gang in London and she tended his injury. Tristan also harbours a dark secret concerning Isolde's former fiancée.

Carleen Anderson – Isolde
Ken Papenfus – Tristan
Christine Tobin – Iuliana/Brigid
Cleveland Watkiss – Vasile
Renato Paris – Marko

Julian Joseph Trio - JULIAN JOSEPH (piano), Jerry Brown (kit), Mark Hodgson (bass)

Members of the Julian Joseph All Star Big Band
BBC Singers
BBC Concert Orchestra, conductor Clark Rundell

The Dancing Face by Mike Phillips to be published by Penguin‘This book is brutal, deep, cunning and unbearably beautiful...

The Dancing Face by Mike Phillips to be published by Penguin

‘This book is brutal, deep, cunning and unbearably beautiful’ Independent

"Phillips offers an insight into Black Britain while raising issues of international interest in a fast moving thriller." Phillip Knightley, Mail on Sunday

The Dancing Face
A sensational, original thriller that examines the powerful link between identity, sacrifice and possession, and questions our compulsive need to chase after ambitions that leave devastation in their wake.

University lecturer Gus knows that stealing the priceless Benin mask, The Dancing Face, from a museum at the heart of the British establishment will gain an avalanche of attention. Which is exactly what he wants.

But such a risky theft will also inevitably capture the attention of characters with more money, more power, and fewer morals.

Naively entangling his loved ones in his increasingly dangerous pursuit of righteous reparation, is Gus prepared for what it will cost him?

Imprint: Penguin, Publication date: 04/02/2021, ISBN: 9780241482674, Length: 256 pages, RRP: £8.99

Pre-order from:

        Available from   , on Kindle and in paperback. Translated from the Romanian by Ramona Mitri...

Available from , on Kindle and in paperback.
Translated from the Romanian by Ramona Mitrica, Mike Phillips and Mihai Risnoveanu

Mike Phillips: „Suntem o insulă a latinității într-o mare slavă”. Prima dată când am auzit această expresie mă plimbam p...

Mike Phillips: „Suntem o insulă a latinității într-o mare slavă”. Prima dată când am auzit această expresie mă plimbam prin Muzeul Militar din București, îndrumat de un oficial guvernamental. Păream a fi singurii vizitatori...
(Despre locul pe care îl ocupă creativitatea românească în imaginația lumii artistice - III)

PREMIILE DE EXCELENȚĂ Ramona Mitrică – „Interviu cu un prieten străin”   Vreau ca acest interviu să spună o poveste despre tine, Mike Phillips. Cine ești? Cum s-a născut interesul tău pentru R…

“What remains is a kaleidoscope of images, dominated by the giant monument to aviators decorating the centre of Buchares...

“What remains is a kaleidoscope of images, dominated by the giant monument to aviators decorating the centre of Bucharest. Someone had met me at the airport, and driven me to a building, which I learned later on, had been a hangout of the late dictator’s son. Now it had become Uniter. Inside, the place had gloomy lighting, which revealed a decrepit glossiness, gleaming with tarnished surfaces.” - Mike Phillips about his first visit to Bucharest


PREMIILE DE EXCELENȚĂ Ramona Mitrică – „Interviu cu un prieten străin” Vreau ca acest interviu să spună o poveste despre tine, Mike Phillips. Cine ești? Cum s-a născut interesul tău pentru România?…



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Our Story

When we started publishing under the name Profusion, in 2011, our aim was to bring aspects of East European literary culture, hitherto unknown in Britain, to the attention of the reading public. This was because most publications from the region were, more or less, “highbrow”, while popular stories and genres such as crime fiction tended to go unnoticed. Our list of books and authors is therefore a factor in increasing knowledge throughout Europe about the life and prospects of ordinary men and women in the region. The founders and directors of Profusion are Mike Phillips and Ramona Mitrica. Ramona is a former Romanian diplomat, now a British citizen and based in London. Mike is an English novelist and screenwriter, whose publications include “Windrush: the irresistible rise of multi-racial Britain”(HarperCollins), the BBC TV series “Blood Rights”, adapted from his novel of the same name, and, more recently, the true crime story, “Rimaru - Butcher of Bucharest”. You can order our books through Amazon, Gardners, Bertrams, or through the Profusion web site directly: For any further details, please write to us on [email protected] All our books are available in paperback, as well as Kindle e-books. Books are available in Romania as well, from “Anthony Frost English Bookshop” in Bucharest ( Profusion Publishers: - is an independent British enterprise, - interested in Eastern Europe, - looking for popular stories that also speak about society, mentalities, the way people live. - We are challenging preconceptions about Eastern Europe, its peoples and its cultures, - championing new authors on the English-speaking book market, - introducing original stories and themes appearing for the first time in English.