What are the questions people ask the Church nowadays?
I loved asking Matt about what questions people come to the church and ask? And whether it has changed over the years... It is so important to have places in the community where we can ask important questions. From the 'Meaning of life', to the more mundane but just as important. NCC
Gemma From Plastic Free Newquay Talking About Compostibles
I did not know this! Another reason why using reusable products is always the best idea. Loads more interesting facts about plastic and plastic free living in the full podcast. Plastic Free Newquay #plasticfreeliving #compostibles
Newquay Community Orchard - Luke
The more I listen to this clip the more profound it becomes! What kind of a world will we leave the next generation and have I done my part to make it a happy and healthy place for them... I'd love to know what drives you all to 'do good' in your communities????
Thanks again to the amazing Luke from Newquay Community Orchard and Kyle Reed for all the support on this project!
The first Local Do Gooders series is officialy launching tomorrow! Faces of Newquay
#newquay #localdogooders #podcast #newquaycommunityorchard
Soul Food Kitchen - The Faces of Newquay Series Clip
There is no better feeling then sharing food with other people! A quick taster from the Soulfood Kitchen Newquay podcast. Beth Mitchell inspiring us with a story from her team.
'What is the best thing about being vegan?!
Alex and Harrison Webb from Vegan Events Cornwall answer 'What is the best thing about being vegan...?! SO FUNNY AND SOOO TRUE. #podcast #dogooders #oatmilk #supermarketsweep
How the WaveHouse is proactively supporting young people in Newquay
Matt from WaveHouse Newquay (NCC) talking about how his church is proactively supporting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Beautifully filmed by Cory Jacobsen Films as well! #church #podcast #dogooder #interview6
St Petrocs - Local Do Gooders Podcast 3
Let's end street homelessness in Cornwall! The wonderful Dave Brown from St Petrocs speaks to us about an often overlooked issue surrounding rough sleeping. St Petrocs is a very worthy charity so please support their work if you can. Full podcast will be released on the 21st.
Newquay Community Orchard - Faces of Newquay Series (Taster 1)
Here is a taster from the episode of the Faces of Newquay Series where we are speaking to Luke Berkeley the managing director of the Newquay Community Orchard. It is an inspiring chat about their involvement in the community and the impressive plans for the future of NCO. Full video can be found on www.localdogooders.co.uk