Heart's Happiness

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Heart's Happiness Hi I am Manpreet trauma transformation coach and mentor and creator of podcast Heart's happiness. ✨️


We have a BIG problem that no one seems to be talking about 🙈

Why are so many heart centred women sacrificing their own WELLNESS for the pursuit of wealth and their love of serving others.

I am seeing a HUGE pattern with so many women being burnt out with chronic symptoms like poor sleep, extreme anxiety , disease markers for blood sugar, cholestrol , thyroid, fertility issues, gut issues.... the works !

And then they shame themselves 🤯 and their bodies whilst still pushing themselves to do MORE! To follow all the health advice to turn their side hustles into 6 figure business and hoping that more money will help!

The online space talks about hitting the 6 figure goals like it will solve all their problems! So many coaches not considering how sick these woman are when they are encouraging them to push themselves further 🙈 especially because sacrifice for money is so normal in our world 🙃

But as someone who did this and who's body was really struggling. I am starting to realise that isn't the goal at all!

We get to have BOTH an overflowing bank and body! No longer chasing both and never feeling good enough to have it. Being an energetic match for it because we put ourselves first

There is something deeper going on here...especially when you grew up with childhood trauma. There is a pattern📈 here repeating of self sacrificing and depleting your own resources for others.

It has to stop because it can literally kill you and then what is the point of going for your dream to serve others

And worse still you don't even enjoy your life now!
Because the anxiety of money just keeps pushing you to do more and give more

There is huge connection between your body , bank and your childhood that is disrupting the money and wellness flow !

Behind the scenes I have been healing myself and clients from this pattern...

My soul has kept telling me to create something new for the women who are READY to stop the overgiving and expand their HEALTH AND WEALTH! It's nearly ready! Something FREE is dropping next week👀 comment WELLNESS below 💖 to get link! Something NEW I have never done before !!! Can you guess what it is....


This podcast has been created on request! 🙌🏽 The last two years I have been on a journey to heal my body from trauma.🌀 My bloods were showing all sorts of signs of dis-ease from auto-immune, to cholesterol, thyroid issues, weight gain, blood sugar. All of the things. I felt like I was chasing my tail try to ‘fix’ myself and all the limiting beliefs around what I was told 🗣️ was possible.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Sometimes all the advice would stress me out 😓 even more and I felt like I was getting nowhere. My dream 💭 of having children felt like it was slipping further away.

And when I felt hopeless my sabotaging behaviours would start to happen and I would feel shame 🥺 yet again. I have been using my own self healing techniques to heal my body and getting support 🤝🏽 from some amazing practitioners

For two years these markers have been getting better and better! 😅 Still a work in progress but I am getting there! So excited to share my process with you in today’s episode 🥰

DM podcast for link 🔗

My life is unrecognisable to the person I was 5 years ago never mind 9 years ago when I made the choice to heal!​​​​​​​​...

My life is unrecognisable to the person I was 5 years ago never mind 9 years ago when I made the choice to heal!​​​​​​​​
I know many of in this community have made the same choice 🥳 but sometimes you feel frustrated that you are not moving forwards fast enough🙈​​​​​​​​
like you are doing ALL the things! therapy, always investing in healing . Yet you feel like you can't move PAST the pain of the past and at times this feels hopeless. like it's too hard!​​​​​​​​
You want to feel free, safe and at peace ✌️​​​​​​​​
to stand in your power and write a new story for you and your kids 🗓️​​​​​​​​
to leave the sabotaging habits , toxic relationships and hyperviglence anxiety behind you​​​​​​​​
To stop the self abuse🗣️ and the times you harm your body ​​​​​​​​
To have strong boundaries for yourself and others​​​​​​​​
To show yourself the love 💗, kindness and compassion you give to others rather than stuck in emotional loop of self hate ​​​​​​​​
Pushing yourself to heal more and faster 🙈​​​​​​​​
This is your invitation to STOP pushing and doing all the things learn how to BE with your wounded parts so that they can move on. learn my heal your inner child tools​​​​​​​​
To stop the fight to fix you and learn how to soothe that pain and the victimised child within so you can let the pain go and not get stuck in the healing phase!!!​​​​​​​​
Come join my heal your inner child programme for 6 months where I will teach you all of the tools you need to move you out the healing phase and into the living your best life phase 😆​​​​​​​​
We unravel that sneaky shadow so you can love all of your light and darkness ! £555 off right now! this programme closes for live calls with me soon! so last chance dm heal😘​​​​​​​​

Ohhhh the relief of no longer getting stuck in trauma responses 🥳🥳🥳Binge eating to soothe sadness, fear, anger knowing h...

