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PT Monthly Magazine The UK’s No.1 Digital Magazine for Personal Trainers, Fitness Professionals and Fitness Enthusiast

GOM Magazine Dirty Needles In Your Gym Can Only Mean One Thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!How Clean Is Your Gym?What Gym Owners Keep G...

GOM Magazine

Dirty Needles In Your Gym Can Only Mean One Thing !!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Clean Is Your Gym?

What Gym Owners Keep Getting Wrong & Why!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's Get Straight To The Point On This One As There's So Much BS...........Out There From So Many So Called Fitness Experts....

Everyone wants to lose that stubborn belly fat, right? Problem is, you can't choose where your body burns fat from every time you workout.

Why can't you target belly fat?

Spot reduction is a myth – we can't control where our bodies lose fat. But we can achieve the results we're seeking in specific areas by targeting overall fat loss. While you may not lose the weight in a specific spot when exercising, all physical activity helps to burn body fat and preserve muscle mass.... You see those fools on Tik Tok / FB even on here, but what they are not telling you is about there friend Clen .... Now Clen is a drug that will get rid of that stubbon fat quick and fast, but it's illegal and the side effects well not worth it considering the damage it can do....

Natty Or Not? How Steroids Got Big

Once upon a time, it was only hardcore bodybuilders who pumped themselves up with testosterone. Today it is no longer niche. But how dangerous is it? And Why Are So Many On The Juice?

A 20-Minute Core Workout for Strength and Stability
This series of exercises focuses on important muscles in the legs and torso we use every day. No equipment (and very little space) necessary.

How just one high-intensity workout can lead to weight gain: study

A single session of high-intensity exercise can disturb the body's main stress hormone, leading to less activity after the workout, a lower body temperature, and weight gain, a new study of mice finds.

Here’s your excuse not to work out today........

You Need To Maintain Good Bone Health & Here Are The Best Exercises...
Forget losing weight or running faster – make bone health the most important goal of your workout.

gym owner monthly magazine

GOM Magazine   At this gym, customers can choose an AI best friend or drill sergeant  In a market flooded with new cycli...

GOM Magazine

At this gym, customers can choose an AI best friend or drill sergeant

In a market flooded with new cycling and boot-camp concepts, Brandon Bean, former CEO of Gold’s Gym, knew he wanted to build his next fitness venture around something that couldn’t easily be replicated.

Best Gyms in Paris.

We Take A Look Inside The Worlds Most Advanced gyms

Why Are So Many Gym Owners Still Making The Same Mistakes & Avoiding These 5 Main Elements ..... If You Just Did These Your Gym Would Be Thriving

New Analysis Has Found A 'Fitness Gap'

Best Exercise For Fat Loss ??? Walking

Fat Loss / Consume less Calories

Walking is one of the best exercises for Fat Loss why makes you less hungry / Stop listening to those so called Fitness Guru's Fitness influencers You Cannot Target Belly Fat It's That Simple .... Take A Look At These Fools Most Are Taking Illlegal and Banned Substances and Are Not Quailified To Give You Advice On Health / Nutrition Or Workout Plans As They Don't Work.....

I believe any form of exercise that makes you happy and you can do consistently is worth doing. However, when fitness influencers promote unrealistic goals and spread false information, it leads people to believe that a healthy lifestyle is too difficult or even impossible to obtain. This can contribute to problems, like body dysmorphia, anxiety and depression. I think it’s amazing that exposure to fitness content has motivated people to pursue healthier lifestyles; I just urge that before people to stop following advice from others on the internet, Do Your RESEARCH to ensure the source is qualified and that the information is accurate... And Do Some Back Ground Checks Too

The End Of Buying Workout Routines That Don't Actually Work ? Or Is It...

The Very Latest Plate loaded rowing professional t-bar with load capacity

How Saunas Became The New Pub
Sticky floors and overpriced drinks are out, fluffy white robes are in....

