This is just to say thank you to everyone for your support in 2024 especially to my special guest who joined me on MIA conversation with: Jo Farrell, Guy Huntington, Wuni Bitrus ThierryTchangole, Sara Shunkwiler, Mfon Enoh, Cara Morgan, Elaine Hughes Katy Deacon, Emma Collington, Geci Karuri-Sebina, Felicia Olmeta Schult, Nicola Percy, Nishika Chettry, Salam Abualhayjaa, Susie Alegre, William Lee, Carla Rose-Hardman, Alex Man
Happy Friday from the STEM Positive Disruptor
3rd of December was International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024 this week
The theme was “Amplifying the leadership of disabled people for an inclusive and sustainable future”.
This brought to remembrance my conversation with Katy Deacon, CEng FIET IET Trustee & EDI Chair. She spoke about the importance of inclusive thinking and changing the landscape for those with disability in STEM.
Full conversation checkout MIA Conversation with Katy Deacon
on Spotify: @STEMPositveDisruptor – MIA Conversation with
This week, Mckinsey & Company, said in an article “Accessibility: Moving beyond one-size-fits-all solutions”, … True Inclusivity is more than compliance or innovation – it’s about ensuring everyone can thrive, regardless of their unique needs. By designing workplaces that embrace diverse needs and proactively addressing barriers.
So as an Engineering organisation, are Persons with disabilities represented across all areas of your business.
#disabilityawareness , #disabilityinclusion #STEM #engineering #diversity #IET #inclusivethinking
Bridging the Engineering Gap is important!
In support of the European Platform of Women Scientists - EPWS Annual Conference 2024
*Navigating Gender Equality in Science: Pathways to Progress. * Tuesday 3rd December 2024 UK Time - 14:00 - 16:00
#diversity #genderbalance #genderequality #engineering #INWES INWES Wise, #womeninengineering
#WomenInSTEM #womeninscience
Why is there still a perception that an apprenticeship is an unconventional route into engineering?
Apprenticeship is so needed today
This is the STEM Positive Disruptor - MIA Conversation with Dawn Fitt, OBE, who is a Champion for Engineering Apprenticeship, Wow, what an inspiring conversation,
Apprenticeship benefits both young people and those looking to change their career, you earn as you learn.
Dawn gave five practical and sustainable solution to to increase the number of apprentices
1. Need more engineers going into politics to make a change
2. Need more engineers in media to get the message across to the public, to communicate what we do, why we do it the way we do it
3. Schools to open up and encourage apprentices in the early, or mid or senior career to come and talk about their journey as an apprentice to show case the benefits
4. To promote engineering as a fantastic place to start your career
5. Families that are engineers to talk to family members about what they do - to be proud to be an engineer, this is so important - spread the word and promote engineering
#WES, #INWES, #engineering, #Apprenticeship, #youngpeople, #education, #careerchange, #diversity
Part 4 Transforming Learning: Costs and Politics - MIA conversation with Guy Huntington
Transforming Learning: Part 4 - Costs, Politics and why Guy think it will happen sooner rather than later.
Politics is what drives everything.
Politically IMPOSSIBLE becomes politically INEVITABLE
“Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable.” ― Milton Friedman
For the past eight years, Guy Huntington has been thinking, writing, and searching for new pieces with which to rethink both human and AI System/Bot legal identities. Guy has used this to create a new learning architecture. All built on privacy by design.
Please listen to our full conversation to hear what Guy says about this and much more besides.
WHY SHOULD GOVERNMENT FUND the architecture – competitive edge, national security
Rethink learning and training
Guy wants to bring Ken Robinson vision to life - Ken believed schools kills creativity and wanted the education system to nurture rather than undermine creativity
Bring on the learning revolution – a radical shift from standardised schools to personalised learning by creating conditions where children natural talents can flourish
Sir Ken Robinson -The fact is that given the challenges we face, education doesn’t need to be reformed — it needs to be transformed.
This conversation requires you to have an open mind!
• "Why Should Your Government Fund The Architectures?" -, laying out six reasons why they should:
• "National Security –Reduce Risk By Instantly Determining Entity Friend From Foe" -
• "Give Your Industries A Significant Competitive Edge" –
MIA Conversation on Climate Change
#COP29 , #sustainability, #ClimateAction
Happy Friday from the STEM Positive Disruptor - Let us be the ones to bring the change we want to see
Part 3 Transforming Learning: Privacy and Security - MIA conversation with Guy Huntington
Criminals are using AI powered tools and techniques to conceal their identities and it is now proving very difficult to investigate and prosecute a cybercrime when there are no suspects or evidence.
For the past eight years, Guy Huntington has been thinking, writing, and searching for new pieces with which to rethink both human and AI System/Bot legal identities. Guy has used this to create a new learning architecture. All built on privacy by design.
In this Part 3: Transforming Learning - MIA Conversation with Guy focuses on security and privacy of Mary Doe's legal identity, credentials and learning data, including the evil Incs out there 👀
Remember in 1996, the famous Dolly, a female Finn-Dorset sheep and the first mammal that was cloned from an adult somatic cell although not the first (in 1950 a tadpole was the first cloned animal recorded). Do you think humans have been cloned and you are interacting with them unknowingly
Can AI systems read our minds?
