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💯 Here’s the fact of the matter.God made a promise to all humankind. When we die, we don’t have to die. We can live in a...

💯 Here’s the fact of the matter.
God made a promise to all humankind. When we die, we don’t have to die. We can live in a whole new world, forever. A world just as physical and real as this one.. but without the negatives.

🌧 Honestly, eternal life, on it’s own.. sounds sorta boring to start with, doesn’t it?

🌴 That’s because this world isn’t meant to last. The next one is.

🌤 Literally one of the biggest misconceptions people have is that when you die, you go to Heaven, float on a cloud, play a harp and repeat.. forever.

🏖 We’re looking forward to a new world. One full of action-packed cities, beautiful locations and harmony. And God himself as the President of the world.

❌ Here’s the main point of the post.. a Holy, pure God can not live with sinful humans. The two don’t mix. In order to remedy this, God sent His only son in human form, who lived a sinless 33 years of life. He then took on our sins and was killed as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Therefore, anyone who accepts and believes in the sacrifice Jesus made for their sins, will be covered under that same sacrifice, without having to be sinless themselves.

😵 One morning folk will wake up, believers will be gone.
And that escape route will be closed.

🔥 So how can you avoid the coming Armageddon?
Believe. And Accept Jesus’ Sacrifice For Your Sins.

💎 You don’t have to be a perfect person. Believe us, no one is.

💬 Feel free to DM us or leave a comment below.


In a world of pain, sadness and restrictions, people are loosing heart more than ever.Don’t forget why you’re here. Brin...

In a world of pain, sadness and restrictions, people are loosing heart more than ever.

Don’t forget why you’re here. Bring some God-colors to this world.

Be that light you know the world needs ❤️



🎄 It’s easy to take ‘The Christmas Story’ lightly and just think of it as some kind of fable fairytale. But it’s kinda t...

🎄 It’s easy to take ‘The Christmas Story’ lightly and just think of it as some kind of fable fairytale.

But it’s kinda the complete opposite.

This historically proven event, the birth of Jesus, changed the entire world, the future of generations and the future of.. forever.

God sent His own literal Son to be born into human flesh, to grow up with an earthly mother and father and then to have those parents witness the most brutal public shame and murder in all of history.

It sounds sweet, doesn’t it.
‘The Christmas Story’..

And it started off sweet..

And ended in the most torturous death. One that resulted in us being able to receive eternal life, just by believing in the one who died for us.

So it’s Christmas.. it’s fun, it’s sweet and it’s wonderful.. but it’s also a very solemn time.

We’re remembering the birth of the only sinless man who came as a newborn baby.. and He came for us.
For you.

That’s humbling.

And that’s Good News ❤️

Credit to  for this ❤️☀️_______________________________

Credit to for this ❤️☀️

🎈 Here’s a Great Reminder. The joy of kids.Nothing ever seems to get them down for long, does it?They can throw the worl...

🎈 Here’s a Great Reminder. The joy of kids.

Nothing ever seems to get them down for long, does it?

They can throw the world’s biggest tantrum, scream your ears off.. then five minutes later, you couldn’t ask for a happier child.

The joy of kids, eh?

We could learn a lot from kids, let’s be honest.
They’re at touch with their emotions, to put it lightly.
They also have the most innocent, kindest hearts.

If you have a child, you’ll know just how much of a precious gift they are.
If you don’t, maybe you know a child and can still appreciate the blessing they are.

God’s Word reminds us that children are actually God’s best gift.
You can’t get anything better on this Earth than the gift of a child.

Again, you may not have your own child.
Many have the gift of looking after them.. then handing them back at the end of the day, avoiding the nighttime dramas.. yes, we’ll admit, that sounds quite heavenly 😅

But today, when we see a world that’s overran by some pretty unsavoury characters, some concerning mindsets and people who are out to use you for all you’ve got, remember that the innocent ones out there, the children, are blank canvases. Without evil agenda. How refreshing.

And if you have the chance to influence their lives in any way, use the opportunity to bring them up in the right way.

Not everyone turns out bad.. you’re reading this right now, that means you’re probably pretty good, right? 😉

“So why’s there a goat on this picture, then?”
Oh, well our little girl loves that goat. That’s the only explanation we have.