Ohhhh the relief of no longer getting stuck in trauma responses 🥳🥳🥳

Binge eating to soothe sadness, fear, anger knowing how to soothe

Overthinking if the world and it's wife is upset with you 👀 you realise this is a childhood pattern and soothe your inner child

No sleep💤 as you lie awake so anxious about what could go wrong never being able to turn off being on high alert to sleeping peaceful for 8 hours !

No longer saying yes when you mean no! And pleasing others so they like you and give you a crumb of love. You have healthy boundaries and are no longer available for toxic relationships or patterns

Speaking to yourself like 💩, self shaming and self-loathing has now become self love and self compassion even when you fall into an old pattern

Panic shopping as you want to feel better ! To no longer needing this vice!

I was sitting reflecting on all the ways healing these trauma responses has given me a whole new life. A life completely different to my ancestors. My grandmother's and mum were not seen or heard in their marriages and I have the most loving and nurturing marriage 💖 with a man I chose.

My family did any jobs for money, always afraid that it would run out. I do a job that is my souls work and have £12k cash weeks 👀

Women in my family had no choice about passing trauma to their kids and I chose to take action to end that cycle.

This journey is empowering and life changing for me and the next generation! It has even helped my mum to heal 💓

I am so grateful for the version of me who started she changed my life !❤️

Want to swap your trauma responses for healthier tools that set you free from your past and create a whole new future for you and your family?

Come and join my heal your inner child programme ! Doors close early 2025! Let's spend 6 months together now to rewrite your story and let go of those family programmes that are robbing your happiness by keeping you stuck in a loop!

Therapy helped but you want to move past what happened. You don't want that story of abuse to hold you back any longer. You want to let it go once and for all . Write a whole new story for you and your family
DM heal to discuss £555 off.


For some of us growing up we didn’t feel safe in our relationship with our parents 🧑‍🧑‍🧒 which has made us incredibly anxious. We worry about what people think or if they are upset with us 🥺​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This carries in other relationships like our boss, our friends, our kids and even money! 💰

These ruminating thoughts take our energy⚡️and life force energy. They take us away from ourselves and what we want in our lives. We are so busy focusing our energy worrying about others. Always scanning for danger.. ⚠️

This takes away our joy and our happiness in our present and also opens up to abuse in relationships. Because if we are always feeling overly responsible in relationships people can take advantage and toxic patterns 🌀 can repeat from our childhood.

This week I take you through the tool 🛠️ of detachment to help you with this anxiety in relationships so you can set yourself free from this pattern and get back your life force ⚡️ energy. With this energy you get to create your aligned heart’s happiness life 💖 Time to stop giving it away to those who abuse it! DM PODCAST to listen. 🎧


I had enough of people telling me I had no confidence 🙄

Like it was my fault that I was afraid to be seen or heard or get attention

And when I was single until late 30s they would have another pop 😆

No confidence was not my fault . A sensitive empathic kid disappears into herself when people lash out and put her down

When she is raised in chaos

We believe these people as they are people we are told to love. Parents, family members and even friendships later

We put them on pedestals and they like that...

We attract even more toxic people and blame ourselves 😵‍💫

Talking down to us and putting us down made them feel a little more worthy as they were wounded too

Take the abusers off the pedestals

Heal your younger self

Claim back your light

Your life force energy that was taken away by the abuse

Get their voices out of your head

heal yourself and build a life so full to show you are no longer scared of those who told you to play small

I am no longer afraid !
I stand on stages, speak on podcasts, write. I am happy to be seen. To share my message. Not to prove my abusers wrong but because I deserve a full happy life regardless of what I was told

It's all of our human right

I am here to help you claim back that power , heal from those that hurt so you can step into your greatness. To get a life that makes your heart happy.

