Amazing Capitals Düsseldorf

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Amazing Capitals Düsseldorf Amazing Capitals Düsseldorf expat guide assists businesses and the city to attract and retain expats. One day, I was asked to relocate to Germany.

Full of must have information inspiring and helping international residents in their new location. Helping the city and businesses to attract and retain expats, Amazing Capitals Düsseldorf is a powerful online resource, an expat guide full of must have information, insights and knowledge to inspire and help international residents lead better lives in Düsseldorf and region. Amazing Capitals is ope

ning expat guides in other cities and offering opportunities for licensees. Published by a Brit who has lived lengthy and shorter periods in UK, Germany, Spain, France, Finland and travelled some 60 countries. I needed to take care of formalities, create a new home, find great places to go out, meet others and take care of my own wellbeing. Yet I knew nothing, had no language skills and no cultural awareness. Some years later, British Consulate staff attending my business club in Düsseldorf asked if I could assist them with their many enquiries. So in 2007, the concept to support expats, cities and businesses cities with Amazing Capitals online resources was born.

Germany and HumourIt has been claimed that the German sense of humour is no laughing matter. I beg to disagree and Easte...

Germany and Humour

It has been claimed that the German sense of humour is no laughing matter. I beg to disagree and Easter may serve to sway opinion.

Both hares and eggs were pagan springtime symbols of fertility and new life force, yet it seemingly took Lutheran Germany to combine the two and create a bunny that delivered eggs. Migration and marketing united to made them popular. Whilst on the topic, colouring them became a tradition during the middle ages.

Now the country has proven a further zealous light-heartedness when it comes to getting high. As of today, regulations on cannabis control have radically changed. However, it’s all in the wording.

As the world’s nations develop legislation to control this popular drug, terms of reference vary. Use or cultivation, medicinal or recreational purpose, decriminalise or legalise plus volumes of possession are all key elements to consider. That said, surprise at this bold and wide-ranging move by the Germans is prevalent on a global scale. And at home too.

On a lighter note, so many children and parents had such fun hunting for cheerfully coated eggs hidden by that fluffy Easter rabbit, that they have decided, today of all days, to repeat it next Sunday.

The grand finale of carnival in Düsseldorf involves much dressing up and political correctness can, at times, go out the...

The grand finale of carnival in Düsseldorf involves much dressing up and political correctness can, at times, go out the window. It's all about clowning around and having a thoroughly good time.

A long procession weaves its way during Rose Monday, or Rosenmontag, from the river Rhine and on through the city centre. Young children and parents attempt to draw attention to those tossing sweets into the crowds.

The floats display geopolitical themes of the day, at times satirical and at others without abandon. These are kept as secret as state affairs right until the great reveal and are followed by enthusiastic or contrary comments.

This is one of the city's busiest days, with people arriving from near and far. A few minutes after the end of the parade, street cleaners and sweepers remove (almost) all trace and life is expected to return to (near) normal the next day. Headaches, hangovers, embarrassments and tears included! Photo: © Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus

Düsseldorf, a village or "Dorf" in German, located on a brook by that name, the "Düssel", was awarded town status in 128...

Düsseldorf, a village or "Dorf" in German, located on a brook by that name, the "Düssel", was awarded town status in 1288. This small Germanic settlement from Roman times developed to become the capital of the most populous state in the Republic of Germany.

Today, with over 650,000 residents it offers big city business with small town charm. Trade fairs are enormous, many global corporations dot the skyline and fashion is ever-present.

In other circles, the art academy is also renowned and highly respected. Founded 250 years ago, its fame reaches beyond borders and attracting international students to the city.

The current students present their works of art throughout the impressive, late 1800s building every year. During the so-called “Rundgang”, which loosely translates to “walk around”, the public is invited to view a wide variety of paintings, sculptures, installations and beyond.

Today, February 4 is the last chance to partake in 2024. Having personally attended many times, I can confirm that the incredible experience is a joy for all art lovers. Whether one likes the particular pieces on display or not!

Whist the German translation of the word boat may cause confusion to English speakers, the world's largest annual water ...

