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Seek Magazine Essential Reading for People Seeking More. You know who you are.

NEW SERIES!! ASK SATU...Ever wanted to know more about training? Like how to train, why bother training in the first pla...


Ever wanted to know more about training? Like how to train, why bother training in the first place and what's all this resistance training about anyway?

Well. Do we have a treat for you??!

A little series is winging its way to you every Thursday for the next few weeks. We sat down with and asked some of our most pressing questions. Satu is passionate about fitness and helping women to navigate the confusing world of fitness. She's all about getting strong, helping others get strong and looking after our bodies and minds.

An extract to get you going…

Myth 1- There’s a best age to get into resistance training.

In my opinion, no. It’s a bit like anything, there’s never a good time. Any day is the best day to start.*

I like the quote of ‘is this just one day or is this day one?’ because any day can be Day One. Everyone has to start from somewhere. No one should feel embarrassed if they have to ask questions about being the newbie. I appreciate that resistance training is often seen as a ‘man’s game’ and stepping into the gym can feel quite intimidating. Especially if you start talking about free weights, dumbbells, and bars and so forth, and you feel you don’t understand what is going on. I know that can feel scary and therefore people put it off.

…You'll have to head over to the site to read the rest! Link in bio, give it a read and let us know if you have any more questions you want to add and we will ask Satu!

P.S If you would like what we are doing here and want to help us grow, give this post a share, a like or a comment and pay it forward :) Every comment, like and share is appreciated more than you know! Have a good one 🐺🤟😀

**kingwoman **kyoufear

NEW SERIES!! ASK SATU...Ever wanted to know more about training? Like how to train, why bother training in the first pla...


Ever wanted to know more about training? Like how to train, why bother training in the first place and what's all this resistance training about anyway?

Well. Do we have a treat for you??!

A little series is winging its way to you every Thursday for the next few weeks. We sat down with and asked some of our most pressing questions. Satu is passionate about fitness and helping women to navigate the confusing world of fitness. She's all about getting strong, helping others get strong and looking after our bodies and minds.

An extract to get you going…

What are some surprising (or not so surprising) benefits of Resistance Training?

There are several benefits to exercise, and specifically to resistance training. Some are visible and expected such as changes in muscle tone, others not so expected and often invisible to the eye but are even more important to the individual who has chosen to take on resistance training. Here are just some benefits that you can expect to gain with resistance training, whether you are a man or a woman.

Better Sleep-

If you look at the science, it shows that resistance training can improve your sleep quality in both the amount of rest you get, and the length of deep sleep.

…You'll have to head over to the site to read the rest! Link in bio, give it a read and let us know if you have any more questions you want to add and we will ask Satu!

P.S If you would like what we are doing here and want to help us grow, give this post a share, a like or a comment and pay it forward :) Every comment, like and share is appreciated more than you know! Have a good one 🐺🤟😀

Fluctuations.Your body, your feels, your s*x drive, your bank balance (our posting consistency😉). Sometimes you're up, s...


Your body, your feels, your s*x drive, your bank balance (our posting consistency😉). Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down. It’s all part of this whole adventure.

Let's learn to ride it together🐺🤟

Where are you in your ebbs and flows? Up or down? let us know👇

**kingwoman **kyoufear

You know we love to talk about periods, s*x and basically everything to do with the downstairs area but we have been neg...

You know we love to talk about periods, s*x and basically everything to do with the downstairs area but we have been neglecting a pretty vital part of all that. THE MENOPAUSE! It was time to acknowledge it in all its glory and just in time for World Menopause Day! We did a little article to cover the basics. Here is an extract to get you started...

What is World Menopause Day?

World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th of October. It was originally created by the International Menopause Society ( see more on them here). Its aim is to raise awareness of the menopause and to improve health and wellbeing for midlife and beyond.

Why is it important?

If you have a womb or if you know someone who has a womb, then this is something to take notice of and be aware of.

Menopause has been kept weirdly quiet for many, many years. Along with everything else to do with reproductive health and medicine, it has been under researched and underfunded for far too long.

This has left a lot of people having a pretty terrible time when the menopause rolls round with lack of information and support. Add on the wall of silence that surrounds this topic and you can see why raising awareness and starting conversations is so important.
..We have the full article over at (Link in Bio) so go and check it out there 👍🐺😀

**kingwoman **kyoufear

Oooo a new article for you! Now Live!We have an interview with a personal trainer for you today! Satu from   sat down an...

Oooo a new article for you! Now Live!

We have an interview with a personal trainer for you today! Satu from sat down and told us all about herself and her journey into personal training, plus the strength she has found (both inside and out) through resistance training.

Here is a little teaser for you…

For me, I’m just a better person. It’s my personal stress outlet, so regardless of whether I would have become a personal trainer or not, I just know that I am a better person (and mum) for it.

I’ve found that mums don’t often take care of themselves because they feel they don’t have the time or, even more often, they feel guilty about taking the time. They are likely to put everyone else’s needs ahead of themselves. But actually, I do believe that you have more to give when you wake up in a better mood, with a bit more energy and you’ve just got that outlet for yourself.