So here’s to those little light bearers out there, the children 👦 👧


🤔 Does life feel unfair?.. Well guess what.. it is.🟣 That sad reality is that.. there actually is a force waging war aga...

🤔 Does life feel unfair?.. Well guess what.. it is.

🟣 That sad reality is that.. there actually is a force waging war against you.

🔵 Ever had a day where you feel nothing’s going right?
Everything’s against you?
‘Life’ hates you?

🟡 Yeah. We get that.

🟢 The Bible tells us that there’s an incredibly real force against us at work in this world.

🔴 The dark world, the Spirit of Satan actively works against us to ruin our lives.

🟠 Have you ever noticed that ‘those who do bad things, get good things’?.. and it just doesn’t feel fair why they can get away with treating people badly and reap rewards from it..

🟡 That’s an accurate portrayal of what our enemy does.

🟢 When you do good, he attacks. When you do bad, he’ll leave you to it.

🔵 So should we give up doing good?

🟣 Nope.

⚫️ The Bible also tells us that when we call out to God, through Jesus’ name, he will protect us against the fiery darts of the enemy.

🟤 It reminds us that no weapon formed against us will prevail.

⚪️ So, when you feel life’s unfair… just remember, yes. It is unfair.

🔴 But until we’re out of this place, there’s a very real God who’ll fight your battles with you.. if you just let him.

🟡 And that’s Good News.



Halloween fun weekend!!                     😍               🎃

Halloween fun weekend!!
😍 🎃

😫😤 EverFeel Defeated? Life’s Kinda Just.. Going Nowhere?❤️ Well.. we can relate. 💜 It’s easy to think our lives are goin...

😫😤 EverFeel Defeated? Life’s Kinda Just.. Going Nowhere?

❤️ Well.. we can relate.

💜 It’s easy to think our lives are going nowhere, we’re here for the ‘sake of it’ until one day we die and then.. nothing.

❤️ Well, in fact the opposite is true.

💜 Not only will The Lord return to bring in an entire new ‘age’, but we’re told in the Bible to make this be our big comfort. To remind ourself of this soon coming event when life feels dull and pointless..

❤️Because it’s not. There’s very much a point. And there’s very much an end to heartbreak and dull times on the horizon.

💜 Picture the biggest party you could imagine. Picture it lasting forever.

❤️ That’s pretty much what believers have got to look forward to.

💜 This isn’t a ‘floating on the clouds’ thing we’re talking about here.
That’d be boring!
We’re talking about a whole new physical world that The Lord himself will be bringing down to replace this Earth.

❤️ That’s exciting.

💜 So when life seems like it’s going nowhere, remember to be strong and let your heart take courage, because we’re waiting for the Lord.

❤️ And that’s Good News



🥃 Anyone seen the new Bond film?🔴 We won’t spoil what happened, but needless to say, we weren’t expecting that ending.🔴 ...

🥃 Anyone seen the new Bond film?

🔴 We won’t spoil what happened, but needless to say, we weren’t expecting that ending.

🔴 We see characters like Bond and all the other top players splashing the cash, picking up the latest weapon, driving an even faster car than before.. and we’ll be honest.. we really enjoy a good Bond film. We really enjoy a good car chase, admiring that luxury lifestyle and getting inspiration for an exotic holiday we’ll probably never go on.

🔴 What this film really got us thinking is about what this world really has to offer. Be it money or latest gadget.
We seem to have this subconscious idea that if we can just get a bit more money we can get a bit more control over our futures.

🔴 Everything we earn in this world, be it money or items, will fade away and become gradually destroyed over time.

🔴 The rewards in Heaven will never be destroyed. When we do good things, we literally earn rewards in Heaven.

🔴 Imagine the classic DB5 from No Time to Die in a glorious condition for all of eternity.

🔴 Imagine an endless supply of Vodka Martini, shaken and not stirred without any of the hangover in the morning.

🔴 It might feel like the world’s against you, but one day you’ll be rewarded for every good thing.

🔴 Honestly, doing good isn’t about what we can get out of it, is it?
But it’s nice to know that God’s keeping a record of each kind act and plans to repay you for them.

🔴 We’re saved by one name and one name only. His name is Christ.. Jesus Christ.

🔴 And that’s Good News


🙃 Doesn’t it feel like Love is one of the least valued traits in today’s society?⚫️ Sure, we bang on about ‘love’, ‘kind...