Whist the German translation of the word boat may cause confusion to English speakers, the world's largest annual water sports fair of that name is far more likely to inspire. Expats included.

The world’s largest trade fair in its field, boot Düsseldorf presents a highly interactive environment to experience traditional and innovative water sports favourites. Discover some 1,500 exhibitors from across the globe as they present their products and concepts concerning all topics on, under and beside the water in sixteen exhibition halls. That’s equivalent to thirty-one football pitches!

A comprehensive line-up ranges from small entry-price boats and dinghies to luxury yachts, diving, surfing, SUP and angling. Innovations include the topics of sustainability and nature conservation. For years, boot Düsseldorf has been campaigning for a greener boating industry and the protection of our oceans.

Download the flyer for a quick overview or engage with the online interactive floor plan to discover exhibitors and plan your route through the fair. Experience an exciting day out at boot 2023 and try all the new water sports options on offer. Enjoy hours full of action and fun for individuals and families alike.

Blue Innovation & Love Your Ocean

Protecting our oceans is an issue that is close to the heart of every water sports fan. Once again this year, the Blue Innovation Dock in Hall 10, created by boot and a genuine innovation driver, will bring together visionaries, investors and politicians to make the industry fit for the future.

Each day of the fair there will be presentations on stage and in English. Diverse topics include leaders dialogue – business meets politics, sustainable propulsion, financing innovation & start-up disruption, future fuels, circular materials, sustainable nautical tourism & water sports, innovation for sustainability, engaging NGOs and all players and engaging citizens & boaters.

Furthermore, the Ocean Tribute Award will once again be presented in cooperation with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation and the German Ocean Foundation as part of the trade fair. This award honours environmentally-friendly projects and technical innovations that contribute to a better climate and healthier waters.

As pioneers in this field, marine and water protection have been a priority at boot for a long time with the project Love Your Ocean initiated in 2017. In the same partnership above, along with environmental activist Emily Penn, it has attracted much public attention. Presenting the possibilities to protect the ocean and the climate that industry, science and society already possess today, it offers the whole theme a broad platform. Companies and projects that have water and climate protection as their goal are grouped in hall 14 with exciting talks held on stage.

Sailing Boats

From the Nile of 5,000 years ago to the halls of modern day Düsseldorf, sailing has never lost its appeal. Navigating the winds and currents is more than a mere sport. The passion of sailing can be experienced once again in the impressive halls 15 & 16. Discover dinghies, sailing yachts, catamarans and the latest trends. Experts give sailing fans-in-the-making valuable tips and tricks in the Start Sailing area whilst the little ones get ready to cast off in the boot Sailing School.

Motor & Super Boats

Whether your preference is small yet appealing or large and exclusive, boot has everything you need to make your dream of your own motorised boat come true. Take your time on an impressive walk through the motorboat halls 1, 3, 4, 5 & 9 at boot Düsseldorf and enjoy the fascinating array of motorboats and superboats as well as state-of-the-art equipment and fun products.

Super Yachts

Halls 6 & 7a always attract the crowds at boot Düsseldorf! Luxury and high-end yachts and motor gliders invite you to revel in sheer luxury. The range of super yachts continues to grow and these exceptionally big yachts on show are always worth a visit. So come and enjoy.

Motors, Equipment & Accessories

A real insider’s tip for shopping fans amongst water sports enthusiasts, boot Düsseldorf presents an almost overwhelming range of maritime products in Halls 10 & 11.

Engines, technical accessories, marina fittings and fixtures, boat equipment and accessories, boat instruments, watersports clothing, maritime publications and service providers are all available, Attractive trade fair offers at great prices can be found here.


Halls 11, 12 & 13 are where to find your diving paradise above and below water. Experience all the facets of diving. Leave your daily routine behind as you take a dive, discover state-of-the-art equipment, the most beautiful holiday destinations and meet other fans of scuba diving.