Why chewing might be the most important wellness practice of your day
How many times should you chew your food

gym owner monthly magazine

GOM MagazineAt this gym, customers can choose an AI best friend or drill sergeant!!!!!!!!1 There's a lot of small talk a...

GOM Magazine

At this gym, customers can choose an AI best friend or drill sergeant!!!!!!!!1

There's a lot of small talk and misleading information yet again regarding Cardio VS Strength Training....

While cardio may burn calories faster than strength training, it only does this during your workout. Strength training plays the long game, building muscle mass over time, boosting your metabolism, and burning calories even when you're not in workout mode. Summary: Cardio is more effective than weight training at decreasing body fat if you do more than 150 minutes per week. Weight training is better than cardio for building muscle. A combination of cardio and weights may be best for improving your body composition.

Simple answer is “We need to be doing both.” Here are some general guidelines: If your primary goal is to lose body fat, a combination of both cardio and strength training is ideal. While cardio workouts will help you burn calories and lose fat, strength training will build muscle, which increases your metabolism and supports long-term fat loss, stop listening to these fools that know nothing about fitness.....

Fitness influencers ???

In today’s social media landscape, it’s possible for anyone to become a fitness influencer. However, this status doesn’t require years of education in exercise science or nutrition; becoming a fitness influencer doesn’t even require a personal trainer certification. So how are these influencers qualified to provide health and fitness information? The simple answer is that many of them are not. There are those who have the education and knowledge and spread correct information to their followers. However, a large number do more harm to the fitness industry than good.

Eynsham Baths: inside Estelle Manor's Extraordinary New Spa Concept

The future Of Fitness Mangement

Somatic exercise. It seems like people have a lot to get off their chest in 2024 - 2025....

Do you even know what it is?????

Somatic movement is moving with full-body awareness, focusing more on how you're feeling rather than meeting a specific fitness goal. It's a way to connect your emotions to how you're feeling physically. When done regularly, somatic movement can benefit both the body and mind in profound......

gym owner monthly magazine

GOM Magazine Is China leading the way within health & fitness industry?   Got What It Takes To Do The Military -Workout-...

GOM Magazine

Is China leading the way within health & fitness industry?

Got What It Takes To Do The Military -Workout-

Who's To Blame As 'Bigorexia' Is On The Rise & Has Young Men Doing Dangerous Things for Muscle......
Muscle dysmorphia—a psychological disorder marked by an obsessive desire for a jacked physique—is on the rise. Social media is exacerbating the problem, but it may also offer new solutions.

The Must-Do Exercises to Strengthen Your Lower Back.........

IT'S EASY TO forget about your lower back—until you get to the point where it's hurting. What might be confusing for some people about about low back training is that it's going to be done by strengthening your core.

Strength Training and Why It's The Secert To Midlife Weight Loss

Once seen as an optional extra, a growing body of research suggests it is vital for warding off obesity and staying sharp......

Top 10 Countries by Number of Gym Members
United States: 64.19 million.
Germany: 11.66 million.
United Kingdom: 10.39 million.
Brazil: 10.33 million.
France: 6.19 million.
Canada: 6.18 million.
Italy: 5.51 million.
Spain: 5.51 million.

GOM Magazine  Is China  leading  the way within  health & fitness  industry?    Got What It Takes To Do The Military -Wo...

GOM Magazine

Is China leading the way within health & fitness industry?

Got What It Takes To Do The Military -Workout-

Who's To Blame As 'Bigorexia' Is On The Rise & Has Young Men Doing Dangerous Things for Muscle......

Muscle dysmorphia—a psychological disorder marked by an obsessive desire for a jacked physique—is on the rise. Social media is exacerbating the problem, but it may also offer new solutions.

The Must-Do Exercises to Strengthen Your Lower Back.........

IT'S EASY TO forget about your lower back—until you get to the point where it's hurting. What might be confusing for some people about about low back training is that it's going to be done by strengthening your core.

