RedHanded Magazine
Launched in 2003 in Wales, RedHanded is a magazine aimed at discerning professionals. Published four times a year and distributed free, content is top drawer and reflects the tastes and aspirations of people who want to enjoy the better things in life.
Launching in Scotland, in print, September 2020.
Intelligently written and well designed, RedHanded steers clear of the bad taste pitfalls of many regional magazines preferring to address our readers as smart, informed adults who want a genuinely good magazine to read. By the same token, thanks to its grounded perspective it’s not aloof or remote. Feature led with plenty of big-name interviews, thought-provoking articles, fashion advice and fascinating regular columns covering everything from big-name interviews to sport to reviews to gadgets, RedHanded is essential reading if you want to keep up with the Joneses.
Whether you’re a reader looking for something relevant to how you live your life or an advertiser looking for something more appropriate to your business RedHanded will meet your needs and more.