The glass diving tower remains another highlight this year, just waiting to be experienced by visitors to the fair. Secure yourself a place on a trial dive under professional guidance or move through the water like a mermaid under the eyes of a qualified instructors


The meeting point of the surf scene and the place to discover exactly what’s hot right now is Hall 17. With unlimited boardsport action to watch and participate in, the latest trends and of course lots of fun, this unique environment can only be found at boot Düsseldorf. The focus is on wingsurfing, wingfoiling and pumpfoiling and beyond. Windsurfers, stand up paddlers (SUP), surfers, wakeboarders, wave riders, kitesurfers or skimboarders, and a complete accessories portfolio can be discovered at the Beach World.


Encounter a whiff of adventure and wildlife that meanders through hall 14. In-between towering rocks and trees, a creek meanders over 90 metres. 3 metres wide and 40 centimetres deep, it flows into two large lakes. Test new canoes and kayaks, make your first attempts at paddling or even take a brief canoeing tour with the whole family!

Seaside in Halls 13-14

Make your dream of a perfect holiday at the water come true, whether coastal or inland, in the Destination Seaside at boot Düsseldorf. The wide range of possibilities for new and combined forms of holiday include chartering houseboats or sleek sailing yachts along with a stay at a hotel. Or combine a caravanning holiday with water sports. The options are almost unlimited in Halls 13 & 14.

Born of a protestant family in England, I first remember going to Sunday school in Cornwall. I was six years of age when...

Born of a protestant family in England, I first remember going to Sunday school in Cornwall. I was six years of age when we moved there and it was a happy experience. I was later confirmed, dabbled in the choir, ceremonial acts and bell-ringing.

This time of year has always been highly emotional for me. Staying with my Mum and my Dad over the Christmas holidays became more intense due to living abroad. Later, it was also more hit and miss due to spending time with my wife’s family or with friends in locations afar.

One long-standing tradition has been to attend a Christmas Eve service in church. I remember hearing my Nan sing so energetically on that one night of the year. Also us turning to strangers and greeting them. Otherwise, I merely walk into a church to enthuse in peaceful atmosphere.

Contemplating all the strife on our planet and thousands of years of discourse in the name of religion, I felt drawn to review the message spoken at my “coming of age” all those years ago. Powerful words of fear and forgiveness read differently to when my ten year old ears first heard them.

Humans appear to me to be mostly busy “doing”, rather than “being”. Myself included much of the time. That said, my spiritual journey takes me farther towards the light than any building or book can ever achieve. Understanding more and contemplating our interconnectedness is a gift that I am truly grateful for.

Does a sense of feeling centred detract from any form of beliefs? Does opening one’s heart, mind and soul to others, regardless of race, nationality, origin or creed prevent us from creating our personal ideology? Or does showing respect to each and every person we meet weaken us? Personally, I think not.

I would love to hear thoughts on these so simple topics that many institutions attempt to portray as complex and utilise to the possible detriment of some and the benefit of others.

English speakers in Düsseldorf over Christmas who enjoy the religious environment, may be pleased to hear that Christchurch is offering several services today, December 24, and tomorrow.

One aspect of moving abroad is a possible connection to religion. Relocating can be a disruptive process in this respect...

One aspect of moving abroad is a possible connection to religion. Relocating can be a disruptive process in this respect. Loss of a personal community is not so easy to replace, especially when one considers language.

Expats who speak English and find themselves in Düsseldorf are fortunate. Opportunities to attend services and take communion are available to all. And, at this time of year, Christ Church offers a magnificent evening in the run up to Christmas. Their "Candle Lit Carol Service" is heart-warming, offering a haven of light, joy and friendship.

The congregation boasts a long tradition of over 100 years. This custom has also been held annually for a very long time. Such a magical atmosphere with so many candles bathing the Anglican Church is truly a sight to behold. The sound of popular carols by all attending is especially rewarding during the festive season too.

Having personally attended on several occasions in the past, I highly recommend attending on December 17 at 6pm. Especially anyone who is feeling lonely. And even if they are not particularly devoted to religious practice.

Expats are curious about many aspects of their new location. Especially traditions that touch the heart or impact the ev...

Expats are curious about many aspects of their new location. Especially traditions that touch the heart or impact the everyday.

