Marketing Engines

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Marketing Engines Creating Marketing Engines for your Business

When your offer is that good, your family will think you've lost the plot.They could be right...Get in touch before we g...

When your offer is that good, your family will think you've lost the plot.

They could be right...

Get in touch before we go back to charging set up fees and payment upfront like all the other agencies!

We go about things differently around here.At other Marketing Agencies, you're just a number. Just another retainer that...

We go about things differently around here.

At other Marketing Agencies, you're just a number.

Just another retainer that they'll replace once you cancel.

With us, we don't get to put food on the table unless we perform.

You're not a number.

You're dinner.


You read that right.

My Dad told me to "never dip your pen in the company ink"...

But I do it every day.

Why? Because that's how the agency - client dynamic should be.

We "date" our clients and don't charge them a penny to market their own business (don't worry, you can pay for the next one)

We do this for a few reasons:
1.) we only want to work with business we know we can get results for
2.) it allows us to be really picky with who we work with because we won't work with you if we don't think the results are going to be there.

Ultimately, a relationship is a two way street and you shouldn't be paying any agency a retainer if you aren't getting ROI.

So, if you want to date us, you know how to get in touch ❤

"What is it that you do?" a question my Mrs asks me every day...I think it's easy to explain: I market businesses and th...

"What is it that you do?" a question my Mrs asks me every day...

I think it's easy to explain: I market businesses and they don't pay me unless it works.

But let's make it fancy and go into more depth...

This is our "Genius Model" - It's basically our offering.

We implement 3 "marketing engines" within businesses which help to increase lead flow and increase sales liklihood.

The shotgun is awesome for mass cold outreach whereas the sniper is much more focused and specific (networking is a good example).

Then we tie these two engines together with a nurture engine or as you might call it, a CRM. It's basically a sales and marketing tool that will help you to track, nurture and ultimately close more deals.

Want to work with us for free?

You know how to get in touch - you're clever...

The crazy stat here is that almost 20% of business people operate their business without a way of managing and tracking ...

The crazy stat here is that almost 20% of business people operate their business without a way of managing and tracking leads 🤯

We can literally give you access to a top of the range sales and marketing system FOR FREE and won't invoice you until you start getting results.

The catch?

You must have a business that is marketable.
You must be good at what you do
You must have something people want
You must have an irresistible, No brainer offer which almost hurts you to give away.

Message us for more info.


We usually only share this with our clients in our clients only area but what the hell... 🤫

Keep it quiet though...

Super pumped to finally manage to successfully synchronize my LinkedIn inbox to my CRM.

This means I can see a full conversation thread of every single person I come across covering LinkedIn, Facebook, Email, Instagram, TikTok, and even Whatsapp...

That's not even the best bit.

We can now enter that contact into a follow up sequence on my chosen platform meaning I can have omnichannel coverage - meaning more successful brand touchpoints.

Cool huh?


When you bring together all of the platforms you need to make a marketing funnel you have the ultimate control over how that engine looks, feels, performs and tracks.

Our Marketing Engines bring together:
Landing pages
Calendar Links
Email & SMS
And MORE, all in one place.

Even better? We build it for you!

Within 90 days OR we work with you for free until it's done

Replace tools like Pipedrive, Microsoft D365 Salesforce, Hubspot, Smartscoreapp,, ClickFunnels or any other Funnel Builder, stop paying hundreds per month, while only using a fraction of the features and missing important features you need.

Click the “Learn More” button below and we’ll show you exactly how this offer works and what kind of results you can count on.

Or access here :


Your Marketing Engine can be the hardest worker in your whole business.

It'll work 24/7

Never call in sick

Only improve over time

All you have to do is feed it with budget.

So long as £1 goes in and £2 comes out.

Work with us for 90 days to install your Marketing Engines OR you don't pay us until it's done.

✅Usually launched within 7 days
✅Full-time Virtual Assistants
✅Requires ZERO tech knowledge from you
✅Continued support after completion

Watch this video for more info on this offer -

You wouldn't look at your electricity bill and think "oh, I'm not renewing that next month".You'll have no electric if y...

You wouldn't look at your electricity bill and think "oh, I'm not renewing that next month".

You'll have no electric if you do...

Your Marketing costs are exactly the same.

If stop spending, you turn off the tap for leads.

You might not suffer straight away but sooner or later, that pipeline of yours will dry up.

and the worst part is - it's going to take a while to fill it back up again!

Your marketing is essential and needs to be consistent.

Filling a funnel or pipeline is only one piece of the puzzle. Without this crucial aspect, you're doomed to only ever sp...

Filling a funnel or pipeline is only one piece of the puzzle.

Without this crucial aspect, you're doomed to only ever speak with leads once.

This means you praying that they're ready to buy and work with you.

*hint hint* most leads aren't ready 🤫

Check out this link and we'll show you how we work with clients and build them an automated marketing engine that helps them to close bigger and better sales opportunities within 90 days -

You can have all of the best funnels, offers and business in the world but ultimately, without a system that can show yo...

