Celebrating You PR

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Celebrating You PR People don't buy what you do, they buy who you are, your values, your life experience - YOU.

Celebrating You is about the you behind your brand, showcasing your uniqueness and promoting yourself through honest, authentic, real conversations.

Ok design team, how's this one? What does this communicate to you? I gratefully await your guidance and then I'll put th...

Ok design team, how's this one? What does this communicate to you? I gratefully await your guidance and then I'll put the event live! OMG I CAN'T WAIT!!!

But don't worry, you don't have to wait till September 18th (Chilean Independence Day) for the next event, I'm doing a mini version THIS WEDNESDAY at Talks at Dinner in Brighton with networking, gorgeous food, amazing company and another super presenter. Come all who can, link in comments!


I’ve wasted so much of my life judging myself as not enough and feeling like a failure. I tried all of the techniques to change these feelings and beliefs but when I was really honest with myself I always had this underlying anxiety that I'm just not achieving what I 'should' at this stage of my life and this really ate away at me.

That was until I leant something that blew my mind and gave me my life back. I learnt about this thing called structures and how to create whatever I wanted using this principle called tension-seeks-resolution.

I practiced it for years and learnt that this worked across the board in all areas of my life, not just some. It is only now that I can be so open and honest about this because I have come to understand that the feeling like a failure and never being enough was nothing to do with me personally, but with the structure that I was operating with. When I changed that, my many failed attempts began to transform.

That's when I stopped hating on myself.

So I created online courses to teach it in a much simpler and easy to implement way than I learnt it and it’s getting people really good results.

I care very much about showing people how to be true to themselves, listen to their true callings and actually do it.

So I've put together the main elements of this rapid transformation process into an accessible, affordable quick-start course with everything in for £37.

I ran this course live back in May and we got some really life-changing results. Have a read of the testimonials. That was without any therapy, no coaching, no mindset work, no belief change techniques, no re-programing.

See link in comments.

Testimonial from the course:

"I've struggled with clutter and hoarding all my life. My sink was piled up with washing up and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep on top of it. B bought flatpack furniture to tidy my things away but never did because the person that was supposed to do it let me down. So the clutter grew even more and so did my stress levels.

With this course, I cleared my sink, built the flatpack furniture myself and tidied everything in just 3 days! I never thought it was possible to do this myself. What made it so easy was how simple and motivating it was. I've never heard it put like that before."


Heya everyone I really super duper invite you to this Hubdot tonight at 8pm, it’s really life affirming and boosting, you will like it I am certain. Just pop in for a bit if you like, check it out. I’ve never seen something like this done so well. And it’s free — link in comments !


I recently attended Simona Barbieri's Hubdot, an online event recommended by a friend. I approached it with some skepticism, having had mixed experiences with similar online communities in the past. Often, they seem self-promotional, focusing more on the organisers and their services rather than genuine engagement.

However, my experience at this was very different. From the moment it began, I felt a very real sense of belonging and sincere welcome. Honestly, this really stood out. Talk about values-lead. The community, led by Simona is authentic, genuine and held space for people’s stories, experiences and stories.

What is Hubdot?

"Our mission is to bring people together, build and strengthen our community, and welcome those from others, through the power of human connection. Each month, at our online Piazza Pop Ins we strive to create an inclusive space where stories and experiences can be shared, inspiring us all and creating connections which would not normally happen."

What happens in the event?

People share their stories. But not for ages and ages, for 2 minutes each. So it's quick, inspiring and zippy. And of course this space has to be 'held' and 'facilitated' well for these powerful outcomes to happen.

Simona's sincerity and dedication to allowing people to share their unfiltered, real stories created a safe and unusually authentic environment. The honesty in the room was palpable, creating a space that felt truly real and not just another promotional tool.

The stories shared were life-changing, showcasing incredible personal journeys and triumphs. Unlike the often superficial and toxic positivity at times found in some online groups, these narratives were genuinely inspirational. They reflected real human beings and real inspiration, free from any pretence or validation seeking.

Overall, my experience at Hubdot was really valuable. It stands out significantly from anything else I've encountered in decades of engaging with similar environments. This platform has set a new standard for online communities and its tens of thousands of members reflect this.

My point?

I invite you to come! It will have a positive impact on you. You will feel belonging, like you're not the only one going through the human experience, and you're not on your own. There is a global community that sits with you in that.