Strength Training and Why It's The Secert To Midlife Weight Loss

Once seen as an optional extra, a growing body of research suggests it is vital for warding off obesity and staying sharp......

Top 10 Countries by Number of Gym Members
United States: 64.19 million.
Germany: 11.66 million.
United Kingdom: 10.39 million.
Brazil: 10.33 million.
France: 6.19 million.
Canada: 6.18 million.
Italy: 5.51 million.
Spain: 5.51 million.

This statement makes me laugh from the IFBB...Olympia champions have come clean about using drugs throughout the years. ...

This statement makes me laugh from the IFBB...

Olympia champions have come clean about using drugs throughout the years. As a result, steroid usage in Mr. Olympia's competitions has consistently raised concerns. However, IFBB, the organization that oversees the competition, has regularly denied the usage of steroids in the competition. So are you idiots telling me and the rest of the World that these Dudes are Natty???? What a Load Of FBS................

Monkey Business Taking Care Of Your Garden / Plants And Trees.......Plants and trees are a crucial part of garden stylin...

Monkey Business Taking Care Of Your Garden / Plants And Trees.......

Plants and trees are a crucial part of garden styling. Not only that, they are humanity’s strongest weapon in the fight against climate change. And so it’s important to take care of your new plants and trees in the early weeks so that they can establish well and grow strongly.

The first step to a sustainable planting scheme is choosing the right plants for each area of your garden. Think about the plants’ preferences for light, shade and soil type. But consider too, their growth habits. What will they look like in five years time? How big will they grow? Will some species outcompete their neighbours leaving you with a monoculture?

If you are not 100% confident with your plant knowledge, then why not contact us.....

GOM MagazineThere's A Massive Difference Between CrossFit and HYROX?  IntroductionChoosing between popular hybrid traini...

GOM Magazine

There's A Massive Difference Between CrossFit and HYROX?

Choosing between popular hybrid training programs like CrossFit and HYROXcan be challenging. These programs have their own unique approaches to fitness, targeting different aspects of physical conditioning and performance.

CrossFit is known for its emphasis on functional fitness, using a mix of intense workouts to enhance strength, endurance, agility, and flexibility. It incorporates elements from various sports and exercise forms such as weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio training.

On the other hand, HYROX is a specialised hybrid training program centered around standardized races. These races involve functional exercises combined with running sections, placing a strong focus on endurance training. This structure makes HYROX particularly attractive for athletes who thrive in organised settings with clear performance benchmarks.

Picking the right training program is essential for reaching your fitness goals and staying motivated. Different programs have their own advantages based on your preferences, fitness levels, and specific objectives. By understanding the differences between CrossFit and HYROX, you'll be able to make an educated choice that matches your hybrid training aspirations.

Fitness Technology 2024 / 2025

Considerations & Challenges

Navigating the world of fitness tech is not an easy task as the industry is highly competitive in these volatile economic times. Finding the right place in the market and presenting the right product to people may be a hassle. Visibility is a major challenge in the sector. The amount of startups and companies producing fitness technology devices are piling up every year and finding your way out of this mess is a huge challenge. You need funds, visibility, and most importantly unique product ideas.

After you achieve visibility, consider user retention.

“Toxic Gym Culture” Why It's On The Rise..........

Factors contributing to toxic gym culture include the influence of social media, widespread misinformation about fitness and nutrition, lack of diversity and inclusivity in fitness spaces, as well as toxic gym environments.

These factors play a significant role in shaping the negative dynamics experienced within the fitness community.

A new study shows gym use has nearly doubled within the last 4 months...... Is Your Facility Over flowing ? If not Why Not??

gym owner monthly magazine

GOM Magazine Dance is most effective exercise for depression, stretching benefits men more – and other interesting facts...

GOM Magazine

Dance is most effective exercise for depression, stretching benefits men more – and other interesting facts about exercise........

Ireland is in the midst of a mental health crisis, with a staggering number of people struggling with depression.

It is common knowledge that exercise is good ‘medicine’, but when it comes to tackling depression, some forms of exercise are better than others.

