Go' Samtale UK

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Go' Samtale UK Go' Samtale is passionate about helping people have good conversations. Our family pack is a set of

Are you a chatterbox?I was once the subject of a doctorate thesis on language; I was 3 years’ old. When my Dad moved hou...

Are you a chatterbox?

I was once the subject of a doctorate thesis on language; I was 3 years’ old. When my Dad moved house 25 years later we discovered the transcript of the student’s ‘interviews’ with me. As anyone who’s spent time with a 3-year-old can imagine, they made an amusing read.

I’ve always been known as a bit of a chatterbox. I’d like to say that I’ve seen my extrovert personality as an asset, but often I’ve wished I’d thought more before I spoke, or given others more opportunity to share.

I think learning how to communicate well with others is a lifelong lesson for all of us. That’s one of the reasons why I’m passionate about helping my kids to learn how to communicate. Finding the words to explain how we’re feeling, being able to express our opinion, and having the listening skills and respect to hear from one another are all tools that help us navigate life more easily.

Whether we’re 3 or 93, having something to say is an important part of expressing who we are and being able to connect with others. That’s why our conversation cards are designed to help everyone get involved – learning to share and connect and forge deeper relationships together, whilst we chat.

Wishing everyone a great day back to school - whether you're a student, teacher, support team member or a mature learner...

Wishing everyone a great day back to school - whether you're a student, teacher, support team member or a mature learner.

Today can be filled with excitement, nerves and a whole host of complex emotions. It's not necessarily even a case of back to school for those who are ill or simply cannot cope in our educational settings.

Whatever today might have looked like for you or your children, why not take some time tonight to check in with how everyone's doing. You might not get all the details but knowing someone's listening can make a big difference.

Bon Voyage!We're heading off for a couple of weeks out of the office on a family holiday. Any orders over the next two w...

Bon Voyage!

We're heading off for a couple of weeks out of the office on a family holiday. Any orders over the next two weeks will be packed up and shipped on the 15th August - thanks for your patience in supporting a small business.

We hope that you're able to enjoy a bit of down time over the summer as well ... and maybe even join the travel chaos?!!

Trains, planes and passport woes - they're good conversation starters at least!


Did you know that asking questions can be good for your mental health?That's why curiosity is one of our key values at G...

Did you know that asking questions can be good for your mental health?

That's why curiosity is one of our key values at Go' Samtale UK.

Our vision is to help people have better conversations and so our family conversation cards have over 250 questions to get you started.

But we don't just want you to stick with the questions we give you .... we want to get you asking more!

According to research, curiosity (asking questions) is great for strengthening your brain muscles and promotes well-being in people who are curious.

It's also a great way for us to be less presumptive and judgemental as we look to discover more about others rather than assuming we already know.

How might a conversation help you learn something new about someone else today? How might curiosity help you connect more meaningfully as you talk?

Buy our family pack at: https://www.gosamtale.uk/products/conversation-cards-family-pack


One year!

Over 700 hundred family packs sold
Hundreds (maybe thousands?) of conversations started in families
Christmas markets
Friends who pack orders with you
Too many posts with my face on them
All the crazy behind the scenes reality that doesn’t make it on here

Very thankful for all our supporters and the brilliant other businesses we’ve been able to connect with. Thank you!!

Let’s see what next year has in store …

Helen Bearn
Jon Bearn

No. 3 of our valuesIt's pretty much common knowledge that talking is a major benefit to our mental health.But it can be ...

No. 3 of our values

It's pretty much common knowledge that talking is a major benefit to our mental health.

But it can be challenging to get our kids to open up about anything - what they ate for lunch, who they played with/hung out with, what they learnt at school.

As our kids grow up, we want them to know that they have a place where they can talk about anything that's bothering them. And we want to give them the tools to help them have a positive approach to their mental health.

This is basically why we started Go' Samtale! We wanted to give families simple resources that help them talk together. Because creating an environment where we talk about anything and everything means our kids will be more comfortable to talk about the difficult things they're dealing with.