You can have all of the best funnels, offers and business in the world but ultimately, without a system that can show you an exact return on investment, you may as well not bother.


We've previously turned people away who only want a landing page or just one section of their marketing engine built.

Your system (we call it a nurture engine) is the absolutely most crucial aspect and most businesses don't use theirs correctly.

There’s an ocean of people out there looking for exactly what you do.The question is, how do you find the exact person t...

There’s an ocean of people out there looking for exactly what you do.

The question is, how do you find the exact person that you’re looking for?

Your ideal customer is out there. But there are also a sea of leads that aren’t right for you.

So how do you find the dream clients you want to work with?

This is a question that we get often. When doing lead generation for businesses, you’re going to get unqualified leads mixed in with those dream prospects.

It’s all a numbers game. These leads won’t be like the referrals you’re used to getting. Referrals are often sold before you even speak to them. These leads will take a bit more qualifying and selling.

Does that mean it’s not worth it? Absolutely not!

The goal is Return on investment!

Your ROI may not happen in month 1. But it COULD also happen on day 1.

So trust the system, give your marketing engine enough time to build the data on your ideal clients, and realise that you’re simply looking for gold in your lead list!

When looking at your marketing, you must always look at your return on investment.Depending on your product or service, ...

When looking at your marketing, you must always look at your return on investment.

Depending on your product or service, you may need to look at this quarterly, bI-annually, or even yearly based on your customer buying cycle.

However, there must be a positive return on investment to justify continuing to spend your advertising budget.

You also need to have realistic expectations in terms on the return you can expect to see.

Expecting a 50 times return on investment is most likely not realistic.

But if you have a positive return, continuing to spend more should continue to generate more of a return.

If you can put £1 in and get £2 out, you have a positive return. If you can prove that you’re getting that positive return, invest as much as you can to increase revenue!

Monitoring return on investment is the only way to truly measure the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

So tell me, do you know your marketing ROI?

If you’re generating leads, (which you should be) then you know that they will not all be ready to begin working with yo...

If you’re generating leads, (which you should be) then you know that they will not all be ready to begin working with you right away.

Typically, at least 30% of leads will sign up “too soon” and will require up to a year of brand touchpoints before being educated enough on who you are and what you do.

This is where most business owners fall short. They'll only try to capture the leads that are ready today and forget about everyone else!

That’s BIG money you’re missing out on!

➡️ This is where a lead magnet can come in.

Give away something of value such as training a cheat sheet or insider knowledge.

You’ll capture their contact info and continue to send them helpful tips and drive them to the next step.

Build a relationship with educational content and set your business apart from the competition!

But where do you start?

You don’t Need an E-book people! Start with the easiest thing you can create, because you’ll need to test your lead magnet!

Don’t spend too much time or money until you’ve got data on what your prospects are most interested in.

So, do you have a lead magnet? If not, which type could you easily create? 👇

"Lead generation is not a single event. It is the beginning of a journey for your prospects that should include strong f...

"Lead generation is not a single event.

It is the beginning of a journey for your prospects that should include strong follow-up via phone, text message, email, messenger, and in person!

Failing to maximise your leads by understanding that you most likely will not close the deal on the first contact is a way to drastically increase revenue for your business.

If you’re not yet generating leads for a local business, you need to look long and hard at your marketing strategy and if you are using your money effectively.

If you’re looking for a local marketing agency, click the link to discover our exact framework for automating your lead gen and catapult your business growth


You wouldn't jump out of a plane for the first time, without any training on your own.

You'll get someone strapped to the back of you like what I did.

Now the risks aren't as high when it comes to your marketing strategy but the same principles apply...

We strap ourselves to our clients back and will take them for a few jumps together, show them the ropes, give them training and build their confidence.

Once they're ready, they'll then go for their first solo jump and can then begin to experiment with different variations and styles.

If you want help building your marketing engine, follow this link and we'll work alongside you for the next 90 days and if your engine isn't built, you don't pay us!

Click here -

Every Business needs Marketing Engines. Some are just better than others...But with so many options, platforms and "guru...

Every Business needs Marketing Engines. Some are just better than others...

But with so many options, platforms and "gurus" telling you what to do its so overwhelming to know where to start.

and with so many plates to spin, marketing just gets pushed down the "to-do" list - sound about right?

Stick around with us and we'll talk you through how you can set up a full-blown marketing engine, bespoke to your business in less than 90 days!

Or you can check this out and fast track it -

Launched this campaign over the weekend... 1st degree messenger campaigns for the win 🤯

Launched this campaign over the weekend... 1st degree messenger campaigns for the win 🤯


We've been led to believe that Marketing Outreach is the devil - but it's the lifeblood of any business looking to grow.

We're told by "branding experts" that to grow a business you need a personal brand - It's simply NOT true.

