And we're done. Handheld Press has closed its doors. So many messages of appreciation and love for the books, which is lovely. But, the last three orders that came in last night were a perfect illustration of why I am glad to be departing online retail sales. (1) A polite note to tell me I'd only packed one copy of a book they'd ordered instead of the two they'd paid for (it's now out of stock, so I refunded them); a request for replacement copies of two books the post office machinery had chewed up in transit (actually not my responsibility since the books were wrapped in cardboard, and no-one can resist chewing machinery, but I'll send a replacement copy of the one title I do have left in stock); and someone who clicked the 'pay by bank transfer' for their order .... and Didn't. Pay. The office closes in three or four hours. I'm waiting for their payment to show up. What a way to end a business.
Update: they paid!