Please listen to our full conversation, to hear what Guy says about this and much more besides.
This conversation requires you to have an open mind!
Our conversation is only a taster to the 8 years investigative work Guy Huntington has done, so for more detailed information, please see links. Guy has well over 100 articles available via LinkedIn, but most importantly contact Guy: [email protected]
Useful links
• "Fighting cybercrime – what happens to the law when the law cannot be enforced?" -
• "Finance worker pays out $25 million after video call with deepfake 'chief financial officer'" -
• "Deepfake explicit imagery is creating risks for children and challenges for law enforcers" - https
Part 2 Transforming Learning: Legal Identity - MIA conversation with Guy Huntington
Headline News!
National Public Database across the world are been breached on a regular basis
Most recently in April this year - "The hacking group USDoD claimed it had allegedly stolen personal records of 2.9 billion people from National Public Data and "A hacker known as "Fenice" leaked the most complete version of the data for free on a forum in August 2024, Bleeping Computer reported."
Have you ever had your identity stolen?
What if your biometric data (that stores your physical, biological, or behavioural and learning traits, characteristics, and/or identifies your body) gets into the wrong hands. And now you have to prove that you are who you say you are...
In this part two on Legal Identity: STEM Positive Disruptor - MIA conversation with Guy Huntington, an expert in legal identity and learning architecture, he talks about having everyone on this planet with their own individual database digitally, physically, locally and globally. He has designed it in such a way that you are in control of your own biometrics - is this even remotely possible, listen to what he has to say
For the past eight years, Guy has been thinking, writing, and searching for new pieces with which to rethink both human and AI System/Bot legal identities. Guy has used this to create a new learning architecture. All built on privacy by design.
This conversation requires you to have an open mind!
Useful links
• Marie Johnson -
• "Nadia – Politics, Bigotry, Artificial Intelligence" -
• "Why Disabled People Will Lead The Planet Rethinking Legal Identity, AI/Bots, Credentials & Learning" -
Our conversation is only a taster to the 8 years investigative work Guy Huntington has done, so for more detailed information, please see links. Guy has well over 100 articles available via LinkedIn https
MIA Conversation with Guy Huntington, veteran Legal identity and learning expert
Transforming Learning
Imagine the trauma of learning at school because you are Neurodivergent, (your thought patterns, behaviours, or learning styles fall outside of what is considered "normal," or neurotypical of humans).
Here comes, Guy Huntington a veteran identity and learning architect who has created a new learning architecture to tackle this and much more besides
This is a four-part series on “Transforming Learning”
Part One: The Learning Vision
This is another STEM Positive Disruptor: MIA conversation, showcasing special guest, Guy Huntington, a Human and Entity Identity & Learning Visionary expert.
For the past eight years, Guy has been thinking, writing, and searching for new pieces with which to rethink both human and AI System/Bot legal identities. Guy has used this to create a new learning architecture. All built on privacy by design.
This conversation requires you to have an open mind!
Our conversation is only a taster to the 8 years investigative work Guy Huntington has done, so for more detailed information, please see links. Guy has well over 100 articles available via LinkedIn, but most importantly contact Guy: [email protected]
We are also on Spotify and other social media platforms
If you do like the contents that we are producing, please support us @STEM.Positive.Disruptor by Like, Comment, share with your network and subscribe too, this is appreciated, so we can spread the word and bring positive change to our STEM world.
Thanks again for all your support, very much appreciated
This platform is to Educate, Raise awareness, Demystify and Change Perception about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and make it more accessible to the public.
Show the diversity of people and roles within STEM and we want our industry to be more inclusive and accessible.
#learningarchitect #education #AI #STEM #bots
Episode 4: STEM and Disability Series - MIA Conversation with Elaine Hughes
In this fourth episode on STEM and Disability series: Business, Disability, Intersectionality and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
This is another STEM Positive Disruptor: MIA conversation, with special guest, Elaine Hughes, a successful business owner, living with Spastic Cerebral Palsy, is a passionate disability inclusion specialist. She helps bridge the gap between disability and business. Her mission is to help businesses grasp the immense value of disability inclusion and guide them in crafting accessible environments while nurturing a culture of inclusion.
So are you as a business, missing out on £2 billion pounds per month in the UK. So what is the experience of your disabled customer both internally and externally, how are you addressing their needs, do they have the same opportunities as others to succeed, is your business inclusive and accessible?
Elaine talks about the need for businesses to look at the bigger picture, disability and intersectionality has to be considered, we have to think not only about the disabled person but also a person that is looking after someone who is disabled.
“Making the environment inclusive for the disabled person means it becomes accessible for all”
As a business, you should look at representation across all facets of your organisation.
People with disability are loyal, committed, adaptable, flexible and much more besides, please listen to our conversation and share with your network.
Please listen to our conversation in full,
Research has shown how various sectors lose money each month by not being accessible.
Businesses lose approximately £2 billion a month by ignoring the needs of disabled people.
73% – 73% of potential disabled customers experience barriers on more than a quarter of websites they visited.
£16 billion – Taking averages per head, the online spending power of disabled people is estimated at over £16 billion.
£17.1 billion – Estimates