My signature programme Heal your inner child closes beginning of 2025 . Join me now for the next 6 months before doors close to show you how to heal and move past the trauma . To step into your power as you have had ENOUGH of being treated like 💩 and are done feeling like a victim. You want to claim back your confidence , your power and your worth!

Enough is enough!

I am no longer afraid to spread my light and neither should . You know it's time to move forwards and your ready to go ALL with this healing. To come to the monthly calls to be guided by me, watch all the lesson and chat daily in our messaging group to support you

To let go of the dysfunction and rebuild a new you post trauma! DM heal and join this week for £555 off. We are meeting Thursday who's in?

You are no longer.. 💖Triggered🙈 by what they say! You feel chilled AF 🥳and if you feel an emotion you can soothe it. 💖An...

You are no longer..
💖Triggered🙈 by what they say! You feel chilled AF 🥳and if you feel an emotion you can soothe it.

💖Angry or resentful about the past you understand that your parents were also victims of generational trauma. You have allowed yourself to grieve and comfort your inner child .

💖Obsessed with people pleasing your parents as you realised that is not your responsibility. it's blocked your happiness and impacted your wellbeing

💖Chasing crumbs of love from emotionally unavailable parents whose inability to not give you what you need is not about how loveable you are but because they weren't shown how to love you in a healthy way. You finally feel enough

💖 Afraid of disappointing your parents, you realise you are safe regardless

💖Trying to fix your parents' pain and suffering as you realise only they can choose healing you can't take away their pain only they can.

💖 caught in the emotional rollercoaster with emotionally immature parents . You feel emotionally balanced regardless of their emotions

💖 try and be who your parents want you to be but who YOU want to be. You realise that this doesn't mean you don't love them it's just that you have learnt that loving yourself is more important

This journey heals some of our relationships with our parents like it did with my mum . We have a more of an authentic relationship and repairing the years we lived in an abusive environment

And for some like me and my dad that never was possible 💔 but you know when you're healing when you are OK with that and you can have forgiveness and compassion regardless.

You get to set yourself FREE and find PEACE. You get to move forwards past abuse. That is what me and my clients have done 🥰

For those of you who want these results 👆 and are READY to heal from the past so you feel empowered NOW. Come join my signature programme heal your inner child for 6 months. After 4 years of running this programme I have decided to close the coaching support with Me early 2025. Literally last chance to do this with me after this it will be a self learning course only.

£555 off as we bring this container to a close. DM HEAL we have a call Thurs☎


Your healing from emotionally immature parents and DETERMINED to CHANGE your life! But you find yourself getting stuck despite following all the books on manifestation 🙃

You blame and shame yourself that something is wrong with you which is why it isn't working ! But you haven't been shown how to be a magnet for your desires when you grew up insecurely attached with your caregivers

You either chase after crumbs or run away 🏃🏾‍♀️ completely as its just feels so difficult and brings up the wounds of the past.

This pattern play outs in relationship with your desires too! 🤔

For example money you either spend it all or hoard it. Constantly feel like you never have enough cash. But you want to have an overflow of cash 💰 and feel safe finally !

With our bodies you either try to control what you consume or you hurt you body with toxicity. You shame yourself when you struggle with health issues and so want to be healthy and have a tonne of energy for your dreams

Romantic Love and friendships you either chase crumbs of love from emotionally unavailable people or we just fear relationships so much you just avoid it. 🙅🏽‍♀️ this dynamic even plays out in marriage !

It's not your fault you struggle with manifestations for some reason this is left out of the books 🙈 I am here to support you ❤️

If you are ready to go ALL IN with HUGE transformation in the next 6 months no matter what. I have something coming specifically for you!!

To feel healthy, wealthy , safe , peaceful, and balanced in relationships 🙏 with your mind , body , ❤️ and bank NOW

For the last 9.5 years I have been on a journey to modify manifestation process for those of us who grew up with trauma testing it on myself! From super single to married to my soul mate, healing body of chronic symptoms and anxiety AND attracting cash in and out of business. I have cracked it !!! And I can't wait to share it with you 💕

DM EXPANSION ✨ to be first to know!