🙃 Doesn’t it feel like Love is one of the least valued traits in today’s society?

⚫️ Sure, we bang on about ‘love’, ‘kindness’, ‘equality’..

⚫️ But what’s really love?

⚫️ Is it a word you say to someone before you go to bed?

⚫️ Is it a feeling you hold onto?

⚫️ Or an action?

⚫️ Love is really none of these things, yet all of them at the same time.

⚫️ The Bible’s definition of the highest form of Love, called ‘Agape’ says the following:

⚫️ Love is patient and kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. ... Love never ends - 1 Corinthians 13:4.

⚫️ Today’s world focuses on what love means to us, and far less about what it actually means to the other person.

⚫️ When we love, we forget ourselves, our own feelings and needs.

⚫️ We focus so much on that other person that are own feelings are almost irrelevant.. yet also satisfied as a result.

⚫️ We are reminded of three of the most important qualities one could have in the Bible.

⚫️ Faith, Hope and Love.

⚫️ But the one that matters the most, is Love.

⚫️ Because when you give it out to others, you’ll receive the highest form of satisfaction yourself too.

⚫️ And that’s Good News.



😩 Overburdened? Can’t chill out? Stressed to the Maxwell?⁣We’ve been thinking a lot about stress lately with everything ...

😩 Overburdened? Can’t chill out? Stressed to the Maxwell?⁣
We’ve been thinking a lot about stress lately with everything that’s been taking place in own lives.. and that of the wider world. ⁣

🟢 And isn’t it just the hardest thing to turn that mind off? ⁣
To fall asleep, relax, take it easy.. when the world’s crumbling down around you. ⁣
Maybe it’s just the one nagging stress that’s got you captive.⁣
All you really need is one good night sleep, a fresh morning wake up feeling and Pumpkin Latte to get you started.⁣

🟢 We can help you get all that for free.⁣
Apart from Pumpkin Latte. You have to pay for that one.⁣

🟢 God’s Word tells us that in order to have your problems solved, sorted and completed, you have to do the following: ⁣

🟢 Be still.⁣

🟢 ‘But that’s the problem. I can’t be still when I have to work out this, find the answer to that or over think the latest thought consumer’.⁣

🟢 Well you can now. When you remember that your problems are already being taken care of by the owner of the world. That’s right. He’s now also owner of your problems.⁣

🟢 That’s some exciting stuff when you consider you can literally take it easy, sleep well and wake up to experience some of the brilliant things that have already taken place for you. God will show you your next move in due time.⁣

🟢 Today when you feel a stress of any kind, try this.⁣
Trust God’s got it. ⁣
Wait for Him to sort it.⁣
And go put your feet up.⁣

🟢 When you trust God, he’ll move in ways you never expected.⁣

↘️ And that’s Good News.

💪 Always Feel a Bit.. Weak?🟣 Yep. Relatable. 🟣 It’s hard to find that inner strength sometimes when we need it most. Our...

💪 Always Feel a Bit.. Weak?

🟣 Yep. Relatable.

🟣 It’s hard to find that inner strength sometimes when we need it most. Our instincts are to run.. hide.. flee from the scene of the crisis. And that’s nature.

🟣 But the Bible tells us that there’s something that trumps that inner nature. That’s God’s nature.

🟣 God’s nature is so good that it transcends our own natural instinct.

🟣 God gave us His Spirit. And that very Spirit that lives inside every believer gives us power. That’s some seriously powerful power. And it kind of makes sense when you consider the Spirit of God is the same Spirit that made the entire world.. and made you.

🟣 God’s Spirit takes away our timidity, He gives us Power, Love but also Self-Discipline. And that last quality is not to be underestimated. The ability to disicipline ourselves is huge. That means addictions, negative qualities about ourselves we don’t like, weakness.. can all be controlled, managed and defeated.

🟣 Whenever you feel weak, remember who’s Spirit is living in you. And who’s Spirit will never leave nor foresake you.

🟣 When you remember this, your entire world view will change.

And that’s Good News 🙌



Family Matters 🙌🌴

Family Matters 🙌🌴

🪂 Remember leaving school and having no idea what to do with your life?⁣⁣🔵 We’ve had it all our lives. That feeling of ‘...