… for more you’ll have to go to ( Link in bio), If Satu has sparked your interest, go and check her out now! We have lots more to come from her so stay tuned for more health and fitness knowledge.

As always, hit that follow button, sign up to the mailing list and in general stick around! We’ve got some good come coming 😉🐺🤟

**kingwoman **kyoufear

How is your brain at the moment? How are you feeling? We feel a bit conflicted when it comes to these global days focusi...

How is your brain at the moment? How are you feeling?

We feel a bit conflicted when it comes to these global days focusing on one issue. Because we love the spread of awareness and think the intent is utterly wonderful, but the flipside is people only get talking about the issues for one day.

If you have been around here for a while you will know that we bloody love looking after our mental health. We love talking about it, we love doing it and we love hearing about you all doing it too. If you have a brain you have mental health and you have to look after it ALL THE TIME. Not for one day out of the year. So although one day doesn’t cut it, it does open up the door for some great conversation. Let’s shine that spotlight on our brains today ( and everyday day) and share some top tips for looking after our brains!!! Check out the article at ( link in bio) for the full read.

We care about mental health every day of the god dam year so please stick around for more. Have you got any tips? Share them in the comments!


Wait, what?

That came round quuuickk! But we are here for it. This is going to be really cliche, so try not to throw up at the cringe, but today is a gift. It is not a given that we get to keep on living everyday. No one knows what’s around the corner so it’s always good to make the most of our days. Even Mondays 😉

Remember, if you like us/enjoy us/ like what we are doing here/ or just find our content vaguely amusing, then please give this post a like, a share, save it for later and hit that follow button.
That way we can continue to do what we are doing and bring you the straight up, no bs, excellent content you love 😉

**kingwoman **kyoufear


Well hello there Monday.

It might have a different feel today as a lot of you will be enjoying the bank holiday and some much needed respite. Hopefully you get to spend some extra time in bed today😴

A special shout out to all the wonderful people who are working today, you are rockstars 😉💪🤟🐺

**k **kingwoman **kyoufear

New Article! Now Live!We have a right treat for you this week. Rachel from   has written her first article for seek maga...

New Article! Now Live!

We have a right treat for you this week. Rachel from has written her first article for seek magazine!

Here is a little teaser for you…

….This week I am sorry, not sorry about crying during an exchange with an as***le.

Many of us find it embarrassing or frustrating that we’re not able to get through confrontation or difficult conversations without crying. We’re worried we’re going to be seen as weak or overly emotional, forever marked as ‘the woman who can’t hold her s**t together’. Well I say f**k that. There are physiological reasons we cry and there is NO shame in it if it happens to you.

…head over to to read the rest! ( link in bio).

Have you got any sorry, not sorry moments? Let us know in the comments!👇

Remember to hit the follow button and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with all things Seek😉🤟 Go and check out too for some bulls**t free coaching 💪

**t **kingwoman **kyoufear


You have all the strengths!

Let us be the Leslie Knope to your Ann Perkins this Monday. Giving you pep talks you didn’t ask for and cheering you on for all you want to achieve this week. Remember though, you are just one person and can’t do EVERYTHING. Be realistic and kind to yourself by picking the three most important things and go to town!

Let us know what your three things are below 👇

You’ve got this.🐺💪🤟

**k **kingwoman **kyoufear

New Article! Now Live! Looking after our mental health is always important, even in what is often thought of as the most...

New Article! Now Live!

Looking after our mental health is always important, even in what is often thought of as the most happy time of the year, the Summer! So here are some tips to help look after that big ole brain of yours whilst the sun’s out and we are 80% ice lollies and 20% sweat.

Here is a little teaser for you…

….Every season brings different challenges for our mental health, even summer. Despite the fact it is widely thought of as a happy time what with all the sunshine, holidays, beer gardens and having fun. It is still as important as ever to take care of our brains.

After all, it can be pretty challenging. Whether it’s FOMO for holidays you can’t afford, a sense that everyone else is having a better time than you or struggling with body image when diet culture and body shaming is rife. Let’s also take into account the increased number of hot, humid nights and unsatisfactory sleep. It can get to you.

We know we have to look after our brains all year round, but here are some summer specific ones that can help your brain stay fit and healthy in the heat.

…head over to to read the rest ( link in bio).

Let us know if you will be trying any of them and let us know if they helped! 🤟😎👇

Remember to hit the follow button and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with all things Seek.

**kingwoman **kyoufear **kdietculture


Kicking off Monday with some sweaty girl humour 😉

Give us a 🙌 in the comments if you too are a sweaty hot mess of a girl this week!

We get you. And we are here to tell you that we can get through it. Drink lots of water, stay as close as possible to a fan at all times and don't be afraid to put deodorant on your under b**bs.💪

**k **kingwoman **kyoufear

When was the last time you had some water?? To the Hydration stations!💦💧👍                                       **kingwo...

