The saying “I found my people” is an understatement. I didn’t come to uni to find God, God found me, and made himself real to me.
TrueTalk:- I didn’t come to Uni with God as a priority, I grew up in a lovely family where God was the centre, but a real understanding of the love of God, past what He could give me, was where I struggled.
When I came to Uni, (a place where morals and a good home training come to die) God kept my parents voices echoing, orchestrating me meeting a group of people that define Matthew 6:33. Their desire for God, and heart for others was Jeremiah 3:15 made flesh.
Past Me, can attest that Present Me, is a far better person because of the people God has placed in my life.
God’s blessings for you is often attached to those around you. Choose your circle wisely.