Saint Nicholas Day is one such example in Düsseldorf. The occasion celebrates the generosity of a man born over eighteen hundred years ago. Many countries in Europe honour Saint Nicholas who is the patron saint of children. And also students, merchants, archers, sailors, fishermen, pawnbrokers, thieves and the falsely accused, to name just a few! Saint Nicholas was Bishop of Myra in southern Anatolia, and apparently became well known for his good deeds in the fourth century AD.

Across Germany children place shoes, boots or a plate in front of their bedroom door late on the evening of December 5. A long and popular historical convention tells us that if they have been kind or well behaved then sweets or small gifts will be left overnight by the mysterious Saint Nicholas. In some catholic areas of Germany a man dressed as a bishop travels from house to house.

In the Netherlands he is known as Sint-Nicolaas or Sinterklaas. Since most emigrants took their traditions with them to the United States, similar customs can also be found in US cities with strong German influence such as Milwaukee, Cincinnati, St. Louis or Columbus.

Just one aspect of Amazing Capitals empowering through knowledge about the (possibly) unknown.

Watch a kitsch seasonal movie and the marvellous experience of a romantic couple or excited family felling a   tree them...

Watch a kitsch seasonal movie and the marvellous experience of a romantic couple or excited family felling a tree themselves is often revealed. Many American and some British families follow this wonderful tradition in rural regions at this time of year. Cutting your own Tannenbaum is a magnificent experience and the freshness is a joy for those that partake. Fortunately for local expats, the age-old tradition of felling a fir, Tanne, or spruce, Fichte, can be upheld the vicinity of Düsseldorf too.

Festive Gut Diepensiepen in Ratingen offers the opportunity to fell your own tree between November 30 and December 22, Wednesday Sunday. Schlosshof Garath welcomes you to cut your own tree on a late Advent Sunday otherwise purchase locally sourced trees from early December. Both allow you to cut personally or will fell the Christmas tree of your choice for you.

The beautiful scent of a freshly felled Christmas tree with presents piled around the base is more intense. So gather around, grab some eggnog, choose someone to read Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas and have a very merry Christmas!

Photo: © Gut Diepensiepen

Germans take registration very seriously. The law in Düsseldorf entails registering within one week of a move. If rentin...

Germans take registration very seriously. The law in Düsseldorf entails registering within one week of a move. If renting, the landlord can be required to confirm occupancy. Leaving for a new location means de-registering.

I have had the good fortune to live in some nice places during a lengthy period of life in Düsseldorf. A few districts of the town appeal to expats in a special way.

Following short early stints in a few areas, my neighbourhood became Oberkassel. One move entailed metaphorically dropping my belongings over the balcony. A later one saw my wife and I relocate just one block away. We kept the same phone number and postal code. We notified our utility company. And our friends.

We gave not one single thought to what Germany considers to be the the primary activity entailed in a change of residency. A letter arrived several weeks after we had settled into our new home. It was in an official city envelope. The news was bad. We had performed an unforgivable act.

We had omitted to inform authorities that we had moved. Yet that same administrative department knew of our change of address. The name of the street and house number were inserted proudly below our names and above the correct postcode and city. We were identified, considered guilty and charged.

A Moving Experience

I rang a phone number printed on the single sheet of legal speak. The friendly gent at the other end of the phone line was highly sympathetic yet unrelenting when it came to the fine. It’s the German way of doing things. Already accustomed to there being as many exceptions as there are rules, I haggled with him. But this time there was no way out.

He then mentioned that since I was now working as a freelancer, I would have to supply two years of accounts. I came under different regulations nowadays. I had only that year begun so could unfortunately not comply. A strange phenomenon kicked in and for this situation he kindly performed a marvellous task of racking his brain for a relevant option.

My wife is from Finland, was an employee and held an unlimited residency permit for the EU, which she had received through being married to me. Now I was to benefit from her by declaring my status as husband. Marvellous. Yet again, an exception was found. The sum I was fined was minimal. Thank you Germany!

From August 25 to September 3 2023 friends of caravanning and outdoor activities gain the most unique overview of a fasc...