You want to finish 2024 on a high 🎆 making your big dreams a reality​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

No more waiting it is here 👇🏽

That great love, a bank overflowing with cash, feeling amazing in your mind and body! 😍

But you don’t ever feel like you are getting there! Almost like your falling down the hill rather than up it.😓

Energy leaks could be the reason your manifestations are not coming into your reality. I break it down in this solo episode plus a load of other tips of how I ensure my manifestations happen! ✨✨

DM podcast for link 🔗

Calling in BS 💩That you got to heal more before you can have your dreams come true. People trapped in the relentless cyc...

Calling in BS 💩That you got to heal more before you can have your dreams come true. People trapped in the relentless cycle of healing. Investing time, energy and more so you feel worthy of our desires.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We tell ourselves WHEN I have overcome/healed this then I will be worthy of my dreams 💭 and changing my life.

‌This is very different to, I have been through something painful 😣 and I am giving myself time to grieve and process. This is an important stage!

But Sometimes people are actually avoiding wounds by obsessing about healing all the the things. Me included.

We get super stuck in the healing journey that we don’t actually change our lives! 🙈

We invest lots of money 💰 in healing and all the modalities

and we are just exhausted by it. 😓

‌Processing all the dark 😰 things and not actually feeling like we are getting any closer to make our dreams come true.

The thing is WHEN you stop waiting ⏰ and obsessing about healing and actual take ACTION to BE your future self NOW. Your wounds that need healing will come up anyway. You will then use all the years you have been healing and use those tools 🛠️ to soothe you as you feel discomfort.

Change happens when you change! 💁🏽‍♀️ If your dreams are to heal from childhood to have great love, wealth, perfect health or start a business etc spending ages healing isn’t going to get you it!

Doing it is 👍🏽 Who here is ready to make HUGE life changes in 2024? Your insides are screaming for a new chapter and you are ready to go all in! 🥰 You want to end this year dating your soul mate, feeling healthier than ever or putting your business out there so you can live the life of freedom.

No more waiting⏳

I have some exciting coming very soon to help! And its FREE!!! DM expansion to be the first to know ✨💕

Who is ready to go ALL IN on their dreams this year? ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To celebrate the following December 31st: 🔥For al...

Who is ready to go ALL IN on their dreams this year? ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To celebrate the following December 31st:

🔥For all the action they took towards their dreams
🔥For taking messy imperfect action
🔥For feeling good every day going for their dream rather than hyper focused on their end goal
🔥For taking the scary steps into the unknow to change their lives
🔥 For manifesting Love , money or health or like me all three!!!

I am going to take you through my intention practice and what I will be doing for the next 6 months to make my desires for 2024 a reality.

Come with a journal and lets do this practice together! As I want us all to manifest our dreams together! I am leading the way . Who is joining me ? Catch me live or watch the replay


Sounds cliché 💁🏽‍♀️ but all the answers to creating your dream life LITERALLY live inside of you. YET trusting in that is quite the UNLEARNING process.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It literally doesn’t feel safe in your body ❌ or mind!

Your intuition is your personalised coach! And when you allow yourself to slow down 🧘🏾‍♀️and listen it will tell you what to do to make your dreams 💭a reality.

But the surrender and the trusting of that process IS SO UNCOMFORTABLE! 🥴 we want to control and know all the answers but it will give us just a tiny bit at a time.

The mind wants to control and know all the answers. it can be a struggle to trust what you feel in your gut. Even though it leads towards our dreams when we surrender to it 💖

In this weeks podcast Carla from @‌luna_soul_carla goes deep into how we unleash the power of our intuition and what to do about the resistance! 😣 What is waiting on the other side of coming out of the survival mind that humanity finds itself stuck in.

Such a deep wonderfully spiritual conversation about allowing ourselves to expand to our highest selves! ✨DM podcast and I will send you the link 🔗

‌6 months until ends of the year! and you can supercharge your goals and manifestations when you let faith lead over fear!!! 🙏🙏🙏

I have got to be honest with you👇I am not the coach for you if you :💔Tell yourself change is not possible for you so you...