What are some of the things in your own life that you've been able to face by talking with others?

How might you let your kids know they can talk to you about anything?

NHS source: https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/talking-therapies-medicine-treatments/talking-therapies-and-counselling/benefits-of-talking-therapies/

There's been a bit of radio silence over at Go' Samtale UK recently as we've been juggling family, work and all the usua...

There's been a bit of radio silence over at Go' Samtale UK recently as we've been juggling family, work and all the usual pressures of life!

But don't worry - we're still here. And over the coming weeks we'll be back to sharing tips for great conversations, ideas for summer and celebrating our first year of business.

Happy Easter from Go’ Samtale UK!

Happy Easter from Go’ Samtale UK!

How do you help your kids to be generous in a world that tells us it's all about 'me, me, me'?Being generous can be a re...

How do you help your kids to be generous in a world that tells us it's all about 'me, me, me'?

Being generous can be a really hard thing to grow - kids often seem hardwired to want things, to not share things and to have not quite developed that empathetic awareness we might like them to have!

And as adults, if we're honest, we often find it hard to be generous. We might worry about how giving our money, or our time, would impact on the other things going on in our busy lives (maybe even worry about how it will affect our children's needs being met).

Interestingly, often the most generous people (who don't necessarily have a lot themselves) seem to be the happiest. So generosity is a good thing for the giver as well as the people on the receiving end.

On Good Friday, Christians remember the gift of life that was given by Jesus, so it seems like a good day to think about how we can give sacrificially so that others might have enough - it might be to give a gift and some time to someone alone, a home or finances to help refugees, or practical help to someone who hasn't been given the same privileges as us.

Why not have a conversation about what 'good' you can give as a family, today?

Earlier this week we shared about one of our core values at Go' Samtale UK - there are no wrong answers!We love what one...

Earlier this week we shared about one of our core values at Go' Samtale UK - there are no wrong answers!

We love what one of our customers said about their kids enjoying our family cards, even when they delve into topics that don't have simple answers.

Family Conversation Cards with 90 topics to discuss available in our shop - www.gosamtale.uk

Sometimes we just want a quick answer (thank you Google!) And sometimes we just want to GIVE a quick answer to avoid the...

Sometimes we just want a quick answer (thank you Google!) And sometimes we just want to GIVE a quick answer to avoid the hard work of an actual conversation.

But giving our kids 'the answer' doesn't leave room for them to form their own opinions and learn the important skills that come with reasoning, curiosity and processing information.

One of our key values at Go' Samtale is that there's no such thing as a wrong answer. Starting our conversations from this basis means that everyone is encouraged to share - however silly, or unsure we are of what we're sharing, however young or old we are.

And it also means that as the grown-ups in the room, we don't leap in and try to give the kids our 'right' answers.

We want to give the space to explore what our kids think, how they feel, and encourage them to develop their own view of the world.

When we do that, they often are more interested in our opinions as parents, but they also learn how to figure things out for themselves.

How are you making space for 'wrong answers' in your conversations as a family?

Battling over screen-time? It's our first day of the Easter holidays and it already feels like we're going to be saying ...

Battling over screen-time? It's our first day of the Easter holidays and it already feels like we're going to be saying 'no' and dealing with the fallout, every day for the next two weeks!

But this week I've been thinking a bit about what I model to my kids in terms of screens. If I take a minute to think about what they see me doing, maybe I'm falling into the trap of 'do as I say, but not as I do' (scrolling my emails as I say it!)

We live in a difficult age when it comes to screens. So much of our work lives, leisure enjoyment and social connection can come through being on a screen - and our kids will grow up in a world where they'll have to make decisions about how they use screens for good, out of necessity, and where they need to choose to put them aside.

It might not be a popular topic for a Friday night, but maybe it's time we unplug and have a chat about how we ALL use screens. Parents, we might need to put some boundaries in ourselves on this one!

How can screens be used for good?
Do you think being on a screen affects your mood?
What might be a way to put healthy boundaries in around screen-time?