But it does work (when done correctly)

I'd like to show you how we:
Help our clients land bigger and better deals than ever before
Generate an evergreen pipeline of prospects and customers
Nurture each and every lead that comes into your funnel
Build and launch Outreach Campaigns (properly!)
Oh, and it's free

I call it The Outreach Engines. 👈🏻

It's a breakdown of the main 3 ways I help my clients to regularly book - and close - clients in 6,7,8 figure per year businesses.

Check it out, and let me know what you think -

"What's an Outreach Engine?" "Does it run on Petrol?" 🚗⛽The Outreach Engines share with you the same systems that we use...

"What's an Outreach Engine?" "Does it run on Petrol?" 🚗⛽

The Outreach Engines share with you the same systems that we use to help our clients to:
- contact their dream clients
- close bigger and better deals than ever before
- ensure no lead escapes their grasp
- and makes great use of their time.

Every business needs an Outreach Engine, without it you're exposed to waiting for opportunities to come and find you.

So although you can't run your car directly on it, the closed sales you make from it can pay for your fuel!

Download our free guide to create your Engines here -


If you are running any kind of outreach campaign that includes you somewhat aimlessly asking for appointments straight out of the bat to people you've never spoken to before, one of two things are going to happen:

1.) You get no reply and most likely burn a bridge with that contact
2.) You get appointments but they are very rarely any good

If this is you, you should check out The Outreach Engines.

It's a free resource which can help you to:
1.) Build bridges, not burn them
2.) Establish yourself as an authority in your field
3.) Generate qualified, interested and educated prospects
4.) Create a healthy pipeline

Here's the link -


When you target the right people, at the right time, with the right message wonderful things happen to he top of your funnel.

Here's how we help our clients to proactively go out into the marketplace and fill up their pipeline.

1.) Define
Every client starts here. We need to know who your dream client is and the EXACT problems they face. Only then can we find out how to collate a database of suspects.

2.) Engage
Now you know who to target, It's a case of segmenting lists, creating tailored campaigns and building your outreach engines to ensure you make the very most out of your suspect database

3.) Nurture
Most our clients have things falling into the top of their funnel everyday - once they're in, you don't want to let them out (unless you disqualify them!). This is achieved via a Nurture Engine, plugging you into our CRM and then holding team accountability meetings every week to ensure everything is accounted for.

Secret: You don't need a "brand" to generate leads...

Want to implement this model in your own business?

Check the link below.


Struggling to retain clients? You need to solve that before stepping on the gas with outreach.

You have bigger problems to solve!


Without a concrete, fully thought through strategy, Cold Outreach will NEVER work for you.

Even if you get a lot of responses, I guarantee you that they will be:
- Unqualified
- Unsure on what it is you're offering
- Looking for a "networking chat"

It's not just about sending messages into the void.

Want to learn more? Check out the free resource in the comments.


VOLUME - a word a say a lot these days.

To achieve results with cold outreach, you need volume.

Most of you probably think this means sending huge volumes of communications out to an audience.

But, there's more than one way to get volume... 👇🏻 (although this can be one route if you go about it in the right way)

Instead of thinking about volume as wide, think about it as deep.

If you have an ideal target market base which is finite you'll want to consider this.

Here's how you can 4x your outreach via brand touch points
1.) Direct Mail
2.) LinkedIn Comms
3.) Email Comms
4.) Tele Comms

Every 3-4 months, you can repeat the cycle and you'll be well known with a small group of specific people.


If I were a business coach, here's how I'd proactively market my services to potential clients (if my pool of potential clients was larger than 10,000) 👇🏻

1.) Sit down and write out clearly defined audience (or audiences) which you know for a fact really suit your skillset and experience.

2.) Look at where this demographic hangs out (usually on linkedin) and create as many sub-demographics as you can and really focus on filters which make them likely to have a specific pain point that you can help with.

3.) Create NUMEROUS campaigns which target each demographic and clearly ask if they happen to have the problem you can solve (they probably do).

BONUS: Don't ask for an appointment, instead, share a resource with them which will educate the prospect on the problem they have and THEY'LL COME TO YOU.

The result:
- Accurate Campaigns
- No Bridges Burned
- Easily Trackable Success

Yeah.. Wake me up in another 5 years...     Credit:  over on Instagram

Yeah.. Wake me up in another 5 years...

Credit: over on Instagram

Sup? 😎

Sup? 😎

Still got it closed though, didn't I!...

Still got it closed though, didn't I!...

Come on Gary, let's stick to the agenda here!

Come on Gary, let's stick to the agenda here!



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LinkedIn marketing agency

LinkedIn marketing agency Funnelin was originally created as a software solution to streamline the prospecting process by using unique methods and technology.

Now, Funnelin combines its clever software with its social media expertise to offer a fully outsourced prospecting service on the LinkedIn platform.

We have dealt with thousands of LinkedIn accounts and responded to millions of messages which have helped us to understand what processes work, and which ones don’t, to ensure that all conversations are effective.

Contact us today to arrange a chat with one of our team...