And I'll be sharing my story too and singing a song.

So come -- link in comments.

Next event:
Tuesday 25th June
8pm - 9:30pm BST

Cost: FREE
On Zoom

Do you dare to take the test? Link in comments ;)

Do you dare to take the test? Link in comments ;)


If you chose to be free, what would you do? I hold space for your *creative mastermind* today at 10am. Login link in comments. Come, this might just be the lift that you need…


Is it really possible to create with 3 steps? Listen to the story of this life appreciating process, link in comments

How would you finish the 'I have a dream' quote? Bring your dreams, vision and ideas to life tomorrow at Creative Master...

How would you finish the 'I have a dream' quote? Bring your dreams, vision and ideas to life tomorrow at Creative Mastermind, a free online event that will bring your passion a step closer. Link in comments.


Hi, I wonder if you’d like you’d come to a show I’m in this Fri & Sat at the Fringe?

It’s called Disrupted Rhythms and it’s all about noticing the rhythms that are all around. It’s like a mindfulness for sound and rhythm and the interplay of unrelated things that you would normally not notice as a rhythm. I personally find this a fascinating perspective that opens new and exciting creative doors!

I did this last year with this wonderful group of artists and it’s a really thought provoking emotive show. See is if this resonates and if you fancy coming?

Link in comment


*You are always creating* Every action you take and every choice you make is an act of creation. You're constantly shaping your reality, whether you're aware of it or not.

Look at it like this: you're either creating something you want, or you're creating something you don't want. Either way, you're still creating it.

For example, if you choose to work on a project, you're creating progress and are getting closer to your outcome.

Alternatively, if you procrastinate, you're creating a pause or a stop on your journey and could potentially be also creating and stress. Every choice that you make, no matter how small, is part of your creation process.

The art is to be aware of what it is.

It's like being an artist with a canvas, where every brushstroke (action) and colour choice (decision) adds to the painting of your life.

So what are you creating? And how can you get there more joyfully, more easily and more quickly?


If you could overcome negative self-talk, what would that give you?


She took 3 to change a messy habit of a lifetime. One participant on my free course this week had struggled with cleaning and tidying all her life. Her sink was piled up with washing up with not even one clean cup to make a cup of tea. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t keep on top of it. She bought flatpack furniture to tidy her things away but never did because the person that was supposed to do it let her down. So the clutter grew and she was really stressed about it but didn’t know what to do.

This week on Creator Challenge she cleared her sink, built the flatpack furniture and tidied everything in just 3 days!

Now she is sitting in her home feeling amazingly proud of herself (as am I!) and has even more space to create more fun and exciting things.

To be clear, traditional behaviour and habit change methods take from months to years to transform and perhaps even longer to stay changed sustainably. This is different because it's not addressing the bad habit, it's addressing what you actually want instead. And that's how you get the result to happen quicker and easier.

Still time to get this course for free, and change one of your stuck lifelong patterns that you thought you could never shift but actually can to create more of what you want instead.

Link in comments for instant access.


One participant on my free course this week had struggled with cleaning and tidying all her life. Her sink was piled up with washing up with not even one clean cup to make a cup of tea. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t keep on top of it. She bought flatpack furniture to tidy her things away but never did because the person that was supposed to do it let her down. So the clutter grew and she was really stressed about it but didn’t know what to do.

This week on Creator Challenge she cleared her sink, built the flatpack furniture and tidied everything in just 3 days!

Now she is sitting in her home feeling amazingly proud of herself (as am I!) and has even more space to create more fun and exciting things.

Still time to get this course for free for 3 more days and change one of your stuck lifelong patterns that you thought you could never shift but actually can to create more of what you want! Link in comments!

Finished our creator challenge today with a May The Force be with you! Here’s what people got in just 4 sessions:- More ...

Finished our creator challenge today with a May The Force be with you! Here’s what people got in just 4 sessions:

- More mental clarity.
- Easter to do stuff.
- Found it to ask for help for the first time.
- Changed stuck patterns of a lifetime.
- Got into easy action and got something done in a few days that they could never even imagine doing before.
- Overcame procrastination by learning how to simply, and got difficult stuff done.

How did people get these game changing results in a few days? Because they learnt 3 simple steps to creating. It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3 and it’s easier, quicker and more fun!