From August 25 to September 3 2023 friends of caravanning and outdoor activities gain the most unique overview of a fascinating world of mobile leisure.

Renowned CARAVAN SALON in Düsseldorf reveals latest generation of motorhomes, caravans and campervans in 16 halls. Where visitors discover a huge selection of accessories, technical equipment, detachable parts, rooftop tents, mobile homes, caravanning and camping accessories, outdoor wear, equipment and travel destinations.


January 21-29 boot Düsseldorf, the world’s largest fair in its field offers a highly interactive environment to experience traditional and innovative water sports. Some 1,500 exhibitors reveal sailing boats, motor boats, super boats and super yachts. Try diving, surfing and paddling too. Across 16 exhibition halls.

Commencing today, a magnificent and vibrant collection of performing arts in a large yet surprisingly intimate marquee i...

Commencing today, a magnificent and vibrant collection of performing arts in a large yet surprisingly intimate marquee in the old town. The düsseldorf festival! attracts audiences from near and far with dance, performance, theatre, nouveau cirque and music of many genres.

Magnificent, vibrant performing arts in an intimate marquee, the düsseldorf festival! with dance, performance, theatre & nouveau cirque.

Between August 27 and September 4 2022 plus a more exclusive preview day on August 26, CARAVAN SALON turns Düsseldorf in...

Between August 27 and September 4 2022 plus a more exclusive preview day on August 26, CARAVAN SALON turns Düsseldorf into the international capital of mobile leisure.

With some 700 exhibitors, the world’s leading trade fair is an excellent venue to view, compare and buy motorhomes, caravans and campervans in such diversity. Beyond vehicle technology, components and accessories, discover tents and camping accessories, outdoor equipment, walking, hiking and trekking clothing items as well as tourist destinations.

The world’s largest fair for mobile vacationing, Caravan Salon attracts visitors to Düsseldorf for motorhomes, caravans, tech & destinations.

The Saitta summer festival is an institution, a celebration of "la dolce vita" and a great experience for locals and exp...

The Saitta summer festival is an institution, a celebration of "la dolce vita" and a great experience for locals and expats, old and young, singles and families. Fun, joviality, entertainment, music, performances, games, communication and Giuseppe Saitta's delicious deli specialities, great wines...

Discover happenings in Düsseldorf such as an expat event, concert, performance, spontaneous celebration, market or opening in a simple, quick, friendly way.

The English language lineup at this year's Shakespeare Festival in the Globe Theatre Neuss include The HandleBards, Safe...

The English language lineup at this year's Shakespeare Festival in the Globe Theatre Neuss include The HandleBards, Safe Theatre, Bremer Shakespeare Company, ImPerfect Dancers Company and Smash'n'Grab Theatre. There's music by David Orlowsky and David Bergmüller and storytelling from Giles Abbott. Also an educational programme from Patrick Spottiswoode or student courses from Anna Northam and Christine Schmidle.
Follow the link for a quick and easy overview of all relevant dates and times in the link. Click again to read an intro and discover more info on any that are appealing.
An innovative approach from new artistic director Maja Delinić who is developing deeper, multifaceted and cross-disciplinary encounters with The Bard and his works.

Discover happenings in Düsseldorf such as an expat event, concert, performance, spontaneous celebration, market or opening in a simple, quick, friendly way.

The annual   Festival takes place again in   from May 6 to June 5. Many international residents in the region adore perf...

The annual Festival takes place again in from May 6 to June 5. Many international residents in the region adore performances in at the traditional Globe Theatre, a replica of the original along the Thames in London. All are listed with brief infos in Events. Ticket sales begin on April 23.

As well as the festival’s innovative approach, new artistic director Maja Delinić is developing deeper, multifaceted and cross-disciplinary encounters with William Shakespeare and his works. For four weeks, 14 different companies from various countries will perform in 35 events at the Globe Theater Neuss. New faces making their debut in Neuss as well as well-known and favourite theatre troupes unite drama, music, art, lecture and audience improvisation.