A recent systematic review, published in The BMJ and conducted by an international team of researchers, analysed different types and intensities of exercise to identify the most effective treatments for individuals. This meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials found the most impactful exercise modalities included walking, jogging, yoga, strength training and dancing.

The authors found that the “benefits from exercise tended to be proportional to the intensity prescribed, with vigorous activity being better. Benefits were equally effective for different weekly doses, for people with different comorbidities, or for different baseline levels of depression”.

As mentioned, dance appears to be a highly-effective treatment for depression. Another study, published just a few weeks before The BMJ’s, provides a few clues as to why.

Better Alternatives To Fitness Hence People Are Not Heading For The Gym

What is the problem with fitness influencers?

Constant exposure to images of idealised bodies and fitness achievements can trigger feelings of anxiety, depression and self-doubt. This toxic fitness culture promotes one shape and size and isn't inclusive or mindful of different body type...

A staggering 85 % of these so called Fitness Infuencers are not quailified to give out advice / they have no training or nutritional background...... They are not Natty take a closer look / you can always tell if someone is on Steriods / Tren Clen and now the very lastest is the Blue M&M's a very dangerous cocktail that will burn fat and build muscle at the same time / but that all comes with the risk of Cancer / Heart Attack / Stroke / the list is endless there's no such thing as a healthy qucik fix...

GOM Magazine & Personal Trainer Magazine Here are just a few reasons why we don't work with indiviudals that are on the ...

GOM Magazine & Personal Trainer Magazine

Here are just a few reasons why we don't work with indiviudals that are on the Juice, but claim that they are Natty....

I'm also baffled as to why so many companies endore / embrass / glorify and sponsor individuals that take Banned & Illegal Substances...

Quick Fixes Long Term Damage.........

What are the dangers associated with steroid use and exercise throughout the lifespan?

Physical consequences include liver tumors and cancer, jaundice, high blood pressure and increases in cholesterol levels, kidney tumors, fluid retention, and severe acne. Men may experience shrinking of the testicles, reduced s***m count, infertility, baldness, breast development, and increased risk of prostate cancer.

Using steroids to improve athletic performance is considered cheating, and can lead to athletes being penalized or banned from participating in sports. More importantly, using performance-enhancing steroids can have serious, long-term health consequences.

What health problems do steroids have?

They can lead to early heart attacks, strokes, liver tumors, kidney failure, and psychiatric problems. In addition, stopping steroid use can cause depression, often leading to resumption of use.

Can steroids cause aggressive behavior?

Many studies have compared the behavior of people who use steroids with those who don't. They show that people who use steroids show more irritability and unprovoked aggression. Steroid use also increases the risk for other psychological problems, which we get into a little later.

GOM MagazinePeloton peddles bike rental scheme for £99 a monthHigh-tech exercise company tries to recreate pandemic boom...

GOM Magazine

Peloton peddles bike rental scheme for £99 a monthHigh-tech exercise company tries to recreate pandemic boom when it had seven million members by offering lower-cost option to lure subscribers.....

Few companies did better out of the pandemic than Peloton. Before Covid struck, few Britons had even heard of the American brand but once lockdown began, demand for its futuristic exercise bikes and upbeat video classes soared as people looked for ways to stay fit from home.
Between January 2020 and March 2022, Peloton went from two million global members to more than seven million.

The rise in the company’s share price was even greater, jumping nearly 500 per cent to a peak of $163 over the course of 2020.
But as with every boom, there was an inevitable bust. When the world slowly began opening back up, people began remembering the joys of going out to exercise, and over the course of 2022 Peloton started losing members.

GOM Magazine...... Why everyone thinks they are a health and fitness expert. Interesting look at the psychology behind i...

GOM Magazine......