🪂 Remember leaving school and having no idea what to do with your life?⁣

🔵 We’ve had it all our lives. That feeling of ‘what’s next?’, ‘what’s my life purpose?’.. and if it’s not that inner voice asking the questions, it’s the teacher, the best mate, the nagging parent. ⁣

🔵 But what is next?⁣

🔵 We are presented with more options today than there has ever been. In fact, it’s stated that the information we can recieve in a simple Google search is more information that would be available in one life time to generations gone by. ⁣

🔵 So here’s some advice. Before you make that next decision, what’s your driving factor behind it?⁣

🔵 The Bible says everything we do should be done in love.⁣

🔵 Pretty much every terrible thing we’ve ever done is done due to a lack of thought regarding who this effects. ⁣

🔵 Next time any kind of decision comes up, consider who this benefits.. and who it affects negatively. ⁣

🔵 We can’t tell you your life purpose, but we can tell you a step to get there.⁣

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Someone Needed to Hear This Today.Don’t Give Up.Despite what many teach, you didn’t just arrive here by chance,You’re no...

Someone Needed to Hear This Today.

Don’t Give Up.

Despite what many teach, you didn’t just arrive here by chance,

You’re not just supposed to sit around all day doing nothing,

You were chose. Given life for a reason. You do have a specific calling and reason for your life.

And while you have breath in your lungs, He’s not given up on you.

Never feel like you’re insignificant.
Those lies of the enemy are just about getting old now.

Don’t Give Up.


🙍‍♀️🙍‍♂️Who Here Feels Like Fear & Discouragement is The ‘Go-to’ Emotion?⁣⁣🟢 Isn’t it so easy to revert to looking on th...

🙍‍♀️🙍‍♂️Who Here Feels Like Fear & Discouragement is The ‘Go-to’ Emotion?⁣

🟢 Isn’t it so easy to revert to looking on the negative side of life, even when something goes our way!?⁣

🟢 We’re not entirely sure why, as it’s not actually very pleasurable to be constantly miserable and it’s certainly not productive.. yet we all do it 🙈⁣

🟢 It’s actually pretty telling that one of the commandments God has given us is to actively stand against these feelings. To deliberately make a conscious effort to deny ourselves of the feelings of discouragement and fear and to instead to put on Strength and Courage. ⁣

🟢 And this is a daily habit. The enemy will have us believe that negativity is a part of life, is part of ‘growing up’. This simply is not true. And honestly.. it’s destructive. We all know that.⁣

🟢 When you’re strong, you’re able to go out and achieve those long term goals you’ve always wanted to achieve. ⁣
When you’re courageous, you make an active effort to stand up against those in your way, those who’ve put you down for years and you start to show yourself some respect again. ⁣

🟢 God’s given us Strength and Courage. ⁣
But they’re tools we need to ‘put on’.⁣

🟢 It takes a good amount of time for this to become a habit, but why not start today with making that effort? ⁣
Each time a destructive thought comes your way, decide to put on Strength. ⁣

🟢 Because when you trust God to supply these tools to you when you need them most, you’ll succeed in the areas you never thought possible. ⁣

🟢 And that’s Good News⁣

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🙈 Hands up if You’ve Ever Lacked Confidence in Your Future Plans.🟡 We have.🟡 But God’s Word tells us that every promise ...

🙈 Hands up if You’ve Ever Lacked Confidence in Your Future Plans.

🟡 We have.

🟡 But God’s Word tells us that every promise He’s made to us, every desire He’s put on our Hearts and trusted Him with, WILL come true.

🟡 When we put our trust in Jesus to save us, God adopts us as one of His own.
And when He’s done that, you’re never alone. Never abandoned. And you’re one of his kids.

🟡 Every parent’s greatest desire is to please their children and give them every desire that’s good for them and will make them happy. With this in mind, how much greater will a parent, who happens to be creator of the world, be towards His kids?

🟡 Pretty huge we’d say.

🟡 And that’s Good News.


🌋 Have You Ever Heard That Saying? ‘Just Take One Step at a Time’.⁣⁣🟠 It’s usually used when someone’s struggling with a...