Original language   listings, locations and times in   for the week Apr 5-13. In   OmU or OV: Fantastic Beasts: The Secr...

Original language listings, locations and times in for the week Apr 5-13. In OmU or OV: Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore, Death of a Ladies’ Man, Morbius, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Fried Green Tomatoes, King Richard, The Reason I Jump, Spencer, Edward II, Strangers on a Train, C’mon C’mon, The Batman, Exhibition on Screen, Ghani, Town Without Pity, The Last Temptation, Belfast, The French Dispatch.

Original movies in English & other languages are great for expats. View weekly updated listings of art house & blockbuster movies in cinemas in Düsseldorf.

Original language   listings, locations and times in   for the week Mar 31 – Apr 6. In English OmU or OV: Morbius, Don’t...

Original language listings, locations and times in for the week Mar 31 – Apr 6. In English OmU or OV: Morbius, Don’t Look Up, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Fried Green Tomatoes, The Reason I Jump, The Tragedy of Macbeth, C’mon C’mon, Sneak Preview, The Batman, Exhibition on Screen, Lekh, The Kashmir Files, Belfast, King Richard, Death on the Nile, Licorice Pizza, Dune, Little Women, Luther.

Original movies in English & other languages are great for expats. View weekly updated listings of art house & blockbuster movies in cinemas in Düsseldorf.

Original language   listings, locations and times in   for the week Mar 22-30. In   OmU or OV: Ambulance, Fantastic Beas...

Original language listings, locations and times in for the week Mar 22-30. In OmU or OV: Ambulance, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, The Last House on the Left, C’mon C’mon, Sneak Preview, Silent Running, The Beatles: Get Back, The Batman, The Card Counter, Caravaggio, Exhibition on Screen, The Kashmir Files, Belfast, Uncharted, King Richard, Death on the Nile, Licorice Pizza, Spider-Man: No Way Home, The Baby of Mâcon, A Clockwork Orange, The Last of England, Trouble Every Day.

Original movies in English & other languages are great for expats. View weekly updated listings of art house & blockbuster movies in cinemas in Düsseldorf.

A project close to my heart...While the movement started 24 years ago, a campaign with a media relevant journey through ...

A project close to my heart...
While the movement started 24 years ago, a campaign with a media relevant journey through numerous countries from the UK to Southern India kicked off in London on March 21 2022.

One lone motorcyclist, Sadhguru, is riding for 100 days through 24 nations to cover a total of 30,000 kilometres. All are invited to join in, become an Earth Buddy to raise awareness of the global issue of soil health and activate people’s support for the Save Soil Movement.

Save Soil, a global movement launched by Sadhguru and Conscious Planet addresses the soil crisis by increasing organic content. Düsseldorf.

Original language   listings, locations and times in   for the week Mar 15-23. In English OmU or OV: C’mon C’mon, New Wo...

Original language listings, locations and times in for the week Mar 15-23. In English OmU or OV: C’mon C’mon, New Worlds, The Angelic Conversation, Silent Running, Blue Bayou, Jackass Forever, The Beatles: Get Back, The Batman, The Card Counter, Exhibition on Screen, Bachchhan Paandey, James, Belfast, Uncharted, King Richard, Death on the Nile, Licorice Pizza, The Godfather 3, Spider-Man: No Way Home, The Baby of Mâcon, Edward II, Trouble Every Day, The French Dispatch.

Original movies in English & other languages are great for expats. View weekly updated listings of art house & blockbuster movies in cinemas in Düsseldorf.

Original language   listings, locations and times in   for the week Mar 8-16. In English OmU or OV: Phantom Thread,  Blu...

Original language listings, locations and times in for the week Mar 8-16. In English OmU or OV: Phantom Thread, Blue Bayou, Jackass Forever, The Beatles: Get Back, The Batman, The Card Counter, Trouble Every Day, Exhibition on Screen, The Kashmir Files, Belfast, Cyrano, Uncharted, King Richard, Caravaggio, Edward II, Smyrna, Death on the Nile, Licorice Pizza, The Godfather 2, Spider-Man: No Way Home, The French Dispatch.

