CLOGWYN DU'R ARDDU The definitive 'pocket size' climbing guide to this iconic cliff is still available at £15. https://climbers-club.co.uk/eshop/?product=clogwyn-dur-arddu
Here's a short list of must do climbs to get inspired this summer: Woubits E2 5b**, The Mostest E2 5c**,Shrike E2 5c***, The Axe E4 6a***, Octo E1 5b**, The Hand Traverse E2 5c**, Pinnacle Arete E2 5b**, Pinnacle Flake E2 5b*, Sunset Crack VS 5a**, Lithrig E1 5c***, Serth E2 5c**,Pistolero E5 6b***, Capricorn E2 5c**, Pigott's Climb HVS 5a**,Diglyph HVS 5b*, Daurigol E3 6a**, Great Wall E4 6a***, A Midsummer's Nights Dream E6 6a***, Indian Face E9 6c***, Jelly Roll E2 5b***, November E3 5c***, Vember E1 5b***, Curving Crack VS 4c**, Curving Arete E4 5c***
The Troach E2 5b***, Pedestal Crack HVS 5a**, Scorpio E2 5b**, Silhouette E2 5c***, The CornerE1 5b***, The Boulder E1 5a***,The Boldest E4 5c***, Longland's Climb VS 4c**,Sheaf VS 4c**, West Buttress Eliminate E3 5c***, White Slab E2 5c***, Great Bow - Combination HVS 5a***, Great Slab VS 4c***.
Films: https://www.mntnfilm.com/en/p/map-search/climb:clogwyn-du-r-arddu
Articles from Footless Crow:
A Day Out on Wombits http://footlesscrow.blogspot.com/2012/04/day-out-on-woubits.html
Magic Carpet Ride on Cloggy's Great Slab
Below Cloggy's East Buttress & Great Wall. Photo: Simon Cardy.