I have got to be honest with you👇

I am not the coach for you if you :

💔Tell yourself change is not possible for you so you don't even try or take action

💔Feel like a victim to your circumstances and that only someone/something outside of will make things change

💔 Are ok repeating your ancesteral patterns as it's too uncomfortable to walk another path

💔 Don't invest your own time, energy and even your money in changing your story. You are too busy with everyone else🙈

💔Read all the self help books, listen to the podcasts but don't implement what they say

I so wanted to help everyone👀 because I know what is possible when you commit to your journey of healing.

When you choose to step into your POWER🔥 and not be the victim to your story.

Losing my dad to su***de meant I tried so hard to make others want to fight for their lives. Just like I did with him. To persuade people to do the work. It made me so sad that I wanted them to heal more than they did! 🙈.

It's just magical to have lived your whole life in pain, anxiety, shame and then feel 100000x better AND attract your dream life!

I couldn't understand🤯 WHY everyone wasn't doing what I did!

I wanted to be the coach for EVERYONE and SAVE EVERYONE🙈. But I realised that was childhood trauma patterns and codependency talking. Something I have healed now 🥳 as it burnt me out!

Don't get me wrong..I WILL ALWAYS be rooting for you until you are ready 💖

But TODAY I AM the coach for 🥰

For those who are READY to create miracles💫 and magic💥 in your lives regardless of your traumas ❤️‍🩹

They make you want to live MORE not less! And you will stop at NOTHING to make it happen! Even the hard inner work!😅

That you too will be sitting in your garden🤩 sobbing about how proud you are of yourself🥹. Living in your dream life that you wished for years ago❤️‍🔥

Realising that YOU were the answer to your prayers as a little girl. YOU SAVED YOU. You got your prince charming, your dream safe home, feeling healthier than ever, free from the past and free to have the future you choose! Doing a job that sets your soul 🔥 So much abundance! All because you went ALL IN on you! Who's following my lead👇

What a difference a year makes !!!💖This time last year I felt like I would have a panic attack when I slowed down.🙃Fully...

What a difference a year makes !!!💖

This time last year I felt like I would have a panic attack when I slowed down.🙃

Fully booked and no time to pee😆

I felt afraid to face my darker shadows and pain of the past as I worked on creating my next chapter. Being busy with clients was a wonderful distraction from my own feelings and distractive patterns 😅

My body was not happy !🙈

I have had to make big changes in last 12 months and they have felt so uncomfortable as I have never really put myself and my body first.

It didn't feel safe💔

This month I have supported my mastermind group unlock your light , my heal your inner child community , some one to one clients and had so much to take care of me!

From long sweaty walks into the sunshine, exercise in park with Simon, reading books, cooking nourishing meals, to holiday with my mum in Turkey, watching sunset and this Sunday a cacao day retreat which kicked my arse !

Omg the full moon/ summer solstice release was real hehe!

Not only did I look after myself , improve my health but I also have been going deep into my identity as an entrepeneur who serves in a different way to which I have been. Learning off mentors and coaches with bigger platforms. Oh and relaunched my you tube channel plus a new shop of courses coming on my site soon!

All these steps in June mean I enjoy my life now ❤️ and taking daily steps for the future me!

I have found some uncomfortable shadows and shame along the way. That want to keep me stuck and hold me back. But with courage I pour love and light into them.

To keep moving forwards to a life that is truly aligned , healthy and free! That allows me to serve others but me and my own family too.

At 42 there is no dream I won't go for.

Even though I get scared

Even though sometimes the pain from the past gets me stuck. Sometimes even a ptsd symptom

But my commitment to my hearts happiness life continues

And I hope that it inspires you to keep taking those steps to build a life that makes your heart happy. No matter how impossible it feels at times.. you are someone that fights for your dreams and gets supported when she knows she can't do it alone! I am here to help❤


We so want a better life for ourselves💃​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​We read all the📚 books

Implement all the manifesting🪄 practices

but then it doesn't work👀

We tell ourselves that we are not worthy! 💔 That there is something wrong ❌with us which is why its not happening!

That is not what is happening ..🙈

Your life is just mirroring🪞 what you believe you are worthy of

Forcing affirmations that don't feel safe in the body are not going to manifest with ease due to to that lack of safety.