I’m offering this course for free-view replays till Tue 7th May so that you can get these results too by watching the 10 minute mini lessons. Link in comments and be quick because I’m taking it down in 3 days then selling it…


I’m really touched to be invited to perform at Brighton Uni to share the songs and stories of Chile. This really means a lot to me.


Just finished day 3 of our creator challenge where even more people had breakthroughs. But a breakthrough is not enough. The most enlightening A-ha moment will not get you from A to B.


Because you need to implement the breakthrough, the a-ha, the awesome realisation. You need to know how to put that into a different course of action, different patterns that will yield different results. The results that you really want.

And that's what we all learnt today.

According to my research, many courses and processes deliver the amazing insights and breakthroughs but how many show you how to put that into reality and create a different future?

Still time to catch up on our Creator Challenge before tomorrow's MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU celebration party that is not to be missed.

After that I'll be taking the high value replays down and will sell them. Get it while it's free! Link in comments.


People always say to me, "I'm just not clear what it is you actually do Maria?" I help people who've done the Law of Attraction, Tony Robbins, Landmark Forum and surrendering to the universe, and are still not where they want to be.

I offer a simple way to create the outcomes you want. It is scientific, creative and fun. It draws out your creative, innovative, playful spirit and gets you motivated and moving, learning, growing and evolving along the way to creating what truly matters to you.

If doing your manifesting law of attraction, Tony Robbins, Landmark Education, surrendering to what is, and being free of desires is working for you, then that's really great.

I'm genuinely happy for you.

And that's great to get what works for you, and you don't need to take any further action because you've found a system that serves you to get the results that you want. And I'm all up for that and I love that everyone has unique preferences and needs and there is something for everyone.

I'm only speaking to people who've done all this stuff that promises to make you into a super magical successful human -- and didn't get you the results you signed up for.


Because I did all that stuff and it didn't touch the sides for me.

Yesterday on our free Creator Challenge not one but two people got fundamental game-changing breakthroughs. They got how their way of doing things was leading them not where they wanted to go. The saw that clearly, perhaps for the first time. They got that with one simple tweak they can now achieve the things they really really want.

That is a life changing result.

How simple is that?

It's simple factual physics. How to get from A to B. Simple as that. And it works because structure has integrity.

And that's why I love it.

The catch up replays are just 10 minutes long because my research interviews have told me that 10 minutes is the optimal learning capacity for busy people. So I've done it as bitesize minis and it's so easy and fun!

If you resonate with this you've still got time to sign up and join us for a live session today and tomorrow at 10am UK time. Link in comments!


Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed, unsure where or how to start going for your goals and dreams? Perhaps you have ideas or projects parked for another time, as life's demands somehow always seem to get in the way?

In my recent research interview surveys, I've been learning that many people are going through this. Despite their best intentions, they often find it challenging to turn their ideas into reality, eventually abandoning them altogether, and that makes me sad 😞 because it needn't be that way.
What if you could feel motivated and excited, excitedly bringing your ideas to life?

I'm interested in helping people achieve the outcomes they truly desire. That's why it really matters to me to invite you to this free course this week, where I'll be sharing the best tools I have to offer.

When: May 1-4, 10-11am (British Summer Time), with replays available.

Where: Online on Zoom
This course is designed to equip you to thrive, feel alive, and experience the satisfaction of seeing your ideas through to completion. And yes, it's completely free! It's not hard, it's easy and fun.

To get on, please sign-up using the link below, then I'll send you the details, okay?

I don't want you to miss out on this opportunity to get life-changing tools for more satisfaction and quicker results.

I can only say this because I've been trying and testing this for 3 years and I've got unimaginable results myself. Let's do this together, it's easy and fun when you learn 3 simple steps. So, are you in?


Do you ever have too much to do and end up just not doing any of it?And does this end up causing you to feel overwhelm that stalls your ability to run over the finish line and complete what you started? 

Here is a pattern that may be playing out:
Too many ideas + too many tasks = overwhelm.

Well that was me too! And this is so exciting because that's why I invite yo to do the Creator Challenge together next week that will show you the 3 easy steps to get your stuff done & done by actually doing less! 

It will include...

How to kick-start your creative mojo without the overwhelm.
How to get your idea advancing without procrastination.
Plus an easy way to bring your dreams to reality more quickly. 

WHEN: 1-4 May 10-11am BST

WHERE: Zoom direct link when it's time and on catch-up. 

COST: Absolutely Free. I want to serve your creative source to be unstoppable and invincible! Please come and invite your friends to join us in this Creator Challenge adventure, link in comments to receive your login details!

