Trolls Unmasked
Trolls Unmasked" is a captivating documentary that sheds light on the world of internet trolls and the culture of online harassment. The film delves into the lives and motivations of individuals who hide behind anonymous profiles to engage in toxic behaviors, such as cyberbullying, spreading hate, and inciting controversy. Through interviews with former trolls, experts, and victims, "Trolls Unmasked" explores the psychological and societal impact of trolling and uncovers the tactics used by these individuals to create chaos and discord on the internet. The documentary aims to raise awareness about the dark side of online communication while encouraging a more responsible and compassionate digital community.
A Cypherpunk's Manifesto
Privacy is necessary for an open society in the electronic age. Privacy is not secrecy. A private matter is something one doesn't want the whole world to know, but a secret matter is something one doesn't want anybody to know. Privacy is the power to selectively reveal oneself to the world.
If two parties have some sort of dealings, then each has a memory of their interaction. Each party can speak about their own memory of this; how could anyone prevent it? One could pass laws against it, but the freedom of speech, even more than privacy, is fundamental to an open society; we seek not to restrict any speech at all. If many parties speak together in the same forum, each can speak to all the others and aggregate together knowledge about individuals and other parties. The power of electronic communications has enabled such group speech, and it will not go away merely because we might want it to.
The African Union Commission (AUC) SAMSON
Representing the AU and defending its interests under the guidance of and as mandated by the Assembly and the Executive Council
Initiating proposals to be submitted to the AU’s organs as well as implementing decisions taken by them
Acting as the custodian of the AU Constitutive Act and all other OAU/AU legal instruments
Liaising closely with the AU organs to guide, support and monitor the AU’s performance to ensure conformity and harmony with agreed policies, strategies, programmes and projects
Providing operational support for all AU organs
Assisting Member States in implementing the AU’s programmes
Drafting AU common positions and coordinating Member States’ actions in international negotiations
Managing the AU budget and resources
Elaborating, promoting, coordinating and harmonising the AU’s programmes and policies with those of the Regional Economic Communities (RECs)
Ensuring gender mainstreaming in all AU programmes and activities
Taking action, as delegated by the Assembly and Executive Council.
Trolls Unmasked
Trolls Unmasked" is a captivating documentary that sheds light on the world of internet trolls and the culture of online harassment. The film delves into the lives and motivations of individuals who hide behind anonymous profiles to engage in toxic behaviors, such as cyberbullying, spreading hate, and inciting controversy. Through interviews with former trolls, experts, and victims, "Trolls Unmasked" explores the psychological and societal impact of trolling and uncovers the tactics used by these individuals to create chaos and discord on the internet. The documentary aims to raise awareness about the dark side of online communication while encouraging a more responsible and compassionate digital community.