When was the last time you had some water??

To the Hydration stations!💦💧👍

**kingwoman **kyoufear

It's hard to reply to the message you’ve been putting off through overwhelm or anxiety or just maybe forgetting. Here’s ...

It's hard to reply to the message you’ve been putting off through overwhelm or anxiety or just maybe forgetting. Here’s a little nudge 😉

**kingwoman **kyoufear


It’s Monday, let’s Go!

What have you got going on this week? Are you excited/nervous/happy? LET US KNOW!👇😆🐺

**kingwoman **kyoufear



It’s Monday and this Monday comes with b**b sweat and melting into a pile of the floor before midday.

For anyone that is not in the UK, we are enduring a ridiculous heatwave right now( global warming, am I right?)

We know that other countries have these temperatures all the time, but we are not set up for it here. We have no air con. We have desk fans and a stiff upper lip that is dripping with sweat. We are not designed for this.

All we can say is, keep hydrated, wear something that's comfortable for your body and seek out the shade! We are right here with you, sweating it out this week. Let's do this!

**kingwoman **kyoufear

In the words of Fleetwood Mac- Go your own way.Just because you are doing things differently doesn’t make it wrong.🤟😎🔥🐺 ...

In the words of Fleetwood Mac- Go your own way.

Just because you are doing things differently doesn’t make it wrong.🤟😎🔥🐺

**kingwoman **kyoufear

Take a goddamn break. We get that you are busy but you can't continue to function in all your greatness without a little...

Take a goddamn break.

We get that you are busy but you can't continue to function in all your greatness without a little moment to breathe. 😊🌴🤙

**kingwoman **kyoufear


When the going gets tough this Monday, think of this happy doggo living her best life.

You can’t be too mad when doggos exist in the world.

Wishing you all the best this Monday, you have got this and you will smash it. 🤟🔥💪🐺

**kingwoman **kyoufear

You do! 😉🔥🐺💪                            **kingwoman  **kyoufear

You do! 😉🔥🐺💪

**kingwoman **kyoufear

Do you have something to say?A story to tell?A point to get across?If you fancy getting it out there into the world then...

Do you have something to say?
A story to tell?
A point to get across?

If you fancy getting it out there into the world then why not contribute to our little magazine here? If that sounds potentially interesting, slide into our DMs or email us at [email protected]

Go on, we dare you😆😉🔥🐺

**kingwoman **kyoufear

We didn’t think we would have to ever say this as it seems pretty damn obvious but …Reproductive rights are important. T...

We didn’t think we would have to ever say this as it seems pretty damn obvious but …

Reproductive rights are important.

The recent over turning of Roe Vs Wade in the US will not stop abortion, it will just stop safe abortions.

It’s not about the protection of life ( as many argue) as if it was, these things would be in place:

Proper s*x education
Access to birth control
Healthcare and support during pregnancy, after birth and beyond.

And probably some others that we havn't covered.

We are UK based and it may seem strange to some for us to be commenting on the situation over in the US. However, we need to speak up with what we do not agree with no matter where it is. It’s a ruling that has turned the clock back on equality by 50 years and that affects us all.

*xeducation **kingwoman


Bring. It. On.

This could be considered a power pose, and we recommend walking into your office/ kitchen/bathroom/place of work or maybe just your local coffee shop, with this stance.

It gives you that little ‘umph’ we all need on a Monday. Whatever this week brings.. WE BELIEVE IN YOU!

Now stop scrolling socials and go show the world how epic you truly are. 🤟😆🐺🔥

**kingwoman **kyoufear

We are back baby! Miss us? WE MISSED YOU!First things first.. how the heck are you? Please actually let us know in the c...

We are back baby! Miss us? WE MISSED YOU!

First things first.. how the heck are you? Please actually let us know in the comments, we want to know what's been going on in your lives!

It’s been a little moment, we had to take a pause to regroup but we are raring to get back to it.

Are you ready? Are you excited? What do you want to see on Seek magazine? What to you want to know?

LET US KNOW! Right there 👇 down in the comments- give it to us straight!


**kingwoman **kyoufear

Oh, Hey there! How are you????!Please don’t swoon in shock! We know we have been quiet for a long time but not for much ...

Oh, Hey there! How are you????!

Please don’t swoon in shock!

We know we have been quiet for a long time but not for much longer…😉

We are back and better than ever.

Give us a 😆 below if you are pumped for what's to come!

**kingwoman **kyoufear

SEEK is back in business baby! YASSSSS!🤟🐺Sign up to our mailing list now to stay close to the action 😎                  ...

SEEK is back in business baby! YASSSSS!🤟🐺

Sign up to our mailing list now to stay close to the action 😎

**kingwoman **kyoufear

Get Excited...😁😆😝🔥

Get Excited...

Get Ready...🤟🐺🔥

Get Ready...

Buckle Up...🤓😉🐺😎

Buckle Up...


...Relaunch Loading...😉🙃🐺💪

...Relaunch Loading...




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