Why everyone thinks they are a health and fitness expert. Interesting look at the psychology behind it

It's a large problem in our industry. I loved the lines on how you don't see this in physics or advanced science fields because it's hard to wrap your head around them. But diet, while complex, has a simple intuitive appeal. We can grasp the basics and feel like we know a lot. That leads to everyone and their brother thinking they are health and fitness experts.

Grunt, Gawp and film yourself: the tragic new gym etiquette

Why mind your business when you could livestream your squats or mansplain to a professional? s

There’s always been much to be cautious about in the gym: avoiding injuries, staying hydrated, taking a rest between sets. But nowadays, lurking beyond the dumbbell rack, there’s often a more troubling issue: “fitfluencers” setting up tripods to film their squats and lunges.

These fitness influencers aren’t your average gym-goers — the women have immaculate ponytails, the men impeccably carved torsos. They wear skintight matching kits, and their tanned skin tends to glow rather than sweat......

High Blood Pressure???

Here's How to Exercise To Lower Your Blood Pressure

It’s not which workout you choose, but how you do it.

Why is it important to monitor blood pressure?

It's important to get an accurate blood pressure reading so that you have a clearer picture of your risk for heart disease and stroke. A reading that says your blood pressure is lower than it actually is may give you a false sense of security about your health........

GOM Magazine Your Competitor's .........It’s far too easy to do the same thing that everyone else is doing, because..wel...

GOM Magazine

Your Competitor's .........

It’s far too easy to do the same thing that everyone else is doing, because..well, it’s what everyone else is doing Right.

Stop! The more you worry about your competition, the more likely you are to fail. You will end up focusing your attention on what other people are doing and not on delivering impact for our clients or even for you....You will start to base your decisions on what other people are doing, not on what you do and on what your clients need......

Want To Learn How to be Competitive in Business?????
Know Your Customers. Did you know 80% of companies don't have enough customer data to build effective marketing campaigns? ...
Understand the Competition. ...
Highlight Your Difference. ...
Clarify Your Message. ...
Explore Strategic Partnership Opportunities. ...
Keep Innovating. ...
Look After Your Team.
The Reasons Why I Don’t Stress Over Competition Anymore.....

Every entrepreneur that I know has lost sleep worrying about their competition. Here’s why I’ve decided to stop worrying...

GOM Magazine   A toxic gym culture?  Bullying and sexual harassment are the most obvious examples, but by no means are t...

GOM Magazine

A toxic gym culture?

Bullying and sexual harassment are the most obvious examples, but by no means are they the only ones. Ageism, ableism, sexism, racism, fat-shaming, homophobia – if you train at a standard big-box gym, there's a good chance this stuff is happening all around you."

The problem with fitness influencers?

The illusion of perfection. Social media is flooded with images of flawless bodies and seemingly effortless workouts, creating an unattainable ideal. These unrealistic standards of perfection – and sometimes heavily edited and filtered images – can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a negative body image.....

In the fitness space, it's pretty saturated, and tough to set oneself apart. The frequent result is a fitness 'influencer' using their workouts (and the physiological results of their workouts) to represent something more than it is.

Here are the controversial topics in the fitness industry?

Lift fast or slow?
High carbs or low carbs?
High intensity or low intensity?
Heavy resistance or light resistance?
High volume or low volume?
Is a calorie a calorie or does it depend how it is metabolised?
To stretch or not to stretch?
Is The Fitness industry broken?

The industry is designed to appeal to a massive variety of customers. This means that their programs are not tailored to the individual, lack specificity and, therefore, effectiveness. No specific goal or journey means that exercise is random.

The  Exclusive  GOM Magazine & Personal Trainer Magazine ....Movement for Millennials - the female only wellness program...

The Exclusive

GOM Magazine & Personal Trainer Magazine ....

Movement for Millennials - the female only wellness programme made for 30+ bodies, lifestyle and mindsets

This month marks the launch of seasoned fitness trainer, Sarah Mariko’s, new wellness community platform - MOVE with Mariko - which is entirely tailored to 30-40 year old women, their bodies and unapologetic choice of lifestyle.