🌋 Have You Ever Heard That Saying? ‘Just Take One Step at a Time’.⁣

🟠 It’s usually used when someone’s struggling with a situation. When fear, doubt and panic has set in. ⁣

🟠 This is good advice.. but it’s not great advice. Taking one step at a time requires your strength, requires you go it alone and tackle it head on. ⁣

🟠 But God says ‘Let me walk with you on that next step’.⁣

🟠 Sometimes we can feel distant from God. As though He’s up there, focused on something else more important. But God sees us all equally. If an issue is important to us, it’s important to Him.⁣

🟠 Don’t we all spend so much of our life focussed on the ‘tomorrow’, on the ‘what’s next ahead of us’, that we so often miss out on the very life we have before us? We personally can say we’re guilty of that.⁣

🟠 We forget the valued treasures of loved ones that God has placed before us, we neglect the opportunities God has given us for that day, we delay the opportunity to spread the simple Gospel message. To show people how much God loves them.⁣

🟠 When we focus on our tomorrows, we miss out on our todays.⁣

🟠 Tomorrow, God will manage those problems with you, if you let Him. He’ll turn even the most impossible situations round for good, when it seems there’s no way.⁣

🟠 Today, make the most of what He’s already blessed you with. ⁣

🟠 Because if you always focus on the fears of Tomorrow, you will never enjoy the blessings you’ve been given right now.⁣

🟠 Today, try making a practise of showing your trust in God by letting go of what comes next and surrendering those fears to Him today.⁣

🟠 Because when you show that trust, He’ll show you what you need to be shown. One day at a time.⁣

🟠 And that’s Good News.

🪂 How Often do You Feel Completely Helpless?⁣⁣🟣 For us.. often.⁣For many.. often.⁣Let’s be real, for everyone.. often.⁣⁣...

🪂 How Often do You Feel Completely Helpless?⁣

🟣 For us.. often.⁣
For many.. often.⁣
Let’s be real, for everyone.. often.⁣

🟣 We’re human. We forget that we have a very real helper. ⁣
Some don’t even know they have a real helper on hand. And that’s quite a shame.⁣

🟣 Our help comes from the most powerful source of all. ⁣
What greater helper could there be, than the one who quite literally created the Heavens and the Earth? ⁣
That’s some seriously powerful help.⁣

🟣 We just wanted to remind you today that you’re not helpless and you’re not alone.⁣

🟣 All of us feel that way sometimes. But when you remember who’s on your side, there’s no force greater that could be against you.⁣

🟣 And that’s Good News.



Mother and daughter bond always stays and grow stronger each day🥰             ❤️                          ❤️

Mother and daughter bond always stays and grow stronger each day🥰

❤️ ❤️

🟠 Want Some Good News? 🟠⁣⁣🎺 Okay, Let’s go. 🎺⁣🤛 God promises us eternal life. That's life. Eternally. 🤛⁣⁣🟢 It doesn't en...

🟠 Want Some Good News? 🟠⁣

🎺 Okay, Let’s go. 🎺⁣
🤛 God promises us eternal life. That's life. Eternally. 🤛⁣

🟢 It doesn't end. Crazy thought, right?! Ponder what⁣ forever feels like. A fairly long time, we're sure you'll⁣ agree. ⁣

🔵 “But that sounds boring”. It certainly does!⁣ But it’s not.
God has made a promise to build an entirely new world. One that’s full of action-packed cities, beautiful locations and harmony. Amongst everyone. Literally. Everyone.⁣

🔴 Think of the most incredible place you’ve ever seen. ⁣
This new world is the most incredible place you’ve never seen.

🟠 But time is running short.⁣
That's right. Jesus is shortly returning to take⁣ believers OUTTA here.⁣

🟣 One morning folk will wake up, believers will be⁣ gone and a wave of pure confusion will ensue. ⁣
You heard it here first, folks.⁣

⚪️ So, come along with us, will ya?⁣

⚫️ The Bible says that God so loved the world that He⁣ gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him⁣ should not perish but have eternal life.⁣

🔷 What does that mean?⁣
We thought that was self explanatory. But since you asked..⁣
It means he sent Jesus to die on a cross to save us⁣ from going to Hell for our sins and instead get to be⁣
saved forever.⁣

🔶 So how can you join us on this fun filled journey?⁣

🟩 Believe. Literally. ⁣
When you've believed in Jesus’ sacrifice, accepted it and asked him to save you, you are saved.⁣

🟨 It's so unbelievably simply, we wonder why⁣ everyone isn't doing this.⁣

🟦 If you wana chat, DM us or leave a comment⁣ below.⁣

✔️ Peace⁣
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