Original movies in English & other languages are great for expats. View weekly updated listings of art house & blockbuster movies in cinemas in Düsseldorf.

Original language   listings, locations and times in   for the week Mar 3 - Mar 9. In   OmU or OV: The Batman, The Card ...

Original language listings, locations and times in for the week Mar 3 - Mar 9. In OmU or OV: The Batman, The Card Counter, Trouble Every Day, Jhund, Belfast, Cyrano, Uncharted, King Richard, The Alpinist, Death on the Nile, Licorice Pizza, The Godfather 1, Smyrna, Buffalo 66, Sing 2, Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Original movies in English & other languages are great for expats. View weekly updated listings of art house & blockbuster movies in cinemas in Düsseldorf.

Original language   listings, locations and times in   for the week Feb 22 – Mar 2. In   OmU or OV: The Batman, Studio 6...

Original language listings, locations and times in for the week Feb 22 – Mar 2. In OmU or OV: The Batman, Studio 666, Joker & The Batman, Belfast, The Man Who Sold His Skin, Cyrano, Uncharted, June Again, King Richard, The Alpinist, Death on the Nile, Moonfall, Kimi, Space Is the Place, Total Recall, Exhibition on Screen, Sneak Preview, Licorice Pizza, Spencer, Nightmare Alley, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Dune, The French Dispatch.

Original movies in English & other languages are great for expats. View weekly updated listings of art house & blockbuster movies in cinemas in Düsseldorf.

Re-imagining education in a fast-moving worldHistorically, standardised education prepared students to become productive...

Re-imagining education in a fast-moving world

Historically, standardised education prepared students to become productive workers for an industrialised society. Today, we live in exponentially changing times where diversity and creativity are highly valued. We cannot predict what the future holds for our students, but we expect that they will live in a very different world; a world that is digitally connected, where all knowledge is available within seconds.

Schools must reevaluate what they do to ensure they remain relevant to the needs of all students. Our goal at ISD is to inspire our students to become self-directed learners, creative thinkers, and compassionate global citizens, who can flourish in a dynamic world.

A world-class education, for whatever your child may do
Founded in 1968, the International School of Düsseldorf is a not-for-profit, independent, co-educational day school located in the heart of the international community of Kaiserswerth. Due to our non-profit status, all our income is invested back into the school for the benefit of our students.

Our school has a proud 50-year history of supporting young people to pursue their dreams and ambitions, in all walks of life, and in all corners of the globe. We deliver an outstanding education that prepares our students to be successful and inspires them to make a difference; an education that will equip them with the skills and aptitudes to tackle the global challenges they will face.

In our rapidly changing world we imagine that our students will need the passion and courage to go on learning throughout life and the creativity to dream of a better world. At ISD, we are committed to providing every student with the individual support they need to flourish, to discover pleasure in learning, to become autonomous and intrinsically motivated, and, ultimately, to become architects of their own futures.

The International School of Düsseldorf: A learning community that supports the educational journey beyond where students think they can can go.

ISD, International School of Düsseldorf, a leading international school in Düsseldorf, inspires students to become confident, creative & critical thinkers.


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Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00




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Our Story

Helping the city and businesses to attract and retain expats, Amazing Capitals Düsseldorf is a powerful online resource, an expat guide full of must have information to inspire and help international residents lead better lives in Düsseldorf and region.

Locations to date are Valencia in Spain; Ruhr, Neuss, Dusseldorf in Germany; Cracow in Poland; Prague in Czech Republic; Beijing in China. Offering opportunities for licensees. Published by a Brit who has lived lengthy and shorter periods in UK, Germany, Spain, France, Finland and travelled some 60 countries.

One day, I was asked to relocate to Germany. I needed to take care of formalities, create a new home, find great places to go out, meet others and take care of my own wellbeing. Yet I knew nothing, had no language skills and no cultural awareness.

Some years later, British Consulate staff attending my business club in Düsseldorf asked if I could assist them with their many enquiries. So in 2007, the concept to support expats, cities and businesses cities with Amazing Capitals online resources was born.