Lets say I am asking for a husband 👀

but unconscious fear is that all men are abusers! unconsciously my shadow will block it! Until I heal that wound. This is exactly what happened to me.

I go deep in today's podcast about why your manifestations are not working especially if you have a history of trauma.

The inner work will heal these wounds so your body feels safe to receive and then then you will be a energetic match for what you desire! And it arrives magically. 🌟

This is why I spend a day journalling 🖊️on a wound rather than overdoing to make something happen! Because once it heals ❤️‍🩹I know my reality will shift.🪄

DM Podcast 🎙️if you want to listen to today's magical 🥰episode. Its a good one! Loved recording it for you all. Let me know what you think x

Let's take RESPONSIBILITY for our happiness 🌟​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It is not a given! It is a CHOICE ✅️I know you want a lif...

Let's take RESPONSIBILITY for our happiness 🌟​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It is not a given!

It is a CHOICE ✅️

I know you want a life FREE from the pain of your past 🥳so you can feel peace and GOOD ENOUGH FINALLY!

No longer getting caught up in family dramas and being ok when other people are not ok with you 😮

Rather than lying awake all night being anxious about it 👀

You want a life where its is FREE🕊 for you to be YOU
For you to build a SAFE 💝life for your children to be their authentic selves

To have the FREEDOM 🕊to do work you love ✨️
Work as much or as little as you like so you can choose the hours you spend with your Kids!
and unlimited funds to create those experiences 🦋
Let's not forget pay for that organic food to heal your body from the trauma! 😏

But my love you can not have this without RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY for your happiness which comes from YOU!

You choosing to do the DEEPLY UNCOMFORTABLE🙈 work of helping your inner child to heal from the past so you feel worthy of having more.💫

So you feel chilled AF even when your mum is upset with for choosing your own life path and disappointing the elders in your family because your chose💝 YOUR HAPPINESS not theirs.

You can soothe❤️‍🩹 your body when it is FREAKING THE F OUT because you are recording your podcast for the first time!

People want the transformation🦋... But they don't want to do the work or take radical responsibility for it.
I know your different. You are here to create waves and do everything in your power to write a different story.

I am here cheering you every step of the way! Save this and say daily to remind yourself of your mission. Drop me a DM if you need any support. I can't wait to see you fly 💖 Let's make those big dreams happen💥


You overworrying about everyone else's feelings , problems and happiness is holding you back from creating your own happiness.🙈


You are an amazing🥰 empathic person which is beautiful but the amount of energy you are draining worrying about all the things and obsessing about people's feelings is taking away your life force energy to create a life that makes your heart happy!

We are 6 months through this year of your 1 beautiful life !!!!

And I know you soooo wanted 2024 to be the year that you shifted your life into a new reality !!

Free from your past and creating an amazing life for you and your family!!

But then your mind was focusing on everyone and everything but you ? 🙈

I think we have found your reason for not being where you want to be yet

I get it . I have been the same my whole life!

And it meant I was the nice girl who finished last👀 not anymore my loves I LEAD now !

I manage my energy 🥳

I witness where my thoughts are going

I OBSERVE . I DON'T ABSORB . Your new mantra!!

You can't change anyone but you . Be the example and lead others to change because you have

Stop using others as an excuse 😒

I now allow my glorious energy to flow into the dreams I am creating for future and enjoying my present 🥰

Things like chilling on my arse 🍑whilst I serve people around the world through my programmes and resources 💝

All whilst taking amazing care of my mind , body and soul

Building a business that changes lives and builds a legacy for my children. So I can spend however much time I want with them and do work that lights my soul on fire and makes a difference

Having money for amazing experiences like trave, going on spiritual retreats and taking my husband on suprise holidays!💫

And I am doing all of this whilst not being anxious about other people's feelings.and happiness. Oh the freedom.

Because I healed my inner child's fear of being overly responsible for others and instead I just show people the way !!

Much better way to spend my energy I think. Leading and observing 😆

So let's say the mantra together in the comments OBSERVE instead of ABSORB and set your intention for the redirection of energy 💫



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