Want to get beyond the usual grunts and silence at the dinner table?Our Conversation Cards are a great way to encourage ...

Want to get beyond the usual grunts and silence at the dinner table?

Our Conversation Cards are a great way to encourage more deep and meaningful chat, about the big and little things of life.

A great family gift for Easter!

Order from our shop - www.gosamtale.uk
(link in bio)

We all know what it feels like to NOT be listened to.It makes us feel devalued, frustrated, even rejected.As parents we ...

We all know what it feels like to NOT be listened to.
It makes us feel devalued, frustrated, even rejected.

As parents we know that listening to our kids is important, but it isn't always easy to practice. The pressure to help them grow into the types of people we'd like them to be can mean we end up 'teaching' and 'telling' a lot more than listening.

'Everyone is worth listening' to is one of our core values at Go' Samtale. When we start trying to engage in more meaningful conversations as a family, it can be easy to slip into giving our kids the 'right answers' or feeling pressurised to get a conversation to a particular end point or feel our kids have learnt something.

But that's not the point!

Instead we're trying to create an environment where kids feel confident that they can talk and ask questions about anything. Where they feel listened to ... and where they know that sometimes we don't have the answers, but that's ok!

By listening to everyone, we can be surprised at what we might learn ourselves - and we model to our kids that listening to others is an important way of valuing each other.

How might you make space to listen to someone in your family today?

What's keeping you awake at night?It feels like there's quite a lot we could be worried about at the moment. Whether the...

What's keeping you awake at night?

It feels like there's quite a lot we could be worried about at the moment. Whether there are big things going on in the world, or big things going on in your life. Sometimes there are seemingly little things going on that just feel like big things - and that can be especially true for our kids.

This week I got to go into to school to see my kids' work and my 6 year old showed me a heart he'd drawn, with all different colours representing his emotions. He was really pleased to show me all the different kinds of emotions he has and it reminded me that often when we accept the things that we feel, without guilting ourselves about it, then we can feel more ready to figure out what the next thing is we need to do to either live with it, or tackle it.

Worry is a great example of this. Often when I feel worried I immediately assign negativity to that feeling - I often I feel guilty for it, wishing I was a more 'positive person', or comparing my trivial problems to other peoples' and feeling unworthy of anxiety.

Negativity, or guilt, often 'feeds' worry - it allows it to grow into a power it doesn't need to have. And it often stops us from talking to anyone when that's the very thing that can help us.

Finding ways to talk about worry with friends and as a family can be really helpful for taking away that negativity. It might not mean that our worries are solved, but it does help us to know we're not facing them alone.

* Is there anything worrying you at the moment?

* What helps you when you're worried?

*How could you talk to your child about their worries, without attaching negativity?

We've been so encouraged to hear how our family conversation cards are helping children in schools as well as in the hom...

We've been so encouraged to hear how our family conversation cards are helping children in schools as well as in the home.

Visit www.gosamtale.uk for more info

Ever tried to do something new as a family and found things don't work out quite as you imagined?Like initiating a famil...

Ever tried to do something new as a family and found things don't work out quite as you imagined?

Like initiating a family games night, only to have a full-blown fight over the monopoly board? Or trying out a new sport together, to have someone break their arm within the first 5 mins?

When we begin trying to have good conversations regularly as a family, it doesn't always go quite as we planned. But if we're to reap the benefits of a family environment where we can talk together, it's important we find a way through the initial teething problems.

As we've been working to help families create these environments, there are some core values that we have discovered. These values reflect why we believe conversation is important and help us to have those conversations in a natural and healthy way.

Over the next few weeks, we're going to be sharing these values and how they can help your family get great conversations going ... that lead to a safe and happy space for everyone involved.

Hit by the rona!I don't know about you, but I still can't quite get used to laying all my plans aside at the drop of a h...

Hit by the rona!

I don't know about you, but I still can't quite get used to laying all my plans aside at the drop of a hat. This morning one of the kids had a positive lateral flow and it's landed on the weekend when the hubby is away (at least one of us has escaped!) so we've had to rearrange everything.