I can't wait to share a super fun and easy process with you that will be game-changing, motivating and get your passion to create bursting out of you! Are you feeling the love? 


Thank you to all who came to my second Chile Song Show this week! I've collated all the reviews all in one page, and her...

Thank you to all who came to my second Chile Song Show this week! I've collated all the reviews all in one page, and here is one done in the style of our old Air Mail letters we used to write to and fro, do you remember those? So much more romantic than email! Anyway, link in comments if you want to read all of the experiences that people had. I am extremely moved and so glad I did it.


This Chile Song Show review is particularly dear to me as its from my father in law: "The flow of the narrative was spot on and kept your audience’s attention throughout. I think we all felt a little wiser about some of the dreadful atrocities that took place back then and before.

You have clearly matured as a live performer. You looked comfortable, in control of both your voice and instrument, and enjoying the experience. This helped your audience to feel relaxed, engaged and free to applaud spontaneously as opposed to politely and that is a huge achievement!"


Another Chile Song Show review: "Thank YOU María for showing up exactly as you are. Your vulnerability, sharing of your life, heart and songs is a true gift to ME and to this world!

As you pointed out it would be a travesty if we were unable to make the most of our one true wild lives given all the hardships we endure… It kinda seems like it is the point, to live... love… grieve again and again…

Sometimes in this hyper healing focussed bubble of Brighton we can get too bogged down with chasing the next thing… Really it feels to me that it is actually pretty simple: ‘To love and be loved in return‘. I shared quite a lot around that which was on my heart after your share.

Your show was a power-full, gentle, comforting and connected evening which you curated. It was made all the more magical by the venue, the lighting, your unique friend group!

You have inspired me to follow a dream or two which I have been languishing."


I add the 5th Love Language of Playfulness!


I see that most people are creative and have good ideas. The thing that often hinders this is the ability to see things through to completion before the busyness, distractions, work and life get in the way.

But it needn’t be that way. What if you could:

Transform Your Creativity. Master the Art of Finishing for Lasting Success.

- Tired of watching your brilliant ideas fade away before they reach their full potential?

- Frustrated by the cycle of starting strong but struggling to see projects through to completion?

- Feeling drained and discouraged by the constant battle to bring your visions to life?

- Struggling to maintain belief in your abilities after numerous unfinished projects?

- Ready to break free from the cycle of creative stagnation and finally achieve your goals?

Sign up to Creator Challenge next week with a bonus session Re-Light Your Creative Fire waiting for you in the link in comments

Are you a creative who's got loads of amazing ideas and would love to do them but when you do for one reason or another ...

Are you a creative who's got loads of amazing ideas and would love to do them but when you do for one reason or another it doesn't work out how you'd visioned?

You go for it, you try, you experiment, you scout around, you do whatever it takes and when it just doesn't work out you let it go and wonder if it just wasn't meant to be?

But if you give up on your ideas, dreams, hopes or projects, how does that impact on your ability to get up and go for the next one?

I've been interviewing people about what's working and what's not working around this area and the one thing I hear is the thing about getting the project over the finish line. This is a challenge for many people and it needn't be.

All you need to do is learn how to do that final part. It's only potentially a lack of a tool and not a lack of self belief or lack of your drive or passion because I really believe that you've got plenty of that.

This is why I created a free Creator Challenge next week that will show you clearly and easily how to implement the 3 steps of creation and how to get a whole project done to completion for increased satisfaction.

If you know how to do this, how will your creating go in future? This year? This decade? In the next few decades? If you know how to achieve your ideas through all their stages over the finish line to completion, how will that impact on your belief in your abilities?

Think about this because it's really important.

What if you only need to learn 3 things in order to create the things that matter to you?

Give me your email in the link below and I'll give you the most powerful tools I know to make your ideas, projects and creations come to reality.

What have you got to loose?

If you help everyone else and put yourself last, this image powerfully illustrates what can happen. Over time this can h...

If you help everyone else and put yourself last, this image powerfully illustrates what can happen. Over time this can have a disconnecting effect for you and what your true desires are.

My mum brought us up single handed, did the full time job, the house, the kids all on her own — with the added challenge of not speaking English when we first arrived here!
The thing is, my mum always did her hobbies, she always read her adored literature, she always played her beloved classical piano music, she always has her friends and went to events.
She always had and her own interests, hobbies and projects going on even though she was such a busy mum with a clingy needy child hanging onto her hip (that’s me and I haven’t changed!)

