A BONUS ADHD series episode!. A very honest & compelling conversation with Kayla Megan Burns, an entrepreneur, on Autism and ADHD (aka AuADHD). We met last year as guests on Radio Scotland- it was a pleasure to connect with Kayla again through this podcast series. Kayla talks about how validating getting an assessment was- they went from thinking they were a weirdo as a child to understanding they are just wired differently. Tune in wherever you get your podcast #spotify #applepodcasts
#conversations #adhduk #adhdlife #clinicalpsychology #AuADHD
If you are wondering about access to medication post ADHD diagnosis, hear Helen and I talk about what's called 'Shared Care' with GPs. Tune into the whole episode on Truthbook Podcast to hear more about the assessment process or share with someone you think would find it helpful...
#adhdassessment#sharedcare #adhduk #podcastpsychologist #conversations
The St Andrews Practice
LIVE episode 4 😃 Eleanor Murray spoke to me about her diagnosis of ADHD at 15 then autism. We talk about how grateful she was to get the support she needed, what it was like going through an assessment & how she’s adapted to manage. Eleanor was a pleasure to chat to in her garden shed 😆 #adhdassessment #psychologistpodcaster #adhdlife #conversations #clinicalpsychology #adhduk #spotify #itunespodcast
#adhdassessment #psychologistpodcaster #spotify #clinicalpsychology #itunespodcast #giftedness #giftedadhd #2e @the_thomas_connection
Episode 3- Dr Michaela Thomas describes her inner critic. Listen now #itunespodcast #Spotify #adhdlife #conversations #adhduk #clinicalpsychology @the_thomas_connection
As an undiagnosed ADHD child, you can be left feeling ‘not very good’. Being more aware & understanding about ADHD & neurodiversity could make the difference between a child feeling ‘not very good’ & ‘that’s my brain style- and i am accepted’. @chichesterchildpsychology #adhdlife #neuroaffirming #audhd #psychologistpodcaster #acceptance
Next episode out tomorrow with Dr Melanie Smart sharing her invaluable perspective as a Clinical Psychologist with ADHD #adhdassessment #psychologistpodcaster #conversations #adhdlife #podcast @chichesterchildpsychology
#adhdassessment #conversations #adhdlife #psychologistpodcaster #adamsutherlandschooloffiddle
Tues Nov 5th, Tune into Truthbook podcasts to hear my first conversation in the ADHD series with renowned Scottish Fiddle player Adam Sutherland @adamfiddle and his wife Emma @emmalinapudding6 about what his ADHD diagnosis has meant, how it has made his life make more sense & helped create tunes that’s are played across the world. Thank you Adam and Emma for welcoming me into your cosy and creative home and sharing your story.
#adhdassessment #psychologistpodcaster #podcast #adhdlife #conversations