One of the first Barry’s Bootcamp trainers employed in London, and now based in LA, Mariko has spent over a decade teaching women of all ages, observing extreme fitness fads come in and out, as well as unrealistic expectations about how a woman should look and act. A pressing need was clear for guidance for 30+ women which included specific and targeted movements for the maturing body, forgiving nutrition plans and practical, but, most importantly, fun fitness programmes which encourages letting your hair down.

Mariko decided to remedy this with MOVE with Mariko, a new app which is built around the ‘30 for 30s’ principle - 30 minute daily workouts for busy women juggling work, family, friends and society pressures; 30 day fitness challenges; 30 minute easy-to-make recipes, as well as an online community discussion area where the group also meet IRL and socialise.

The workouts are informed by latest research, including the recent Schmidt Heart Institute paper in California March 2024, which outlines the need for tailor made fitness for female anatomy. Combining this with Mariko’s own experience and observations on how female bodies change with age, the MOVE programme helps target problem areas specifically for 30- 40 year old women.

Some examples from her programme...................

Sarah Mariko

GOM MagazineHyrox: The new fitness craze that is ‘an experience’A sporting event founded in Germany has exploded in popu...

GOM Magazine

Hyrox: The new fitness craze that is ‘an experience’

A sporting event founded in Germany has exploded in popularity since the end of the pandemic

The men at the starting line at Hyrox in Berlin practically hummed with nervous enthusiasm. A few dozen racers, part of an early morning heat, stood watching the steady tick of a five-minute countdown, displayed on a huge television overhead.

Dramatic string music played on tinny loudspeakers. A booming voice intoned a rallying cry: “This is the moment you’ve been training for!”

Lights twinkled. Spectators cheered.

Want To Burn Fat ??? Well It's Not As Hard As You Think & Here's How......

Getting Superfit, without busting a gut to do it? It's easier than you might think…

Cycling is a good example of 'Zone 2' exercise, but try not to stop and start as you need to k
For so long high-intensity cardio workouts have grabbed all the headlines, touted as the best way to improve overall fitness and boost performance. But I’ve got good news for you: you don’t have to bust a gut to get superfit. In fact, research has shown that exercising in Zone 2, which means at just 60 to 70 per cent of your maximum heart rate, allows you to build a strong aerobic base, unlocks higher-level performance gains, enhances your endurance and… drumroll… makes your body use up its fat reserves far, far more efficiently. Yet despite its ability to transform our health, leanness, energy levels and performance it is perhaps one of the most overlooked forms of training. Let me explain how it works and what it can do for you.

Music Can boost your workout – and the best songs to try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How Fit Are You?

Are you fit for your age? Try our fitness tuneup to find out.................

GOM MagazineIs Your Gym Accessible For People With Disabilities???It's time to talk about what it takes to access gyms a...

GOM Magazine

Is Your Gym Accessible For People With Disabilities???

It's time to talk about what it takes to access gyms and personal training. We pay the same membership fee—we should receive equal service.

Create wide, unobstructed pathways and ample space around gym equipment. Offer adjustable, accessible fitness machines with instructions in braille or large print. Train staff in accessibility practices and to assist members with disabilities.


Ready to hit pause on HIIT? Maximum intensity is far from the only way to work out — and these low impact classes have benefits for your mind as much as your body..

Going hard at a Hiit class and the resulting the sweat-drenched kit may have historically been a badge of honour for Londoners, but this year we’re seeing a slowdown.

Low-intensity classes with benefits for the mind as well as the body are popping up with growing frequency all over the city.

Dudes Don't Do Pilates ....
More men need to reap the benefits of this much-hyped workout........

Supplements How Good Are They???

In the hopes of achieving everything from improved sleep quality, to a quick energy boost, or kickstarting muscle growthafter workouts, a staggering 16.1 Million Brits reach for supplements as a shortcut to overhaul health.