So a little apology that I haven't got our Friday Feature out today as planned, but juggling work whilst overseeing craft activities has been today's agenda.

At least the sun is shining - happy weekends everyone!

Helping our kids grow up to be emotionally healthy can feel like a pretty daunting challenge. Our conversation cards are...

Helping our kids grow up to be emotionally healthy can feel like a pretty daunting challenge. Our conversation cards are designed to easily get you talking together about topics like courage, embarrassment, hopes, and generosity.

With 90 topics, you won't run out of things to talk about!

Being a family who talk about the big and little things of life gives our kids the skills and confidence to face the world around them.

Family Conversation Cards at www.gosamtale.uk

Hello again!We've been a little quiet on social media recently but we wanted to reintroduce ourselves and tell you a bit...

Hello again!

We've been a little quiet on social media recently but we wanted to reintroduce ourselves and tell you a bit about Go' Samtale.

We're Jon and Helen - parents trying to figure out how to raise our 3 little people to be happy, confident and whole-hearted in life.

Along the way we've discovered that enabling good conversations with our kids is a brilliant way to help them learn about the world and develop to be emotionally healthy humans.

We launched Go' Samtale UK last year, with the help of our Danish friends who run a similar business over there. Go' Samtale means 'good conversations' in Danish and we're all about helping families do just that.

We'll be sharing a bit more about our values and what we do over the next few weeks, but if you want to find out more now, head to our website www.gosamtale.uk and follow us on Facebook and Instagram handle Go' Samtale UK

Happy New Year!We're looking forward to all this year has in store - with excitement, trepidation, some worry but also p...

Happy New Year!

We're looking forward to all this year has in store - with excitement, trepidation, some worry but also plenty of hope.

Anyone else find that the new year is a chance to chat more about successes and disappointments, about hopes and dreams, fear and plans for the future?

Over the next few weeks we'll be sharing a bit more about ourselves and some of the key values behind Go' Samtale UK, and why we think 2022 should be the year we all prioritise having good conversations!


Signing off for Christmas!

We hope you're able to celebrate and enjoy the next few days, even if your plans have had to change.

Thanks for supporting us this year!

Helen & Jon xx

We love feedback!As a small business that only launched 6 months ago, it's easy to wonder whether our products are makin...

We love feedback!

As a small business that only launched 6 months ago, it's easy to wonder whether our products are making a difference.

So we love it when people get in touch to tell us how our Family Conversation Cards have been making a difference to them.

If you've been using our cards, do get in touch to let us know how it's going. And if you haven't got your hands on them yet, make use of our Christmas offer - two for £30!



Wondering what's in our Family Pack?

If you're looking for a gift this Christmas to bring joy, fun, and to bring people together, then look no further than our conversation cards.

Hundreds of questions across 75 topics.

From self-confidence, to embarrassment, to social media, to determination.

We've got you covered for kick-starting conversations for the whole holidays and beyond.

Don't Forget our CHRISTMAS OFFER - 2 for £30!


Friday feature - gratitude!

We might all know that it’s good to be grateful but it’s not always easy to do it.

How can we start regular habits of being grateful? How can we focus on people and not things? How might this help us to avoid the culture that tells us we always need more?

Table talkAnyone else struggle to sit around the table together and talk about something other than what was for lunch a...

Table talk

Anyone else struggle to sit around the table together and talk about something other than what was for lunch at school?

One of our lovely customers posted on Facebook about how our conversation cards are helping them to enjoy dinner times as a family.

With 90 conversation cards, there’s loads of topics to dive into together.

We can’t promise they will stop all the crumbs going on the floor though!


Friday Feature!

Have you had to face any disappointment this week? Or have you had to help your child deal with disappointment?

Here are a few thoughts on how we can learn to let go of perfection and deal with disappointment.


Friday Feature!

Have you had to face any disappointment this week? Or have you had to help your child deal with disappointment?

Swipe left to hear a few thoughts on how we can learn to let go of perfection and deal with disappointment.



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