It was my mum who taught me by example to go for what you love, to enjoy music, arts, people, culture, everything, all of it.
For me all this is obvious because I was brought up this way. I was brought up knowing that no matter how challenging our circumstances, we are building a brighter future now, today — by enjoying ourselves and doing things that we love.

Do you know what I mean?

Isn’t that an extraordinary outlook?

It’s so life-enhancing that I make it my mission to share this you.

My mum didn’t let herself drop with exhaustion and run out of battery. Shed lovingly tell us it was ME TIME and shut her door!

Go girl boundaries!

So we just had to find our own entertainment and get on with it and we did. My parenting coach friend Camilla Miller says that you are not there to entertain your children, you can instead enable them to discover what they love


What I have learnt is that while people can have an amazing breakthrough, it’s the followthrough that is as important. I’ve been doing surveys and customer research to find ask what are people’s sticking points and the main one is to get over the finish line and project or outcome completed.

So this was the inspiration and drive behind offering a creator challenge, to get the job done, dusted and complete, ready to create lovely fresh new space for the next thing.

Do you know what I mean?

Sign up to Creator Challenge next week and learn how to get over the finish line every time! Bonus session included in your welcome email!!!


It's obvious to see when somebody has re-lit their creative fire 🔥 because they literally glow. They gleam. They're full of spirit! That's what happened last night on the Re-Light your creative fire. I keep getting testimonials of people getting breakthroughs.

It surprised even me! Obviously my intention is to give people the best tools I know that work quickly and save all the time, years, effort, stress and money to get what does it for you, what motivates you, what you love and get on with that.

But for it to have been that effective, that direct and that simple, well that matters to me. That's my ultimate purpose, to give someone the easy way to have what they really want.

One person said they'd been looking for "it" all their lives and just got "it". It was really remarkable.

I think because I'm on it with all my creations, I've got the energy, passion and drive to share it now more than ever.

I'm offering a Free Creator Challenge next week to give you these tools. But that's not all. I'm also giving away the bonus session that sets the whole thing off. This very session that people got so much from. Re-Light Your Creative Fire is already in the members resources area, go and get it for yourself too. Link in comments.

Oh and one more bonus, a super speedy quick easy condensed version for easy-digest. I've learnt that the quicker, easier and low-overwhelm minimal a piece of learning is, the easier it goes in. So that's why I did a mini lite version too.

Sign up in link below and start benefitting from your creative fire! Don't miss out! Your creativity is waiting for you!


Re-Light Your Creative Fire testimonial from last night: "I loved your session, I realised I was already being true to myself and doing what I really want to do" said with a very big smile ;)

Sometimes it's really good to check-in with yourself and acknowledge that you are on the right track for you, according to you, by you and for you!

Then you're ready for step 2 and 3 of learning to create. I'll be showing you how to do the 3 simple steps next week in Creator Challenge, don't miss out! This could open doors for you and get you implementing projects, dreams and ideas that you'd perhaps before walked away from.

Link in comments!


If you decide to do something, and see it through to completion, just as you'd envisioned it or better -- how does that make you feel?

How do you feel when you've put your mind to something, accomplished it and done what you set out to do?

It's going to make you feel good!

It's going to make you want to do it again!

And when you do it again, you'll do it even better.


Because you've already walked that path, it's more familiar and now, second or third time around, you can tweak, edit, adjust, learn, grow and evolve!

This is a learning environment where it's only growth and good.

Conversely, you may be more familiar with a binary environment of win or loose, success or failure, good or bad.

Which would you prefer to create in?

Learn how to create outcomes that matter to you, sign up for a game-changing course next week that will give you instant results.



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Celebrating yourself is about being real

I believe that people don't buy what you do - they buy YOU, your values, your life experience and your values. Most of all they fall in love with you, your quirky personality and your uniqueness. I believe that marketing can be honest, authentic, real and heart centred and that business and sales can flourish from these real spaces.

I created Celebrating You PR to hold a loving space for people to share their stories of the why they do what they do. Simon Sinek the great Leadership speaker of the Golden Circle says that "people don't buy what you do they buy from you when they believe what you believe."

When I share myself authentically, I am celebrating who I am, what I've experienced and my values. this is what people are ultimately buying when they do business with me.