The industry is booming and dietary supplements now come in many different forms. As well as the capsule form we're all familiar with, they’re readily sold as liquids, effervescent tablets, sprays, powders, gummies, and even ready-made drinks. However, debate over their effectiveness means supplement taking is a pretty controversial topic. Some experts claim the benefits are limited to a placebo effect. Then there are others who believe they do us more harm than good...................

When it comes to health and fitness, men and women have vulnerabilities — and strengths — that set them apart. Whereas researchers have recently shown that women are no more prone to …

Take A Look At The Ultimate Gym Equipment

GOM Magazine How often should gym equipment be replaced?  Ten years is a general rule of thumb, but there are many varia...

GOM Magazine

How often should gym equipment be replaced?

Ten years is a general rule of thumb, but there are many variables that will determine the actual life of your equipment including your maintenance practices and frequency of use. One critical step to maintain machinery with electronic components is keeping dust out of the circuitry.

Gym management software is designed to simplify the running of a fitness club. From online gym scheduling and automated billing to administrative tasks, the software pulls all data into one place so that you can run your business more efficiently.

What's The Best Gym Management Software & Why???

Could Equinox’s New $40,000 Membership Really Help You Live Longer?
Blood tests and “biodata” have entered the fitness space.

If You Want to Get Stronger, Routine Is the Enemy
To get the most out of your strength training, try progressive overload.

Physical Fitness Linked to Better Mental Health in Young People

A new study bolsters existing research suggesting that exercise can protect against anxiety, depression and attention challenges.

gym owner monthly magazine

GOM MAgazineHyrox: The Gruelling Cult Workout That's Taken Over LondonLike CrossFit but much harder. Londoners have beco...

GOM MAgazine

Hyrox: The Gruelling Cult Workout That's Taken Over London

Like CrossFit but much harder. Londoners have become addicted to Hyrox.

We Take A Look At The Most Expensive Gyms In London

Deepak Chopra's futuristic new retreat — is this the frontier of luxury wellness?

The Hollywood guru is on a mission to help us live longer and better at his luxury health resort.

Eynsham Baths: Inside Estelle Manor's Extraordinary New Spa Concept......

GOM MagazineSo Many Are Trying To Reinvent The Wheel ........If you want to build stronger and more performance-driven g...

GOM Magazine

So Many Are Trying To Reinvent The Wheel ........

If you want to build stronger and more performance-driven glutes, I'd recommend the following for a well-rounded routine:
Barbell Hip Thrust.
Step Up.
Reverse Hyper.
Romanian Deadlift.
Curtsy Lunge.
Sprinter Position Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats.
Single-Leg Hip Thrust.
Dumbbell Frog Press.

20 exercises that shape the glutes from every angle
Squats. ...
Bulgarian split squats. ...
Reverse lunge. ...
Stepups. ...
Dumbbell deadlifts. ...
Good mornings. ...
Kettlebell swing. ...
Bird dog. This move is great for strengthening your lower back and glutes, which will help you perform other glute-dominant exercises more effectively.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.

GOM MAgazineThe Best Commercial Gym Equipment & WhyThe Secret to a Sustainable Workout HabitWhen you need an extra nudge...

GOM MAgazine

The Best Commercial Gym Equipment & Why

The Secret to a Sustainable Workout Habit

When you need an extra nudge, tie your exercise routine to someone or something.

How exercise leads to sharper thinking and a healthier brain

New findings from 350,000 people make the strongest case yet that exercise improves cognition. A small study shows it raises BDNF, a brain chemical.

To build a better brain, just exercise.

That’s the message of two important new studies of how physical activity changes our minds. In one, scientists delved into the lives, DNA and cognition of thousands of people to show that regular exercise leads to much sharper thinking.

Another study helps explain why exercise is good for the brain. Researchers found that just six minutes of strenuous exertion quintupled production of a neurochemical known to be essential for lifelong brain health.

The Treadmill Desk Might Really Be Worth The Investment....

Research shows they can indeed deliver fitness benefits while you work — but only if you use them wisely.


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